
That’s it!

Your brand has moved online and your potential for a wildly successful and fulfilling career has moved with it. When you master digital branding, you’ll be truly real in the virtual world. That will help you build a community of fervent fans and promoters who can help you reach your goals. In my self-appointed role of chief encouragement officer, I provide this final advice to reinforce the key themes woven into this book:

Be of value. When your efforts are founded in supporting others, you’ll make a powerful and positive impact.

Be involved. Strong brands don’t go it alone. Be an active member of relevant communities.

Be consistent. Strong brands are known for something, not 100 things. Be clear and consistent with your message.

Be constant. You don’t need to become a digital branding machine. Just commit to taking action regularly. Strong brands don’t go into hiding.

Be a lifelong learner. Social media and everything in the online world is evolving rapidly. Stay on top of what’s happening so you can demonstrate your digital fitness.

And above all, be yourself. Authenticity goes a long way in the real and virtual world. Have the courage to be yourself—your best self—and watch your career soar.

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