Chapter One

Introduction to Doherty Power Amplifier


The most important property of the Doherty amplifier is the load modulation, which carries out the perfect combining of the asymmetrical powers from the two amplifiers. Thereby, only one amplifier (called carrier amplifier) operates at a low power level, and the two amplifiers (the second one is called peaking amplifier) generate powers at a higher power level. Also the carrier amplifier operates at the peak efficiency mode, while the peaking amplifier is operational due to the nice load modulation characteristic. Another important characteristic of the Doherty load modulation is that the overall gain of the amplifier is constant, providing a linear amplification. The Doherty circuit can modulate the real part of impedance only. To get the proper load modulation for a device with a complex impedance, an offset line is needed to provide the imaginary impedance transformation. The load modulation principle and the offset line operation are discussed. Several load modulation methods are also described.


Load modulation; Offset line; Voltage-combined Doherty amplifier; Current-combined Doherty amplifier; Efficiency; Gain; Inverted Doherty amplifier; Transformer

1.1 Historical Survey

William H. Doherty was an American electrical engineer, best known for his invention of the Doherty amplifier. Doherty was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1907. He attended Harvard University, where he received his bachelor's degree in communication engineering (1927) and his Master's degree in engineering (1928). Doherty joined Bell Labs in 1929. At the Bell Labs., he worked on the development of high-power radio transmitters, which were used for transoceanic radio telephones and broadcastings.

Doherty invented this unique amplifier approach in 1936 using a vacuum tube amplifier. This new device greatly improved the efficiency of RF power amplifiers and was first used in a 50 kW transmitter that Western Electric Company designed for WHAS, a radio station in Louisville, Kentucky. Western Electric went on to incorporate Doherty amplifiers into, at least, 35 commercial radio stations worldwide by 1940 and many other stations, particularly in Europe and Middle East in the 1950s. Within the Western Electric, the device was operated as a linear amplifier with a driver that was modulated. In the 50 kW implementation, the driver was a complete 5 kW transmitter that could, if necessary, be operated independently of the Doherty amplifier, and the Doherty amplifier was used to raise the 5 kW level to the required 50 kW level.

As a successor to Western Electric Company Inc. for radio broadcast transmitters, the Continental Electronics Manufacturing Company at Dallas, Texas, considerably refined the Doherty concept. The early Continental Electronics designs, by Weldon and others, retained most of the characteristics of Doherty's amplifier but added medium-level screen-grid modulation of the driver. The ultimate refinement made by the company was the high-level screen-grid modulation scheme invented by Sainton, whose transmitter consisted of a class C carrier tube in a parallel connection with a class C peaking tube. The tubes' source (driver) and load (antenna) were split and combined through + and − 90° phase-shifting networks as in a Doherty amplifier. The unmodulated radio-frequency carrier was applied to the control grids of both tubes. Carrier modulation was applied to the screen grids of both tubes, but the screen-grid bias points of the carrier and peaking tubes were different and were established such that the peaking tube was cut off when modulation was absent and the amplifier was producing rated unmodulated carrier power. And both tubes were conducting during the modulation. And each tube was contributing twice the rated carrier power during 100% modulation as four times the rated carrier power is required to achieve 100% modulation. As both tubes were operated in class C, a significant improvement in efficiency was thereby achieved in the final stage. In addition, as the tetrode carrier and peaking tubes required very little drive power, a significant improvement in efficiency within the driver was achieved as well. The commercial version of the Sainton amplifier employed a cathode-follower modulator, and the entire 50 kW transmitter was implemented using only nine total tubes of four tube types, a remarkable achievement, given that the transmitter's most significant competitor from RCA was implemented using 32 total tubes of nine tube types.

The approach was used by such leading companies as not only Continental but also Marconi with functional installations up to the late 1970s. The IRE recognized Doherty's important contribution to the development of more efficient radio-frequency power amplifiers with the 1937 Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award.

The amplifier has been reinvented recently for use in mobile communication systems using semiconductor devices at higher frequencies. It creates large deviations from the previous design based on the vacuum tubes. Also, the amplifier is modified to amplify a highly modulated signal with a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). Nowadays, the Doherty amplifier is the choice of the technique for the power amplification in the mobile base-station. The technology can be useful for handset power amplifier, also. In this chapter, the basic structure of the Doherty amplifier together with the operational behavior is introduced.

1.2 Basic Operation Principle

The most important property of the Doherty amplifier is the load modulation, which carries out the perfect combining of the asymmetrical powers from the two amplifiers. Thereby, only one amplifier (called carrier amplifier) operates at a low power level, and the efficiency at the same power level is two times higher than that obtained from the two times bigger amplifier. The two amplifiers (the second one is called peaking amplifier) generate powers at a higher power level, and the carrier amplifier operates at the peak efficiency mode in this region due to the nice load modulation characteristic. This property provides an efficient amplification of an amplitude-modulated signal. The load, which is modulated by the current ratio of the carrier and peaking amplifiers, is self-adjusted for the peak efficiency at the two power levels. The first peak efficiency is provided by the carrier amplifier (CA) at the level when the peaking amplifier (PA) is turned on, and the second peak is at the power level when the two amplifiers generate their full powers. Another important characteristic of the Doherty load modulation is that the overall gain of the amplifier is constant, providing a linear amplification.

1.2.1 Load Modulation Behavior Load Impedance Modulation

The simplest illustration of the load modulation concept is shown in Fig. 1.1, where a voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS) is in parallel with a voltage-controlled current source (VCCS) and a load resistor R. The impedance seen by the VCVS, Z1, is modulated by the current I2, as given by


si1_e  (1.1)

Fig. 1.1
Fig. 1.1 Load modulation circuit driven by voltage and current sources.

Varying the current I2 from zero to IR = V1/R, Z1 is varied from R to . In this circuit, the VCCS modulates the load impedance of the VCVS. In Doherty amplifier, the ability to modulate Z1 using I2 is properly employed to track the optimal impedances for the amplifier to operate efficiently at the back-off power levels. An important property of the setup in Fig. 1.1 is that the linearity of the overall system is solely determined by the linearity of the VCVS because the voltage Vout across the load is always equal to V1. Therefore, linearity is guaranteed regardless of the value of I2, as long as V1 is linearly proportional to Vin. For this purpose, the impedance Z1 should track a given impedance profile versus Vin by specifying the I2 versus Vin profile. Although mathematically simple to define it, realizing a given I2 versus Vin profile in practice can be a challenge.

In the load modulation technique, the VCVS and VCCS have their important roles. The former ensures the linearity of the amplifier, while the latter acts as the load modulating device, whose I2 versus Vin profile determines the impedance Z1 seen by the VCVS. These two properties are important in derivation of the Doherty circuit configuration.

The Doherty amplifier uses a different circuit topology for the load modulation. It consists of two amplifiers (two current sources) and an impedance-inverting network, which converts the one current source to a voltage source. This converted amplifier is called a carrier amplifier, and the other current source amplifier is a peaking amplifier. Fig. 1.2 shows an operational diagram to analyze the Doherty amplifier circuit. The output load is connected to the carrier amplifier through the impedance inverter (a quarter-wave transmission line) and directly to the peaking amplifier. In this figure, the optimum power-matching impedance of the carrier and peaking amplifiers at the peak power is R0, and the load of the carrier amplifier, when the peaking amplifier is off, becomes R0/2 due to the parallel connection of the two amplifiers. It is assumed that the output capacitor of the device is resonated out and the phase delay of the quarter-wave line is compensated at the input.

Fig. 1.2
Fig. 1.2 Operational diagram of Doherty amplifier.

The impedance inverter has a characteristic impedance of R0 also. The load impedances of the carrier amplifier at Z1′ and Z1, shown in Fig. 1.2, are given by


si2_e  (1.2)


si3_e  (1.3)

where α=I2I1si4_e. Eq. (1.3) shows that the carrier amplifier represented by a current source I1 sees the load impedance modulated by the second current source I2, representing the peaking amplifier. It should be noticed that I1′ is different from I1 due to the impedance change. Also, in the normal Doherty operation, the current level of the peaking amplifier varies from 0 to I1 = Imax, the maximum current of the two amplifiers, and α changes from 0 to 1. Normally, I1 and I2 can handle the same amount of current, that is, the same size devices for the two amplifiers, and Z1 is R0 when I2 = I1 = Imax at the peak power, because I1 is equal to I1′ at the power. Z1 is 2R0 when I2 = 0 and Z1 is in between the two values for the I2 current between 0 and Imax. This is the Doherty load modulation behavior, which is depicted in Fig. 1.3C.

Fig. 1.3
Fig. 1.3 Current, voltage, and load impedance shapes of the carrier and peaking amplifiers: (A) current profiles, (B) voltage profiles, (C) load impedance profiles.

The peaking amplifier provides the open load until it is turned on because the current I2 is zero. After turned on, the impedance Z2 is also modulated similarly, which is given by


si5_e  (1.4)

The load modulation behavior is also depicted in Fig. 1.3C. The carrier impedance is modulated from 2R0 to R0 and the peaking from infinity to R0. In this figure, it is assumed that each current source is linearly proportional to the input voltage and R0 is equal to ROPT of the transistor, the optimum power matching resistance. As shown in Fig. 1.3A, I2 is turned on at the midpoint due to the class C bias of the peaking amplifier and is increased to the maximum value. I1 is linearly increased from the zero gate voltage due to the class B bias. In this operation, the transconductance of the peaking amplifier should be twice larger than that of the carrier amplifier due to a half of the input voltage swing for the maximum current generation. To get the two times larger transconductance, the peaking amplifier should be two times larger than the carrier amplifier. But in the case, only a half of the peaking current is utilized, wasting the power generation capability. To solve the problem, uneven driving technique is developed, which will be introduced in Chapter 2. Voltage, Current, and Load Impedance Profiles

Under the load modulation described in Section, the current and voltage profiles of the carrier and peaking amplifiers are depicted in Fig. 1.3. Fig. 1.3A shows the fundamental currents of the carrier and peaking amplifiers, IC and IP, respectively. The two devices generate the same maximum current as shown in the figure. The currents are given by


si6_e  (1.5)


si7_e  (1.6)

By introducing the current profiles to Eqs. (1.3), (1.4), the load impedances of the carrier and peaking amplifiers, Z1 and Z2, can be calculated:


si8_e  (1.7)


si9_e  (1.8)


si10_e  (1.9)

The voltage profiles of the carrier and peaking amplifiers can be calculated using the current profiles and load impedances of Z1 and Z2, respectively, which are given by


si11_e  (1.10)


si12_e  (1.11)

Because the load impedance of the carrier amplifier is 2R0 at a low-power operation, the voltage approaches the peak level when the peaking is turned on. After that, the voltage remains at the peak level because the load resistance decreases accordingly as the current increases. The voltage across the peaking amplifier increases linearly and reaches to the peak level when the input voltage is at the maximum. In 0<Vin<Vin,max2,si13_ethe voltage of the peaking amplifier is not defined because the peaking amplifier is turned off. But the voltage should be V0, which is converted from V1 in Eq. (1.10). Overall, the voltage profile is given by Eq. (1.11), which is determined by the current of the input voltage multiplied by 2 ∙ Gm, the effective transconductance, and the load impedance of R0/2. Load Lines for the Modulated Loads

The load lines of the two amplifiers can be calculated from the voltage and current profiles shown in Fig. 1.3 and are presented in Fig. 1.4. Due the load modulation, the load line for the carrier amplifier follows 2R0 until the peaking amplifier is turned on. After the peaking is turned on, the load of the carrier is reduced following Eq. (1.7). Due to the reduced load impedance according to the current level, the load line follows the knee region as shown in the figure, maintaining the high efficiency of the class B amplifier. The peaking amplifier is off at the low power with the open load. As soon as it is turned on, the voltage is built on fast with the transconductance of 2Gm and load impedance of Ro/2 and reaches to the peak voltage at the peak input voltage following Eq. (1.11), which is shown in Fig. 1.4.

Fig. 1.4
Fig. 1.4 Load-lines of the carrier and peaking amplifiers according to the input voltage.

1.2.2 Efficiency and Gain Characteristics

As shown in Fig. 1.2, the Doherty load modulation circuit perfectly combines the asymmetrical output powers from the carrier and peaking amplifiers in a current-combining way. This asymmetrical power-combining capability, which is not easily realized in other ways, is a big merit of the Doherty modulation circuit. Thus, the carrier amplifier operates with a high efficiency at a low-power region and the maximum efficiency at the higher-power region. Moreover, this load modulation provides a constant gain for a linear amplification. Efficiency

Generally, a power amplifier, with a specific optimum load impedance, delivers the maximum efficiency only at the peak power since the full output voltage and current swings are achieved only at the peak output power defined by the fixed load. On the other hand, the load of the Doherty power amplifier is dynamically modulated, providing the peak efficiency at the different power level determined by the modulated load. For the Doherty load modulation, the carrier amplifier provides the maximum efficiency at a half of the maximum input voltage, and the maximum efficiency is maintained through the load modulation at a higher power as shown in Fig. 1.5. The peaking amplifier achieves the maximum efficiency only at the peak power.

Fig. 1.5
Fig. 1.5 Plot of efficiencies versus input drive level for the Doherty amplifier with the class-B-biased carrier amplifier, the class-C-biased peaking amplifier and the class B amplifier.

In the low-power region (0 < Vin < Vin, max/2), the peaking amplifier remains in the cutoff state, and the load impedance of the carrier amplifier is two times larger than that of the conventional amplifier. Thus, the carrier amplifier reaches to the saturation state at the input voltage of Vin, max/2 since the maximum voltage swing reaches to Vdc with a half of the maximum current level. As a result, the maximum power level is a half of the carrier amplifier's allowable power level (a quarter of the total maximum power or 6 dB down from the total maximum power), and the efficiency of the Doherty amplifier is equal to the maximum efficiency of the class B carrier amplifier.

In this low-power operation, only the carrier amplifier with a half of the total power cell produces power, and the efficiency at a given power level is twice higher than that of the two times bigger power cell amplifier.

In the higher-power region (Vin, max/2 < Vin < Vin, max), where the peaking amplifier is conducting, the carrier amplifier generates power with the peak efficiency since the saturated operation is maintained due to the load modulation. The peaking amplifier operates with very large load at the turn-on stage, and the efficiency increases very fast but is still lower than the peak efficiency. Thus, the total efficiency of the Doherty amplifier is degraded. But the second maximum efficiency point is reached when the peaking amplifier provides the maximum efficiency at the peak power with saturated operation. Therefore, it has two maximum efficiency points, enhancing the efficiency at the backed-off output power level as shown in Fig. 1.5. The efficiency of the Doherty amplifier at the maximum input voltage is equal to the maximum efficiency of the conventional amplifiers. Therefore, the Doherty amplifier provides higher efficiency over the whole power ranges compared with a conventional class B amplifier. The resulting Doherty amplifier can solve the problem of low efficiency for amplification of a large PAPR signal. Gain

To drive the carrier and peaking amplifiers with an equal power, the input power of the Doherty amplifier is divided using a 3 dB coupler. Therefore, the input power level to the carrier is 3 dB lower than the total input power. However, the load of the carrier is two times higher than ROPT at a low-power operation, and the gain is increased by 3 dB by the 2ROPT load, recovering the gain loss due to the 3 dB lower input power. At the peak-power operation, the carrier and peaking amplifiers become a two-way current power-combining structure with ROPT load, and the gain is the same as at a low power level. In between the two power level, due to the nice asymmetrical power combining with the load modulation, the gain is maintained at the constant value.

The power gain at the intermediate-drive region can be calculated from Fig. 1.2:


si14_e  (1.12)

The current flowing through the load R0/2, IL, is given by


si15_e  (1.13)

The 2 ∙ I1 current flows through R0/2 load during the load modulation. Under the condition that the input voltage generates linear currents I1 as shown in Fig. 1.3A, the constant gain is maintained during the load modulation. Due to the constant gain characteristic, the ideal Doherty amplifier is a linear amplifier, if the nonlinearity of the transistor is not considered.

1.3 Offset Line Technique

1.3.1 Realization of Doherty Amplifier

So far, it is assumed that a transistor is a current source with the optimum power-matching impedance of ROPT and the load impedance RL of the Doherty amplifier is equal to ROPT/2. To realize a Doherty amplifier using a transistor, the inputs and outputs of the carrier and peaking amplifiers are matched to R0 = 50 Ω load at the peak power, and the Doherty load modulation circuit is attached after the matching circuits as shown in Fig. 1.6. The two parallel-connected R0 impedances are transformed to R0/2 and the impedance is transferred to R0 by an impedance inverter (RT = R0/√2). Therefore, the Doherty amplifier is matched properly at the peak-power operation. During the load modulation of the Doherty network, the impedance at the carrier amplifier after the matching circuit is modulated from R0 to 2R0. For the modulated load impedance of R0 ~ 2R0, the impedance should be transferred to ROPT ~ 2ROPT at the drain by the matching circuit, but the impedance is not transferred in that way. The load modulation of the peaking amplifier is also deviated from the ideal modulation of ROPT ~∞. It is known that the transfer is properly carried out only for the real impedance system without imaginary part. To handle the complex impedance system, the offset line technique is introduced.

Fig. 1.6
Fig. 1.6 Schematic diagram of the Doherty amplifier.

To produce the real impedance system, the output capacitance of a device is resonated at the drain terminal using a parallel inductor and the Doherty network, and the matching circuit is attached, thereafter. This approach is popularly employed in on-chip Doherty amplifier. But the Doherty amplifier for the base-station application using packaged device cannot employ that technique, and the offset line should be employed.

Fig. 1.6 shows a schematic of the Doherty amplifier with the input- and output-matching circuits. The input power is divided to the carrier and peaking amplifiers using a 3 dB coupler. The inputs of the two amplifiers are matched to the coupler with 50 Ω like a conventional two-way power-combined amplifier. The two outputs are matching to 50 Ω, and the Doherty network is attached. To provide the proper load modulation, the offset lines are attached between the matching circuits and the Doherty modulation circuit. The R0/2 is transferred to R0 using an inverter RT. The phase mismatch between the two paths is corrected at the input.

1.3.2 Operation of the Offset Line

The offset lines are microstrip lines having a characteristic impedance equal to the load impedance (R0) of the carrier or peaking amplifiers at the peak-power operation with a proper length. While the load impedance is modulated, the line rotates the impedance plane of the matching circuit to the real axis. This rotation eliminates the phase produced by the complex impedance match of the device, realizing the proper load modulation. The line produces a phase-delay difference between the carrier and peaking amplifiers, but the delay can be easily adjusted at the input. Offset Line at Carrier Amplifier

The offset lines for the carrier amplifier and peaking amplifiers are shown in Fig. 1.7. The functions of the two lines are identical. Let's consider the output section of the carrier amplifier. The matching network compensates the device reactive and parasitic elements and transforms a load RC = R0 to the desired ZIN,c = ROPT at the current source. However, for the load of R0 to 2R0, ZIN,c is not converted to the resistive impedance but becomes a complex impedance. Without the offset line, the input reflection coefficient of the scattering matrix S of the cascade of the device reactive part and matching network (Fig. 1.7B) is given by


si16_e  (1.14)

where ΔS is the determinant of the S-parameter with a characteristic impedance of ROPT and ΓC is the reflection coefficient of RC with respect to ROPT, which is always a real number. The matching network is designed to ensure ΓIN,c = 0 when ΓC = Γ0 (load of R0). Since the network represented by S can be considered as purely reactive, we have S22 = Γ0. The lossless nature of the network implies also that S is Hermitian; thus,


si17_e  (1.15)

Fig. 1.7
Fig. 1.7 (A) Output section of the Doherty amplifier. (B) Output section of the carrier amplifier.

Since the network is reciprocal (S12 = S21 ) and S22 = S22, Eq. (1.15) leads to


si18_e  (1.16)

Using Eqs. (1.15), (1.16), the determinant S can be represented as


si19_e  (1.17)

Eq. (1.14) can be rearranged as


si20_e  (1.18)

Note that


si21_e  (1.19)

where ΓC | R0is the reflection coefficient of RC with respect to R0. Therefore, we can rewrite Eq.(1.18) as


si22_e  (1.20)

In other words, ΓIN,c corresponds to ΓC | R0 except for a phase factor of ej2 ∠ S21. As an example, the triangle symbols in Fig. 1.8 show the values of ΓIN,c corresponding to a possible load modulation of Γc along the real axis. The trajectory of ΓIN,c still is a straight line but tilted with respect to the real axis following Eq. (1.20).

Fig. 1.8
Fig. 1.8 Load modulation without offset line (triangle) and with the offset line (circle): (A) ΓIN,c plane, (B) Γc plane, and (C) S-parameters with/without the offset line. The same symbols are associated with the corresponding loads.

We insert an offset line with characteristic impedance R0 and electric length θc = ∠ S21 between the matching network and RC. The modified network, represented by ˜Ssi23_e (see Fig. 1.7), still matches R0 to ROPT, and the offset line introduces a delay θc, compensating ej2 ∠ S21. Invoking the reciprocity of ˜Ssi23_e and S, we have


si25_e  (1.21)

Eq. (1.20) can therefore be rewritten as


si26_e  (1.22)

Hence, whatever load modulation acts on RC, we set


si27_e  (1.23)

Then, the exactly same modulation is applied on ZIN,c. In fact, in this case, we have


si28_e  (1.24)

Fig. 1.8 (circle symbol) shows the behavior described by Eq. (1.24). When an offset line with electric length chosen according to Eq. (1.23) has been inserted, the modulation experienced by the reflection coefficient ΓC is now exactly reproduced on ΓIN,c. It should be noticed that the impedance is calculated before the impedance inverter and 2R0 ~ R0 load is converter to 2ROPT~ ROPT at the current source.

If the offset line introduces a loss A, Eq. (1.24) can be rewritten as


si29_e  (1.25)

In this case also, an offset line of length given in Eq. (1.23) ensures purely real load modulation but with reduced dynamic range when RC ≠ R0. Offset Line at Peaking Amplifier

Similar considerations can be applied to the offset line of the peaking amplifier, for which analogous expression of Eq. (1.18) can be derived from Fig. 1.7, where the parameters are changed to those of the peaking amplifier. Since the peaking amplifier should be open at a low power operation, the flow direction is reversed. But we can derive exactly the same equation as follows:


si30_e  (1.26)

where S(P) represents the S-parameter of the cascaded circuit of the reactive elements and matching network of the peaking amplifier, the latter designed to ensure the output matching. ΓG is the peaking reflection coefficient similar to ΓC. At a low-power drive, the peaking amplifier is turned off, and the intrinsic device behaves as an open circuit; thus,


si31_e  (1.27)

From Eq. (1.27), it is clear that, without the offset line, the open circuit at the intrinsic device output plane is not correctly reproduced at the common load plane, while we obtain ΓOUT, p = 1 with an offset line of length:


si32_e  (1.28)

Since the matching network and reactive elements are composed of the reactive components, S12 and S21 have the same value. Therefore, the offset line for the peaking amplifier also assists for the load modulation like the offset line at the output of the carrier amplifier. With the offset line, the peaking amplifier properly operates; the output load of the peaking amplifier modulates from infinity to the R0 while from infinity to ROPT at the current source of a device. Since the offset lines at the carrier and peaking amplifiers rotate the same angle to the real impedance region, under the condition that the device output capacitances and the output-matching circuits are the same, the lengths of the two offset lines should be identical. Also, it is worth to be noticed that, with help of the quarter-wave inverter at the carrier amplifier, the impedance trajectories for the carrier and peaking amplifiers are lined up but at the different impedance levels, i.e., R0R0/2 and R0 − ∞, respectively.

1.4 Other Load Modulation Methods

So far, we have introduced the current-combining Doherty amplifier, which is the most popular design method in Doherty amplifiers. But there are several variances of the Doherty load modulation circuits. Doherty himself introduces a voltage-combining method also. In this section, we will introduce the different load modulation techniques of the Doherty amplifier.

1.4.1 Voltage Combined Doherty Amplifier Series Configured Doherty Amplifier in Voltage Combining Mode

As Doherty described in his original paper, the Doherty load modulation circuit can be realized in a series voltage-combining mode of the two voltage sources. Fig. 1.9 shows the circuit schematic of the original Doherty amplifier with the series-connected load. The series-connected load properly combines the output powers delivered by the carrier and peaking amplifiers in a push-pull way since the load is ungrounded. It should be noticed that the impedance inverter is located at the peaking amplifier side and the load RL is 2ROPT instead of ROPT/2 in the current-mode case.

Fig. 1.9
Fig. 1.9 Series-configured Doherty amplifier in voltage-combining mode.

When the peaking amplifier is in off state with a high impedance, the load seen by the carrier amplifier is RL = 2ROPT because the high impedance of the peaking amplifier is converted to a short by the inverter with ZT = ROPT. Conversely, when the carrier and peaking amplifiers deliver their full power, the two amplifiers equally share the 2ROPT load. In between the two power levels, the loads seen by the carrier amplifier ZC and peaking amplifier ZP are modulated exactly the same way with current combining case. Since the Doherty modulation circuit provides the perfect matching, the calculation is simple.


si33_e  (1.29)


si34_e  (1.30)


si35_e  (1.31)

where, I1 and V1 are the carrier current and voltage, I2 and V2 are the peaking current and voltage, I2′ and V2′ are the peaking current and voltage transferred by the inverter, respectively.

Thus, the load modulation behavior at the voltage sources is identical to the parallel configuration as shown in Fig. 1.10. Therefore, the operational behavior is also identical with the same voltage and current responses for the two sources. Since the powers generated from the two amplifiers are combined in series way, the RL is 2ROPT instead of ROPT/2 in the parallel case. It is evident that such a kind of configuration requires an output balun since the load is not connected to the ground, which is a big disadvantage of the series configuration.

Fig. 1.10
Fig. 1.10 Load modulation behavior of the voltage-combined Doherty. Transformer Based Power Amplifier

The voltage-combining architecture is popular for a differential CMOS power amplifier with a transformer because the transformer can function as a voltage-combining balun. The differential structure is well suited for CMOS power amplifier to solve the low breakdown voltage and low power density of a CMOS device since the output load impedance is increased. The grounding problem of the CMOS power amplifier without via process is also solved by the differential structure. Therefore, a voltage-combined Doherty power amplifier based on the transformer is a natural choice for the CMOS process. The detailed load modulation behavior will be derived using the transformer-based CMOS Doherty power amplifier.

Fig. 1.11A shows a conceptual diagram of a conventional power amplifier architecture based on the transformer. IPA represents the current source of the amplifier. The transformer transforms the 50 Ω load impedance to a lower impedance at the primary for a power match of the amplifier using 1:m transformer. Based on the transformer theory,


si36_e  (1.32)


si37_e  (1.33)

Fig. 1.11
Fig. 1.11 Conceptual operational diagram of transformer-based (A) single-ended and (B) differential power amplifiers.

In the differential power amplifier shown in Fig. 1.11B, the impedances are given by


si38_e  (1.34)


si39_e  (1.35)

The optimum impedances Zp and Zn are inversely proportional to 2m2. However, in the single-ended power amplifier case shown in Fig. 1.11A, the impedances are


si40_e  (1.36)


si41_e  (1.37)

The optimum impedance Zp′ is two times larger, and the power cell size should be a half of the differential case. Therefore, the power level at the same matching impedance is 6 dB lower than that of the differential power amplifier. Therefore, the differential amplifier has a big advantage for power match of a high-power amplifier with a low impedance level. Transformer Based Voltage Combined Doherty Amplifier

The transformer can modulate the load seen by the differential amplifiers, and this load modulation characteristic can be applied to the dynamic load modulation for a Doherty power amplifier. Fig. 1.12 shows the operational diagram of the voltage-combined Doherty power amplifier with a transformer. IC and IP are the current sources representing the carrier and peaking amplifiers, respectively, and their operations are identical to the current-combining case as described before. For the proper modulation with the voltage combining, the quarter-wave inverter is attached at the peaking amplifier. When the peaking amplifier is turned off, the open impedance of the peaking is converted to the short at the transformer. Therefore, the carrier amplifier is connected to the 2ROPT load instead of ROPT/2 for the current-combining case (1:1 ratio case). When the two amplifiers generate their full powers, the two amplifiers share the load, ROPT each, and their powers are combined in the voltage-combining way. In between the two power levels, the transformer combines the two output powers properly as described below.

Fig. 1.12
Fig. 1.12 Operational diagram of voltage-combined Doherty power amplifier with a two-way transformer.

The modulation behavior can be calculated the same way as the current-combining case. It is assumed that each current source is linearly proportional to the input voltage after it is turned on, operating as a class B amplifier with harmonic short circuits. The peaking amplifier turns on at a half of the maximum input voltage. The phase difference between the carrier and peaking amplifiers is adjusted at the input. The two antiphased voltage signals are applied to the primary ports of the transformer, and the two signals are properly combined at the secondary output port. But, in this design, the carrier and peaking amplifiers do not operate in differential mode.

Fig. 1.13 shows the fundamental current and voltage amplitudes according to the input drive voltage. In the low-power region (0 < Vin < Vin, max/2), the peaking amplifier remains in the cutoff state, and the load impedance of the carrier amplifier is two times larger than that of the conventional amplifier. The operational behavior is the same as the single-ended operation explained earlier. The peaking amplifier's output impedance is infinity due to the open state. The quarter-wave inverter inserted at the output of the peaking amplifier transfers it to a short condition at the V′P node.

Fig. 1.13
Fig. 1.13 Magnitudes of the current and voltage versus the input drive voltage.

In the high-power region (Vin, max/2 < Vin < Vin, max), where the peaking amplifier is conducting, the load impedances of the carrier amplifier and peaking amplifier are modulated. Assuming that transconductance of the peaking amplifier is two times larger than that of the carrier amplifier, the current swings of the two amplifiers increase in proportion to the input voltage level, and they are shown in Fig. 1.13A. The voltage swing of the peaking amplifier reaches to the Vmax only at the maximum input voltage while that of the carrier amplifier remains at Vmax. This behavior can be explained using the modulated load impedances.

The load impedances seen by the carrier and peaking amplifiers can be calculated by using Eqs. (1.34), (1.35) with V0=VCVPsi42_e and given in Eqs. (1.38), (1.40), respectively (where 0<VP<VCsi43_e):


si44_e  (1.38)


si45_e  (1.39)


si46_e  (1.40)

ZOPT,p is ZOPT,p inverted by ROPT inverter. Therefore, the load impedances of the carrier and peaking amplifiers are dynamically modulated according to the input power level. Using Eqs. (1.38), (1.40) and the currents in Fig. 1.13A, the calculated voltage profiles are shown in Fig. 1.13B, where RL = 2ROPT and m = 1 are assumed for a simple analysis (also a popular approach for a proper transformer design).

The magnitudes of the output currents Ic and IPsi47_e at the primary of the transformer are the same with the IL at the secondary (where Ic =  I P  = I1 = IL) as shown in Fig. 1.14A. Since the currents are the same, the output voltages generated by the two amplifiers are voltage combined at the secondary of the transformer as shown in Fig. 1.14A. In the low-power region, the load impedance of ZOPT,p at the combining node is maintained at zero, thanks to the quarter-wave inverter, as shown in Fig. 1.14C, and the carrier amplifier with the load impedance of 2ROPT achieves a peak efficiency at 6 dB power back-off (PBO) point under the single-ended operation. In the high-power region, through Eqs. (1.38), (1.40), the transformer with the quarter-wave inverter properly modulates the load impedance seen by each carrier (from 2ROPT to ROPT) and peaking (from ∞ to ROPT) amplifiers as shown in Fig. 1.14D. The load impedance of ZOPT,p is inverted following Eq. (1.39).

Fig. 1.14
Fig. 1.14 Operational behavior of the voltage-combining Doherty. (A) Current variation at the transformer, (B) voltage variation at the transformer, (C) load impedances at the primary ports of the transformer, and (D) load impedances at the current sources.

As mentioned earlier, a differential operation is preferred for CMOS power amplifier. But the structure is not a differential mode and should be modified. A simple method is to operate the carrier and peaking amplifiers in differential mode, separately, and the four cells of the amplifiers are combined using a single transformer. Fig. 1.15 shows the circuit structure of the differential CMOS Doherty amplifier. The output power is four-way combined in this structure, which increases the output power by eight times for the same load impedance. Also, the imaginary part of the device impedance should be controlled properly using an offset line or parallel resonation of the output capacitor at the drain terminal as we have described earlier.

Fig. 1.15
Fig. 1.15 Block diagram of an ideal voltage-combining Doherty power amplifier with transformer combiner.

1.4.2 Inverted Load Modulation

The inverted Doherty amplifier has the quarter-wave impedance inverter at the peaking amplifier instead of the carrier amplifier as shown in Fig. 1.16A. But it is a current-combining Doherty amplifier. This architecture is useful for the Doherty amplifier with the large capacitive output-matching impedances of the carrier and peaking amplifiers. In this case, the length of the offset line can be shorter in the inverted Doherty architecture than the normal Doherty amplifier. But the behaviors of the two Doherty amplifiers are identical.

Fig. 1.16
Fig. 1.16 Load network: (A) schematic and (B) impedance rotations by the offset line and inverter.

As discussed in Session 1.3, the load impedances of the carrier and peaking amplifiers are modulated from RL~ RL/2 and RL ~ ∞, respectively. The RL~ RL/2 at the carrier amplifier is converted to RL~ 2RL by the RL line inverter. The impedances should be transferred to ROPT ~ 2ROPT and ROPT ~ ∞ at the current sources of the carrier and peaking amplifiers, respectively. But the impedances are rotated by the output capacitances and matching circuits as we discussed earlier. The rotation angles for the two amplifiers can be identical under the assumption that they are identical amplifiers without their output capacitance variation. Therefore, by the same offset line, the impedance lines can be rotated to the real axis with the proper values.

The load impedance lines for the carrier and peaking amplifiers located at the capactive region are depicted in Fig. 1.16B. In this case, as shown in Fig. 1.16B, the lines are rotated to the resistive axis by the short offset line. For the carrier amplifier, the load after the offset line is transformed to ROPT~ 0.5ROPT, without the help of the impedance inverter, for the load impedance change of RL ~ 2RL. For the peaking amplifier, the line at ROPT~ short should be rotated further to ROPT ~ ∞ region by the inverter located the peaking amplifier. Therefore, this structure requires the offset line at the peaking amplifier but the operational behavior is identical to the conventional Doherty amplifier.

In comparison, the conventional Doherty amplifier requires the offset line that is a quarter-wave length longer than this inverted Doherty amplifier since the line should be rotated to ROPT~ 2ROPT. Then the inverter rotates the line by 180°, reaching to ROPT~ 0.5ROPT. However, the peaking amplifier with the longer offset line does not need the inverter. Therefore, the total length of the line at the carrier amplifier is two quarter-wave lengths shorter for the inverted structure. However, when the matching impedance lines are located at the inductive region, the conventional Doherty amplifier requires shorter offset lines. Therefore, we can select a better topology between the conventional and inverted load networks after considering Zmatch_on for the fully matched carrier amplifier. If the Zmatch_on of the carrier amplifier is located from 0° to − 180°, we have to choose an inverted load network that requires shorter offset lines. Otherwise, the conventional Doherty network requires shorter offset lines. Another solution is, since the high-pass-type filter produces a negative angle rotation, the high-pass-type offset line can be employed instead of the inverter Doherty topology, if the filter is available like an on-chip circuit.

1.4.3 Direct Matching at the First Peak Efficiency Point

For amplification of a modulated signal with a large PAPR, the first peak efficiency region is more important than the high-power region because major portion of the amplification is carried out at the first peak region. Therefore, it is advantageous to design the Doherty amplifier with accurate match at the first peak efficiency region. However, the conventional Doherty amplifier is directly matched at the peak-power point by the matching circuit without being affected by the load modulation. And the impedance at the first peak efficiency region is matched to 2ROPT through the load modulation. But it is difficult to accurately match at the first peak region in this design because the load modulation does not behave ideally due to the nonlinear device characteristics.

Therefore, it is advantageous to match directly at the first peak because the modulation circuit sensitivity is moved to the peak power region, relaxing the circuit tolerance at the first peak matching. Moreover, at the peak-power region, the carrier and peaking amplifiers are operated at the saturated mode, where the circuit tolerance is inherently large. The direct matching at the first peak can be done in two ways. Using ROPT/2 Inverter

In a conventional Doherty amplifier, the output-matching circuit of the carrier amplifier is designed to match the optimum output impedance of ROPT at the peak output power region to R0, and the characteristic impedances of the offset line and quarter-wave inverter are set to the same impedance, R0, as depicted in Fig. 1.17A. The offset line and inverter modulate the load for matching to 2ROPT at the back-off power region, while the match at the peak-power operation is not affected by the modulation circuit. In this design, the accurate output matching at the first peak efficiency region is very difficult due to the nonlinear load modulation behavior of the amplifier with a low matching tolerance. The load modulation does not behave ideally either due to the nonlinear device parameters variation. However, to get a high efficiency for amplification of a modulated signal, the accurate match at the back-off power region is more important than that at the peak-power region.

Fig. 1.17
Fig. 1.17 Schematics of the Doherty amplifiers: (A) the conventional Doherty amplifier and (B) the first peak-matched Doherty power amplifier.

To solve the problem, the output-matching circuit of the carrier amplifier is matched at the output power level with the first peak efficiency, from 2ROPT optimum load to R0/2 load. The impedance inverter and offset line of the carrier power amplifier are also designed with the characteristic impedance of R0/2, and the match is not affected by the load modulation circuit (Fig. 1.17B). The load is modulated for match at the high-power region. The new offset line compensates the reactive element effect for matching from ROPT to R0/4 load as shown in Fig. 1.18, and the R0/4 load is inverted to R0. And the load modulation behavior of the carrier amplifier is the same as the conventional design.

Fig. 1.18
Fig. 1.18 Load modulation of carrier amplifier with R0/2 inverter and offset line.

We can design the peaking amplifier matched at the first peak region, similarly to the carrier amplifier. But the peak-power region is more important for the peaking amplifier since no power is generated at the first peak region and the peaking amplifier is designed the same way as the conventional case.

Fig. 1.19 shows the output impedance trajectory of the carrier amplifier through the load modulation, which is simulated with a Cree gallium nitride (GaN) HEMT CGH40045 model. In the Doherty amplifier design, the efficiency at the first peak region is very important because overall efficiency is determined by the efficiency, while the power is important at the peak-power region because the power limits the dynamic range of the load modulation while the efficiency does not affect the overall efficiency significantly. Therefore, the carrier power amplifier is efficiently matched to R0/2 at the back-off power with 2ROPT, and the offset line is adjusted to deliver the maximum output power at the peak power. As shown in Fig. 1.19, this design concept of the first peak match has advantage in realization because the power contour at the peak-power region has a large tolerance of the matching impedance and the carrier power amplifier can be matched accurate to the high efficiency region at the low power region with low tolerance.

Fig. 1.19
Fig. 1.19 Results of load-pull simulation and output impedance trajectory of the carrier amplifier through the load modulation. Using 2ROPT Inverter

The other method is the use of the inverter with


si48_e  (1.41)

Here, the carrier and peaking amplifiers are matched to 2R0 load from 2ROPT device impedance at the first peaking efficiency region. In this Doherty amplifier design shown in Fig. 1.20, the output impedance of the carrier amplifier Zm is given by


si49_e  (1.42)


si50_e  (1.43)


si51_e  (1.44)

Fig. 1.20
Fig. 1.20 The first peak-matched Doherty amplifier using 2R0 inverter.

At the peak-power operation, the impedance of the carrier amplifier is ROPT, and this impedance is transferred to 4R0 by the inverter with ZT = 2R0. Therefore, IT given by Eq. (1.43) should be identical to Ia and is given by


si52_e  (1.45)

With Eqs. (1.44, (1.45), the Im and Ia profiles versus the input voltage Vin are shown in Fig. 1.21, which are mathematically given as


si53_e  (1.46)


si54_e  (1.47)

Fig. 1.21
Fig. 1.21 Current profiles of the carrier amplifier and peaking amplifier versus the normalized input voltage.

The Ia versus Vin function in Eq. (1.47) can be easily realized in practice using a peaking device with the same size as the main device, except biased in class C. But only a half of the current capability of the peaking amplifier is utilized.

Zm, the impedance seen by the carrier device, is identical to that of the conventional Doherty with perfect tracking of 2ROPT for up to 6 dB of back-off power. At the peak power, the peaking device now sees 4ROPT instead of ROPT because VL is doubled while Ia is halved. Fig. 1.22 shows the load modulation in the Doherty amplifier calculated using Eqs. (1.42) and (1.44).

Fig. 1.23
Fig. 1.22 Calculated impedances Zm and Za versus the normalized input voltage.

The voltages across the carrier and peaking devices, Vm and Va, can be calculated using (1.42) and (1.46), (1.44) and (1.47), respectively. The voltage profile is shown in Fig. 1.23. As shown, the Vm is identical to that of the conventional Doherty amplifier in Fig. 1.3 in Section 1.3. On the other hand, the voltage VL across the peaking device and the load now swings twice as much as the VL of the conventional Doherty amplifier in the figure. As such, the DC drain bias of the peaking amplifier needs to be twice that of the carrier amplifier. From a practical perspective, the need for asymmetrical bias voltages implies that only a half of power capability of the carrier device is utilized for the power generation.

Fig. 1.22
Fig. 1.23 Calculated voltages across the carrier amplifier and the voltage across the load or peaking amplifier versus the normalized input voltage.

The efficiency curve and the peak output power are identical to that of the conventional Doherty power amplifier as shown in Fig. 1.24. This design method can achieve the goal of the accurate first peak match. But the carrier amplifier utilizes a half of the available voltage swing and the peaking amplifier a half of the current maximum current-handling capability. Those problems are serious limitation for this design technique. As we mentioned earlier, the peaking amplifier in the conventional Doherty amplifier utilizes a half of the current available, also. This problem can be solved by uneven drive that will be discussed in the next chapter.

Fig. 1.24
Fig. 1.24 The calculated drain efficiency versus normalized output power in the proposed Doherty amplifier.

Further Reading

[1] Pengelly R., et al. Doherty's legacy: a history of the Doherty power amplifier from 1936 to the present day. IEEE Microw. Mag. 2016;17(2):41–58.

[2] Yang Y., et al. Optimum design for linearity and efficiency of microwave Doherty amplifier using a new load matching technique. Microw. J. 2001;44(12):20–36.

[3] Kim B., et al. The Doherty power amplifier. IEEE Microw. Mag. 2006;7(5):42–50.

[4] Quaglia R., et al. Offset lines in Doherty power amplifiers: analytical demonstration and design. IEEE Microwave Wireless Compon. Lett. 2013;23(2):93–95.

[5] Cho Y., et al. Voltage-combined CMOS Doherty power amplifier based on transformer. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 2016;64(11):3612–3622.

[6] Kwon S., et al. Inverted-load network for high-power Doherty amplifier. IEEE Microw. Mag. 2009;10(1):93–98.

[7] Park Y., et al. In: Optimized Doherty power amplifier with a new offset line. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Sympo. Dig., Phoenix, AZ, May, 17–22; 2015.

[8] Yu-Ting Wu D., Boumaiza S. A modified Doherty configuration for broadband amplification using symmetrical devices. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 2012;60(10):3201–3213.

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