Benchmarking multithreaded rendering

In this recipe, we will introduce multithreaded rendering techniques and implement a simple benchmark application to analyze the performance of using multiple deferred contexts. We will render the same model multiple times, comparing the results between varying numbers of deferred contexts and the immediate context. We will introduce additional CPU processing overhead to compare GPU-bound and CPU-bound frame times.

Getting ready

We can begin with any completed rendering loop and apply the techniques presented in this recipe to it. However, for the purpose of this recipe, we will assume a starting point based upon the finished result from the Animating bones recipe in Chapter 4, Animating Meshes with Vertex Skinning.

How to do it…

In order to support multithreaded rendering, it is necessary to pass the DeviceContext deferred context instance that will receive the rendering commands for the renderer. We will implement support for starting a new thread for each deferred context and split the recording of rendering tasks between them.

  1. The first change we will make to our renderer(s) is that we want it to support executing commands on a deferred context. So that a renderer can use the provided context, we will use the following Render override of Common.RendererBase:
    public void Render(SharpDX.Direct3D11.DeviceContext context)
      if (Show)
  2. Within appropriate renderer classes (for example, MeshRenderer.cs), we will change to the RendererBase.DoRender method override that accepts a DeviceContext parameter.
    protected override void DoRender(DeviceContext context) {
      ... SNIP – previous DoRender() code
  3. Within the D3DApp class, we need code for initializing the requested number of deferred context DeviceContext instances. This might look similar to the following code snippet:
    DeviceContext[] contextList;
    int threadCount = 2;
    contextList = new DeviceContext[threadCount];
    if (threadCount == 1) {
        // Use the immediate context if only 1 thread
        contextList[0] = this.DeviceManager
    } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
            contextList[i] = ToDispose(new DeviceContext(
  4. Within the previous code snippet, we are initializing the pipeline state for each new deferred context with a call to a new function named InitializeContext. Before the new context can be used for Draw calls, it must at least have a viewport and render target assigned. The following code snippet shows an example for representing this function in our simplistic, example-rendering framework:
    protected void InitializeContext(DeviceContext context)
        // Tell the IA what the vertices will look like
        context.InputAssembler.InputLayout = vertexLayout;
        // Set the constant buffers for vertex shader stage
        // Set the default vertex shader to run
        // Set our pixel shader constant buffers
            .SetConstantBuffer(1, perFrameBuffer);
            .SetConstantBuffer(2, perMaterialBuffer);
        // Set the default pixel shader to run
        // Set our depth stencil state
            .DepthStencilState = depthStencilState;
        // Set viewport
        // Set render targets
        context.OutputMerger.SetTargets(this.DepthStencilView, this.RenderTargetView);
  5. In order to test the performance benefits or costs of multithreaded rendering within D3DApp.Run, we need to load a number of additional copies of a mesh (or perhaps load one very large scene). For loading the same model multiple times, let's create a grid of models using the same mesh and separate them by their Mesh.Extent property. The following code snippet can load simple or complex scenes and apply a World matrix to the MeshRenderer instances, laying them out in a grid:
    // Create and initialize the mesh renderer
    var loadedMesh = Common.Mesh.LoadFromFile("Character.cmo");
    List<MeshRenderer> meshes = new List<MeshRenderer>();
    int meshRows = 10;
    int meshColumns = 10;
    // Create duplicates of mesh separated by the extent
    var minExtent = (from mesh in loadedMesh
        orderby new { mesh.Extent.Min.X, mesh.Extent.Min.Z }
        select mesh.Extent).First();
    var maxExtent = (from mesh in loadedMesh
        orderby new { mesh.Extent.Max.X, mesh.Extent.Max.Z } 
        descending select mesh.Extent).First();
    var extentDiff = (maxExtent.Max - minExtent.Min);
    // X-axis
    for (int x = -(meshColumns/2); x < (meshColumns/2); x++)
    {   // Z-axis
        for (int z = -(meshRows/2); z < (meshRows/2); z++)
          var meshGroup = (from mesh in loadedMesh
            select ToDispose(new MeshRenderer(mesh))).ToList();
          // Reposition based on width/depth of combined extent
          foreach (var m in meshGroup)
              m.World.TranslationVector = new Vector3(
                  m.Mesh.Extent.Center.X + extentDiff.X * x, m.Mesh.Extent.Min.Y, m.Mesh.Extent.Center.Z + extentDiff.Z * z);
    // Initialize each mesh renderer
    meshes.ForEach(m => m.Initialize(this));


    To analyze the performance accurately, it is necessary to either disable the animation or pause on a particular frame. This is because the frames later in the animation will apply additional CPU load due to the increased number of bone matrix transformations that are necessary causing the frame times to increase and decrease at different times during the animation. It is also critical to run a release build.

    We are now ready to update our rendering loop for multithreaded rendering.

  6. At the start of the rendering loop in D3DApp.Run, we will retrieve the immediate context and the first context within the contextList array.
    // Retrieve immediate context
    var immediateContext = DeviceManager.Direct3DDevice
    // Note: the context at index 0 is always executed first
    var context = contextList[0];
  7. All the operations within the main render loop are now taking place on the first device context within the contextList array, such as the following call to clear the render target:
    // Clear render target view
    context.ClearRenderTargetView(RenderTargetView, background);


    Assuming all the contexts are using the same pipeline state, we only want to do this once and on the first context; otherwise, we will be clearing the results of other render contexts.

  8. Towards the end of the render loop, where we normally call the Render method of our renderers, we will create a System.Threading.Tasks.Task instance for each render context, which will perform the render logic and then record its SharpDX.Direct3D11.CommandList value.
    Task[] renderTasks = new Task[contextList.Length];
    CommandList[] commands = new CommandList[contextList.Length];
    for (var i = 0; i < contextList.Length; i++)
        // Must store value of iterator in another variable
        // otherwise all threads will end up using the last
        // context.
        var contextIndex = i;
        renderTasks[i] = Task.Run(() => {
            // Retrieve render context for thread
            var renderContext = contextList[contextIndex];
            // TODO: regular render logic goes here
            // Create the command list
            if (contextList[contextIndex].TypeInfo == DeviceContextType.Deferred)
                commands[contextIndex] = contextList[contextIndex].FinishCommandList(true);
    // Wait for all the tasks to complete
  9. Next, we need to replay command lists on the immediate context. We are applying them in the order in which they are located within the contextList array.
    // Replay the command lists on the immediate context
    for (var i = 0; i < contextList.Length; i++)
        if (contextList[i].TypeInfo == 
            DeviceContextType.Deferred && commands[i] != null)
            immediateContext.ExecuteCommandList(commands[i], false);
            commands[i] = null;
  10. The following code snippet shows an example of the logic that belongs to the preceding rendering task's loop. The only difference compared to our regular rendering process is that we are only rendering a portion of the available meshes for the current context, optionally simulating the additional CPU load, and we are calling the MeshRenderer.Render method with a context.
    // Retrieve appropriate context
    var renderContext = contextList[contextIndex];
    // Create viewProjection matrix
    var viewProjection = Matrix.Multiply(viewMatrix, projectionMatrix);
    // Determine the meshes to render for this context
    int batchSize = (int)Math.Floor((double)meshes.Count / contextList.Length);
    int startIndex = batchSize * contextIndex;
    int endIndex = Math.Min(startIndex + batchSize, meshes.Count - 1);
    // If the last context include remaining meshes due to
    // the rounding above.
    if (contextIndex == contextList.Length - 1)
        endIndex = meshes.Count - 1;
    // Loop over the meshes for this context and render them
    var perObject = new ConstantBuffers.PerObject();
    for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
        // Simulate additional CPU load
        for (var j = 0; j < additionalCPULoad; j++)
            viewProjection = Matrix.Multiply(viewMatrix, 
        var m = meshes[i];
        // Update perObject constant buffer
        perObject.World = m.World * worldMatrix;
        perObject.WorldInverseTranspose = Matrix.Transpose(
        perObject.WorldViewProjection = perObject.World * viewProjection;
        renderContext.UpdateSubresource(ref perObject, perObjectBuffer);
        // Provide the material and armature constant buffer
        m.PerArmatureBuffer = perArmatureBuffer;
        m.PerMaterialBuffer = perMaterialBuffer;
        // Render the mesh using the provided DeviceContext
  11. The following screenshot shows an example by running at a frame time of 8.2 ms with seven deferred contexts and threads. By comparison, rendering only on the immediate context on the same hardware configuration results in a frame time of 24.8 ms.
    How to do it…

    Multithreaded rendering benchmark application running with 100 meshes, seven threads and deferred context instances, and an additional 3,000 matrix multiplications performed per mesh.

How it works…

A deferred context allows for a sequence of commands and state changes to be recorded and then packaged up into a command buffer for later execution on the Direct3D device's immediate context. We have implemented a method of creating a number of deferred contexts, starting with a new thread for each context and then splitting the load of rendering meshes across them. Our renderers are then able to use the deferred context to submit Direct3D commands by using the provided context instead of retrieving the device.ImmediateContext property directly. We implement this by calling the Render(DeviceContext context) function to support circumstances where the same instance of the renderer needs to be rendered multiple times in different threads. Before playing back the command lists on the immediate context, we first wait for all the threads to complete.

The process is outlined in the following diagram:

How it works…

Rendering across multiple deferred contexts

While setting up the deferred context, it is necessary to configure the pipeline state as you would for the immediate context. The deferred context begins with a default state, the equivalent of when the DeviceContext.ClearState method is called. When we create the SharpDX.Direct3D11.CommandList instance via a call to the DeviceContext.FinishComandList(bool restoreState) instance, we are passing in the true value so that the context's state remains as we have set it; otherwise, it reverts to its default state. Conversely, the immediateContext.ExecuteCommandList method is passed a false value because we don't need to preserve the immediate context state.


Passing true to either DeviceContext.FinishCommandList or DeviceContext.ExecuteCommandList can potentially degrade the performance by introducing avoidable and inefficient state transitions. In order to throw away the current state, we need to call something similar to the InitializeContext method for each deferred context on every frame (or rendering pass).

Each context can have a different state applied depending on its purpose; in fact, this might be a convenient way of separating pipeline states for your rendering logic, for example, a deferred context with a different render target for shadow mapping, another for a lighting pass, and so on. Another example may be of a deferred context that is to be used only for preparing compute shaders in which there may be no need to set a viewport and render a target.

How it works…

Multithreaded rendering performance as compared to single threaded (higher is better). Results with an AMD® Radeon HD 7950 on an Intel® i7-3770K.


It is important to run any performance tests using a release build configuration and without the Direct3D debug layer to get accurate results.

By applying both GPU and CPU load, we are better able to identify where multithreaded rendering might be beneficial. After reviewing the preceding graphs, it is apparent that unless a certain amount of CPU load is present, there is only a small improvement in frame times; in some cases, we even see a decrease in performance. The frame times have been calculated using a 100-frame simple moving average.

There's more…

Another important feature of multithreading support in Direct3D 11 is that it also includes the creation of Direct3D resources on multiple threads. This does not involve using immediate or deferred contexts and is instead a feature of the Direct3D 11 device class. By creating resources on multiple threads, we can decrease the initialization time of our Direct3D applications, and importantly, for Windows 8, we are able to load and compile our resources asynchronously.

To identify the areas where multithreaded rendering has the most impact, it may be necessary to employ the use of performance profilers or implement an in-application frame profiler.

GPUView is a CPU/GPU profiler included with the Windows Performance Toolkit; an overview of using this profiling tool is available at The default install location for this tool on Windows 8 is C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits8.0Windows Performance Toolkitgpuview.

To check whether multithreading is supported at the hardware/driver level, we can use the following function:

// Determine if the hardware driver supports CommandLists
// If not, the Direct3D framework will emulate support.
bool createResourcesConcurrently;
bool nativeCommandListSupport;
device.CheckThreadingSupport(out createResourcesConcurrently, out nativeCommandListSupport);

The CheckThreadingSupport function wraps the native API ID3D11Device::CheckFeatureSupport method, returning two Boolean values and indicating whether the driver natively supports the creation of resources simultaneously on multiple threads or command lists. If not supported, the Direct3D 11 API will emulate the behavior, albeit with potentially smaller performance gains.

See also

  • The Loading and compiling resources asynchronously recipe in Chapter 11, Integrating Direct3D with XAML and Windows 8.1
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