
Wendell Odom: Michael J. Cavanaugh, my coauthor, worked tirelessly to finish several key components of the book. His vast practical skills have improved the book tremendously. Michael created some of the more challenging parts of the book, and under duress – Michael, thanks so much for making the difference!

Chris Cleveland, the development editor for this book did his usual wonderful job and proved he’s still the best in the business. Chris’s great work at juggling the schedule and keeping his eye on every detail, after we authors are tired from the long process, has helped improve this book greatly. Thanks again for the wonderful work, Chris!

Brett Bartow, executive editor for this project, managed the business end of the project with his usual steady and insightful direction. Brett helped us stay on track in spite of all the distractions this year - thanks Brett for the continued support.

Finally, the production side of the business does not get as much notice, because the author (me) who writes these acknowledgments seldom works directly with them. Over the last few years, I’ve gotten to see more of their work, and believe me, I really do have the easy part of the job. I deliver Word documents and Powerpoint (rough) drawings—and all production does is somehow make this wonderfully polished book appear. Thanks for making me look good again, and again, and again!

As usual, the technical editors deserve most of the credit for making the content of this book robust and complete. For this edition, Drew Rosen and Paul Negron did the technical editing. Drew’s job at Cisco made him the perfect candidate to help ensure that the scope of topics in the book matched the new QoS exam. Besides that, Drew’s technical expertise and attention to detail improved the quality of the book tremendously. Paul helped the book a lot as well, particularly with helping us refine how to approach some of the topics and what to emphasize. His experience teaching QoS to hundreds of students helped him interpret the text from the viewpoint of the readers. Drew and Paul, thanks much!

Ultimately, Michael and I are most responsible for the contents of the book, so any errors you find are certainly our fault. However, if you do think you found an error, the best way to get in touch to report the error is to go to, click the Contact Us tab and fill in the form. When it’s something that needs a look from the authors, the information gets to us expediently. If it’s a problem that can be handled by the publisher, they can get to it even more quickly!

Finally, no section called acknowledgments could be complete without acknowledging a few others. My wife Kris, as usual, helped me keep my balance on life, especially without moving to another state during the same time as the final work on this book was completed. Thanks for being there, Kris! And most of all for my savior, Jesus Christ, thanks for ordering my steps with this project.

Michael J. Cavanaugh: I would like to thank Wendell Odom for giving me the opportunity to once again coauthor a book. It has been an exciting, challenging, and rewarding experience. I would also like to thank Chris Cleveland, Brett Bartow, all the people at Cisco Press, and the technical editors that made this book a reality.

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