About the Reviewers

Thomas E. Enebo is the co-leader of the JRuby project and author of the Minecraft plugin project, Purugin. He has been a practioner of Java since the heady days of the HotJava browser, and he has happily been using Ruby since 2001. Thomas has spoken at many Java and Ruby conferences, co-authored Using JRuby, and won the Ruby Hero award. He was awarded the "Rock Star" award at JavaOne. When Thomas is not coding, he enjoys jogging, reading, and drinking a nice India pale ale (IPA).

Pat Patterson has been working with Internet technologies since 1997. He has built software and worked with developer communities at Sun Microsystems, Huawei Technologies, and Salesforce. At Sun, Pat was best known as the community lead for the OpenSSO open source project. At Huawei, he worked on cloud storage infrastructure software.

Since joining the developer evangelism team at Salesforce in late 2010, Pat has worked with all aspects of what is now the Salesforce App Cloud, developing a focus on identity, integration, and the Internet of Things. Describing himself as an "articulate techie", Pat has coded everything from Linux kernel drivers to a Salesforce/Minecraft integration (seriously, you can Google it!), written many online articles, and spoken at conferences on five continents.

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