Applying filters on a Chatter post

If you don't want to allow the user to use selected words in the Chatter post, you need to write a trigger on FeedItem to achieve it.

The sample code is as follows:

trigger FilterOnChatterPost on FeedItem (before insert) {
for (FeedItem feeditems:
    if (feeditems.Body.containsIgnoreCase('Advertise') || 
     feeditems.Body.containsIgnoreCase('OOO') || 
     feeditems.Body.containsIgnoreCase('Out of Office') ||
       feeditems.addError('Your post contained some word that
       are not allowd to use'),

By using the containsIgnoreCase() string class, we simply match each of the feeditem body that has a specific word. If the specific word is found, then the Your post contained some word that are not allowed to use error is generated.

Applying filters on a Chatter post

In the preceding example, the user is getting an error when he is using the words Out of Office in his Chatter post.

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