This text is intended for a second-semester course in computer science, the course
that is often referred to as “CS2” in the ABET/ACM/IEEE standard curriculum.
At my own university, this course has the title “Introduction to Algorithmic Design
II,” and I suspect the titles are similar at many other institutions. What this course
is not intended to be is “Introduction to Programming II,” although there will be
a lot of programming discussed in the book. The conceptual material here is on
the design and use of algorithms and data structures. The programming vehicle
happens to be Java, but it could in fact be almost any language, and this course
has no doubt been taught at some college or university in the past in FORTRAN
(and probably Fortran), PL/I, Pascal, Basic, C, and C++.
What is important is that some programming language be used so that a rigorous
use of the concepts is made and that students become facile with the basic ways
in which information is manipulated to create an efficient data structure. What is
hard to convey to the general public, and sometimes to students, is that the goal
is to develop rigorous thinking, using a computer and a programming language so
as to enforce the rigor through practice. Although familiarity with the specifics of
how to be rigorous in a particular language will come from that practice, this is a
secondary goal.
There are two basic methodological premises behind the treatment of the mate-
rial in this book. The first is that there is no substitute for the school of hard knocks
when it comes to understanding why we have some of the more sophisticated fea-
tures in a modern programming language. A student who writes a program with a
global variable that is updated by three different functions, and then changes the
updating in two but not all three functions, with a program crash as the inevitable
outcome, will learn through that experience why we want to encapsulate data into
objects and limit access on what amounts to a “need-to-know” basis. A student who
has never had that experience is much less likely to appreciate fully the concept of
objects. The pedagogical problem is that it is difficult, in a fifteen-week semester,
in a first-year class, to create assignments that are sufficiently difficult as to create
the controlled failure mode that will lead to learning. Much of what we have to say
is tantamount to telling students that they ought to eat their vegetables because
years later they will appreciate having done so.
In response to this first problem, I have tried to limit the discussion of metaphys-
ical, moral, and theological aspects of Java (or any language) to those concepts that
can be firmly grounded in practice in the second semester of a computer science
curriculum. Yes, the compiler writers have done some very cool things. No, I don’t
see that this is necessary in a second-semester course.
The second premise of the book is that necessity is the mother of invention
and that sophisticated algorithms and data structures have their natural place
in the world. If one is never going to do anything more complicated than a pro-
gram to balance one’s personal checking account, it’s not clear that anything more
sophisticated than bubblesort or linear search will ever be needed. It is when the
naive methods fail us that we implement more clever approaches, and I have tried
to emphasize this point. I have always been of the opinion that a program that
executes without crashing, even if it doesn’t do exactly what is desired, is much
more valuable than a program that has all the sophisticated logic programmed
in ... except for a few bugs that crash the program every time. This opinion is
what is usually used in the “bottleneckology” of high-performance computing—
focus on the most time-consuming part of the code and make that part disappear.
Since something else will now become the most time consuming, this is an iter-
ative process until the law of diminishing returns sets in. Similarly, a program
that does what is needed, albeit perhaps only on data sets of test size, can be
improved piecemeal, method by method, class by class, until it can handle the
real job.
For the convenience of the instructor, I have tried to map the contents of
this book against the learning objectives of the curricular guidelines from ACM
and IEEE in Computer Science Curriculum 2008.Wehaveassumedthatthis
is a second-semester text, and thus that the PF/FundamentalConstructs and
PF/DataStructures (objectives 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7) areas have already been cov-
ered. We also assume some familiarity with DS/FunctionsRelationsAndSets. For
the material in Chapter 6 and the discussion of algorithm analysis in general we
assume a familiarity with differential calculus. Although we do need differentiation
of logarithms and exponentials on a few occasions, we do not need any trigonom-
etry. The crucial part of calculus that is used repeatedly at least in Chapter 6 is
L’Hˆopital’s rule. The numbers in parentheses after the topic area in the following
table are our estimates of the coverage of this book compared to the number of
hours estimated in Computer Science Curriculum 2008 to be necessary for minimal
coverage of the topic.
Preface xv
Topic Area Objectives Our Chapters
DS/GraphsAndTrees (4) 1–4 9, 10, 12, 13
PF/AlgorithmicProblemSolving (6) 7–11 throughout
PF/DataStructures (7) 3–9 throughout
PF/Recursion (4) 1–6 Chapter 8
PF/ObjectOriented (7) 1–4 throughout
AL/AlgorithmsAndComplexity (2) 1–3 Chapter 6
AL/AlgorithmicStrategies (4) 1–4 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12
AL/FundamentalAlgorithms (6) 1, 4–7 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12
PL/ObjectOrientedProgramming (5) 1–3, 4, 6–7 throughout
On the flip side, most of the Programming Fundamentals (PF) topics are covered
throughout this book. For the topics that are covered more in selected chapters but
are not pervasive throughout, we also index the other way around.
Chapters Topic Area
Chapter 3 AL/AlgorithmicStrategies
Chapter 4 AL/AlgorithmicStrategies
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 AL/AlgorithmsAndComplexity
Chapter 8 PF/Recursion
Chapter 9 DS/GraphsAndTrees
Chapter 10 DS/GraphsAndTrees
Chapter 11 AL/AlgorithmicStrategies
Chapter 12 DS/GraphsAndTrees
Chapter 13 DS/GraphsAndTrees
I have generally found that I can teach straight through in chapter order,
although the vagaries of semester scheduling sometimes make it necessary to move
the position of Chapter 6 around. Chapters 7 and 8, except for Section 7.5 on pri-
ority queues, do not depend on the chapter on asymptotics, and I sometimes move
that material ahead of Chapter 6 in order to do the first midterm exam only on
completed chapters. A decision like this is usually based on the calendar, and I have
found our fall and spring semesters to be slightly different.
Additional resources for students and instructors are provided at go.jblearning
.com/Buell. Students and instructors may download source code related to the text.
In addition, PowerPoint Lecture Outlines, Solutions to end-of-chapter Exercises,
and a Test Bank are available for free instructor download.
For the mistakes and failings of this book I will take full responsibility, but for
whatever is good about this book I must thank in part all the people who have
helped me become a better programmer and a better teacher. The students of
the last three years who have looked at versions of this text and made comments
have all contributed. My colleagues at the Institute for Defense Analyses have
played a part in this text, as have the reviewers and the students who have com-
mented, caught my errors, and helped this be better than it might have been. Thank
you to Dr. Alice Armstrong, DSc, Shippensburg University; John Boyland, PhD,
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee; and H´el`ene Martin, Garfield High School for
reviewing the manuscript. I owe a special debt to the copyeditors and proofreaders
at Jones & Bartlett Learning. Their work has greatly improved the consistency of
the text. We all might like to think we write well; the editors are those who make it
appear that we actually do. I would also like to thank the editors at Jones & Bartlett
Learning; Tim Anderson, Senior Acquisitions Editor; Amy Rose, Director of Pro-
duction; and Amy Bloom, Managing Editor. Finally, I thank my wife Mary Ann for
being patient with me for my many hours spent in the office staring at the screen.
Duncan Buell
Columbia, South Carolina
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