Maximizing your customer satisfaction

As Sam Walton quoted in 1977:

"There is only one boss: the customer. And he can fire everyone, from the chairman down, simply by spending his money somewhere else."

Collaboration is moving to Cloud 1980s Work Group Computing, 2000s Intranet Computing, Today Social Computing Lotus Notes, Apple iCloud, and file sharing applications (Box and so on).

Maximizing your customer satisfaction

Many large corporations have difficulty in maintaining organizational-wide collaboration due to the sheer size and complexities of their individual businesses. Too often, valuable information about a customer doesn't make it out of marketing or support into sales. Intelligence gets lost, and opportunities to advance a deal are missed. Further, sales tactics that solve the emerging market problems may not be shared. In essence, solutions to common customer problems may be known to a few people but not easily shared across offices.

Too often we miss out on critical information; we missed connecting with a pricing expert, missed the new product updates, or missed a critical customer update that resulted in a lost deal or an angry customer. If the channel for collaboration (this is the medium to share your thought across organizations or groups such as Facebook or Twitter) is not streamlined in an organization, then it will typically affect the company's overall performance by reducing customer satisfaction and thus the ROI.

It is the 21st century and social, mobile, and cloud applications are changing the work environment and the overall process of collaboration. Now it has also changed how people interact with businesses and with each other. Customer loyalty is the currency by which companies will live or die.

Salesforce Chatter gives powerful real-time collaboration across different corporate roles. It energizes teams from sales to service and also marketing. It connects people faster and shares the information that they need so that more output is achieved. Your data becomes shareable, searchable, and social. By using Chatter for Salesforce, an organization can be brought closer together, allowing employees to give their time and resources as the best possible service to their clients.

To improve your customer satisfaction, first you need to understand the differences between new customers and existing clients. If you able to understand their habits and needs, it will make your job much easier. Here are a few facts about customers that are changing the game for your business:

  • Research says that 42 percent of support agents are unable to resolve customer problems proficiently due to disconnected systems, ancient user interfaces, and several applications (according to the Forrester's site).
  • 89 percent of customers have stopped doing business with an organization after experiencing poor customer service (according to RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report).
  • Always connect with your customer as they have no off button. You can use the Salesforce Chatter desktop app to connect with your customer 24 * 7. It's easy to use, has a rich user interface, and users can share files as well.

The following are mobile facts:

There are 4 billion mobile users across the globe. Almost every customer is using their smartphone to connect with vendors. So we can use Salesforce Chatter to always connect with our customer, sales team member, and product experts. The Salesforce Chatter mobile app is easy to configure and use. These days customers expect to connect with businesses across many channels in real-time as it makes it easy for them to buy from and interact with you. Few points about the Salesforce Chatter mobile app are as follows:

  • Portability and ease of use
  • Access to real-time data
  • Connectedness and collaboration
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced response time

The following are challenging facts:

  • 45 percent of US consumers will abandon an online transaction if their questions or concerns are not addressed quickly (Forrester).
  • Customers are very demanding, and their purchase decision is based on many factors and not just on price. They are expecting you to give your best. We are living in a digital age; thus, when customers have a question, it needs to be answered quickly. The sales and service teams need to have everything at their fingertips—even when on the road.
  • We can achieve this by configuring the Salesforce Chatter desktop and mobile app for our sales and service teams. Using the Salesforce Chatter mobile app, sales and service reps can reply even when on the road.

The following are positive facts:

  • Customers are expected to share their poor customer service experiences twice more than they are to talk about their positive experiences (2012 Global Customer Service Barometer)
  • It takes 12 positive customer experiences to make up for one negative experience (Parature)
  • 70 percent of buying experiences are based on how the buyer feels they are being treated (McKinsey)
  • 55 percent of customers would pay more for a better customer experience (De Facto Research)

Always give your customers good service, faster response to their queries, and take less time to resolve a case. Use Salesforce Chatter to connect with experts and close more deals. Always maintain high-quality customer support to maintain your customer's trust. The more eyes on the problem, the more perspectives can be obtained for a solution. Almost instantly, a group is being created via Chatter for solving a real-time problem that needs a prompt solution.

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