Enabling Game Center on the Provisioning Portal

To run or test Game Center code in your app, you have to create a custom App ID on Apple's Provisioning Portal and use it to build your app.

Getting on with it

First, you will need to log into your Apple Developer account on the iOS Dev Center at https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action.

Create the App ID

Once you're logged in, the iOS Dev Center main page should appear.

  1. From the main page of the iOS Dev Center, open the Provisioning Portal:
    Create the App ID
  2. Once on the Provisioning Portal, select the Identifiers link from the iOS Apps section and click on the Identifiers header again in the resulting screen to expand it:
    Create the App ID
  3. Once the header is expanded, click on the App IDs link and click on the button in the upper-right corner with the plus + icon to register a new App ID:
    Create the App ID
  4. In the screen that pops up, first enter a descriptive name for your App ID, usually the name of your app:
    Create the App ID
  5. Next, scroll down and enter a bundle ID, a reverse-domain-name format identifier specific to your organization, school, or studio:
    Create the App ID
  6. After you click on Submit, you can see that your App ID is enabled for Game Center:
    Create the App ID

What did we do?

We created a tag that will allow Game Center to correctly associate our requests with the right set of leaderboards and achievements, once we create that set.

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