Marketing and Selling IT Services

This still isn't being done. We've been talking about this concept since the early nineties but we have yet to see much progress. This needs to be a full time job function. Not a separate function, but as part of each and every manager's responsibility. Once again, we know that no one has the time, but this cannot be an excuse any longer. As the leader of IT, the CIO must take responsibility to market IT's services and mission throughout the company.

IT still has a rotten image out there and client-server computing has made things worse. "IT is spending millions and what are we getting in return?" is the most common theme. Now, we ITers know better—customers are getting plenty of service but they still complain and say they receive very little attention from IT. This perception has to go away once and for all.

Let's face it, in the era of outsourcing, any IT organization is in competition with other providers that might provide this service better, cheaper, and more efficiently to the enterprise.

Today, IT professionals need to start by thoroughly documenting their services with associated costs for those services. They need to walk with the great unwashed and communicate with customers. Schmooze, sell, and otherwise promote your services. Examples of ways IT can promote its services and value are located in Appendix D.

Table 3-1. Internal marketing examples
Activity Description
Newsletters Publish a quarterly newsletter to be distributed to your primary customers in the organization outlining your recent successes, updates to your business plan, and plans for the near- and long-term future. Include statistics showing improvements in supporting customers, such as:
  • Uptime availability of the network.

  • Uptime of applications.

  • Savings business units enjoy as a result of applications that have been deployed to support in-line business units.

  • Number of help-desk queries handled in a fiscal quarter.

Assign IT representatives to be liaisons with business unit executives, and coordinate regularly scheduled meetings with the business units. The CIO and representatives to business units meet with the internal customers to review their business relationships.
Tours of the data center Host periodic tours to acquaint your customers with your facilities and the staff.
Implement an internal IT homepage. Publish information about your IT organization, its mission, services, organizational structure, and accomplishments.

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