1.1 The Course of This Course
In a nutshell, this course has two foci: The first is the efficient management and
manipulation of data. The second is the ability to implement methods for efficient
management and manipulation of data in a modern high-level programming lan-
guage, which in this case happens to be Java
. This is not intended to be “a course
in Java”; rather, it is a course in the use of data structures and algorithms that uses
Java as the vehicle for turning concepts into the details of implementations. In the
final analysis, most people do not get paid to talk about how one might compute
something; they get paid to facilitate the actual computation of something. Really
knowing the details of implementation is thus very important. Students in computer
science should actually be happy that computers, compilers, and programming lan-
guages are as rigid as they are. This allows the rigorous testing of ideas, because
“the computer” is the final arbiter of correctness, and one can do one’s own testing
for correctness, unlike, say, mathematics, chemistry, or the law.
Many of the basic problems of data structures immediately present themselves
when dealing even with so simple a thing as an address book. Much of the purpose
of this text and the course it is intended to support is to present algorithms and
methods that are better in one way or another than the naive approaches that one
might take without thinking very hard.
We assume that a student who has entered an intermediate course already has
experience at an introductory level in the manipulation of data and in writing
programs to manipulate data. The most fundamental, and most naive, view of data
is usually that of a flat file. A flat file is simply a two-dimensional data array like
a spreadsheet. Each line can be viewed as a record. Each column can be viewed
as a field. In a simple example, one can think of an address book. Each record is
an individual “person,” and each record possesses fields for last name, first name,
street address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, and so forth. Actions that
Actually, there is nothing in the law that says one cannot determine what is legal or illegal
by the experimental method, but the penalties can be more substantial than having the compiler
simply inform you that your program has a bug.
would reasonably be taken on such a structure would be to sort it into alphabetical
order, to add new records and delete old ones, and to retrieve entries based on
one or more search keys like last name or city of residence. In Chapter 3, we will
present the basics of a naive flat file implementation, and then in later chapters we
will introduce the structures and algorithms that allow for more sophisticated and
more efficient management of the data.
1.1.1 Layers of Software
A central theme in the development of software in a modern setting is that
software exists in layers. This is critical to understanding concepts of how and
why software is developed the way it is and why there are right ways and wrong
ways to develop code.
If you, for example, are the programmer developing an address book imple-
mentation, your job is to develop code that handles “address-book-ness.” This
will include adding, deleting, and editing records; sorting, displaying, and print-
ing copies; perhaps adding and deleting fields in the record; and (in many current
applications) linking to web pages or sending text or making phone calls. What
you as the address book programmer ought not to be concerned about is how the
data is stored in detail. That takes place one level down in the software hierarchy.
Although you need to be aware of the existence of the data storage methods that
have been chosen for use, your code need not be concerned with the implementa-
tion of those storage methods. Implementation of the storage methods should take
place one level down, and that code should be written so as to be independent of
the application that is using it.
This layering of code allows programmers to concentrate on the tasks at hand
without being distracted by other issues, and it allows code to be used by different
programs. You have by now used library code for things like input and output.
Your program need not be concerned with how the println statement gets your
data to the console; it need only be confident that the code will accomplish that
task correctly and consistently. In this course, we will extend that concept to higher
structures that you write as well as to further structures built into Java in the large.
1.1.2 Algorithms and Efficiency
Computers demonstrate their real value not when doing small amounts of work on
small amounts of data, but when doing large amounts of work on large amounts of
data or when doing the same small task over and over again. Modern computers are
very fast, much faster than their predecessors of even 10 or 20 years ago. But as fast
as computers are, it is still usually the case that we do need to make programs run at
least reasonably efficiently. For this reason, we will cover some of the background of
how we measure the efficiency of an algorithm or program and why some algorithms
1.1 The Course of This Course 3
are inherently more efficient than others. Almost invariably, no matter how powerful
the computer, a person intending serious use of the computer to support some
activity will run up against the performance limitations of the machine and will
need to use better algorithms.
There are two ways in which computational performance can be improved:
One can change from an inefficient algorithm to an efficient algorithm, or one can
change from a poor implementation to a good implementation. It is usually argued
that the real improvements in performance (factors of 10 and 100) come from
improved algorithms, and that improved implementations usually provide factors
of perhaps 2 to 4. One should therefore look for a good algorithm and implement
that, and one should do a good implementation. That being said, it’s also possible
to overdo both of these. The really good algorithms will also be more complicated
to implement (and thus more prone to error), and the benefit of the algorithms is
usually only on large input sets. If the input data is small, then a good algorithm is
better than a naive algorithm and a great algorithm is probably overkill. Similarly,
if a small improvement in performance can be achieved by an implementation that
makes the code impossible to read, understand, and maintain, then maybe that’s
not good either.
1.1.3 Sorting
It will normally be the case that we want to keep an address book in sorted order,
usually by last name, because that is how we identify records for retrieval. It has
been estimated that perhaps a third of the CPU cycles expended in all of computing
are spent in sorting records to keep them accessible in a desired order. For this
reason, sorting records is an extremely important subject in data structures and in
computing in general, and thus we will spend an entire chapter on sorting.
There are sorting methods that are very simple to implement. Generally, since
there is no free lunch in this world, these are also the methods that are not very
good. The good sorting methods are somewhat more complicated, but it turns out
that a reasonably simple method—quicksort—is actually quite effective. Although
we can prove (and will prove) that quicksort is not the best method for all sorting
problems, it is quite good on average. We will spend a little more time on the bigger
picture of sorting because the comparison of the major sorting methods—quicksort,
heapsort,andmergesort—provides a good introduction into the trade-offs that good
software people need to make
between good algorithms that might be hard to implement and poorer algo-
rithms that are easy to implement;
between the best-case behavior,theworst-case behavior,andtheaverage-case
behavior of algorithms;
and between the different implementation characteristics of algorithms when
we move beyond a “theoretical” description of the algorithm and actually write
a program that runs on a real computer.
1.1.4 Maintaining Sorted Order
Change is a constant fact of life. No matter how careful one is to anticipate all
possibilities, something unanticipated will also happen. In the case of data, we
know that change will happen. As soon as we create an address book with all our
contacts in it, we will encounter a new individual who needs to be added to the file.
Since we will want to maintain our contacts in sorted order, we will probably need
to insert the new contact into the data file in the correct location.
If our flat file is in fact a spreadsheet, we could do this by adding the new record
at the bottom and then using the “sort” function to move all the data into the
proper locations. In a simple spreadsheet, the sort will quite literally move all the
records, and for an individual’s address book of a few hundred records, this can
be acceptable behavior. However, if the data records are the entire database of the
U.S. Internal Revenue Service, then physically moving all the data on disk so as to
insert one record is not acceptable. Part of the study of data structures, therefore,
is the study of how to maintain sorted order in the presence of change.
1.1.5 Indexing, Search, and Retrieval
Although in many instances there is a natural primary key on which to retrieve
records (such as last name for our address book), it is often important to be able
to retrieve records from a (conceptual) flat file in an order other than the order
in which they are stored conceptually. If one is maintaining a mailing list, then in
addition to having records sorted by last name, one may well need to be able to
retrieve records sorted by zip code so as to get the benefit of bulk mail postage rates.
To do this, one would invert the file on the zip code field and create an index that
can be used for retrieval on the secondary key instead of the last-name primary key.
More importantly, one of the primary features of any complex computer program
is that it will search for and retrieve a data item, based on a key, from a “collection”
of data. The key might be a Social Security number, a name, or even a request for
“the next” item in some sorted order. We will therefore deal with the organization
of data so that search and retrieval of data can be done efficiently.
In working with data, what matters a great deal is whether or not that data is
structured. A retail receipt for purchases at the grocery store represents structured
data. Each such record has date, time, and store information, as well as some
number of lines of transaction information for the item purchased, the individual
price, and the number of items that were purchased. One can easily imagine a
1.1 The Course of This Course 5
template for a receipt record. The boilerplate store information would be easy to
add; the date and time would change but would be easy to obtain from an internal
clock; and the only complexity comes from the fact that one has a variable number
of items to record.
This kind of structured data is very different from a web page or a collection
of web pages forming an entire website, for example, which would have free text,
links, internal horizontal references, etc. In a retail store, one would assume that
the list of items for sale could be found somewhere in a file on a master computer.
For a randomly chosen website, though, no master list of the words used on the site
would be expected to exist. That list of words would have to be built dynamically by
reading through the pages. With a retail transaction, we expect header and footer
information and a list of items and prices in the middle. With the pages of a website,
we have no reason to know what to expect in terms of the internal and external
URL references. We have no reason to know the length of the pages or where the
content will occur. If we are to build a data structure to hold that information, we
must use a structure that can adapt automatically as we read the data.
1.1.6 Dynamic Versus Static Behavior
As soon as one introduces the notion of change to a data file (or more generally to
a data object) and sets about to decide upon a data structure for that file, one is
forced to consider the operational characteristics of the dynamic activity on that
data. The questions that need to be addressed include the following:
What is the size of the data object?
What is the size of the object relative to the ongoing change to the object?
What happens to data items when they are “deleted” from the collection of
With the data file of IRS records on U.S. taxpayers, for example, it is probably
a reasonable assumption that the base file is enormous relative to the daily changes
to the file. There are hundreds of millions of taxpayer IDs, and no doubt billions
of individual records of tax payments, but the rate of change of the data object
is probably relatively small. If the data object consists of the active processes in a
computer, however, the number of processes will be small (in the low hundreds at
most), but a large number of the processes will be very short lived and the turnover
will be very high. Similarly, the servers of an ISP will have at any time a collection
of individual packets of Internet transmissions, but the set of packets at any given
time will be constantly changing. Different rates of change will require different
data structures.
What are the access and retrieval patterns? Is the data
stored once and
retrieved a large number of times, as in an address book? Or is the data stored
on an ongoing basis and then retrieved only occasionally? Is there a need to make
retrieval of some (more popular) records more efficient than the retrieval of other
records? Is it the case that there are usually only a few updates to be made, as
with a university transcript database, but then there are times (such as the end
of the semester) when bulk updates occur?
, for example, will want to index everything, but part of the success
of Google has been its ability to quickly point to what the user community has
determined to be “relevant” data. The use of last name as the primary key in a
personal address book is due to the fact that this is (for most people, at least) the
normal way in which the data would be identified and searched for. Retrieval by zip
code for bulk mailing purposes can be useful, but it is not going to be the common
method for retrieval of names and addresses.
Similarly, in an operating system, the available processes to execute can probably
be sorted by priority, but with only one or perhaps two CPUs, there will be a high
priority placed on being able to identify very quickly “the next” process in the data
structure to execute since any time spent on deciding which process to execute will
not be viewed as productive work for the user. A similar situation will exist if the
data object that is being built is a game tree of potential moves. We will want to
build as large a tree as possible of our potential moves, the opponent’s potential
responses, our responses to the responses, and so forth, together with a measure of
our game status after each move and countermove.
1.1.7 Memory and Bandwidth
Increasingly, software is focusing on mobile devices. Because these devices are
mobile, and usually mass-marketed, they have limited resources in processor power
and in memory or longer-term storage. As mobile devices, they gain their utility
largely by being connected wirelessly, which means that the bandwidth from the
device to the rest of the universe is limited. Anyone who has downloaded large files
or accessed the Internet from a slow telephone line knows that some things just don’t
work well due to a mismatch of the program and the bandwidth of the machine. This
is most apparent with images and video. It is virtually impossible to access mere text
in sufficient quantity to make bandwidth an issue, but it is relatively easy to do this
The author generally tries to be strict in his grammar, and he is aware that “data” is officially
the plural of “datum,” is therefore plural, and should take the plural verb “are” and not the
singular verb “is.” However, even though the author generally tries to be strict about correct
grammar, this is one instance in which the common singular usage, treating data as a mass noun,
especially with regard to computer data, seems appropriate.
1.1 The Course of This Course 7
with images. Anyone who has seen a video buffered up or played back in a bursty
fashion will recognize the problem.
To counteract the problems with bandwidth, most programs for mobile devices
must make careful use of memory and data structures, freeing up and then reusing
memory space when possible, and delaying execution of certain functions for as
long as possible.
Consider something as simple as a slideshow of photos for a museum tour. If
the program is written to run on mobile devices owned by the museum, the photos
can be downloaded to the devices long in advance and kept in a memory card. If,
however, a museum visitor can use her own smart mobile device, then the program
designer has to consider whether it will be acceptable to users to have to wait 2
or 3 minutes to download the entire collection of images and then display them.
Or should the download be delayed as long as possible, in hopes that the visitor
will linger over photo n long enough to permit photo n + 1 to be downloaded just
before it is needed?
1.1.8 Heuristics
Finally, we recognize that there are times when the best becomes the enemy of
the good. In any given application, how good is good enough? We have already
mentioned that quicksort, to be covered later, is usually the “standard” sorting
method used for practical applications, not because it is theoretically the best
method available (it is not) but because it is a relatively simple method with good
average-case behavior.
Similarly, it is probably unusual for someone to print a new paper copy of an
address list just because one person has been added to the electronic list. More
likely the electronic list is updated and the paper copy is simply annotated with a
handwritten reference. When so many changes to the paper copy have been made
that the paper copy is too messy to be convenient, a new paper copy will be printed.
In truly serious data-intensive applications, the same principle might well apply. If
there is enormous effort involved, for example, in a one-time sort of the entire data
object, then one might plan to maintain the changes as an addendum to the main
object and then incorporate the changes in a block only at intervals, perhaps daily,
weekly, or monthly. For such applications, the heuristics of how to do incremental
updates can be very important.
A heuristic in computer science is a general guideline, based on experience and
an understanding of the problem, that leads to the implementation of specific algo-
rithms or design features in the software meant to solve the problem or provide
the service. Especially when performance is an issue, we usually write programs
whose execution is based on normal, average use. We will include the code to deal
with pathological cases (because we have to cover all possible inputs), but we will
not usually write code that assumes that the one-in-a-billion worst case is going to
happen. For example, the first time we create a sorted telephone book, we might
want to assume that the records are in a reasonably random order, but if we are
adding new records to a telephone-book-sized address list, we can safely assume
that we are starting with a large list that is already sorted and then adding a small
number of records to that list. These assumptions might well lead to the use of a
different sorting algorithm for the incremental updates than was used for creating
the list in the first place.
A different version of the heuristics issue is that programming for performance
requires identifying the most serious bottlenecks and then applying some better
brainpower to those bottlenecks first. There is probably no point in using a com-
plicated algorithm for a task that is done infrequently and is not time-critical. In
software, as in life, there is always a list of the most important things to be accom-
plished, and we should be attacking those before we go about making cosmetic
changes or changes that will have no real effect.
1.1.9 Templates, Generics, and Abstract Classes
We have described a flat file that comprises records (lines in a spreadsheet), each
record of which has fields (the columns). In any real programming situation, field
items will exist as strings, integers, floating-point numbers, and other less primitive
types. To avoid writing almost the same code over and over again, Java can provide
generic constructs and abstract classes that will simplify the coding process (that
is, the process will be simpler once one learns how to use generics and abstract
classes). In sorting, for example, the structure of a sort is independent of whether
one is sorting integers as integers or sorting strings (like last names) lexicographi-
cally; the base step in sorting an array into “increasing” order is to compare two
data items and exchange the order of the two items if necessary so that the “smaller”
item comes first. Good programming practice will therefore put off until the very
last moment any code that specifically deals with one data type or another, and
only at the very last moment use an appropriate compare-and-exchange method
for two data items.
One issue of data structures that does not necessarily present itself in a flat file
but is so important that it warrants mention here is the nature of tree structures and
then eventually of recursion. One canonical use of a tree structure is the directory
structure on a modern computer. In Unix, the “root” data structure is the “/”
directory, and all the directories and files live underneath that. Users will have a
“home” directory and create under that various files and subdirectories, with the
subdirectories then having files and subdirectories, and so forth. In Windows, most
user data starts at the My Documents folder (Windows uses the term “folder”
instead of “directory”) and descends from there.
1.2 Examples 9
1.2 Examples
1.2.1 Card Catalogs
Although it is not necessarily one of the more exciting applications of data struc-
tures, the card catalog of a library is one example of a large data file that needs to
be properly organized to be useful to the user community. These used to be physical
cards, as shown in Figure 1.1, but are now almost always kept entirely online in
large libraries.
FIGURE 1.1 A card from a library card catalog.
The first thing to note is that the card catalog data is stored essentially only once
(unless there are corrections to be made, and these should be rare). Except for a data
field indicating whether the document is or is not checked out of the library (and
the possible checkout history that we will ignore), the data file, although perhaps
large (libraries in major universities have collections numbering in the millions of
volumes), is very static. The issue with this kind of data is not constant updating
but rather that the data can be accessed by multiple search keys. In this case,
access by author name, document title, Library of Congress classification number,
keywords, perhaps accession date, and perhaps also due date for documents checked
out, would be necessary. We will want to use a data structure that permits records
to be added over time, and there will be records that occasionally get deleted, but
the major issue is not the change in the data file but in the efficient retrieval of
record information.
Data such as card catalog data is usually very highly structured. Indeed, sub-
stantial effort has been expended by the U.S. Library of Congress to standardize
card catalog data so that records are uniform in all libraries in the country.
1.2.2 Student Records
A classic kind of record to be stored and manipulated are the student records at
educational institutions. Each record contains several different kinds of data. Name,
student ID number, and such are going to be almost static. Address information,
major, and such will need to be updatable, but this together with the identity
information will be data “local to the student.” This will differ from the transcript
information. Both for privacy and efficiency reasons some information is likely to
be stored in different files from the address information. We would also not expect
the individual course grades to be stored with the student information; rather, we
would expect all the grade information for a given course to be stored in one place,
with the student record indexing into the course data.
In the case of student records, then, we have the likelihood that, unlike the card
catalog information for a document in a library, “the record” for a given student will
not consist of a single record, in a single array, in a single Java class (assuming Java
to be the implementation language). Indeed, in most significant implementations, a
single “record” is likely to be the aggregation of fields from several different stored
collections. One reason for this is to prevent duplication of data because duplication
leads to the problem of consistency across instances. If one list of grades by class
were kept and a separate list of grades by student existed, then changes would
have to occur in more than one location. This is always something to be avoided in
designing software.
1.2.3 Retail Transactions
A number of standard data processing environments constitute transaction process-
ing. For example, both a large retailer, such as Walmart, and a credit card processor,
such as Visa, deal with millions of individual transaction records every day that
come in on a pretty much nonstop basis. Characteristics of the data records will
be that they are small, with several fixed fields (date, payment method, purchase
location, and such), and a variable number of individual item purchases made. The
data records need to cataloged and stored, with multiple indexing and retrieval
patterns made possible, but it is unlikely that the individual items will be accessed
randomly or very often.
1.2.4 Packet Traffic
Internet packets resemble transaction records in many ways. One characteristic
of Internet packets is that they are more or less fixed size (a primary reason for
packetizing an Internet transmission is to keep the packet size small) and have
a number of fixed fields (source, destination, etc.). One characteristic somewhat
1.2 Examples 11
unique to packet traffic is that what the user views as a single transmission is
broken into packets at the source to be sent, possibly through different routes,
to the destination. The packets arrive at the destination in no particular order
and then must be reassembled in the proper order before the complete message is
delivered to the destination user.
This kind of data is different from all those mentioned previously in that the
data records (packets) are not standalone items but must be aggregated into com-
plete transmissions in real time at high speed. Student records are expected to be
persistent and long term, but Internet messages are packetized, sent, collected, and
then discarded. This kind of processing requires a much different data structure
from that used previously in order to accommodate these different needs.
1.2.5 Process Queues
Similar in some ways to Internet packet traffic are the process queues managed by
the operating system in any modern computer. In even a standard desktop there
will be dozens of processes in a state of execution at any point in time. Some of
these are processes that are always running; some are processes created when the
user fires up a word processor, an edit window, an Internet browser, and so forth.
The task of the scheduler for the operating system is to determine which process to
execute next. As with packet traffic, these process queues must be managed in real
time with as little effort as possible expended by the scheduler. Processes need to
have their priorities updated at intervals, and the effects of the updated priorities
need to be available immediately. The data structure used to implement the process
queues needs to be highly dynamic and easily changed, and the processes with the
highest priorities need to be quickly accessible.
1.2.6 Google
All the preceding examples of data are of fixed-format records. These are records
that can be thought of in spreadsheet form; each record has a list of fields, and
each field has a specific data type. Although some fields might be of variable
length, the sequence of the fields and the data type for each field are the same
across all records. Further, there is some reason to believe that the data as stored
will actually make sense because the records have been created by an authoritative
source or by means of software that has presumably been written so as to produce
reasonably correct records.
All that goes out the window when one considers the Google problem of analyzing
all the web pages in the world. Web pages are not fixed-format; they are highly
changeable over time; they are not created by an authoritative source; they may
be rife with misspellings or typographical errors; and they are not guaranteed to
be organized. All these complications require greater thought when deciding how
to craft a data structure that contains the information that must be processed and
presented to a user.
1.2.7 Game Trees
A large number of computing applications can be described simply as involving
the optimizing (either minimizing or maximizing) of an objective function over
a tree search. A game tree for chess or a similar game falls into this category.
At any point in the chess game, White has a number of possible moves. Black
has a number of possible responses, to which White has responses, and so forth.
White’s objective function for the game would be a function that would assign
to any given board position a “goodness” value for White for that position; this
goodness function is the objective function, and White’s game-playing strategy is
to determine which moves maximize that function. Given any possible move, one
can recompute the goodness of the new board position, then compute the goodness
of the board position after Black’s response to the particular move, and so on.
Structurally, the options resemble the branching of a tree from the root (the current
position) down through the options of move and countermove.
Such a tree search is combinatorially explosive in the total number of possibilities,
because even if we restrict ourselves to a fixed number k of possible moves at every
level, the number of possible moves for n levels is k
and thus grows exponentially
with n. Most game programs are thus implemented with some sort of heuristic
search in which the heuristics of the search strategy limit the number of choices at
each decision point and thus limit the total number of possible paths that might
be explored.
1.2.8 Phylogenetics
Phylogenetics is the subdiscipline of biology in which one computes backward
through time from a list of current species (called taxa) to determine the best
possible evolutionary tree back to the common ancestors of today’s taxa. This is
a variant of a classic example of tree search; the current taxa are the leaves of the
tree and, moving backward through time to a common ancestor, the length of each
edge is proportional to time. The problem is that, as with most tree searches, the
number of possible paths is astronomically huge and thus efficient data structures
as well as heuristic algorithms must be applied in order to perform any sort of
serious computation.
1.3 Summary 13
1.3 Summary
As we shall see in Chapter 3, a standard way to begin to program an application is
to use the simple and naive algorithms and data structures. These would be simple
to program, would work correctly, and would almost certainly work so inefficiently
as to be unacceptable in practice.
An implementation under development will usually move from simple-but-
inefficient to efficient-but-harder-to-program in stages, with each stage providing
better efficiency at a cost in complexity. This complexity usually involves man-
agement of subscripts, control over memory usage, and great care with endpoint
conditions and null values. To control this complexity, most modern programming
languages come bundled with solid implementations of the standard data structures.
In Java, these are the classes in the Java Collections Framework. Virtually all
the data structures in this text exist in the JCF. If mere use of the structures
and algorithms were all that was needed, there would be no need for you as the
programmer to reinvent the code for a linked list, for example. That code already
exists in the JCF, and it is highly unlikely that your code will be as general purpose,
as robust, and as thoroughly tested as that in the JCF.
You, the programmer, do not really need to rewrite the code; in a professional
setting, you would probably choose to use the existing code, leaving you free to
concentrate on implementing code for the actual application instead of simply for
the underlying data structures and algorithms. However, really understanding the
structures and algorithms requires a deeper knowledge than that of mere usage, and
you are unlikely to really learn how these data structures work without implement-
ing them in code yourself. We have thus written the text and set the exercises as if
the reader were going to implement all the data structures and algorithms. Many
of them are quite similar, and perhaps it is not necessary to do all of them; having
implemented the code for a stack, perhaps implementing the code for a queue is
not as good a use of your time as would using the JCF queue in a more inter-
esting application. Nonetheless, we encourage practice in writing code. We believe
strongly that gaining a real understanding both of the programming process and
of the algorithms and data structures necessary for applications of significant size
requires the trial and error of programming and the knowledge acquired through
the fingertips in the school of hard knocks.
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