1. We delete from the set of states Q of an FSM M, all the states not reachable from q0 and get a new FSM M1. Is it true that L(M1) = L(M)?
  2. Consider a set A = {1, 2, 3} and a relation R : AA, R = {(1, 2), (2, 2), (1,1)}. What is the nature of R?
  3. In some NDFSM with ε transitions, there is a state with e transition to itself. What is the language recognized by a new machine in which this transition is deleted?
  4. State True/False:
    1. The language L(R) for any regular expression R is sometimes finite.
    2. If R does not have any * or +, then L(R) is always finite.
  5. Give inductive proofs for:
    1. If REV(x) is reverse of any string x, then REV(REV(X)) = x.
    2. image
    3. Let a language L be defined as: (i) aL, (ii) if some xL then (x) ∈ L. Prove that any string xL will have at least as many ‘(’ as there are ‘)’.
    4. For n ≥ 0 strings A(n) and B(n) are defined as: A(0) = 0, B(0) = 1, ∀n > 0, A(n) = A(n – 1) B(n – 1), B(n) = B(n – 1) A(n – 1). Prove that A(n) contains neither ‘000’ nor ‘111’ as a substring.
    5. Prove that the above strings A(n) and B(n) differ in every symbol positions.
    6. Consider straight lines drawn in an infinite plane, such that no two lines are parallel and no three lines have a common point of intersection. The lines divide the plane in disjoint regions. Prove that the number r of such regions is given by image Hint: n = 0, r = 1; n = 1, r = 2.
  6. Let C and D be regular expressions over some alphabet ∑. Show that the equation R = C + RD is satisfied for an RE R = CD*. Draw a state diagram of a skeleton FSM showing this relationship.
  7. Let ∑= {0, 1} be the alphabet. Develop an FSM M1 recognizing the language L1 = {x ∈ ∑* |x begins with 00 or 11}. Also develop another FSM M2 recognizing the language L2 = {x ∈ ∑* | x ends with 00 or 11}. Could M1 and M2 be created out of an FSM accepting the language {00, 11}? If yes, show how it can be done, if No, then prove it.
  8. In some programming languages, identifiers may have embedded underscore ‘_’ characters. However the first character may not be an underscore, nor may two underscores appear in succession. Write a regular expression that specifies such identifiers.
  9. Write a regular expression that generates the Roman representation of integers from 1 to 99.
  10. Write a regular expression to represent a book – with front and back covers, contents, chapters and an index. Each chapter has a section with exercises at end. There has to be at least one chapter in a book.
  11. Give a recursive definition of a language L ⊆{a, b}* and ∀xL, x has number of ‘a’ exactly double the number of ‘b’.
  12. Develop a PDA for accepting the language generated by the grammar:
    E –> E ‒ T | T
    T –> T / F | F
    F –> [ E ] | i
    and demonstrate the acceptance of string ii /i.
  13. Develop an equivalent grammar without useless NTs for the grammar:
    S –> ABC | BaB
    A –> aA | BaC | aaa
    B –> bBb | a
    C –> CA  | AC
  14. Develop a grammar in as much details as you can to represent the fprintf(fp, “format”, var-list) function call. Note that the number of format specifiers and number of variables in var-list must match.
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