

access rate, 22


forward, 60

TCP, 60

ACLs (access control lists), IP extended matchable fields, 194

adaptation, traffic shaping, 353

adaptive shaping, configuring, 354, 380–381

adjusting Hardware Queue size settings, 258

advanced integration modules (AIMs), 470

advertised windows, 419

AF (assured forwarding), 121

AIMs (advanced integration modules), 470

algorithms, 468–471

queue service, 93

service, 254

analog phones, calls between, 35


NBAR, 219

QoS, requirements, 33

TCP, 67

UDP, error recovery, 66

application-specific integrated circuits, 255

architectural models, comparing, 129

assigning WFQ sequence numbers, 278

assured forwarding (AF), 121

autofill, 51



CAC, 102

compression, 469

cRTP, 471

data, 63

link efficiency, 99, 102

optimizing, 9–10, 15

VAD, 38

video, 54, 56

voice requirements, 35–37

bandwidth command, 12

configuring LLQ bandwidth reservation, 314–317

bandwidth interface subcommand, 297, 480

bandwidth reservation, CBWFQ configuration, 302–305

Bc (committed burst)

calculating, 348–350

CB policing default value, 395

configuring in CB shaping, 371, 374

Be (best-effort) service, 129, 395–396

BECN (backward explicit congestion notification), 353


CLP, 203

DE, 203

marking, 197

fields, 203

IP header fields, 197, 200

LAN CoS, 201–203

branches (Frame Relay), 341


de-jitter delay, 45

one-way video, 56

bytes, compression ratios, 468


CAC (call admission control), 13, 51, 102


Bc, 348–350

propagation delay, 18

serialization delay, 16

SN for WFQ, 277

Tc, 348–350

weight for WFQ, 277

call admission control (CAC), 13, 51

CallManager, 35, 102

CB (class-based) compression, configuring, 471–475

CB (class-based) marking, 218, 228

configuring, 211–214, 222

NBAR, 195, 219, 223, 222

matchable fields, 197

show commands, 223, 228

CB policing, 360

Bc default values, 395

Be default values, 395–396

configuring, 384, 388–389

dual-rate, 360, 392

dual-rate, three-color, 363–365

multi-action, 393

policing by percent, 396

policing by percentage, 393–395

single-rate, three-color, 362

single-rate, two-color, 360–361

with Be, 363

without Be, 361

CB shaping, 354

adaptive shaping, configuring, 380–381

Bc, configuring, 371, 374

calculating rate increase per time interval, 354

comparing with FRTS, 383–384

configuring, 367–368, 371

shape peak command, 379–380

shaping by percent, 381–382

CBWFQ (Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing), 146

and Flow-Based WFQ, 297

bandwidth reservation, 302–305

class-default class queue, 290

configuring, 291

features, 291

WRED, 433

CDT (congestive discard threshold), 281

CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding), enabling, 222

cell loss priority (CLP), 203

CIR (committed information rate), 11, 96

class class-default command, 301

class-default class queue (CBWFQ), 290

class-default queues, 290

classes of QoS tools, 88

classification, 89, 92, 148, 192, 205, 211, 255

CB marking, 218

CB-Marking, 193–197

design, 205, 211

through VPN tunnels, 229–236

WFQ, 274

class-map command, 147, 228

clock rate command, 12

CLP (cell loss priority), 203


delay, 43

MPEG, 53

video, 55

voice, 35


bandwidth, 12

CB marking, 148, 178, 212–213, 237–238

class class-default, 301

class-map, 147

clock rate, 12

frame-relay fragment, 502

frame-relay traffic-shaping, 501–502

interface multilink 9, 495

ip nbar pdlm pdlm-name, 223

ip nbar protocol discovery, 222

ip rtp priority, 489

load-interval, 227

mulitlink group 9, 495

multilink ppp, 495

NBAR, 219

policy-map, 147

ppp multilink fragment delay, 480

ppp multilink fragment-delay, 496

ppp multilink interleave, 496

priority, 306, 308, 312

service-policy, 147

service-policy output, 297

shape peak, configuring CB shaping, 379–380

show controllers, 261

show interface, 286

show interfaces, 439, 496

show ip nbar protocol-discovery, 223

show policy-map, 223, 297

show policy-map interface, 223, 446

show queue, 275

show queue serial 0/0, 438

show queueing, 503

show queuing, 438

show running-config, 446

subcommands. See subcommands.

committed burst (Bc), 347

committed information rate (CIR), 11, 96


CB shaping and FRTS, 383–384

QoS models, 129

queuing tools, 317

comparing queuing tools, 255

components of delay, 40

Compressed RTP (cRTP), 38

compression, 13, 26

classification, 148, 192

headers, 468–471

link efficiency, 99, 102

payload, 468–470


adaptive traffic shaping, 354

CB marking, 211–214, 222

CB policing, 384, 388–389

Bc default values, 395

Be default values, 395–396

dual-rate, 392

multi-action, 393

policing by percentage, 393–395

CB shaping, 367–368, 371

adaptive shaping, 380–381

Bc, 371, 374

shape peak command, 379–380

shaping by percent, 381–382

CBWFQ, 291, 302–305

ECN, 450–453

FIFO Queuing, 266

FRF.12, 508

FRTS, 501–502

LLQ, 307, 314–317

MLP, 496

MLP LFI, 508

NBAR, 219

QoS management tools, 103

QoS Pre-classification, 232–236

QPM, 159–161

RTP header compression, 471–475

TCP header compression, 471–475

traffic shaping

with Be, 351–352

with no Be, 350–351

WFQ, 282


avoidance, 98–99

management, MDRR, 270

queuing, 92–94

congestive discard threshold (CDT), 281

CQ (Custom Queuing), 269

creating, 69–70

creating service classes, 69–70

cRTP (Compressed RTP), 38, 471

customization, 205, 211

CWR (Congestion Window Reduced) flag, 450



bandwidth, 63

delay, 64

jitter, 65

loss, 66

traffic characteristics of, 58, 67, 78

data terminal equipment (DTE), 11, 96

data-link connection identifiers (DLCIs), 97, 356

DE (discard eligibility), 203

decreasing tail drop, 253

deep packet inpsection, 196

deficit feature of MDRR, 272

defining policies for service classes, 70

de-jitter buffer delay, 45

delay, 95, 98

codec, 43

compression, 469

data, 64

de-jitter buffer delay, 45

forwarding, 21

maximum serialization, 479

network, 22–23

one-way budget guidelines, 41

optimizing, 9–10, 15, 27

packetization, 43

propagation, 17–19

QoS tools, 25–27

queuing, 19–20, 253

serilization, 16–17

shaping, 21–22

video, 56

voice, 39

deploying QPM, 159–161


DiffServ, 112, 116, 126, 137

GOCS class-based, 106

GOCS flow-based, 103, 106

IntServ, 126, 129

Qos for enterprise networks, 108

devices, QPM, 160

differentiated services. See DiffSer, 83

DiffServ, 111

marking packets, RFC recommended values, 210

QoS models

classifiers, 126

per-hop behaviors, 116, 126, 137

specifications, 112, 116

digital signal processor (DSP), 524

discard eligibility (DE), 203

discarding, logic, 426

DLCI (data-link connection identifier), 97

drop policies, 255

DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point), 111, 439

DSP (digital signal processor), 524

DTE (data terminal equipment), 11, 96

dual FIFO output queues, 253

Dual FIFO queues, 481

dual token bucket CB policing, 363–365

dual-rate CB policing, 363–365

dual-rate policing, 360, 392


ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification), 447–448

configuring, 450–453

CWR flag, 450

ECN field, 448

edge services router (ESR), 203

EF (expedited forwarding), 121

egress blocking, 343

EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), 12


CEF, 222

traffic shaping, VCs, 356

encoding, serialization delay, 16–17

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), 12

enterprise networks

efficient QoS design, 108

VPN classification, 229–236

error recovery

TCP, 61

UDP, 66

ESR (edge services router), 203

excess burst (Be), traffic shaping, 350–352

expedited forwarding (EF), 121


fair-queue interface subcommand, 286

features of CBWFQ, 291

FECN (forward explicit congestion notification), 353


DSCP, 111

IP ACL extended matchable, 194

marking, 197, 200–203

FIFO (first in, first out) queuing, 252, 267


CAC, 102

GOCS flow-based QoS, 103, 106

Flow-Based WRED (FRED), 423

Foreign Exchange Station (FXS), 223

Foresight Feedback, 353

forward acknowledgements, 60

forwarding delay, 21


LFI, 475–477

FRF.12, 481, 487, 497

MLP, 487, 497

multipoint PPP, 478

link efficiency, 99, 102

optimum fragment sizes, 479

Frame Relay, 203

bandwidth, 11

fragments, selecting sizes, 485

PVCs, shaping queues, 263

frame-relay fragment command, 502

frame-relay traffic-shaping command, 501–502

FRED (Flow-Based WRED), 423

FRTS (Frame Relay Traffic Shaping)

and FRF.12, 481

comparing with CB shaping, 383–384

configuring, 501–502

FT (Finish Time), 276

Full Drop, 425


autofill, 51

CBWFQ, 291, 322

WFQ, 288, 321

FXS (Foreign Exchange Station), 223


G.729 DSP, 524

gigabit switch router (GSR), 203

global synchronization, congestion-avoidance, 422

GSR 1200 series routers, MDRR, 270–272


Hardware Queues, 255, 258. See also TX Queues.

header compression, 100


compression, 468–471

SNA, 204


hidden WFQ queues, 281

hierarchical policy maps, 378

hold-queue limits, 280

hold-queue x out interface subcommand, 266


identifying traffic requirements, 68–69

implementing QoS policies, 68–70

input queuing, 92

inspecting packets, deep packet inspection, 196

integrated services. See IntServ.

interface multilink 9 command, 495

interfaces, 252, 255

MQC, 118

queuing, 262–264

traffic shaping, 355–356

VIPs, 470

interleaving, LFI, 475–478, 481, 487, 497

IntServ (Integrated Services), 83

comparing with DiffServ, 129

QoS models, 126, 129

IP (Internet Protocol)

extended ACL matchable fields, 194

precedence, 117

ip nbar pdlm pdlm-name command, 223

ip nbar protocol discovery command, 222

ip rtp priority command, 489



data, 65

de-jitter buffer delay, 45

optimizing, 9–10, 27–29

queuing, 253

video, 57

voice, 48

large playout buffers, one-way video, 56

layers of SNA, 204

left-to-right directional flow, 41

LFI (link fragmentation and interleaving), 26, 101, 475–477

FRF.12, 481, 487, 497

MLP, 487, 497

multipoint PPP, 478

link efficiency, 99, 102

link efficiency tools, header compression, 100


header compression, 470–471

propagation delay, 17–19

serialization delay, 16–17

LLQ (Low Latency Queuing), 269, 305

load-interval command, 227

locations feature (CallManager), 102

logic, discarding, 426


congestion, 98–99

data, 66

optimizing, 9–10

packets, TCP/UDP, 418, 421

video, 57

voice, 50


mark probability denominator (MPD), 426

marking packets

CB-Marking, 193, 218

configuring, 211–214, 222

NBAR, 195–197, 219, 223

show commands, 223, 228

IP header fields, 197, 200

LAN CoS, 201–203

MPLS Experimental bits, 203

RFC recommended values, 210

through VPN tunnels, 230–236

match not command, 228

match protocol class-map subcommand, 219

match subcommand, 147

maximum serialization delay, 479

maximum thresholds, 425

MDRR (Modified Deficit Round Robin), 270–272

MIR (minimum information rate), 354

minimum thresholds, 425

MLP LFI, configuring, 508

models of QoS

DiffServ, 112, 116, 126, 137

GOCS class-based, 106

GOCS flow-based, 103, 106

IntServ, 126, 129

modification of queues, 259

Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG), 53

MPD (mark probablity denominator), 426–427

MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group), 53

MPLS Experimental bits, 203

MQC (Modular QoS command-line interface), 118

multi-action policing. configuring, 393

multilink group 9 command, 495

multilink ppp command, 495



marking fields, 204, 240

precedence, 117

NBAR (Network-Based Application Recognition), 195, 219

class commands, importance of order, 222

matchable fields, 197

nested policy maps, 378

Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR), 219


bandwidth, optimizing, 11

delay, 22–23, 41

PSTN, 13

NFS (Network File System), 66

no fair-queue interface subcommand, 266

no priority-group interface subcommand, 261


one-way delay budget guidelines, 41

one-way video, 56

operation of policing, 359–360

optimum fragment sizes, 479

optimizing traffic, 9–10

bandwidth, 10, 15

delay, 15, 27

jitter, 27–29

options, 205, 211, 523–524

oversubscription, 504


packetization delay, 43


classification, 89, 92, 148, 192

congestion avoidance, 98–99

forwarding delay, 21

LFI tools, 477

network delay, 22–23

policing, 95, 98

queuing, 252, 255

queuing delay, 19–20

reordering, 92–94

serialization delay, 16–17

shaping delay, 21–22

traffic shaping, 95, 98

payload compression, 468–470


link efficiency, 99, 102

video, 54

voice, 35

PB Tents, 339, 343

PDLMs (packet descriptor language modules), 223

per-hop behaviors, DiffServ, 116, 126, 137

PDLMs (packet descriptor language modules), 223

point-to-point networks, bandwidth, 11

police command, 384

policies, 68–70

defining for service classes, 70

drop policies, 255

implementing, 68

QoS, 103

QPM, 159–161

policing, 95, 98

CB policing

dual-rate, three color, 363–365

single-rate, three color, 362

single-rate, two color, 360–361

dual-rate policers, 360

operation, 359–360

packets, 366–367

policing by percent, 396

policy maps, 378

policy-map command, 147

ppp multilink fragment delay command, 480, 496

ppp multilink interleave command, 496

PQ (Priority Queuing), 268–269


IP, 117

WRED, 430

priority command, 306–308, 312

Priority Queing (PQ), 268

propagation delay delay, 17–19


cRTP, 38


RTP, 34

RTSP, 52

SNMP, 66

SSCP, 35

TCP, 59, 422

UDP, 59

PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), 13

PVCs (permanent virtual circuits), 262–263


QoS Pre-classification, 231–236

QPM (QoS Policy Manager), 159–161

quantum value (QV), 271

queue service algorithm, 93

queueing tools, comparing, 317

queuing, 13, 25, 92–94, 252, 255, 270


and Flow-Based WFQ, 297

bandwidth reservation, configuring, 302–305

class-default class queue, 290

configuring, 291

featurs, 291

congestion avoidance, 98–99

delay delay, 19–20

depth, 424

Hardware Queues, adjusting size settings, 258

interfaces, 262–264

length, 259

LLQ, configuring bandwidth reservation, 314–317

MDRR, 270–272

output, 261

PQ versus LLQ, 269

shaping queues, 262

tail drop, 422

TCP starvation, 423

tools, 255

CQ, 269

FIFO, 267

LLQ, 305

PQ, 268

WFQ, 273, 288, 322

traffic shaping, 356, 359

TX Queue, 255

video, recommended queue sizes, 56


classification, 274

hidden queues, 281

SN, calculating, 277

weight, calculating, 277

QV (quantum value), 271


Random Early Detection (RED), 30

random-detect interface subcommand, 438

ratios, compression, 468

RDT (RealNetworks Data Transport), 52

Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), 52

Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), 34

receiver windows, 419

RED (Random Early Detection), 30

congestion-avoidance, 418

Full Drop, 425

refilling dual token buckets with CB policing, 362–364, 405–406

reordering packets, 92–94

RFCs, recommended values for marking traffic, 210


ESR, 203

forwarding delay, 21

GSR, 203

network delay, 22–23

queuing, 252, 255

queuing delay, 19–20

shaping delay, 21–22

RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol), 34, 227

RTP header compression, configuring, 471–475

RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol), 52


scheduling, 25, 92–94, 265

CQ logic, 269

FIFO, 252

MDRR, 270–272

PQ logic, 268

WFQ, 275-276

sequences, WFQ, 278

serialization delay, 16–17, 479


CallManager, 35

COPS, 129

QPM, 160

service algorithms, 254

service classes, 69–70, 192

service-policy command, 147

service-policy output command, 297


BE, 129

LLQ, 307

shape peak command, configuring CB shaping, 379–380

shaping, 95, 98

queues, 262

traffic, 27

shaping delay, 21–22

shaping queues on Frame Relay PVCs, 263

show commands

CB policing, 384

CB shaping, 368

Frame Relay fragmentation, 497

MLP interleaving, 488

WRED, 435

show controllers command, 261

show interface command, 286

show interfaces command, 439, 496

show ip nbar protocol-discovery command, 223

show policy-map command, 223, 297

show policy-map interface command, 223, 446

show queue command, 275

show queue serial 0/0 command, 438

show queueing command, 438, 503

show running-config command, 446

simple FIFO queuing, 266

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 66

single FIFO queues, 252

single-rate CB policing

three color, 362

two color, 360–361

Skinny Station Control Protocol (SSCP), 35

slamming the window shut, 420

sliding windows, 60

slow start threshold (SSTHRESH), 419

SN (Sequence Number), calculating for WFQ, 277

SNA (System Network Architecture), 204

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 66

specifications, DiffServ, 112, 116

speed mismatch, 344

SSCP (Skinny Station Control Protocol), 35

SSTHRESH (slow start threshold), 419


bandwidth interface, 297, 480

fair-queue interface, 286

hold-queue x out interface, 266

match, 147

match protocol class-map, 219

no fair-queue, 266

no priority-group interface, 261

random-detect interface, 438

tx-ring-limit 1 interface, 261

subinterfaces, queuing, 262–264

switches, GSR, 203

Systems Network Architecture (SNA), 204


tail drops, 13, 98–99, 422

congestion-avoidance, 422

decreasing, 253

WFQ, 273

Tc, calculating, 348–350

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 59, 418, 421

acknowledgements, 60

applications, 67

error recovery, 61

starvation, 422

TCP header compression, configuring, 471–475

TCP starvation, 423

TDM (time-division multiplexing), 275

TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 66

three-color CB policing

dual-rate, 363–365

single-rate, 362

three-headed policers, 98


CDT, 281

logic, discarding, 426

time-division multiplexing (TDM), 275

tools, 262–264

CAC locations feature (CallManager), 102

classification, 89, 92, 148, 192

Congestion Avoidance, queue depth, 99


RED, 418

WRED, 427, 446

LFI, 475–477

link efficiency header compression, 100

marking, 218–219, 223, 228

policing, 95, 98


bandwidth, 13–15

delay, 25–27

jitter, 28–29

management, 103

queuing, 255

CQ, 269

FIFO, 267

LLQ, 305

PQ, 268

WFQ, 273, 288, 322

shaping, 95, 98

traffic policing, CB policing, 384

ToS (type of service), 204

traffic, 192

bandwidth, optimizing, 10, 15

classification, 148

contracts, 338

delay, optimizing, 15, 27

jitter, optimizing, 27–29

NBAR, 219

optimizing, 9–10

policing, 95, 98, 359–360, 367

QoS requirements, 33

shaping. See traffic shaping

video, troubleshooting, 52, 58

voice, troubleshooting, 33, 52

traffic shaping

Bc, calculating, 348–350

CB shaping

adaptive shaping, configuring, 380–381

comparing with FRTS, 383–384

configuring, 367–368, 371, 374, 379–380

shaping by percent, 381–382

queuing, decision logic, 358

shaping queues, 262–263

with Be, configuring, 351–352

with no Be, configuring, 350–351

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). See TCP

Transmit (TX) queues, 261

Transmit (TX) rings, 255

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), 66


congestion, 92–94


bandwidth, 13–15

data, 58, 67, 78

delay, 25–27

jitter, 28–29

video, 52, 58

voice, 33, 52

trust boundaries, 206

two color CB policing, single-rate, 360–361

two-headed policers, 98

TX Queue (Transmit Queue), 255, 261

TX Rings(Transmit Rings), 261

tx-ring-limit 1 interface subcommand, 261

type of service (ToS), 204


UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 59, 66

VAD (Voice Activity Detection), 38, 223


compression, 468

DSCP-based WRED, 431

precedence, 117

QV, 271

WFQ, 278

VCs (virtual circuits), 11, 262–264

Versatile Interface Processors (VIPs), 470


bandwidth, 54–56

codecs, 55

conferences, 53

delay, 56

jitter, 57

loss, 57

payloads, 54

recommended queue sizes, 56

traffic characteristics of, 52, 58

VIPs (Versatile Interface Processors), 470

VoFR (Voice over Frame Relay), voice options, 34


delay, 39

jitter, 48

loss, 50

traffic characteristics of, 33, 52

Voice Activity Detection (VAD), 38

Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR), 34

Voice over IP (VoIP), 34


weight, calculating for WFQ, 277

WFQ (Weighted Fair Queing), 273, 288, 322

classification, 274

configuring for RSVP flows, 282

hidden queues, 281

SN, calculating, 277

weight, calculating, 277

windows, sliding, 60

WRED (Weighted Random Early Detection)

CBWFQ, 289

congestion-avoidance, 427, 446

ECN, 447

configuring, 450–453

CWR flag, 450

ECN field, 448

MPD, 427

profiles, 427

with CBWFQ, 432

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