

Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


.aac extension, 220

AC (alternating current), 45, 544

AC adapters for laptops, 4849, 48

Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) bus, 12, 12


shared resources, 317320, 318320

web-based resources, 329

access control lists (ACLs), 210

accessibility options, 168169, 168169

accounts. See user accounts

ACLs (access control lists), 210

Action Center, 139

action plans in troubleshooting, 501502

activation of software, 229230

active worms, 394

ActiveX Filtering, 435

Activity Monitor tool, 130

ad hoc Bluetooth sharing, 312313, 313

Add Input Language dialog, 86, 86

address bar, 157, 157

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 271

administrator accounts

description, 125

limiting, 422

SOHO router passwords, 285286, 285

Adobe Reader, 194, 196

ads, suspicious, 444447, 446447

ADSL (asymmetric DSL), 254

Advanced Attributes dialog box, 415, 524, 524

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) security algorithm, 289

Advanced Privacy Settings dialog box, 437

Advanced Sharing window, 317318, 319

Advanced Technology Extended (ATX) motherboards

description, 56

power connectors, 15, 15, 46, 47


overview, 395

symptoms, 447450, 448449

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) security algorithm, 289

AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) bus, 12, 12


cooling systems, 4950, 50

CPUs, 5051, 51

ensuring, 565

Airplane mode for mobile devices, 363364, 363364

all-in-one printers, 78

Allow User To Administer This Computer option, 125

alternating current (AC), 45, 544

amps, 549

Android operating system

Airplane mode, 364, 365

connections, 350, 351

email, 356358, 357358

Google Play app store, 366, 366

home screen, 343344, 344

overview, 144146, 145

screen captures, 167

synchronization, 362, 362

anti-malware software, 205208, 207209

antispam software, 419

antispyware software, 419

antistatic mats, 551

antistatic wrist straps, 550

antivirus software, 417420, 421

APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing), 274275, 275

.app extension, 188

App Stores

Apple, 186187, 187

Google, 366, 366

Apple iCloud service, 326

Apple iTunes

certificates, 441, 442

synchronization, 361362, 362

Apple operating system, 122, 142

Airplane mode, 363, 363

home screen, 343344, 343

load problems, 512

locking and security, 346348, 346348

screen captures, 167168

versions and features, 142144, 142

wireless connections, 349350, 349351

workstation, 133136, 136

applications. See software applications

apps for mobile devices, 364368, 365366, 368

architecture, CPU, 21

archive bits, 524, 524

archives, 522

armored viruses, 392

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 271

aspect ratio in workstation screens, 479480

assembly code, 120

associations, file, 189, 189

asymmetric DSL (ADSL), 254

ATSC video standards, 480

attrib command, 524

attributes for archive bits, 524, 524

ATX (Advanced Technology Extended) motherboards

description, 56

power connectors, 15, 15, 46, 47


connectors, 6163, 62

ports, 19

settings, 480

audio/video editing workstations, 471

authentication, 424

multifactor, 424425, 425

single sign-on, 426

Autofill feature for browsers, 432433, 432433

Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), 274275, 275

automatic updates, 234236, 235

AutoPlay, 411, 411

AUTORUN.INF file, 411

availability factor in network connections, 268

.avi extension, 219


Baby-AT boards, 6

back-panel connectors, 18, 18

backdoors, 396397

backside bus (BSB), 78

backups, 491492

exam essentials, 532

frequency and scheduling, 527

importance, 523524

lab, 533

lessons learned, 531

locations, 526527

online storage, 202

options, 524525

overview, 522523

process, 524, 524

review questions, 534537

securing, 382

security certificates, 415417, 416

setting up, 527530, 528530

summary, 531532

types, 525526, 525

verifying and testing, 530

bandwidth factor in network connections, 269

baselines, performance, 130

Bash shell, 131

Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)

chips, 1517, 1617

flashing, 17

.bat extension, 188


CMOS, 18

disposal, 569570

laptops, 467, 557

UPSs, 548549

Battery Directive, 570

BD (Blu-ray Disc), 39

best practices for software applications, 220

compatibility, 221224, 222224


overview, 232233, 233

updates, 239241, 240241


considerations, 220227, 222224, 226

process, 228229

licensing, 224227, 226

operating system

features, 227228, 228

updates, 234239, 235, 237238

registering and activating, 229230

uninstalling, 230232, 230231

updating and patching, 239

biometric devices, 425

BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)

chips, 1517, 1617

flashing, 17

bits and bytes conversions, 31

black screen, troubleshooting, 504505

Blackberry operating system, 148149, 148

blackouts, 545546

blank monitors, troubleshooting, 504

Blu-ray Disc (BD), 39

blue screen, troubleshooting, 504505

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), 504

Bluejacking, 359

Bluesnarfing, 359

Bluetooth pairing, 359361, 361

Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), 306

Bluetooth technology

ad hoc sharing, 312313, 313

configuring, 359361, 360361

disabling, 408, 409

overview, 265266, 266

.bmp extension, 199

boot problems, troubleshooting, 503504

Box service, 326

brightness of monitors, 556

brownouts, 546

browsers, 329331, 331

Autofill feature, 432433, 432433

cookies, 436439, 437439

plugins, toolbars, and extensions, 430432, 430431

private browsing, 450451, 451

redirection, 449450

safe browsing, 439440

security, 434435, 434435

version management, 427430, 428429

BSB (backside bus), 78

BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), 504

bubble-jet printers, 76

budget factor in computer selection, 468469

build vs. buy decisions, 465466

burners, 39

burping keyboards, 559


description, 8

memory speed, 2728

buyer's remorse, 475

bytes and bits conversions, 31



crossover, 314

EMI, 566

fiber-optic, 256257

hard drive, 3233, 3233

home network connections, 255256

internal network connections, 262264

reseating, 500


managing, 483484, 484

plugging in, 475476, 476

Cable Select (CS), 34

caches, CPU, 11, 22

CAD (Computer-Aided Design) systems, 218

Calculator for number system conversions, 23, 23

campus licenses, 225

carcinogens, 78

carpeting and electrostatic discharge, 550

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD), 262

CAs (certificate authorities), 441


cooling systems, 4950, 50

functions, 3

Category cable, 262

cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors

disposal, 569

energy consumption, 555

overview, 6364, 64

safety, 552

CCMP (Counter Mode CBC-MAC Protocol), 289

CDMA (code division multiple access), 259

CDs (compact discs), 39

cellular networking, 259260, 260

central processing units. See CPUs (central processing units)

certificate authorities (CAs), 441

Certificate Export Wizard, 415416

Certificate Manager utility, 415417


backups, 415417, 416

Internet Explorer, 442444, 443444

Chandler PIM, 200, 200

chips, reseating, 500

chipsets, 67

Chrome browser

Autofill feature, 433, 433

cookies, 439, 439

extensions, 431, 431

options, 427430, 429430

pop-ups, 449, 449

private browsing, 450451, 451

security, 435, 435

Chrome operating system

screen captures, 167

workstation, 140142, 141

Chrome Web Store, 187

Chromebooks, 141

Chromeboxes, 141142

clean uninstallations, 230

cleaning computers, 557558

external surfaces, 558

inside PCs, 560561

keyboards, 559

monitors, 558

mouse, 559560

printers, 561563, 562

removable media, 563564


disposal, 571

list, 558

client-server networks, 307309, 308


applications, 328, 328

backups on, 527

concepts, 325

Office 365, 191

storage, 326327, 327

CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) chips, 18

code division multiple access (CDMA), 259

collaboration software, 202

document storage and sharing, 202203

instant messaging, 204205

online workspace, 204

screen-sharing, 204

videoconferencing, 203204

color laser printers, 78

combining hard drives, 3739, 38

communication methods, disabling, 408409, 408409

communications connectors, 105107, 106

compact discs (CDs), 39

companion viruses, 392

compatibility mode, 221, 515516, 516

complementary metal oxide semi-conductor (CMOS) chips, 18

component video, 6667, 67

compressed air, 560

compression, software, 214217, 216217

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems, 218

Computer window, 155, 155

concurrent connections factor, 269

concurrent licenses, 225

connections and connectors

audio, 6163, 62

back-panel, 18, 18

communications, 105107, 106

delay, 257, 269

external storage, 101105, 102105

front-panel, 19

hard drives, 3234, 32

Internet, 482483, 482

keyboards, 8182, 82

mobile devices, 348350, 349351

networks, 105106, 106, 250251

cable, 255256

cellular, 259260, 260

comparing, 268269

dial-up/POTS, 252

DSL, 252255, 253

external, 251252

fiber-optic, 256257

internal, 261268, 266267

issues, 519521, 520522

pricing, 261

satellite, 257258

summary, 260261

types, 251

power, 15, 15, 46, 47

printers, 7980, 7980

SOHO routers, 278280, 279280, 286287, 286287

summary, 107

video, 6670, 6771

consumables for printers, 562563, 562

Control Center for iPhone, 364, 364

Control of Substances, Hazardous to Health (COSHH), 571

controllers, disk, 14, 14

converting numbering systems, 23, 23

cookies for browsers, 436439, 437439

cooling systems, 49

cases, 4950, 50

CPUs, 5052, 51

requirements, 564565

cooperative multitasking, 123

copy backups, 525

copying files, 161

corporate licenses, 225

Cortana feature, 139

COSHH (Control of Substances, Hazardous to Health), 571

costs in computer selection, 468469

Counter Mode CBC-MAC Protocol (CCMP), 289

CPUs (central processing units)

cooling systems, 5052, 51

features, 2023, 20

laptops, 467

operating system slowdown, 513514

sockets, 89, 9

cracking passwords, 397398

crashes, application, 517

Create Shortcut dialog box, 511512

crossover cable, 314

crosstalk, 565

CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors

disposal, 569

energy consumption, 555

overview, 6364, 64

safety, 552

cryptoviral extortion, 396

CS (Cable Select), 34

CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection), 262

current, 549

customer interaction in troubleshooting, 494496

cutting files, 161


DA15 game ports, 42

daily backups, 526

dangerous features, disabling, 408411, 408411

Data Error Reading/Writing Drive message, 513

data management, structure for, 129

Data Over Cable Service Internet Specification (DOCSIS), 255

data theft, 380383, 382

database software, 193194

DC (direct current), 45, 544

DDR (double data rate) SDRAM, 2728

default denies for firewalls, 210

default gateways for IP addresses, 273

Degauss feature, 71

delay, connection, 257, 269

Delete Browsing History dialog box, 438


email accounts, 356, 356

files, 161

demilitarized zones (DMZs), 210

Department of Defense (DoD) model, 270, 271

desktop publishing software, 198199, 198

device drivers

description, 118

hardware compatibility, 518

installing, 232233, 233

updating, 239241, 240241

Device Manager, 239241, 240241


failures, 517521, 520522

hardening, 407408

disabling unused and dangerous features, 408411, 408411

locking system, 412

permissions and encryption, 412417, 413414, 416

software for, 417420, 421

placement, 564568

Devices And Printers window

keyboards, 84, 84

printers, 233, 233

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

configuring, 273274

wireless routers, 291, 292

diagnostic software, 1617, 210214, 212213

dial-up network connections, 252

differential backups, 526

digital subscriber line (DSL), 252255, 253

digital video discs (DVDs), 39, 39

Digital Visual Interface (DVI), 6869, 68

DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module)

RAM, 910, 10, 2829

DIN connectors, 82

direct attached storage (DAS), 309

direct current (DC) power, 45, 544

direct links, 313314

directories. See folders


SSID broadcasts, 289

touchpads, 8991, 9091

unused and dangerous features, 408411, 408411

Disk Cleanup tool, 153154, 153154, 211

Disk Defragmenter tool, 211, 213

disk striping, 38

Disk Utility, 416, 416

disks and drives

activity lights, 19

characteristics, 3132

combining, 3739, 38

connecting, 3234, 32

controllers, 14, 14

disposal, 570

energy consumption, 556

examining, 3536, 3537

external, 9798, 98

file systems for, 151154, 153154

flash, 9596, 96

laptops, 467

network, 310311, 310

optical, 3940, 39, 98

overview, 3031

partitions, 150151

physical trauma, 567

RAID, 3839, 38

solid-state, 3435

display devices. See also monitors

adjustments, 7175, 7275

categories, 6366, 64

laptops, 467

DisplayPort technology, 70, 70

disposal methods, 568

batteries, 569570

cleaning supplies, 571

hard drives, 570

hazardous substances, 568, 569

monitors, 569

printer ink and toner, 570

scanners, 569

distance factor for internal network

connections, 262263

distributions, Linux, 131

DL (dual-layer) optical drives, 40

.dmg extension, 215

DNS (Domain Name System), 273274

.doc extension, 191

documentation in troubleshooting, 502503

documents, storage and sharing, 202203

.docx extension, 191

domain controllers, 307

Domain Name System (DNS), 273274

domains, 307

dot pitch in CRT displays, 6364

dotted-decimal notation, 272

double data rate (DDR) SDRAM, 2728

double-sided (DS) optical drives, 40

downloads, file, 332333, 332

Downy solution, 551

DRAM (dynamic random access memory), 24


description, 118

hardware compatibility, 518

installing, 232233, 233

updating, 239241, 240241

drives. See disks and drives

Dropbox service, 326

drums, 7778

DS (double-sided) optical drives, 40

dual-core processors, 21

Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM)

RAM, 910, 10, 2829

dual-layer (DL) optical drives, 40

dumpster diving, 383

dust accumulation, 560, 565

Dvorak keyboards, 84, 86

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

configuring, 273274

wireless routers, 291, 292

dynamic random access memory (DRAM), 24


Ease of Access Center, 168169, 168

editing files, 161

EEPROM (electrically erasable PROM), 24

EHR (electronic health records) package, 218

elbows in ergonomics, 543

electrically erasable PROM (EEPROM), 24

electricity, 544

electrostatic discharge, 549552, 550

energy-efficient personal computing, 552557, 554, 556

international power differences, 544545, 545

maintaining power, 545549, 546548

electromagnetic interference (EMI)

avoiding, 565566

internal network connections, 263

electromagnetic pulse (EMP), 565

electronic health records (EHR) package, 218

electronic medical records (EMR) package, 218

Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC), 118119, 119

electrostatic discharge (ESD), 549552, 550


address safety, 452

Android, 356358, 357358

hijacked, 454

iPhone, 352356, 352356

mobile devices, 350358, 352358

software, 192193

spam, 452

suspicious, 452454, 453454

types, 391394, 392394

viruses in, 391, 391

EMI (electromagnetic interference)

avoiding, 565566

internal network connections, 263

EMP (electromagnetic pulse), 565

EMR (electronic medical records) package, 218

Enable Parental Controls option, 125


enabling, 412417, 413414, 416

files, 202

wireless routers, 288289

energy-efficient personal computing, 552

power-conserving equipment, 555557, 556

power-management plans, 552555, 554

Energy Star rating system, 556, 556

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), 118119, 119

entertainment software, 219220

environmental and safety concepts, 539541

cleaning computers, 557564, 562

device placement, 564568

disposal methods, 568571, 569

electricity. See electricity

ergonomics, 542544, 542

exam essentials, 572

lab, 573

power supplies, 46

review questions, 574577

summary, 571

environments, software, 128129

ergonomic keyboards, 82, 83

ergonomic mouse, 87, 88

ergonomics, 542544, 542

Error-Checking feature, 211, 212

error messages from operating systems, 512513

eSATA (external SATA) connectors, 102104, 103104

ESD (electrostatic discharge), 549552, 550

Ethernet standard, 262

Excel application, 191192, 192

.exe extension, 188189

executables, 188189

exhaust fans

airflow, 565

cooling systems, 4950

expansion slots, 11

AGP, 12, 12

PCI, 11, 12

PCIe, 1314, 13

exploits, 388389

Extended File System (XFS), 152


browsers, 430432, 430431

files, 188189, 189

external connections for mobile devices, 348350, 349351

external network connections, 251252

external resources for troubleshooting, 498

external SATA (eSATA) connectors, 102104, 103104

external storage devices, 95

communications connectors, 105107, 106

connectors, 101105, 102104

flash drives, 9596, 96

hard drives, 9798, 98

memory cards, 9697, 9697

mobile media players, 100

network attached storage, 99100, 99

optical drives, 98

smartphones, 100101

external surfaces, cleaning, 558


facial recognition, 425


airflow, 565

cleaning, 560561

cooling systems, 4951, 50


operating system, 227228, 228

unused and dangerous, 408411, 408411

feet in ergonomics, 543

fiber-optic cable, 256257, 262264

Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) service, 256

field-replaceable components (FRUs), 2

File Allocation Table (FAT), 151

file systems, 150152

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 271, 332

File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS), 333


compressing, 214217, 216217

downloads, 332333, 332

encryption, 202

extensions, 188189, 189

fragmented, 211, 213

locking, 305

managing, 150154, 153154

manipulating, 160163, 163164

names, 188

navigating, 154158, 155157

sharing, 315324, 316, 318321, 323324

synchronizing, 202

FileVault, 416, 416


ActiveX, 435

MAC addresses, 289290, 290

SmartScreen, 445447, 446447

financial software, 218

Finder application, 133

fingerprint recognition, 425


configuring, 222224, 222224

for device hardening, 420, 421

ports, 221

software, 208210, 211

wireless routers, 293, 293

FireWire standards, 102, 102

firmware, 1517, 1617

first-party cookies, 436

.flac extension, 220

flash drives, 9596, 96

flash memory, 24

flashing BIOS, 17

flat screens, 6566

floor cable guards, 484, 484

floppy disks and drives, 31

.flv extension, 219

Fn (Function) keys, 7172, 72


encrypting, 412415, 413414

managing, 150154, 153154

security, 203

shared, 311

form factors for motherboards, 56

formatting partitions, 150151

forms in databases, 193

Fortran programming language, 120

4G technology, 259

fourth extended file system (ext4), 152

fragmented files, 211, 213

freeware, 187

description, 225

installing, 229

frequency of backups, 527

front-panel connectors, 19

frontside bus (FSB), 78

FRUs (field-replaceable components), 2

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 271, 332

FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure), 333

FTTH (Fiber-to-the-Home) service, 256

Function (Fn) keys, 7172, 72


game ports, 42, 62, 62

gaming PCs, 470471

gaming software, 219220

gateways for IP addresses, 273

Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 71

gesture-based interaction, 344345

.gif extension, 199

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) standard, 259

Google Docs, 186, 328, 328

Google Drive service, 326, 327

Google Play app store, 366, 366

GPUs (graphics processing units), 4142

grammar errors in suspicious sites, 445

graphic design

programs, 218

workstations, 471

graphical user interface (GUI), 121123, 121

graphics processing units (GPUs), 4142

grounding and electrostatic discharge, 550

GSM (Global System for Mobile

Communications) standard, 259

guest access to wireless routers, 290291, 291

guest accounts, 125, 422

GUI (graphical user interface), 121123, 121

gyroscope feature, 345

.gz extension, 215


hackers, 376

hacking, 376378

hard disks and drives. See disks and drives

hardening devices, 407408

disabling unused and dangerous features, 408411, 408411

locking system, 412

permissions and encryption, 412417, 413414, 416

software for, 417420, 421

Hardware And Sound app

mouse, 93

touchpads, 89, 90

hardware components overview, 12

cooling systems, 4952, 5051

CPUs, 2023, 20

damage to, 379

driver compatibility, 518

exam essentials, 53

labs, 5354

memory. See memory

modems, 44, 44

motherboards. See motherboards

network cards, 43, 43

overview, 23

power supplies, 4549, 4548

review questions, 5558

sound cards, 42, 42

storage devices. See storage

summary, 52

theft, 379380, 380

in troubleshooting, 496497

video cards, 4042, 41

hazardous substances, 568, 569

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface), 6970, 69, 472

HDSL (high bit-rate DSL), 254

heads, read/write, 31

heat issues, 564565

heat sinks, 8, 5051, 51

hibernate mode, 552553

Hierarchical File System (HFS), 152

high bit-rate DSL (HDSL), 254

High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), 6970, 69, 472

hijacked email, 454

home computer categories, 469474, 473474

home theater PC (HTPC) systems, 471472

homegroups, sharing in, 322324, 323324

hosts in IP addresses, 72273

hot keys, 164166, 165166

hotspots, 259260, 260

HP Hardware Diagnostic Tools screen, 213, 213

HTPC (home theater PC) systems, 471472

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 271, 329330

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), 329331, 331, 441

humidity and electrostatic discharge, 550, 565


IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 325

iCloud service, 326

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 271

IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) drives, 14, 14, 32, 3233

IEEE 1394 standard, 102

IM (instant messaging) software, 204205

image files, 199

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 352

Impress application, 197

Incognito feature, 450451, 451

incremental backups, 526

information gathering in troubleshooting, 496497

Infrared Data Association (IrDA), 266267

Infrared technology, 266268, 267

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 325

ink cartridges, 76, 77

ink disposal, 570

inkjet printers

cleaning, 562563, 562

overview, 7677, 77

inoculating against viruses, 206

InPrivate browsing, 450451, 451

input devices, 81

failures, 518

keyboards, 8186, 8286

pointing devices, 8794, 8892, 94

instant messaging (IM) software, 204205

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 102

intake fans, 4950

Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) drives, 14, 14, 32, 3233

interference, 565566

internal network connections, 261

wired, 262264

wireless, 264268, 266267

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 194

international power differences, 544545, 545

Internet. See also networks

best practices. See Internet security best practices

connections, 251261, 253, 260

SOHO routers. See SOHO routers

TCP/IP. See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 271

Internet Explorer

certificates, 442444, 443444

cookies, 436438, 437438

options, 427430, 429430

plug ins, 430431, 430431

pop-ups, 447448, 448

private browsing, 450451, 451

security, 434435, 434435

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), 352

Internet Protocol (IP), 270

Internet security best practices, 427

adware, 447450, 448449


Autofill feature, 432433, 432433

cookies, 436439, 437439

plugins, toolbars, and extensions, 430432, 430431

private browsing, 450451, 451

safe browsing, 439440

security, 434435, 434435

versions, 427430, 428429

email, 452454, 453454

secure websites, 440444, 441444

suspicious material, 444447, 446447

Internet service providers (ISPs), 252

iOS operating system

Airplane mode, 363, 363

home screen, 343344, 343

locking and security, 346348, 346348

screen captures, 167

versions and features, 142144, 142

wireless connections, 349350, 349351

IP addresses, 272273

APIPA, 274275, 275

DHCP and DNS, 273274

public vs. private, 275276

IP (Internet Protocol), 270

ipconfig tool

IP configuration, 275, 275

MAC addresses, 289

TCP/IP connectivity, 520521, 520

iPhone, 143

Airplane mode, 363364, 364

email, 352356, 352356

synchronization, 361, 362

IPv6, 272

IrDA (Infrared Data Association), 266267

.iso extension, 215

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 194

ISPs (Internet service providers), 252


certificates, 441

synchronization, 361362, 362

iTunes app store, 365, 365

ITX motherboards, 56


.jar extension, 215

Jobs, Steve, 134

joysticks, 91

.jpg extension, 199

jumpers, 34


K-slots (Kensington security slots), 380

kernels, 122

keyboards, 81

cleaning, 559

configuring, 8286, 8386

connecting, 8182, 82

in ergonomics, 544

hot keys, 164166, 165166

keyloggers, 395

Keynote application, 197

kill switches, 380

kinetics, 345


L1 (Level 1) cache, 22

L2 (Level 2) cache, 22

L3 (Level 3) cache, 22

land grid array (LGA) sockets, 9, 9, 20

landscape orientation for mobile devices, 345, 346

LANs (local area networks), 304307, 304


batteries for, 557

gaming, 471

power supplies, 48, 48

prices, 469

selecting, 466467

video toggles, 7273, 73

laser printers, 7778, 562563

latency, connection, 257258

LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, 65

disposal, 569

energy consumption, 555

LED (light-emitting diode) monitors, 65

legacy browsers, 427

Level 1 (L1) cache, 22

Level 2 (L2) cache, 22

Level 3 (L3) cache, 22

LGA (land grid array) sockets, 9, 9, 20


application failures from, 517

software, 224227, 226

SOHO routers, 278, 278

theft, 380383, 382

light-emitting diode (LED) monitors, 65

lights in front panel, 19

line of sight wireless, 257258

links, suspicious, 444447, 446447

Linksys accounts, 281, 281

Linux operating system, 122

screen captures, 167

versions, 131132, 132

workstations, 131133, 132

liquid cooling systems, 5152

liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors, 65

disposal, 569

energy consumption, 555

liquids, damage from, 560, 566

load problems

Mac OS, 512

Windows, 505512, 507511

local area networks (LANs), 304307, 304

local backups, 526527

local network sharing, 303

exam essentials, 333334

lab, 334335, 335

network types, 303304

LANs, 304305, 304

MANs, 306

PANs, 306

peer-to-peer and client-server, 307309, 307308

WANs, 305306, 305

review questions, 336339

storage options, 309311, 310

summary, 333

types, 312

file and print sharing, 315324, 316, 318321, 323324

peer-to-peer sharing, 312315, 313

localization settings, 477, 478


files, 305

hardware, 379380, 380

mobile devices, 346348, 346348

system, 412

lockup, operating system, 513514

LoJack service, 380

Long-Term Evolution networks, 259

low-power modes, 552553

Lubuntu version, 131, 132

Software Center, 231, 231

Update Manager, 238, 238

VirtualBox version, 171175, 172175


.m4a extension, 220

Mac computers

automatic updates, 234, 235

laptop prices, 469

malware, 388

user accounts, 125, 126

MAC (Media Access Control) address filtering, 289290, 290

Mac operating systems

load problems, 512

screen captures, 167168

workstation, 133136, 136


for databases, 193

viruses in, 392

magnets, damage from, 567

Magnifier, 169

maintained servers, 202203

maintenance software, 210214, 212213

malware. See also viruses

anti-malware, 205208, 207209

diagnosing and fixing infections, 419420

overview, 387388

MANs (metropolitan area networks), 304, 306

manufacturer safety guidelines, 541

mapping network drives, 310, 310

master drives, 34

material safety data sheets (MSDSs), 571

mats, antistatic, 551

MD5 (Message Digest Version 5), 418

MDP (mini display port) standard, 70

Media Access Control (MAC) address filtering, 289290, 290

media streaming, 473474, 473474

medical software, 218


assessing, 2526, 2627

bus speeds, 2728

electrostatic discharge, 549552

laptops, 467

operating system slowdown, 513514

overview, 24

physical characteristics, 2829, 28

slots for, 911, 10

virtual, 25

memory cards, 9697, 9697

Message Digest Version 5 (MD5), 418


file systems for, 151

viewing, 158160, 158160

metropolitan area networks (MANs), 304, 306

micro ATX motherboards, 56

MicroDIMM memory, 28

Microsoft OneDrive service, 326

MiFi hotspots, 259260, 260

mini-DIN 6 connectors, 82

mini display port (MDP) standard, 70

mini-ITX motherboards, 6

Minimum System Requirements section, 221

mirroring disks, 38

mobile devices, 341343

Airplane mode, 363364, 363364

apps, 364368, 365366, 368

Bluetooth, 359361, 360361

email, 350358, 352358

exam essentials, 369

external connections, 348350, 349350

interacting with, 344345

lab, 369370

locking and securing, 346348, 346348

review questions, 371374

screen orientation, 345346, 345346

summary, 368369

synchronization options, 361362, 362363

unexpected charges, 367368, 368

usability options, 343344, 343344

mobile hotspots, 259260, 260

mobile-ITX motherboards, 6

mobile media players, 100

mobile operating systems

Android, 144146, 145

Blackberry, 148149, 148

iOS, 142144, 142

Windows phone, 146148, 147

mobility factor in network connections, 268


cable, 255

dial-up, 44, 44

DSL, 252255, 253

modular components, 2

modules for databases, 193

monitoring system health, 129130, 130


adjustments, 7175, 7275

blank, 504

cleaning, 558

CRT, 6364, 64, 552, 555

disposal, 569

energy consumption, 555556

in ergonomics, 543

flat screens, 6566

resolution, 478480, 479

monochrome laser printers, 78

Moore's law, 21


back-panel connectors, 18, 18

BIOS chips, 1517, 1617

chipsets, 67

CMOS batteries, 18

components, 35, 4

CPU sockets, 89, 9

description acronyms, 1920

disk controllers, 14, 14

expansion slots, 1114, 1213

firmware, 1517, 1617

form factors, 56

front-panel connectors, 19

memory slots and external cache, 911, 10

power connectors, 15, 15


cleaning, 559560

configuring, 93, 94

in ergonomics, 544

overview, 8788, 88

Mouse Properties window, 89, 90, 93, 94

moving files, 161

.mp3 extension, 220

.mp4 extension, 219

.mpg extension, 219

MS-DOS operating system, 122

MSCONFIG file, 509512, 509511

MSDSs (material safety data sheets), 571

.msi extension, 188

multicore architecture, 21

multifactor authentication, 424425, 425

MultiFinder application, 133

multifunctional printers, 78

multipartite viruses, 392, 392

multiple monitor settings, 7375, 7375

multitasking, 123

multithreading, 123

multiuser software, 225

mutations in viruses, 393


Nadella, Satya, 136

naked DSL, 255


files, 161, 188

workgroups, 315, 316

nano-ITX motherboards, 6

Napster network, 314

NAS (network attached storage), 99100, 99, 309310

NAT (Network Address Translation)

IP addresses, 276

wireless routers, 291, 292

natural keyboards, 82, 83

near field communication (NFC), disabling, 409

neo-ITX motherboards, 6

netbooks, 141

Network Address Translation (NAT)

IP addresses, 276

wireless routers, 291, 292

Network And Sharing Center

Internet connections, 482483, 482

media streaming, 473474, 473474

network attached storage (NAS), 99100, 99, 309310

network cards, 43, 43

network IDs in IP addresses, 272273

network interface cards (NICs), 43, 43

networks, 249250

backups on, 527

connections. See connections and connectors

exam essentials, 295296

lab, 296

networks, 301303

printers, 80

protocols, 269276, 271, 275

review questions, 297300

security best practices, 426427

sharing. See local network sharing; web-based sharing

small office, 294

SOHO routers. See SOHO routers

storage. See storage

summary, 295

viruses in, 394

workstation connections, 482483, 482

New Account screen, 354, 354

New Outbound Rule Wizard dialog box, 223224, 223224

New Technology File System (NTFS)

description, 151

permissions, 412417, 413414, 416

NFC (near field communication), disabling, 409

NICs (network interface cards), 43, 43

normal backups, 525

Northbridge chipsets, 7, 7

Norton Internet Security, 207, 208

NTFS (New Technology File System)

description, 151

permissions, 412417, 413414, 416

numbering systems, converting between, 23, 23


octets, 272273

Office 365, 191

lClickSync, 362, 363

OneDrive service, 326

online workspace, 204

open source software, 120121, 187, 225

opening files, 161

openssl libraries, 417

operating systems, 115117

basic functions, 122123

in computer selection, 468

data management structure, 129

description, 117

error messages, 512513

exam essentials, 170171

feature installation and uninstallation, 227228, 228

fundamentals, 117118, 118

history, 118122, 121

lab, 171175, 172175


Android, 144146, 145

Blackberry, 148149, 148

iOS, 142144, 142

Windows phone, 146148, 147

navigating, 149150

accessibility options, 168169, 168169

file manipulation, 160163, 163164

file structures, 154158, 155157

folder and file structures, 150154, 153154

hot keys, 164166, 165166

metadata, 158160, 158160

screen captures, 166168, 167

review questions, 176179

slowdown and lockup, 513514

software environments, 128129

summary, 170

system health monitoring, 129130, 130

tablets, 467468

types, 130131

updating and patching, 234239, 235, 237238

user accounts, 124128, 125128

user and hardware coordination, 123124


Chrome, 140142, 141

Linux, 131133, 132

Mac, 133136, 136

setting up, 477480, 478479

Windows, 136142, 137139, 141

optical drives, 3940, 39, 98

orientation in mobile devices, 345346, 345346

OS X operating system, 133136, 136


P2P (peer-to-peer) sharing, 312315, 313

PaaS (Platform as a Service), 325

packaging, CPU, 20

page files, 25

PANs (personal area networks), 304, 306

paper for thermal printers, 78

Parallel ATA (PATA) drives, 14, 3234, 3233

parallel buses, 8

parallel connections for printers, 7980, 80

partitions, 150151

passive worms, 394


changing, 424

cracking, 397398

effective, 423424

SOHO routers, 281282, 285286, 285

user accounts, 128, 128, 422424

pasting files, 161

PAT (Port Address Translation), 276

PATA (Parallel ATA) drives, 14, 3234, 3233


applications, 239

operating systems, 234239, 235, 237238

payloads in worms, 394

PC-Doctor program, 213

PC-to-PC direct links, 313314

PCBs (printed circuit boards), 3

PCI Express (PCIe) expansion slots, 1314, 13

PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus type, 11, 12

PDAs (personal digital assistants), 200

PDF creator application, 195

PDF (Portable Document Format) application, 194196, 195196

peer-to-peer networks, 307309, 307

peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing, 312315, 313

people-based security threats, 383387

Per Site Privacy Actions dialog box, 437

Performance Monitor, 129130, 130

Performance Options dialog box, 2526, 26

Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus type, 11, 12

peripherals, 5961

audio connectors, 6163, 62

display adjustments, 7175, 7275

display devices, 6366, 64

exam essentials, 108

external storage devices. See external storage devices

input devices, 81

failures, 518

keyboards, 8186, 8286

pointing devices, 8794, 8892, 94

labs, 109

printers, 7580, 77, 7980

review questions, 110113

summary, 108

video connectors, 6670, 6771

workstations, 481


setting, 412417, 413414, 416

shared resources, 317

user accounts, 124125

Permissions For Private dialog box, 413

persistent cookies, 436

personal area networks (PANs), 304, 306

personal digital assistants (PDAs), 200

personal finance software, 218

personal information manager (PIM) software, 199200, 200

personally identifiable information (PII), 440

PGA (pin-grid array) sockets, 9, 9, 20

phage viruses, 393

pharming, 449450

phishing, 385386, 444445

physical security threats, 379383, 380, 382

physical trauma, 567568

pico-ITX motherboards, 6

piconets, 266, 306

PII (personally identifiable information), 440

PIM (personal information manager) software, 199200, 200

pin-grid array (PGA) sockets, 9, 9, 20

pinch gesture, 345

ping tool, 257, 519522, 520521

plain old telephone service (POTS), 252

plain text, 440

plans in troubleshooting, 501502

plasma monitors, 6566

plastic bags, antistatic, 551

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 325


as computer selection factor, 465468

software, 186187, 187

platters, 30

plugins for browsers, 430432, 430431

.png extension, 199

point-to-multipoint connections, 257

point-to-point infrared, 266

Pointer Options tab, 94

pointing devices, 87

configuring, 93, 94

connecting, 93

joysticks, 91

mouse, 8788, 88

stylus pens, 9192

touchpads, 8891, 8991

trackballs, 92, 92

policies for backups, 522523

polymorphic viruses, 393, 393

Pop-Up Blocker Settings dialog box, 448, 448

pop-up windows

controlling, 447449, 448449

removing, 232

POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3), 351

Port Address Translation (PAT), 276

Portable Document Format (PDF) application, 194196, 195196

portrait orientation in mobile devices, 345, 345


audio, 19

firewalls, 221

keyboards, 82, 82

printers, 7980, 7980

Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3), 351

POST (power-on self-test), 1617, 504

POTS (plain old telephone service), 252

power buttons, 19

power-conserving equipment, 555557, 556

power lights, 19

power-management plans, 552555, 554

power-on self-test (POST), 1617, 504

Power Options dialog box, 555

power problems, 504

power schemes, 554555, 554

power strips, 546, 546

power supplies and systems. See also electricity

connectors, 15, 15

international power differences, 544545, 545

overview, 4549, 4548

powering on workstations, 476477, 477

PowerPoint application, 197, 197

.ppt extension, 197

.pptx extension, 197

pre-operating system computer age, 118120, 119

preemptive multitasking, 123

presentation software, 197, 197

pricing Internet connections, 261

printed circuit boards (PCBs), 3

printers, 7576

cleaning, 561563, 562

connecting, 7980, 7980

ink disposal, 570

sharing, 320324, 323324

technologies, 7678, 77

Privacy Alert dialog box, 438

privacy screens, 386

private browsing, 450451, 451

private clouds, 325

private IP addresses, 275276

Private Properties dialog box, 414415, 414

private side firewalls, 210

problem identification in troubleshooting, 493497

processors. See CPUs (central processing units)

product keys, 226, 226

productivity software, 190

databases, 193194

desktop publishing, 198199, 198

email, 192193

PDF, 194196, 195196

personal information managers, 199200, 200

presentation, 197, 197

remote desktop, 200201

spreadsheets, 191192, 192

word processing, 190191, 190

Program Manager, 137, 137

programs. See software applications

prohibition icons, 512

projectors, 6465

Properties dialog box for hard disks, 36, 3637

properties for files, 158160, 158160

protocols for networks, 269276, 271, 275

PS/2 ports, 82, 82

public clouds, 325

public IP addresses, 275276

public side firewalls, 210

public workstation security issues, 433434


quad-core processors, 21

quarantining files, 208, 418

queries for databases, 193

questionable web sites, 440

quick start guides, 476, 476

QWERTY keyboards, 81


RADSL (rate-adaptive DSL), 254

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), 3839, 38

RAM. See

memory ransomware, 396

.rar extension, 215

RAS (Remote Access Service), 252

rate-adaptive DSL (RADSL), 254

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), 201

read-only memory (ROM), 24

rebooting in troubleshooting, 501

rechargeable batteries, 570

recovery environment, 512


browsers, 449450

search engines, 450

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), 3839, 38

registering software, 229230


load problems, 505

uninstalling applications, 231232

reliability factor in network connections, 268

Remote Access Service (RAS), 252

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), 201

remote desktop software, 200201

removable media, cleaning, 563564


applications, 230232, 230231

malware, 207208

pop-up windows, 232

renaming files, 161

repairing applications, 231

reports for databases, 193

reseating chips and cables, 500

reset buttons, 19


CRT displays, 64

monitor settings, 7273, 72

workstation screens, 478480, 479

resources, shared

access, 317320, 318320

web-based, 329

restarting computer in troubleshooting, 501

restore points, 506

Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, 568, 569

retina scanning, 425

retroviruses, 393

RGB video, 6667, 67

RJ-11 connectors, 44, 44, 105107, 106

RJ-45 connectors, 105106, 106

RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Directive, 568, 569

ROM (read-only memory), 24

rootkits, 396


SOHO. See SOHO routers


security, 287290, 290

services, 290293, 291293

.rtf extension, 191

rules for Windows Firewall, 223224, 223224

Runtime Error Has Occurred message, 513


S-video, 68, 68

SaaS (Software as a Service), 325

safe browsing, 439440

Safe Mode, 505506

safety. See environmental and safety concepts

saidar tool, 130

SARC (Symantec AntiVirus Research Center), 206

SATA (Serial ATA) drives, 14, 14

connections, 32, 3233

external, 102104, 103104

Satellite Internet, 257258

saving files, 161

scanners, disposal of, 569

scatternets, 306

.scexe extension, 188


backups, 527

malware scans, 208

scientific software, 218

screen captures, 166168, 167

screen orientation in mobile devices, 345346, 345346

screen readers, 168

screen resolution in workstations, 478480, 479

Screen Saver Settings dialog box, 381, 382

screen-sharing software, 204

SCSI (small computer system interface), 33

SDR (single data rate) SDRAM, 27

SDSL (symmetric DSL), 254

search engine redirection, 450

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), 332333

Secure Shell (SSH) sessions, 333

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

HTTPS connections, 329

POP3, 351

secure websites, 440

secure websites, recognizing, 440444, 441444


best practices. See security best practices

browsers, 434435, 434435

file systems for, 151

files, 159160, 160

firewalls, 208210, 211

folders, 203

HTTPS, 329331, 331

mobile devices, 346348, 346348

network connections, 263, 265, 267, 269

public workstations, 433434

SOHO routers, 283285, 284

threats. See security threats

updates, 483, 483

wireless routers, 287290, 290

workstation software, 480483, 482

security best practices, 405407

device hardening, 407408

disabling unused and dangerous features, 408411, 408411

locking system, 412

permissions and encryption, 412417, 413414, 416

software for, 417420, 421

exam essentials, 455456

Internet. See Internet security best practices

lab, 456457

networks, 426427

review questions, 458461

summary, 455

user accounts, 421426, 425

security threats, 375376

dumpster diving, 383

exam essentials, 399

hacking, 376378

lab, 399

overview, 378

people-based, 383387

physical, 379383, 380, 382

review questions, 400403

software-based. See software-based security threats

summary, 398

Select Users Or Groups dialog box, 413, 413

Serial ATA (SATA) drives, 14, 14

connections, 32, 3233

external, 102104, 103104

serial buses, 8

serial connections for printers, 79, 79


home and SOHO computers, 472474, 473474

maintained, 202203

service packs, 389

Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs)

configuring, 284

disabling broadcasts, 289

services, disabling, 409411, 410

session cookies, 436

Set Associations window, 189, 189

7-Zip program, 215217, 216217

.7z extension, 215

SFF (small form factor) boards, 5

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), 332333

shared folders, 311

ShareNet, 304


description, 225

installing, 229


documents, 202203

networks. See local network sharing; web-based sharing


description, 122

Linux, 131

shortcuts, 162163, 163164, 511512

shoulder surfing, 386

signatures, virus, 393, 418

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 352

single data rate (SDR) SDRAM, 27

single sided (SS) optical drives, 40

single sign-on (SSO), 426

single user software, 225

site licenses, 225

sitting in ergonomics, 543544

64-bit CPUs, 21

64-bit operating system, 123

size of tablets, 468

slave drives, 34

Sleep mode, 552553

slowdown, operating system, 513514

small computer system interface (SCSI), 33

small form factor (SFF) boards, 5

small office networks, configuring, 294

Small Outline DIMM (SODIMM) memory, 910, 10, 2829

smart cards, 424425

smartphones, 100101

SmartScreen filters, 445447, 446447

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 352

SnagIt application, 166

social engineering, 383385

social side of troubleshooting, 495


CPU, 89, 9

web resources, 329

SODIMM (Small Outline DIMM) memory, 910, 10, 2829

software applications, 181185

best practices. See best practices for software applications

cloud, 328, 328

collaboration, 202205

concepts, 185186

description, 118

for device hardening, 417420, 421

environments, 128129

exam essentials, 242243

failures, 514517, 516

file extensions, 188189, 189

installing, 483

lab, 243

platforms, 186187, 187

productivity. See productivity software

review questions, 244247

specialized, 217220

summary, 242

theft, 380383, 382

in troubleshooting, 496497

uninstalling, 481, 482

updates, 483, 483

utility. See utility software

Software as a Service (SaaS), 325

software-based security threats

adware, 395

backdoors, 396397

exploits, 388389

overview, 387388

password cracking, 397398

ransomware, 396

rootkits, 396

spam, 397

spyware, 395

Trojan horses, 394395

viruses, 389394, 390394

worms, 394

Software Center in Lubuntu, 231, 231

SOHO computer categories, 469474, 473474

SOHO routers, 277

administrator password, 285286, 285

configuring, 277278, 280283, 281283

connecting, 278280, 279280, 286287, 286287

license agreements, 278, 278

security, 283285, 284

solid-state drives (SSDs), 3435

sound cards, 42, 42, 61

source code, 122

Southbridge chipsets, 7, 7


antispam software, 419

dealing with, 452

overview, 397

spambots, 397

speakers, 6162

spear phishing, 386

specialized software, 217

CAD, 218

financial, 218

gaming and entertainment, 219220

medical and scientific, 218


bus, 2728

CPU, 21

hard drive spin rates, 32

spelling errors in suspicious sites, 445

spin rates of hard drives, 32

spoofing, 444445

sprays, antistatic, 551

spreadsheet software, 191192, 192

Spybot Search & Destroy tool, 419

spyware, 206

antispyware software, 419

overview, 395

SRAM (static random access memory), 24

SS (single sided) optical drives, 40

SSDs (solid-state drives), 3435

SSH (Secure Shell) sessions, 333

SSIDs (Service Set Identifiers)

configuring, 284

disabling broadcasts, 289

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

HTTPS connections, 329

POP3, 351

secure websites, 440

SSO (single sign-on), 426

standard user accounts, 125

standard workstations, 470

standardization of operating systems, 120121

Standby mode, 552

Star workstations, 121122

starting services, 409411

static electricity, 549552, 550

static IP addressing, 274

static random access memory (SRAM), 24

stealth virus, 394, 394

STOP errors, 504505

stopping services, 409411


device overview. See disks and drives

documents, 202203


cloud, 326327, 327

DAS, 309

drives, 310311, 310

NAS, 309310

tablets, 468

streaming media, 473474, 473474

striping, disk, 38

strong passwords, 423424

stylus pens, 9192

subnet masks for IP addresses, 273

Super VGA video standard, 480

support. See troubleshooting

surge protectors, 546, 547

Suspend to Disk mode, 552553

suspicious material, recognizing, 444447, 446447

swap files, 25

swipe gesture, 344

switches for power supplies, 4748, 545, 545

Symantec Antivirus Research Center (SARC), 206

symmetric DSL (SDSL), 254


files, 202

mobile devices, 361362, 362363

system-based documentation in troubleshooting, 503

System Configuration utility, 509512, 509511

system health, monitoring, 129130, 130

system images, 526

System Is Low On Virtual Memory message, 513

System Monitor tool, 130

System Properties dialog box, 2526, 507, 507

System Protection dialog box, 507508

System Restore feature, 506508, 507508

System Software, 133

System32 folder, 505

SysWOW64 folder, 505


tables for databases, 193

tablets, selecting, 467468

tap gesture, 344

.tar extension, 215

Task Manager, 514

tax preparation software, 218

TCP/IP. See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite

telephone connectors, 106107, 106

telepresence, 203

temperature issues, 564565

Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), 288

testing backups, 530

Text Services And Input Languages dialog, 8586, 85


data, software, and licenses, 380383, 382

hardware, 379380, 380

theories in troubleshooting, 497498

thermal printers, 78

third extended file system (ext3), 152

third-party cookies, 436

32-bit CPUs, 21

32-bit operating systems, 123

threats in suspicious sites, 445

throughput factor for network connections, 269

Thunderbolt technology, 70, 71, 104105

.tiff extension, 199

TinyTake application, 166

TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), 288

TLS (Transport Layer Security)

HTTPS connections, 329

secure websites, 440

tokens, security, 425, 425

toner, 562

cartridges, 563

description, 77

disposal, 570

safety, 78

toolbars for browsers, 430432, 430431

Torvalds, Linus, 122, 131

touchpads, 8891, 8991

touchscreens, 66

tracert command, 521, 522

trackballs, 92, 92

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite, 270271, 271

connectivity issues, 519521, 520522

IP addresses, 272273

APIPA, 274275, 275

DHCP and DNS, 273274

public vs. private, 275276

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 270

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

HTTPS connections, 329

secure websites, 440

Trend Micro tools, 420

Trojan horses, 394395

troubleshooting, 491492

concepts, 492493

exam essentials, 532


application failures, 514517, 516

blank monitors, 504

blue screen, 504505

boot problems, 503504

device failures, 517521, 520522

Mac OS load problems, 512

operating system error messages, 512513

operating system slowdown and lockup, 513514

overview, 503

Windows load problems, 505512, 507511

lab, 533

review questions, 534537

social side, 495

steps, 493

action plans, 501502

documentation, 502503

problem identification, 493497

solution testing, 498501

theory formation, 497498

verifying functionality, 502

summary, 531532

Twain, Mark, 144

.txt extension, 191


UAC (User Account Control), 206

Ubuntu operating system, 125, 126

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 271

unclean uninstallations, 231232

unexpected charges for mobile devices, 367368, 368


applications, 230232, 230231

unneeded software, 481, 482

uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), 547548, 547548

Universal Serial Bus. See USB (Universal Serial Bus)

Unix operating system, 120

unneeded software, uninstalling, 481, 482

unshielded twisted pair (UTP) wire, 262263, 566

unused features, disabling, 408411, 408411

Update Manager, 238, 238


anti-malware, 207, 209

applications, 239

drivers, 239241, 240241

operating systems, 234239, 235, 237238

software, 483, 483

upgrading vs. updating, 234

UPSs (uninterruptible power supplies), 547548, 547548

USB (Universal Serial Bus)

connectors, 69

external storage, 101102

introduction, 8

keyboards, 8182, 82

pointing devices, 93

ports, 19

printers, 80

use factor in computer selection, 465

User Account Control (UAC), 206

user accounts

authentication, 424426, 425

creating, 127128, 127128

passwords, 422424

single sign-on, 426

types, 421422

working with, 124128, 125128

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 271

user error in troubleshooting, 500501

utility software, 205

anti-malware, 205208, 207209

compression, 214217, 216217

diagnostic and maintenance, 210214, 212213

firewalls, 208210, 211

UTP (unshielded twisted pair) wire, 262263, 566


vacuum cleaners, 560

VDC (volts DC), 45

VDSL (very high bit-rate DSL), 254


backups, 530

functionality in troubleshooting, 502


browsers, 427430, 428429

operating systems, 122

very high bit-rate DSL (VDSL), 254

VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association), 70

VGA (Video Graphics Array), 6768, 67, 480


connectors, 6670, 6771

standards, 480

video cards, 4042, 41

video editing workstations, 471

Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA), 70

video game software, 219220

Video Graphics Array (VGA), 6768, 67, 480

videoconferencing software, 203204

virtual memory, 25

Virtual Memory dialog box, 26

VirtualBox, 171175, 172175

virtualization in cloud computing, 325

viruses, 206

antivirus software, 417420, 421

application failures, 517

operation, 390391, 390391

overview, 389

symptoms, 389390

vishing, 386

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 204, 386

VoiceOver screen reader, 168


electrostatic discharge, 549

power supplies, 4748

volts DC (VDC), 45

vulnerabilities, 388


walk-up infrared, 266

WANs (wide area networks), 304307, 305

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, 568, 569

water, damage from, 560, 566

watts of power supplies, 46

.wav extension, 220

weak passwords, 423424

web-based sharing, 324

browsing, 329331, 331


applications, 328, 328

concepts, 325

storage, 326327, 327

exam essentials, 333334

file downloads, 332333, 332

lab, 334335, 335

resource access, 329

review questions, 336339

summary, 333

webcams, 66

websites, suspicious, 444447, 446447

WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive, 568, 569

WEP (Wired Equivalency Protocol), 288

whaling, 386

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 288

Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2), 289

wide area networks (WANs), 304307, 305

Widescreen XGA (WXGA) video standard, 480

WIMP interface, 122

Windows Action Center, 420, 421

Windows Backup, 525, 525, 527530, 528530

Windows Defender, 206, 207, 419

Windows Explorer, 138, 155157, 155157

Windows Firewall, 420

configuring, 222224, 222224

overview, 210, 211

Windows Has Recovered From A Serious Error message, 513

Windows operating systems

accessibility options, 169

drive status, 3536, 3537

laptop prices, 469

load problems, 505

recovery environment, 512

Safe Mode, 505506

System Configuration, 509512, 509511

System Restore, 506508, 507508

media streaming, 473474, 473474

power schemes, 554555, 554

screen captures, 166167, 167

shortcuts, 161163, 163164

usage, 140

user accounts, 127128, 127128

versions, 137140, 137139

workstation, 136140, 137139, 141

Windows phone operating system, 146148, 147

Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE), 512

Windows Update, 234238, 235, 237

WinZip program, 215

Wired Equivalency Protocol (WEP), 288

wired internal network connections, 262264

wireless connections for mobile devices, 349350, 349351

wireless devices. See mobile devices

wireless LANs (WLANs), 264268, 266267

wireless mouse, 87, 88

wireless networks, 467

wireless personal area networks (WPANs), 265, 306

wireless routers

security, 287290, 290


DHCP, 291, 292

firewalls, 293, 293

guest access, 290291, 291

NAT, 291, 292

wiretaps, 263

WLANs (wireless LANs), 264268, 266267

.wmv extension, 219

Word application, 190191, 190

word processing software, 190191, 190

workgroups, 307, 315317, 316

workstations, 463464

audio/video editing, 471


managing, 483484, 484

plugging in, 475476, 476

exam essentials, 485

graphic design, 471

home and SOHO computers, 469474, 473474

Internet connections, 482483, 482

lab, 485

localization settings, 477, 478

operating systems

Chrome, 140142, 141

Linux, 131133, 132

Mac, 133136, 136

setup, 477480, 478479

Windows, 136140, 137139, 141

powering on, 476477, 477

review questions, 486489

screen resolution, 478480, 479


risks, 433434

software, 480483, 482

selecting, 464469

standard, 470

summary, 484485

worms, 394

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 288

WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2), 289

WPA2 Personal security, 284

WPANs (wireless personal area networks), 265, 306

wrist straps, 550

WUXGA video standard, 480

WXGA (Widescreen XGA) video standard, 480


XFS (Extended File System), 152


.zip extension, 215

zones, security, 434435, 434435

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