Table A.7 Simple meanings of some common terms

Term Equivalent term/s Used for
Alphabet Vocabulary A finite set of symbols
Argument An input to a function
Binary relation A relation whose domain is a set of pairs of things
Boolean operation An operation on Boolean values
Boolean value TRUE and FALSE, or 1 and 0
Cartesian product Of sets A, B is a set consisting of all possible pairs formed by an element from each of the sets A and B
Complement Of a set A is a set consisting of all elements not present in A, with respect to some universal set U
Concatenation Sticking together two strings; if operating on two sets, then result is a set obtained by sticking all pairs of strings
Conjunction Boolean AND operation
Connected graph Has paths for each pairs of nodes
Cycle A path through a graph which starts and ends on the same Node
Directed graph Paths have a specified direction
Disjunction Boolean OR operation
Domain A set of possible inputs to a function
Edge Connecting line, arc A line in a graph
Element Object A member of a set
Empty set Φ A set having no member
Empty string λ A zero-length string
Equivalence relation A binary relation which is Reflexive, Symmetric and Transitive
Function An operation that maps inputs to outputs
Graph A set of points and lines connecting some of the pairs of points
Intersection Of two sets A, B is a set which have all the elements common between A and B
k-tuple A list of k objects
Language A set of strings
Node Vertex A point in a graph
Pair 2-tuple A list of two objects
Path A sequence of nodes in a graph connected by edges
Predicate A function whose range is {TRUE, FALSE}
Range A set of all possible values of output of a function
Relation A predicate, whose domain is usually a set of k-tuples
Sequence List A series of objects, the order is significant
Set Class, collection A group of objects
Simple path A path without repetition of any nodes
String A finite list of symbols from some alphabet
Tree A graph without cycles
Union Of sets is combination of all the elements, without duplicates, into one set
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