About the Author

Martin Cohen is a well-established author specialising in popular books in philosophy, social science and politics. He is best known for his two introductions to philosophy, 101 Philosophy Problems and 101 Ethical Dilemmas. The books are used precisely to stimulate CT skills — in the case of the 101 Ethical Dilemmas the book is seen as part of decision-making skills too. They are both texts directly relevant to this book, as they encourage and show their readers how to argue and how to dig down to the structure of issues.

He also published a popular overview of Political Philosophy, a radical survey of the world structured as a travel guide, No Holiday: 80 Places You Don't Want to Visit, and an ‘anti-history’ of great philosophers, called Philosophical Tales. Martin has also co-founded a wiki-site, www.philosophical-investigations.org, and has contributed to top-ranked internet sites such as the economics blog at The Guardian, and environmental ones at the Daily Telegraph to mention just a few of the more prominent ones.

His most recent projects include the UK edition of Philosophy for Dummies and Mind Games: 31 days to rediscover your Brain, which was a featured book on the national arts program of France Culture, where its emphasis on the social context of individual thought was appreciated.

There are only a few UK academics in philosophy who actively promote these kinds of transferable CT skills (most of them are narrow specialists), but Martin is one of them, researcher for a UK national report into how to use philosophy to turn students of all brands and types into Critical Thinkers ready for a wide range of jobs.


‘To Wod, without whom this book, and much else, would not have been possible'

Author’s Acknowledgments

I'd like to thank the team at Wiley for all their support. Taking any book through production is always a challenging process and I really appreciate their help. I'd also like to offer a special thank you to Dr Zenon Stavrinides for his painstaking and informative technical review.

Publisher's Acknowledgments

Acquisitions Editor: Drew Kennerley/Miles Kendall

Project Editor: Simon Bell

Developer: Andy Finch

Copy Editor: Kate O'Leary

Proofreader: James Harrison

Technical Reviewer: Dr Zenon Stavrinides

Project Coordinator: Kumar Chellappan

Cover Image: © iStock.com/VLADGRIN

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