About the Editors and Authors

About the Editors

Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, PhD, DSc, is an associate professor of management at the Silesian University of Technology in Poland. She is the head of the Management and Marketing Department. Professor Stachowicz-Stanusch has authored and edited 14 books, including co-authoring Contemporary Management: Collaborating in a Networked World, which will be published in 2012 by Palgrave Macmillan; Organizational Immunity to Corruption: Building Theoretical and Research Foundations (IAP 2010); and was co-author and co-editor, with Charles Wankel, of three books entitled Education for Integrity: Ethically Educating Tomorrow’s Business Leaders (Emerald, 2011), Effectively Integrating Ethical Dimensions into Business Education (IAP, 2011), and Handbook of Research on Teaching Ethics in Business and Management Education (IGI Global, 2011). She is also the author of over 70 research papers in domestic and international journals and conference proceedings. She manages an international research team as part of the project “Sensitizing Future Business Leaders: Developing Anticorruption Guidelines for Curriculum Change” of the UN Global Compact and the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative, which is one of the projects of the Siemens Integrity Initiative. Pro bono she is a World Engagement Institute and International Fellow, Chief-of-Research of the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association, member of the Anti-Corruption Academic Initiative (ACAD), an academic project coordinated by Northeastern University and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and member of Polish Academy of Sciences, the Committee on Organizational and Management Sciences, Katowice Department. Other recent service includes Track Chair for Rome (2010) and Rotterdam (2012) EURAM conferences, PDW co-organizer and presenter for AOM Annual Meeting in San Antonio (2011). She is regularly reviewer of AOM, EURAM, the Journal of Brand Management (Palgrave MacMillan), Journal of Organizational Change Management (Emerald). She is also a cofounder and vice editor-in-chief of the Organizational and Management Journal edited by the Silesian University of Technology as well as a member of many journal Editorial Boards.

Wolfgang Amann graduated from the Harvard Institute for Management and Leadership in Education and from the University of St. Gallen’s doctorate program in international management. After years in top management consulting, Wolfgang Amann has been marketing, designing, directing, and delivering executive education seminars for more than a decade. He previously directed, as strategy professor, the Henley Centre for Creative Destruction and was vice-director of the Executive School at the University of St. Gallen. He has also been a visiting professor in the field of international strategy and sustainability at Hosei University in Tokyo, Tsinghua in Beijing, the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, ISP St. Petersburg, Warwick Business School, Henley Business School in the United Kingdom, as well as Mzumbe University in Tanzania. He now serves as the executive academic director of executive education and faculty at the Goethe Business School of the University of Frankfurt. He has written more than a 100 case studies for his programs, along with a variety of books, such as The Impact of Internationalization on Organizational Cultures (2003); Building Strategic Success Positions (2005); The Private Equity Investor as a Strategy Coach (2005); Humanism in Business (2007); Managing Complexity in Global Organizations (2007); Work-Life Balance (2008); Corporate Governance—How to Add Value (2008); Humanism in Business: Perspectives on the Development of a Responsible Business Society (2009); Complexity in Organization—Text and Cases (2011); Business Schools Under Fire—Humanistic Management Education as the Way Forward (2011); and Humanistic Management in Practice (2011).

About the Authors

Helena Desivilya Syna, associate professor, PhD in Psychology, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA. She was a former chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, currently is the chair of MA program in Organizational Development and Consulting at the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel. She conducts research on interpersonal and intergroup relations in organizations focusing on the role of gender and other parameters of diversity in intragroup dynamics, processes of cooperation vs. competition, team building, and development of partnerships. She is a member of the editorial board of Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, International Journal of Conflict Management, and Global Management Journal. She publishes her work in these as well as other organization-related journals, and recently published a co-authored e-book on the Paradox in Partnerships.

Michal Raz, MA in sociology and anthropology, University of Haifa, Israel. Areas of interest and specialization: organizational sociology, organizational behavior, diversity management in organizations, research methods and statistics for social sciences.

Amit Rottman, MA in anthropology, University of Haifa, Israel. Areas of interest and specialization: Educational AnthropologySocial Class and Schooling; Intergroup relations in the shadow of protracted national conflicts; qualitative research.

Kathryn Pavlovich is associate professor at the University of Waikato Management School in Hamilton, New Zealand. Her two research and teaching areas include “relational competencies” in strategic alliances, tourism destinations, networks, clusters, and partnerships from a collaborative perspective; and “inner technologies” that involve the development of spiritual consciousness for organizational flourishing.

William B. Mesa is associate professor of management and accounting, Colorado Christian University, Lakewood, Colorado. He holds a doctorate in management, from Colorado Technical University, Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is on the editorial board of Journal of Applied Business Research since 2010.

Yi-Hui Ho earned her PhD from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She is now assistant professor at the Department of International Business in Chang Jung Christian University. Her research interests include cross-cultural management, issues in business ethics, and issues in accounting education. She has published articles in Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, and others.

Chieh-Yu Lin earned his PhD from National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. He is now professor at the Department of International Business in Chang Jung Christian University. His research interests include business ethics, environmental management, and supply chain management. He has published articles in Journal of Business Ethics, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, and others.

Roberto Martin N. Galang teaches strategy at the John Gokongwei School of Management at Ateneo de Manila University. He recently completed his PhD in management from the IESE Business School in Barcelona, where he conducted his dissertation research on the impact of government regulation on organizational performance. He obtained his master’s degree in development economics from Oxford University. Prior to becoming an academic, he has had close to 10 years of professional experience as an economic consultant in the United States and the Philippines, analyzing public policy issues for private corporations.

Manuel J. De Vera teaches negotiations and leadership at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) across its degree and nondegree programs and is currently the director of the institute’s masters in development management (MDM) degree program. He graduated from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government with a master’s in public administration. He has also received training on the evaluation of social programs from the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) of the Department of Economics of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has extensive public service experience, having worked for the Philippine government in its executive and legislative branches.

Gustavo González Couture, Full Professor School of Management Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia). Civil Engineer from that same University. Certificate in Mathematics (University of Maryland). MA Sociology (UC Berkely). PhD in Practical Philosophy (Universidad de NavarraPamplona, Spain). Actual areas of research and teaching: Business Ethics, Public Management, Public Policy, Management Foundations and Learning Communities.

Management Experience: Analyst National Planning Department, Assistant Manager National Institute for the Family, Director of the Engineering School Research Center, Provost of Universidad de los Andes.

Business and Consultancy: Representative for Colombia of the INVERESK GROUP LIMITED (St Cuthberts Mill security paper); MacFadden Cotton Merchants. Systems Approach applied to the Decentralization of the National Television Institute, and to the reestructuring of a Credit Card Division of Banco de Occidente. Supplier and Employee’s Ethical Perception Survey applied for SABMiller’s six Latin American Subsidiaries (years 2008 and 2010). Transgenerational Potential for six Colombian entrepreneurial families within the STEP program of Babson.

Books: Asesores en Sistemas y Desarrollo: ¿los nuevos humanistas? (Systems and Development Consultants: the new humanists?). Gestión Pública: ¿asunto privado? Gestión Privada: ¿asunto público? (Public Management: a private issue? Private Management: a public issue?)

Verónica Durana Angel, psychologist (with a minor in philosophy) and MBA from the Universidad de los Andes. She is currently research and teaching assistant form the School of Management at Universidad de los Andes. Her research and teaching activities focus on business ethics, organizational behavior, and management competencies. She is coauthored of Organizaciones virtuosas y enseñanza de la ética (Virtuous organizations and the teaching of ethics).

David Schnarch, bachelor in management from the Universidad de los Andes. He is currently research and teaching assistant form the School of Management at Universidad de los Andes. His research and teaching activities focus on organizational perdurability and management consulting. He is coauthored of “¿Lo social y lo económico: Dos caras de la misma moneda? La Fundación Social y sus empresas: 1984–2010” (The social and economic: Two sides of the same coin? The Fundación Social and its companies: 1984–2010).

Abiola Olukemi Ogunyemi holds a degree in law from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, an LLM from the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, and an MBA from the Lagos Business School, Nigeria. She teaches business ethics and anthropology at the Lagos Business School, while doing her PhD in management at the school. Her consulting and research interests include personal ethos, work-life ethic, social responsibility, sustainability, and governance.

Tom Cockburn obtained his first degree with honors from Leicester University, England, both his MBA and doctorate (in management education) were gained at Cardiff University in Wales. Tom also has several professional teaching qualifications, including e-moderator certification and executive coaching qualifications from the UK Universities of Wolverhampton, Liverpool, and University of Ulster, the Waikato Institute of Technology, New Zealand, Hay Consulting (Australia), and the Edexcel Foundation in London. He is an associate fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Management and a member of the Cutting Edge Awards Committee of the US Academy of HRD. His leadership background includes 5 years’ board experience on the executive of the Standing Conference of Welsh Management Education Centres and 8 years as head of a business school in the United Kingdom before a deputy head of school role in New Zealand. He has adjunct and visiting E-faculty member roles on Henley Business School (United Kingdom) and Ulster University Business Schools’ MBA and MSc programs. Tom has been a member of a number of editorial boards of international academic journals including the editorial board for the UK Journal of Further & Higher Education, Interface online journal (United States) and of the editorial advisory board for the Emerald online Emerging Markets Case Studies repository.

Khosro S. Jahdi, MBA, MPhil, PhD is senior lecturer in marketing at Bradford College, Bradford, UK, has been teaching for over 25 years. He has published in the Journal of Marketing Management, Social Responsibility Journal, and the Journal of Business Ethics as well as some other academic journals. He submits papers to international conferences on CSR, ethical marketing, and corporate governance on a regular basis and is a member of the Social Responsibility Research Network as well as the editorial board of the International Green Economics Journal. He is a chartered marketer, a corporate member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and a fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Edgar Gray Wilson has diplomas in both management studies and in teaching as well as an MA (Geography). He gained 28 years teaching experience in a range of secondary schools in New Zealand and the United Kingdom before subsequently being appointed regional manager (Waikato) for the Tertiary Education Commission for 6 years. He was then appointed head of the School of Education and Social Development at Waikato Institute of Technology, (Wintec) Hamilton, New Zealand. Currently, he is regional engagement manager—office of the chief executive at Wintec. His other roles include director and trustee of First Credit Union—one of the largest Credit Unions in New Zealand, elected member of the board of trustees representative of Waikato Diocesan School for Girls—an Anglican School of 670 students, a Government appointee as Trustee to Trust Waikato—a philanthropic Trust and Justice of the Peace for New Zealand

Peter Odrakiewicz, internationally renowned scholar, dean of managerial linguistics, Poznan PWSB/Poznan University College of Business, vice-rector (2007–2011), presently honorary vice-rector, visiting professor multiplex, HR Academy of Management Ambassador for Poland (2008–present), director of International Management Program at the Department of Economics and Management, in addition to his academic duties. He was appointed to the board of AMEX PPHU. He was previously with Daimler Chrysler Canada Inc. headquarters as representative, innovator, and leading teacher. He is author, co-author, and editor of more than eight scientific books, numerous academic research papers presented in Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, EDINEB Vienna, Chicago and Montreal AOM conferences, and reviewer at the Academy of Management, USA.

Burcu Guneri Cangarli is assistant professor of organizational behavior. She received her PhD in 2009 in the field of business administration with management major from Izmir University of Economics. For her PhD thesis, “Bullying Behaviors as Organizational Politics,” she worked at Hanken University for three months as a TUBITAK scholar. Her research area of interest includes healthcare management, innovation and entrepreneurship, and bullying and unethical events. On these issues, she published many book chapters and articles in reputable national and international journals. She has been teaching management, leadership, organizational behavior, human resources management, and organization theory courses at Izmir University of Economics since 2007.

R. Gulem Atabay is an associate professor of organizational behavior. She received her PhD in the field of business administration with management major in 1998. She focuses on employee attitudes and emotions, and their effects on employee behaviors and performance. She conducts her research mainly in health care settings, especially with nurses. She published many book chapters and articles in reputable national and international journals. Since 2004, she has been teaching introduction to business, management, organizational behavior, organizational development, and current issues in management at Izmir University of Economics.

Adviye Ahenk Aktan is a PhD student in the management and organization area at Izmir University of Economics. She also worked as a research assistant at the same university between 2006 and 2008. Then, she worked in a government agency at the strategy development department, following which she worked as a recruitment specialist in an international recruitment firm. She has some published works in the field of organizational behavior. Her areas of interest include organizational justice, ethical behaviors, strategic decision making, and entrepreneurship.

Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson is assistant professor of strategic management at the School of Business of Reykjavik University in Iceland. He holds a PhD from Copenhagen Business School and his research interests include issues of corporate governance, strategic management, corporate restructuring, and corporate social responsibility. Dr. Sigurjonsson is the director of the Research Institute of Public Private Partnership at Reykjavik University.

Auður Arna Arnardóttir is assistant professor of Organizational Behavior at the School of Business of Reykjavik University in Iceland. She holds a PhD from Virginia Commonwealth University in counseling psychology. Her research interests include issues of organizational behavior, HRM, and personal development, more specifically in matters of work–family balance, stress, job satisfaction, downsizing, motivation, and personal growth. Dr. Arnardóttir is also a licensed psychologist and conducts some work in a private practice.

Vlad Vaiman is a professor of international management at the School of Business of Reykjavik University in Iceland and is a visiting professor in several top universities around the world. He holds a PhD from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, and his research interests include issues of both organizational behavior and international management, and more specifically, matters of cultural differences and their influences on leadership, motivation, and talent management in multinational companies. He is also a cofounder and an executive editor of the critically acclaimed ISI-indexed publication, European Journal of International Management (EJIM).

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