Stacks and Queues
An introduction to the concept of a stack and to at least two ways in which
a stack can be implemented, including the Stack structure in the JCF
An introduction to the concept of a queue and to at least two ways in which
a queue can be implemented, including the Queue structure in the JCF
An introduction to the use of a stack for processing such things as HTML
or XML data that use explicit open–close tags for labeling data
An introduction to the utility of the stack structure for implementing some-
thing like reverse Polish notation, in which the stack itself replaces explicit
tags like HTML or XML or arithmetic operations and parentheses
An introduction to the use of a queue for representing first-in-first-out pro-
cessing structures that resemble checkout lines
An introduction to the heap and the priority queue as mechanisms for main-
taining a dynamic “next most important” data structure without requiring
complete sorting of the data
Key Terms
binary tree
child node
complete binary tree
incomplete binary tree
priority queue
push-down stack
reverse Polish notation
total order
The basic notion of a linked list uses the idea of a data item together with a link to
“the next item.” Two very useful data structures that are built on similar concepts
are the stack and the queue. In both cases, although we could use an array or an
ArrayList to implement the data structure, we will insist that the insertion and
retrieval of data follow the “next item” protocol of a linked list rather than the
random access by subscript of an array or ArrayList. At the end of this chapter,
though, we will go back to the notion of an ArrayList-based structure to implement
a priority queue.
It is important to think for a moment about the layers of concept and of imple-
mentation. In Chapter 4 we described a linked list data structure. We showed that
the concept of a linked list, in and of itself, is a useful concept for a data structure,
but we also showed how to implement a linked list using instances of nodes with
the DLL class. In Chapter 3 we described the concept of a flat file, implemented it
using an ArrayList, and mentioned that we could instead have used an array for
the implementation.
Likewise in this and subsequent chapters, you should be careful to separate the
concept of a given data structure from the means by which it is implemented. In the
ancient days of computing, using programming languages whose most sophisticated
inherent structure was an array of numbers, all data structure concepts had to be
implemented as clever uses of arrays. Although this can in principle still be done, you
should realize that this kind of programming can be error prone and tedious because
the programmer’s time is spent in details of subscripting, not in dealing with the
bigger picture. Indeed, many of the features of modern programming languages,
and much of the purpose of packages like the JCF, are specifically to eliminate
dealing repeatedly with messy details, usually subscripting details, that are easy to
think about but also easy to get wrong.
7.1 Stacks
A stack, sometimes also called a push-down stack, is a last-in-first-out (LIFO) data
structure. Many napkin dispensers in restaurants or tray dispensers in cafeterias
work as stacks. Napkins or trays are pushed into a spring-loaded dispenser through
the same slot from which they are extracted. A Pez candy dispenser
functions in
The standard stack data structure is characterized by its two required methods,
push and pop, and its one instance variable that is an attribute of the data structure,
These were popular in the 1950s, then disappeared, and are now once again available.
7.1 Stacks 153
a pointer called top.Thepush operation simply adds another item before the
location pointed to by top, just like putting a tray at the top of the dispenser,
and then adjusts the value of top so it now points to the new top item. The pop
operation is the reverse; one removes the item pointed to by top and adjusts the
variable to point to the new top item.
It is almost trivial, once one has written the code for a linked list, to implement
the concept of a stack using that linked list, viewing the stack data structure as
a linked list with the additional restriction that the additions and deletions are
permitted only at the head node. This is done as follows.
We already have an instance variable that “is” the top, but we called it head
in the case of a linked list. The push operation is exactly the same as the linked
list’s addAtHead method we previously implemented, so we need do no more than
create a wrapper method called push that is a pass-through to addAtHead.The
only slightly new method is pop, which we implement as a new method. We could
have done this already as a linked list method and called it deleteAtHead, but
we didn’t need a method at that time that specifically deleted from a predefined
location (namely, the head). We need that method now, and we will call it pop.
There are two auxiliary methods that we probably also ought to implement
because we are virtually certain to find them convenient if we are going to write
significant useful code using a stack. We should implement an isEmpty method
that will tell us (surprise, surprise) if the stack is empty. This could be either a
standalone method or a pass-through to an already-implemented isEmpty for the
linked list. The other method is a peek at the top entry of the stack. The peek
method would return the data item at the top of the stack but would not actually
delete it. We don’t actually have to have this. However, if our computation requires
us first to look at the top data item and then maybe but not always pop it off and
consume it, then not having a peek means that we have the extra hassle of popping
the item, finding that we don’t want to consume that data, and putting it back.
We can avoid the put-back step by implementing peek.
The UML diagram for a Stack might look as simple as Figure 7.1.
FIGURE 7.1 A UML diagram for a Stack class.
public boolean isEmpty()
return 'isEmpty' of the underlying linked list
public Record peek()
return null;
Record rec = the 'head' record of the underlying linked list
return rec;
public Record pop(Record)
throw new StackPopException("tried to pop an empty stack");
Record rec = the 'head' record of the underlying linked list
unlink the head record
return rec;
// CAVEAT: Note that we always assume we have enough memory to
// add to the underlying linked list. Runaway programs
// will crash ungracefully.
public void push(Record)
FIGURE 7.2 Code stubs for a Stack class.
Stubs of code for the necessary methods with the Record class as the data
payload would then look something like Figure 7.2, and with this as the conceptual
framework, Figure 7.3 shows a stack in operation.
7.1.1 Exception Handling
Just as with linked lists, we need to deal properly with the exceptions that can occur
with the methods in Figure 7.1. The isEmpty cannot generate an exception because
7.1 Stacks 155
Incoming data: 5, 2, 3, 4
Actions to be performed: push, push, pop, push
Step 1: An empty stack
top = null
Step 4: pop returns 2, and then we have
Step 2: push(5), and then we have
Step 5: push(3), and then we have
Step 3: push(2), and then we have
Step 6: push(4), and then we have
FIGURE 7.3 Inserting elements into a stack.
it returns an isEmpty from the underlying linked list. Although in a truly sophisti-
cated implementation one ought to check that sufficient memory exists to execute a
push, we generally will not assume that we are running out of memory in this text.
The peek and the push, however, could cause problems. If we try to execute a
peek on an empty list, we probably ought to return a null value and then require
the user to check for that.
Most complicated is the pop; unlike a peek issued in error, which can be writ-
ten just to return null data, the pop method is supposed to change the underlying
data structure as well as return a data value. To ensure that we crash the pro-
gram appropriately, we will issue an exception if we try to pop a stack that is
already empty.
There are two schools of thought regarding exceptions like trying to pop from an
already-empty stack. Viewing software as existing in hierarchical layers, the heart of
the religious issue here is the question of which layer will handle the exceptional case.
What we have provided code for in Figure 7.2 is a data structure that generates an
exception if an erroneous stack pop is issued. This will force programs to be written
so as to execute correctly under all circumstances, and a program that issued a pop
should never do so without first testing isEmpty to ensure that the pop won’t crash
the program. The test of isEmpty is a natural test in the layer of software that uses
the stack data structure, and the exception is dealt with in the next layer down
that implements the stack.
As an alternative, the layer that implements the stack could simply return a null
value from an erroneous pop and require the programmer using the stack structure
to check for nonnull data every time the pop is issued. If such a mechanism were
used, the test for a valid pop would come after the method call to pop and would
use a test for null instead of coming before the method call to pop and using a call
to isEmpty. The test would be whether or not valid data had been returned. This
would be advantangeous in one sense, in that the stack data structure was robust
under erroneous use, but it can also be considered a dangerous practice. After all,
why does the isEmpty method exist except to test for the presence of data in the
stack? From a philosophical viewpoint, the call to isEmpty is a natural call regarding
the state of the idealized version of a stack. The test for null, on the other hand,
represents a test that involves the implementation characteristics of the stack.
Regardless of which religious tenets are adhered to, they should be adhered to; in
a given program, one of the two versions should be used consistently and exclusively.
Mistakes often happen when one does a mix and match of such styles, or when one
person uses one version and a second person uses the other and they either don’t
communicate properly with each other or one has to rework the other’s code.
7.1.2 Stacks Using Nodes
A stack implemented using a linked list with nodes needs no further code to be
developed except for the new push and pop methods. The push canbedonesim-
ply as a method with a one-line body that wraps and thus renames the earlier
addAtHead method. The pop requires a slight bit of new code; our remove methods
for the linked list passed in the data payload to be searched for in a node and whose
node was to be removed. In the case of the pop, we are specifying that the node
(or rather, the data payload) first in position in the stack be removed, so there is
no contextual search through the data structure.
For completeness, we must also include the isEmpty method and a peek method
that returns the data at the top of the stack without actually popping the stack.
Done in this way, the linked list is more general than the stack because additions
to and deletions from a linked list can nominally be made anywhere in the list, but
the stack in contrast only permits changes at the top of a stack.
We emphasize yet again, because it is a very important point, that the concept of
the stack should be separated from the implementation of the stack. As a concept,
7.1 Stacks 157
the stack exists as defined, say, in the UML diagram in Figure 7.1, and a user
of the stack should be allowed to be blissfully ignorant of what lies beneath. The
implementation of a stack is what we take up next.
7.1.3 Stacks Using Arrays
Implementing a stack using an array is straightforward, and indeed was the only
method for implementing stacks using antique programming languages. There is
the usual complication, in Java and in other languages, that an array must be
preallocated with a fixed number of locations, so one does run the risk of overfilling
the stack unless error-checking code is written.
More significantly, and contrary to what might seem the initial way in which a
stack ought to be implemented, when using an array (or an ArrayList)onewants
the top variable to point to the last array location that has been filled with data,
not to the zeroth location. If one treats the zeroth location as the bottom of the
stack, then no data needs to be moved when items are popped off. If one has a
stack with subscripts 0 through 15 already used and top is 15, then one merely
increments top to 16 and pushes the item onto the stack by storing it in location
16. When this item is popped o the stack, the entry at location 16 is accessed and
top is decremented back to 15. It isn’t even necessary to get rid of the data in the
location that is now one beyond top. Done the other way around, with top always
pointing to location 0 in what might seem as the more natural way, then all data
would have to be moved with every push and pop because all the rest of the data
would have to be shifted down and back.
The same logic applies if one is using an ArrayList insteadofanarray.The
code for the push method might well look as simple as the following, assuming
that instance variables were properly declared in the class. This code checks for
an out-of-space condition; if one were using an ArrayList, this checking would be
done by the code at the next level down that implemented the ArrayList,andthe
programmer would not have to check this.
public void push(int newElement)
if(top >= array.length)
throw an exception because we have no more space
array[top] = newElement;
A stack implemented with an array is shown in Figure 7.4.
Step 1: Empty stack
top = *
subscript 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
data * * * * * * * * * *
Step 2: push(5), and then we have
top = 0
subscript 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
data 5 * * * * * * * * *
Step 3: push(2), and then we have
top = 1
subscript 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
data 5 2 * * * * * * * *
Step 4: pop returns 2, and then we have
top = 0
subscript 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
data 5 2 * * * * * * * *
Step 5: push(3), and then we have
top = 1
subscript 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
data 5 3 * * * * * * * *
Step 6: push(4), and then we have
top = 2
subscript 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
data 5 3 4 * * * * * * *
FIGURE 7.4 A stack implemented with an array.
7.1.4 Reverse Polish Arithmetic
One of the by-now classic uses for a stack is in the implementation of what is
called reverse Polish notation (RPN) for evaluating algebraic expressions.
the standard notation for an expression, perhaps
(2 ×
((5 +
7) ×
It is incumbent on anyone who writes a general-purpose book that uses this expression to
point out that this has nothing to do with ethnic jokes. In fact, just the opposite is true; this
notation is a tribute to the Polish mathematician Jan Lukasiewicz who pioneered the use of this
7.1 Stacks 159
that uses nested parentheses to group subexpressions, one can write the equivalent
expression in RPN without needing parentheses. (We have labeled the operators
with subscripts so we can distinguish, for example, the first plus sign subscripted a
from the second plus sign subscripted d.) The preceding expression would become
423 ×
57 +
8 ×
This expression can be processed in the following way. We read the RPN expres-
sion left to right. If we have an operand, we push the operand onto the stack. If
we have an operation, then (in our simplified version) we know we have a binary
operation; we apply that operation to the first two operands popped off the stack
and we push the result back onto the stack.
For our example, the processing is as follows.
1. Read the 4. Since it is an operand, we push it onto the stack, which now holds
top 4, NULL.
2. Read the 2. Since it is an operand, we push it onto the stack, which now holds
top 2, 4, NULL.
3. Read the 3, and since it is an operand, push it onto the stack, which now holds
top 3, 2, 4, NULL.
4. Read the ×
. Since this is an operation, we pop two operands (3 and 2, in that
order) off the stack, perform the multiplication to produce the product 6, and
push the result onto the stack, which now holds
top 6, 4, NULL.
5. Read the +
. Since this is an operation, we pop two operands (6 and 4, in that
order) off the stack, perform the addition to produce the sum 10, and push the
result onto the stack, which now holds
top 10 NULL.
6. Read the operand 5 and push it onto the stack, which now holds
top 5, 10, NULL.
7. Read the operand 7 and push it onto the stack, which now holds
top 7, 5, 10, NULL.
8. Read the operation +
, pop two operands (7 and 5) off the stack, perform the
addition, and push the result 12 onto the stack, which now holds
top 12, 10 NULL.
9. Read the operand 8 and push it onto the stack, which now holds
top 8, 12, 10, NULL.
10. Read the operation ×
, pop two operands (8 and 12) off the stack, perform the
multiplication, and push the result 96 onto the stack, which now holds
top 96, 10 NULL.
11. Read the operation
, pop two operands (96 and 10) off the stack, perform
the subtraction (and in this case we make sure to do the operation in the right
order because subtraction is not commutative), and push the result 86 onto
the stack, which now holds
top →−86 NULL.
The utility of RPN lies in the ability (which we have not shown completely) for
expressions to be written unambiguously without parentheses, and for all arithmetic
operations to be computable using a stack and operating on the two most recently
pushed operands. With RPN, all references are to data that is only a constant dis-
tance away from here,” unlike with ordinary arithmetic expressions, in which one
might have to parse a string of unknown length in order to find a closing parenthesis.
7.2 HTML/XML and Stacks
The use of a stack for handling RPN arithmetic is in essence an implied insertion
of opening and closing parentheses to make well-formed algebraic expressions.
A very similar but more modern use for a stack would be to parse XML
(eXtensible Markup Language) or similar input and to verify that the XML expres-
sions are well formed. This has become an important part of handling documents
on the Web and elsewhere because the use of XML has standardized the form in
which documents are to be electronically stored.
An XML document might look like the text in Figure 7.5. An opening XML
token in this simplified version consists of a single tag within angle brackets and
has no spaces. A closing token has the same structure except that the character
immediately following the opening angle bracket is a forward slash. (Those who have
looked at real XML or HTML will note that other things are legal inside the angle
7.2 HTML/XML and Stacks 161
<title> Data Structures Using Java </title>
<forename> Duncan </forename>
<surname> Buell </surname>
<forename> Charles </forename>
<surname> Dickens </surname>
A sample XML-like document.
brackets as modifiers to the initial tag. The attributes add complexity to the parsing
of tags but don’t really affect the idea of using a stack for this kind of processing,
so we will concentrate only on the tag and ignore the possibility of attributes.)
To be valid under modern rules it is necessary that such a document have prop-
erly nested opening and closing tags, just exactly as one would nest parentheses in
an algebraic expression. Thus, the opening <book> tag must eventually be closed
with a </book> tag, and the two <author> </author> tags enclose author infor-
mation for two authors inside the <bookinfo> </bookinfo> open–close structure.
In general, to test that an XML expression is well formed is to test that at any
given level of nesting, all tags that open a context at that level are closed at that
level before the level itself is closed. For example, the display in Figure 7.6 is well
formed, because name, number,andoffice are opened and then closed inside the
phonebook level before another opening tag is encountered.
John Smith
A well-formed XML document.
John Smith
A badly formed XML document.
However, the display in Figure 7.7 is not well formed because number is opened
inside the name level but not closed until after the name level has been closed.
Although indentation is cosmetic for XML and not functional (white space is
ignored), we have indented for readability, and one can easily see the nesting prob-
lem in the irregularity of the levels of indentation.
XML is in fact both more restrictive and less restrictive than are standard arith-
metic expressions. One can write, as we did earlier,
(2 ×
((5 +
7) ×
using the same open and close parentheses symbols for grouping all expressions. This
can lead to expressions that are syntactically correct but don’t parse as intended
if, for example, the writer has confused multiple nestings of “(” and “)”. For this
reason, we might see the preceding expression written as
(2 ×
([5 +
7] ×
which is easier for humans to read. XML is less restrictive than algebraic expressions
in the sense that the writer can invent whatever <thisTag> </thisTag> pairs are
desired, rather than using only the customary parentheses, brackets, and braces:
“(),” “[ ],” and {}.” On the other hand, by requiring the open–close nesting to
be well defined with the unique open–close tags, XML is more restrictive than
the conventions of algebra, which usually only counts the number of opening and
closing parentheses. If you write an expression using only the standard parenthe-
ses, the rules of algebra say that a closing parenthesis closes whatever was most
recently opened. One does not need a stack, then, to determine that an expression
is well formed. A counter will do just fine. One increments the counter for an open
parenthesis and decrements for a closing parenthesis, and need only check that the
counter never goes below zero (which would indicate a close without a correspond-
ing open) and that it does drop to zero at the end of the expression (indicating
that the numbers of opening and closing parentheses are equal).
7.2 HTML/XML and Stacks 163
Just as with algebraic expressions, we can use a stack to handle the parsing
of XML and to verify that the nesting of tags is correct. When we encounter an
opening tag (that is, one with no slash), we push the tag onto the stack. When
we encounter data with no angle brackets (and here we need to appeal to the fact
that we are dealing with a simplified version of XML because in a real application
there would have to be some sort of protocol for handling data that began with an
open angle bracket), we also push that data onto the stack. When we encounter
a closing tag, however (defined as beginning with </” and with the appropriate
protocol for trying to deal with data that might have these characters), we begin
to pop the stack, treating all entries that are popped as data. If the first popped
entry that is not data is a closing tag that matches up with an opening tag just
popped, the XML is properly nested. If we encounter some other nondata tag first
or if we never encounter the closing tag, then we have a case of improperly nested
tags and invalid XML.
The processing of the XML in Figure 7.6 might go as follows.
1. Begin with an empty stack with the top at the top. We will be storing
(type, contents) pairs and will load an initial (NULL, NULL) pair, so our stack
begins as
2. Read the first line and push onto the stack a (type, contents)pairthatinthis
case is (tag, phonebook). The stack is now
(tag, phonebook)
3. Read the next line and push onto the stack a pair (tag, name). The stack is now
(tag, name)
(tag, phonebook)
4. Read the next line and push onto the stack a pair (data, John Smith). The
stack is now
(data, John Smith)
(tag, name)
(tag, phonebook)
5. Read the next line. Because this is a closing tag, we pop the stack and acquire
the pair (data, John Smith). Because this is data, we consume the data and
continue, which means that we pop the stack and acquire the pair (tag, name).
This is the first nondata item we have popped, so we compare the contents
name against the closing tag contents that we read. This is also name,sothe
two match and we continue. The stack is now
(tag, phonebook)
6. We repeat steps 2 through 5 for the three lines of number and then for the three
lines of office.
7. We read the closing tag </phonebook>. We pop the stack to get a tag with
contents phonebook that matches the contents we just read. At this point we
are out of both data and entries on the stack, so the XML expression is well
Compare this with the processing of the XML in Figure 7.7 that might go as
1. Read the first line and push onto the stack a (type, contents)pairthatinthis
case is (tag, phonebook). The stack is now
(tag, phonebook)
2. Read the next line and push onto the stack a pair (tag, name). The stack is now
(tag, name)
(tag, phonebook)
3. Read the next line and push onto the stack a pair (data, John Smith). The
stack is now
(data, John Smith)
(tag, name)
(tag, phonebook)
4. Read the next line, which is <number>, and the following line, which is
<555.1212>, and push them onto the stack. The stack is now
(data, 555.1212)
(tag, number)
(data, John Smith)
(tag, name)
(tag, phonebook)
5. Read the next line, which is </name>. Since this is a closing tag, we pop the
stack and acquire the pair (data, 555.1212). Since this is data, we consume the
7.3 Queues 165
data and continue, which means that we pop the stack and acquire the pair
(tag, number). This is the first nondata item we have popped, so we compare
the contents number against the closing tag contents that we read. This is now
comparing number against name, so we do not have a match. We know that the
XML is not well formed, so we bail out with an appropriate exception message
to the user.
The use of XML has become ubiquitous, so it is worthwhile for the reader to think
about this example and to search the Web for further information. Common usage is
for data to be stored as tagged XML, like the bibliographic data entry in Figure 7.5,
with meaningful tag names. To make use of this data, the tagged XML data file
is paired with a Document Type Definition (DTD) that “explains” which tags are
legal and how to make use of them. There are many open-source and commercial
packages that will read the data files and the corresponding DTD in order, for
example, to present the data in a browser with formatting (type font and size, italics
for book titles, etc.). For many years the standard example in a text for the use of
a stack was reverse Polish notation, which was interesting but somewhat abstract.
XML, in contrast, is very real throughout the computing industry, and versions
or extensions of XML are found in many disciplines. Geographic information is
encoded, for example, in KML, and a version of XML has been developed for text
as part of the Text Encoding Initiative.
7.3 Queues
The stack is a LIFO data structure, with entries added and removed at one end of
the stack. In contrast, a queue is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) structure that is similar
to the way in which orders are managed in a fast-food restaurant or the way that
normal checkout lines are managed in a retail store. Entries are added only at one
end, called the tail, and are deleted only at the other end, called the head.
7.3.1 Queues Using Nodes
The simplest implementation (at least the conceptually simplest) of a queue is with
a linked list in which data items are added to the structure only at the tail and
removed from the list only at the head. Earlier in this chapter, we converted a linked
list into a stack by wrapping the addAtHead method with code to create a push
method, writing a specific method to unlink at the head and thus to serve as the
pop, and adding (if they were not already there) the isEmpty and peek methods
to simplify later programming tasks using the stack. Implementing a queue with a
linked list underneath is an equally straightforward process, and the UML diagram
for a Queue class could be as simple as that shown in Figure 7.8.
FIGURE 7.8 The UML diagram for a Queue class.
Again, we encourage the reader to separate the traditional concept of a queue
data structure from the implementation of a queue data structure. The concept of
a queue is simple:
Data items are added only at the tail.
Data items are removed only at the head.
The user is entitled to peek at the data item before removing it.
A function exists to tell the user if there is nothing in the queue.
The UML diagram shows the queue as a concept. In implementation, we see that
we can reuse code that has already been written, and nothing except a little wrapper
code to rename methods is necessary. The head and the tail variables are identical
to the variables of the same name in the underlying DLL class. Similar to the push
for a stack, the enqueue method is just a wrapper that renames the method and
passes through to what could be an addBeforeTail method. The dequeue can be
code identical (again, except for wrapping a method to rename it) to the pop code
of a stack and that is a specific version of an existing unlink method. The isEmpty
and peek helper methods are the same as for the stack. If we treat an underlying
linked list as the code that actually handles the data, the implementation for a
queue is just another light layer of code that sits above the linked list.
As with linked lists in general and with stacks, in the case of a queue implemented
using freestanding nodes, the issue of allocated space does not arise. We must check
that we do not dequeue more nodes than we have enqueued (and we check this by
calling isEmpty), but we can enqueue nodes essentially without worrying about
space. If a program is overwhelmed by adding entries to a queue, then there will
come a time when we run out of space and the system throws an out of space
error, but this is a different kind of error. It would likely be caused in “finished”
code by doing a supercomputer-sized application on a desktop or in the process of
a programmer’s testing because of a runaway loop. Or, perhaps, if one is using a
queue to service Internet packet requests, then a denial-of-service attack will flood
7.3 Queues 167
the server with packets and perhaps overload the available memory as the attacker
probably intended. More “routine” use of memory for a queue, however, is unlikely
to crash the system.
7.3.2 Queues Using Arrays
A conceptual example of a queue in operation, using a linked list as the underlying
structure, is shown in Figure 7.9.
Another conceptual view of a queue is as an array of potentially infinite length
in one direction. Entries are added at the “right,” and are removed from the “left,”
with the space between the head and tail pointers being the active window of the
queue. A queue viewed as an array of infinite length, whose window of actively used
Incoming data: 5, 2, 3, 4
Actions to be performed: enqueue, enqueue, dequeue, enqueue, enqueue
Step 1: An empty queue
head = null tail = null
Step 2: enqueue(5), and then we have
Step 3: enqueue(2), and then we have
Step 4: dequeue returns 5, and then we have
Step 5: enqueue(3), and then we have
Step 6: enqueue(4), and then we have
FIGURE 7.9 A queue in operation.
Incoming data: 5, 2, 3, 4
Actions to be performed: enqueue, enqueue, dequeue, enqueue, enqueue
Step 1: An empty queue
head = null tail = null
Step 2: enqueue(5), and then we have
head tail
Step 3: enqueue(2), and then we have
head tail
Step 4: dequeue returns 5, and then we have
5 2
head tail
Step 5: enqueue(3), and then we have
5 23
head tail
Step 6: enqueue(4), and then we have
5 234
head tail
FIGURE 7.10 A queue viewed as an array of infinite length.
locations shifts to the right, is shown in Figure 7.10. The in-use portion of the array
simply moves off infinitely to the right as execution progresses.
Since objects of infinite size cannot be implemented in any computer, queues
implemented using arrays have often used circular arrays that resemble the order
ticket carousels in a restaurant. We preallocate an array of some fixed size, larger
7.3 Queues 169
than we ever expect to need, and with head and tail pointers initially assigned as
they would be if the array were of infinite length. Items are added to the queue at
the tail, which “walks” around the circle, and are taken from the queue at the head.
Since an array in a computer cannot actually be set up as a circle, we must
implement code to create the illusion of circularly organized space. Instead of using
just the naive incrementing of the top pointer,
top = top + 1;
we make the subscripts wrap around using code similar to
top = (top + 1) % array.length;
As with any queue implementation, we must check that we do not remove any more
elements than are in the queue (that is, that the head pointer does not walk beyond
the tail pointer) and that we do not exceed the allocated space (that is, that the
tail pointer does not walk beyond the head pointer).
A queue implemented as a circular array is shown in Figure 7.11. Except for the
fact that we must test the size to ensure we have not run out of memory, and the
5 “deleted”
not yet used
head and tail move counterclockwise
FIGURE 7.11 A queue implemented as a circular array.
fact that our increment of head and tail subscripts works modulo array.length,
this is really just the same thing as the (impossible) implementation that would
use an infinite array.
7.4 The JCF Classes
7.4.1 The JCF Stack
We discussed in Chapter 5 the Java Collections Framework class LinkedList.Many
of the data structures we discuss in this text are implemented in the JCF, and Stack
and Queue are among them. It is worth looking at the differences between the JCF
version of a stack and that shown in Figure 7.1. The JCF class has methods empty,
peek, pop, push,andsearch.
The JCF empty method differs from our isEmpty only in the name. There is one
school of thought in computing that argues that all boolean functions should begin
with “is” to emphasize that their purpose is to answer a question. We have followed
this style in this text, so reading a code fragment using our isEmpty method might
look like the programmer is asking a question and the code resembles standard
English, as shown in Figure 7.12. Although there may be no reason to believe that
a casual reader would misunderstand the purpose of a method named empty,with
the method name read as a verb and the purpose of the method being to empty
the queue, we will stick with the “isX” convention for naming boolean methods like
this one. All too often code is written that looks like that shown in Figure 7.13 and
the myQ.empty() method was indeed a method that actually emptied a queue and
returned a boolean value to say that the queue had been emptied. This kind of
ambiguity should be avoided.
The peek, pop,andpush methods have the same purpose as our methods of
the same names. For completeness, we mention finally the search method, which
returns the 1-based position of the object on the stack. This no doubt derives from
the implementation heritage of the Java Stack as a subclass of Vector,anearly
version of ArrayList.
Code that reads like English.
7.4 The JCF Classes 171
Code that could be ambiguous when read.
The primary difference between the JCF Stack and the stack as we have imple-
mented it is that our methods explicitly refer to a stack of nodes, which we know con-
tain data payloads. When our pop method executes, it returns a node, and we must
issue yet one more method in order to return the data payload inside that node.
In contrast, the JCF versions of the structures are implemented with gener-
ics and iterators; the JCF Stack is constructed with a generic E item where we
have used our DLLNode node. One could, of course, build a JCF-based stack by
Stack<DLLNode>, and that would provide a structure that the programmer would
view very much like that we have outlined with Figure 7.1. By building a JCF-based
stack with Stack<Record>, the JCF is providing yet another layer of insulation
between the concept of a stack and the implementation of a stack. The program-
mer sees a stack of data items, not a stack of nodes that each contain a data item.
We discussed this earlier in Section 5.3.
On the other hand, if one wanted to implement a Stack<DLLNode> structure,
the JCF stack would also work just fine, since it is implemented using generics and
DLLNode is just as good an object as is Record. There are times when more than
one access method is needed, so one can envision a situation in which nodes are
pushed onto the stack but the nodes also permit some sort of “sideways” pointer to
other nodes. (This kind of structure—a primary data structure with shortcuts or
other pointers added that are not usually included in the primary structure—will
show up later when we discuss trees.)
7.4.2 The JCF Queue
The JCF LinkedList and Stack classes are easily recognizable as the same struc-
tures we have described in detail. What is likely harder for the inexperienced student
to understand is the nature of the JCF Queue.
First off, we notice that Queue, per se, is not a class like LinkedList and Stack
but instead is a Java interface. Unlike LinkedList and Stack, then, this requires
a user-written class that implements Queue by including the methods required by
Queue. These are at least moderately familiar, although they are different from what
we have presented in Figure 7.8. Some of the reasons will be discussed momentarily;
in brief, since the JCF Queue is not a finished product and a class by itself, but
an interface intended to permit more general use of queue-like structures, there are
more options required of the code that implements Queue.
Our class had methods dequeue, enqueue, isEmpty,andpeek.TheQueue inter-
face requires that the programmer implement add, element, offer, peek, poll,and
remove. All these methods have generic parameters similar to those of the Stack
class. Since the parameters are defined by generics, it could be possible to pass a
parameter of an invalid type or to pass a NULL parameter to a queue in which NULL
wasnotavalidentry.AlltheQueue methods should throw exceptions for these
kinds of actions.
In all instances, it is understood that the underlying structure that is imple-
menting the Queue interface might be of fixed size (like a preallocated array), and
thus all the Queue methods permit throwing exceptions or returning false if one
is trying to add to an underlying structure that is already full.
The isEmpty method for Queue is present because it is inherited from the
java.util.Collection interface. (Note that this method is named isEmpty and
not just empty.)
Instead of an enqueue method, the Queue interface has two methods for adding
data to the queue: add and offer. Both return a boolean. The difference between
the two is that add returns true if the element can be added without overflow-
ing the underlying storage but must throw an exception if the storage structure
is already full. The offer method, in contrast, is preferred because although
it will return true if the element is added to the queue, it will return false
rather than throwing an exception if the element cannot be added due to capacity
Instead of our dequeue method, the Queue interface has methods poll and
remove. Both methods remove the element at the head of the queue and return the
element. The poll and remove methods function analogously to
add and offer
in that poll returns null if the queue is empty, but the remove method simply
throws an exception when the queue is empty.
Finally, instead of our single peek method, the Queue interface has methods
element and peek that function in an analogous way to poll and remove.Both
return the head element without deleting it if there is a valid head element; if the
queue is empty and there is no element to return, peek returns null and element
throws an exception.
Thus, add, remove,andelement will throw exceptions if the storage limit is
exceeded or the queue is empty, while offer, poll,andpeek return either a
boolean or null.
Another difference between using the interface and using the class is that type
checking is done differently. When the Stack class is used in a program, an instance
7.4 The JCF Classes 173
of a Stack is created with a line of code like Stack<Record> myStack,andall
references to the myStack variable or to the Stack methods must conform to the
requirement for parameters and returned values to be of type Record. This is some-
thing the compiler can check. There are no issues with space because the Stack
class is assumed to take care of such things.
In contrast, the programmer must implement the Queue interface using some
underlying data structure for storage. Since the interface is silent on the underlying
storage structure, the programmer must be prepared to include code that checks
for size constraints.
7.4.3 Stacks, Queues, and Deques
Perhaps the major difference between the JCF Stack class and the Queue interface is
that the Stack is old, by Java standards, and adheres to traditional notions of what
a stack ought to be, while the JCF Queue interface is actually much more general
than what we have described as a queue in Section 7.3. The Java documentation
describes a queue as “a collection designed for holding elements prior to processing”
that typically but not necessarily orders elements in a FIFO fashion. The closest
implemented JCF class to the traditional queue that we have described is the Java
ArrayDeque class.
A deque, pronounced “deck,” is a “double-ended queue,” a list structure in which
insertions and deletions can be made at either end but only at the ends. The JCF
ArrayDeque class implements both the Queue interface and the Deque subinterface
of Queue. As a JCF class, it subsumes LinkedList and Stack as well as provides a
class that can be used as a queue. The penalty paid for using ArrayDeque is com-
plexity; because the structure can be used as a double-ended queue, the ArrayDeque
class has, for example, addFirst and addLast methods, as well as a queue add
method that does the same thing as addLast. Similarly, the offer, peek, poll,
and remove methods each occur in triplicate. The addFirst and addLast meth-
ods are required by the Deque interface, and the add method is required by the
Queue interface.
Consistent with the Java documentation suggesting that ArrayDeque should be
used instead of the older Stack class, the ArrayDeque class has the stack methods
pop and push. Finally, the ArrayDeque class has methods for traversing the struc-
ture and dealing with entries that are not at the head or the tail. Taken together,
the ArrayDeque is extremely useful, but the programmer who uses this class should
probably exercise some self-discipline when using the methods. If it is intended
that a stack be implemented, then only the base methods for a stack should be
used. If a queue is intended, then only the base queue methods should be used.
Otherwise, the resulting code could easily be misunderstood by a subsequent reader
of the code.
7.5 Priority Queues
One of the major features of linked lists, stacks, and queues is that they accommo-
date dynamic data; that is, they provide structures that grow and shrink as data
is added to them and taken from them.
The basic queue structure allows one to add data items onto the back end of
a queue and to take them off the front, providing a first-in-first-out, or FIFO,
processing order. Let us add another constraint: we want to be able to add items
dynamically and to keep them ordered according to some priority value so that
when we remove an item, the item we remove is always the item of highest priority
in the current list. This scenario is similar to what needs to happen in an operating
system as entries are added to the list of tasks to be performed and some new
entries might have a higher priority than those already being executed.
A structure like this is called a priority queue. In this sort of queue, entries would
always be added at the tail and always removed at the head, but the additional
constraint is that some kind of ordering process occurs to ensure that the entry at
the head is the entry of highest priority.
This structure can certainly be achieved with an ordinary queue with an inser-
tionsort when items are added; when an item is added, we pull it forward in the
queue until it is in its proper place in the sorted list. This method will work, but it
will inherently take on average O(N/2) steps, or linear time, to add an item and to
recreate the state of being sorted. For a queue of active processes in an operating
system, this would be excessively slow because a queue with an insertionsort does
more work than is really needed.
The queue with an insertionsort keeps all the records in sorted order all the time.
We have not asked for all the items to be sorted, only that the largest, or highest
priority, item is at the head. What we would like to have is a mechanism that will
efficiently (that is, faster than the linear time of a naive insertionsort
) rebuild
the structure after the head is removed so that the next-highest-priority item
is located at the head for the next removal; and
efficiently (again, faster than linear time) insert a new entry into the structure
so that the new structure, one larger than before, still has the property that
the head is the item of highest priority.
7.5.1 The Heap
The structure that is commonly used for this purpose—that has as its head the
item of highest priority and that allows the structure to be rebuilt in O(lg N) time
You should remember that early on in this book we said that we would be dealing with ideas
that would allow you to implement more sophisticated algorithms to replace the naive ones and
to get improved performance as a result. This is one of those ideas.
7.5 Priority Queues 175
and not O(N) time—is the heap. The heap is more efficient than an insertionsort in
large part because it does less work than an insertionsort. When an item is added
in a list and an insertionsort is used to insert the item in its correct order, a total
order is produced, with every element larger than all those farther down in the list.
If our goal is only to be able to pull off the item with highest priority, we don’t
need a total order. Instead, we need only ensure that the item of highest priority is
at the head. The priority queue maintains only this weaker property, and thus can
be maintained with less work.
Consider an array of numbers array[*]. For convenience, because the algorithm
is simpler to state, we shall consider the array to be indexed 1-up instead of the
usual 0-up numbering of Java.
The array is said to satisfy the max-heap property
andthustobeamax-heap if for all items array[i] indexed 1 to N we have
array[i] >= array[2*i]
array[i] >= array[2*i+1],
for all subscripts i for which the subscripts on the right-hand sides are valid for the
given array length. (We could define a min-heap in the obvious analogous way.)
An example of an array with the max-heap property is given in Figure 7.14.
Since it is not totally obvious that this is a heap just from glancing at subscripts
and values, we also present, in Figure 7.15, a pictorial view of the same heap as a tree
structure. In the tree representation, we have put the subscripts in brackets. (We
will have a great deal more to say about trees later, including an entire chapter.)
This picture of the heap as a tree is clearly easier to understand than is the array
in subscript order. We are going to be using tree structures extensively because
they provide useful ways to visualize some important data structures. All trees are
formed from nodes (the circles) and arcs (the lines). (An arc is also called an edge
and we will use the two terms interchangeably.) Contrary to the usual way in which
a tree is viewed, computer scientists usually write trees as in Figure 7.15 with the
root node at the top (in this case, the node subscripted 1 and with value 104) and
the rest of the tree hanging down from the root instead of growing up from the
root. Nodes may have one or more children; these are the nodes immediately below
a given node and connected to the given node by an arc. A tree for which no node
hasmorethantwochildreniscalledabinary tree. The tree in Figure 7.15 is a
It can be argued that most of the time things are easier to express if one does indexing 0-up.
In this case, however, indexing 1-up makes the subscript calculation much simpler. Indeed, one
can probably justify just not using the subscript-0 data location and wasting that small amount
of space in order to gain the benefits of the simpler arithmetic in the code.
Subscript Value
1 104
2 93
3 76
4 17
5 82
6 65
7 71
8 13
9 2
10 71
11 69
12 63
13 61
14 70
FIGURE 7.14 An example of an array that is a max-heap.
[8]13 [9]2
[10]71 [11]69
[12]63 [13]61
FIGURE 7.15 A tree structure for a heap, with [node]value entries.
binary tree. If the missing entry (that would be subscript 15) were there, it would
be a complete binary tree;asitis,thetreeisanincomplete binary tree.
Given the picture of the tree in Figure 7.15, and with the subscript labeling as
indicated, the criterion for a tree to represent a max-heap is that the value at any
given node is greater than or equal to the values at the child nodes.
In this case, 104 for subscript 1 is larger than the values 93 and 76 for subscripts
2 and 3, 93 for subscript 2 is larger than 17 or 82 at subscripts 4 and 5, and so
7.5 Priority Queues 177
forth. Since the value at each node in the tree is larger than the values of any of
the children, the tree satisfies the heap property.
By the transitivity of “greater-than-or-equal to,” and since the tree is a heap,
we also know that 104 is the largest value in the entire structure, even though we
do not know what the total sorted order of the array is.
Clearly, then, if we have an array that is organized as a max-heap, the largest
value in the array is at subscript 1 in the root node of the tree.
To show that the heap provides a better structure for maintaining a prior-
ity queue than a queue with insertionsort, we must show that a priority queue
can be created and maintained faster than by using an insertionsort. First we
must know what we are comparing against. Given N records, an insertionsort will
require O(N
) comparisons in order to create a sorted list. Although each entry
could now be removed in sorted order, we want to consider a priority queue as
a dynamic structure with new entries coming in as time progresses. Think of the
queue of ready processes in an operating system; with every mouse click the user
could be spawning new tasks to be added to the list of processes to be executed.
Inserting these new processes would require on average N/2 further comparisons.
A priority queue implemented as a sorted list with an insertionsort thus has a
linear cost.
Since what we are doing is essentially a type of sorting, the unit of computation
that we must count is the comparison of two entries. Instead of the linear time cost
of an insertionsort-based method, we can prove two features of the priority queue
implemented using a heap:
1. A priority queue of N items can be created from scratch in O(N lg N)
2. Inserting one more item into a priority queue of N items can be done with
O(lg N) comparisons in steady state.
There does exist an O(N) algorithm for creating a heap (to be used in a priority
queue or in some other application) from N data items. We will present instead
an O(N lg N) algorithm that is simpler. Although it is nice to know that a faster
algorithm exists for creating the heap, most uses of a priority queue will eventually
require O(N lg N) comparisons anyway, so the benefit of the faster creation is lost
in a real application. What is critically important for our use of a heap as a priority
queue is that we have an algorithm to rebuild the heap in O(lg N)timeafterwe
extract the maximal element from the heap.
If we count the building of the heap as one-time work, as would be the case for
an operating system’s creating at boot time a queue of processes capable of being
executed, then the priority queue implemented with a heap is a structure with an
acceptable running time for maintaining a priority queue of data items.
7.5.2 Creating a Heap
Theorem 7.1
An array recs[i] of N numerical values can be converted into a heap in O(N lg N)
Proof Our proof is constructive: we present an algorithm that will create a heap
from N data items and require O(N lg N) comparisons between values stored in
Given that we have loaded instances of data of Record type into an array of data
records recs[*] indexed 1-up, we run the following loop
for(inti=1;i<this.getNumElts(); ++i)
with the fixHeapUp method shown in Figure 7.16. If the length of the loop
this.getNumElts() is N,andfixHeapUp runs (as we will claim) in O(lg N) time
on an array of N items, then the running time of this code fragment is O(N lg N).
public void fixHeapUp(int insertSub)
int parentSub;
ProcessRecord insertRec;
insertRec = this.theData.get(insertSub);
parentSub = insertSub/2;
while(1 < insertSub)
if(this.theData.get(parentSub).compareTo(insertRec) < 0)
this.swap(insertSub, parentSub);
insertSub = parentSub;
insertRec = this.theData.get(insertSub);
parentSub = insertSub/2;
} // public void fixHeapUp(int insertSub)
The fixHeapUp code.
7.5 Priority Queues 179
We must now show that in any call to the fixHeapUp method in Figure 7.16,
we make at most lg N comparisons. If there are N items in the list, then the value
of insertSub is at most N in any given call. In the first comparison we compute
parentSub as insertSub/2, and in the second comparison we assign that as the
new running value of insertSub, and continue. With each comparison, then, we cut
the value of insertSub in half until eventually we have 1 > insertSub in the test
in the while statement and we break out of the loop. Since we start with insertSub
no larger than N, and we divide by 2 with each iteration and comparison, then in
the worst case of any call to the fixHeapUp method we require at most O(lg N)
comparisons. What the fixHeapUp method does is to bubble the entry at the “end”
of the array (or ArrayList) into its proper position in a heap.
We note that this method requires a comparison method compareTo that returns
1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the data in the this record is less than, equal to,
or greater than the data value passed in as an argument. But we are accustomed
to this as a standard method for nearly any data payload.
The reason for our original decision to subscript 1-up should be clear now from
the tree representation of the heap and from the code in Figure 7.16. By subscripting
1-up we take advantage of the nature of integer division in Java (and most other
languages) to get simpler, cleaner code. Certainly one could rewrite the property
and the algorithm to run 0-up, but the convenience of integer division to get the
subscript of the parent item would be lost.
We also note that this same fixHeapUp method easily allows for dynamic addi-
tions to the heap. If we add an item to the heap at the end of the array and then
call fixHeapUp, the element will percolate up to its proper location in the heap,
taking at most O(lg N) comparisons in the process.
An example of converting into a heap an initially random array, viewed as a
binary tree structure, is presented in Figures 7.17–7.19. In each step the colored
values are compared and then swapped if they are out of order and the nodes in
the array that are included in the current heap are outlined in bold. Our outer loop
runs from array subscript 1 up through subscript N.
7.5.3 Maintaining the Heap
The fixHeapUp method takes lg N time, and when applied to an array of N items,
converts in O(N lg N) time an array into an array that can also be read as a heap
using the subscripting in Figure 7.14. This in itself would not be all that useful.
What is useful is the following little bit of almost-magic that allows us to use the
heap as a priority queue as a dynamic data structure. It takes O(N lg N) time to
create the heap ab initio for N nodes or data items; after that, in steady state,
we can remove the maximum value (the value of highest priority), add a new data
item, and recreate the heap in only O(lg N) comparisons.
71 17
104 65
71 17
104 65
71 17
104 65
71 17
104 65
FIGURE 7.17 Building a heap from an array, part 1.
Theorem 7.2
The root node of the heap contains the element whose data payload has the maximal
value of the entire array, and we can remove that element and recreate the heap
structure in O(lg N) time.
Proof Let us assume that we have first created a heap. We now extract the maximal
value in the entire array. This leaves a vacancy at the root, and our array ought to
be one shorter than the array we started with. We accommodate this by moving the
last element, originally stored at location N but in steady state stored at location
array.length-1, into the root node. This element is probably out of place, but we
7.5 Priority Queues 181
71 17
104 65
71 17
104 65
71 17
82 65
FIGURE 7.18 Building a heap from an array, part 2.
71 17
82 65
71 17
82 65
FIGURE 7.19 Building a heap from an array, part 3.
can now run fixHeapDown (Figure 7.20) to push that element down into its proper
place in the new array. The fixHeapDown method also takes the same O(lg N)
time as does fixHeapUp and differs from fixHeapUp mostly in that it takes two
comparisons at each level and not one. In fixHeapUp, if the left child, say, is larger
public void fixHeapDown(int insertSub)
int largerChild, leftChild, rightChild;
leftChild = 2*insertSub;
rightChild = 2*insertSub + 1;
while(this.getSize() > leftChild)
largerChild = leftChild;
if(this.getSize() > rightChild)
compareTo(this.theData.get(rightChild)) < 0)
largerChild = rightChild;
compareTo(this.theData.get(largerChild)) < 0)
this.swap(insertSub, largerChild);
insertSub = largerChild;
leftChild = 2*insertSub;
rightChild = 2*insertSub + 1;
} // public void fixHeapDown(int insertSub)
The fixHeapDown code.
than the parent, then it must also be larger than its sibling the right child because
we had started with a heap to begin with. In fixHeapDown, we must make sure
to put the largest of the three elements (parent and two children) in the parent
location in order to maintain the heap property.
7.6 Summary
We have in this chapter introduced the concept of a stack and presented multiple
ways in which a stack can be implemented. This includes the use of the built-in
Java Stack construct. We have similarly introduced the concept of a queue
7.7 Exercises 183
together with ways in which a queue can be implemented. This includes the Java
Queue construct, which implements much more than the basic version of a queue
as we have presented it.
As examples, we have looked at the processing of HTML or XML data, which
has explicit open–close tags that label the data lying between the tags. With the
explosion of data and applications on the Web, stack processing of data tagged
with a markup language has become a significant basic feature of much of modern
We also looked at reverse Polish notation. In processing RPN, the stack structure
makes the explicit tags of a markup language unnecessary. Although not so common
any more, many computers were originally built physically as stack-based machines.
Finally we presented the priority queue, used everywhere for keeping track of
dynamic task data for which “the most important” task must be processed next.
The priority queue, implemented with a heap, is one of the key data structures due
to its simplicity and efficiency for handling such computational problems.
7.7 Exercises
1. Finish the implementation of a stack by packaging up the existing linked list
code and finishing off the methods from the UML diagram in Figure 7.1 and
the code stubs in Figure 7.2.
2. Implement a queue, following the lead of Figure 7.8 and the code of the previous
3. Improve the code of one or both of the previous exercises to use generics instead
of the Record class as the data payload.
4. Implement a stack or a queue using the LinkedList structure from the Java
Collections Framework.
5. Use your stack code from the first exercise and write a class that will parse an
XML file to determine whether or not it is well formed.
6. Use the JCF Stack class and write a class that will parse an XML file to
determine whether or not it is well formed.
7. Rewrite either of your XML-parsing programs to process the XML tag–data
pairs as a separate class.
8. Use any stack code and write a class that will parse arithmetic expressions in
RPN and evaluate them.
9. Use the JCF ArrayDeque class and write a class that implements a stack to
parse an XML file to determine whether or not it is well formed. You should
use only the methods in Figure 7.1.
10. Implement a myQueue class as described in the text by wrapping the
ArrayDeque class and its methods so that the public methods of myQueue are
named as in Figure 7.8 but call the methods from ArrayDeque.
11. Finish off the implementation of a priority queue. Read in a collection of random
numbers (25 or so, which will be enough for you to notice patterns and will
also guarantee that you get the not-power-of-two fencepost problems handled
properly). Then extract the elements in priority order, rebuilding the heap each
time. What have you been able to do with this? (We will do more on this in
Chapter 11.)
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