Chapter 4. Case Studies

For years we've known of the issues with client/server computing as highlighted in Table 2-1. For years we've also been pleading with IT management all over the world to do something about these problems before it's too late. It's obvious we haven't succeeded in communicating the urgency of the problem. Let's give it one more try.

If IT management wouldn't listen to us before, we thought eyes might start opening if they saw case study data from 40 Fortune 1000-class companies. Sometimes it's easier to look objectively at someone else's organization to see the blatant problems … easier than looking at one's own problems.

These case studies are from companies spanning across different industries, including finance, manufacturing, media, transportation, retail, etc. We looked inside some of the largest, most established, and well-known companies in the world. We also looked at a few smaller yet fast growing companies, such as Internet service providers and other Internet-related companies.

Here we share the data that took almost two years to compile.

Our program to assess IT organizations was started because we knew of the ongoing frustrations and problems IT management was having in supporting client/server computing. We believed that, based on our experience of running client-server computing, we could provide valuable insights to others on how to manage their organizations. We have extensive experience running legacy and client-server shops.

Seventy-five percent of the companies we visited also had mainframe environments. What would any red-blooded IT professional do but compare RAS in the two environments? The results are not surprising. The mainframe would win hands down. Every organization reported better RAS statistics and experiences with the mainframe compared to client-server computing. It was the same in the US as in Asia or Europe, the same in manufacturing companies as at the movie studios as in aerospace firms. The simple truth is that no one has the same frustrations in the legacy world as in the client/server world.

Everywhere we've gone we've heard the same story, namely that the client/server environment isn't as stable, or as disciplined, or as secure as the older legacy environments. If we were CIOs from one of these 40 companies, we would say the same thing they did because they, like us, had success with RAS in their mainframe legacy environments of yesteryear. We've had success with RAS in legacy environments and with client/server computing. Thus, we were confident of our ability to consult and offer our vision and guidance.

But we all know that talk is easy. The actual building of an infrastructure with RAS takes many years to get it right. In the legacy environment we focused on the infrastructure first and it still took years. Do you remember who was directly involved with every aspect of developing a state-of-the-art infrastructure? You got it, the MIS manager who was the 1970s version of today's CIO. The MIS manager's office was near or next to the Data Center, that temple of RAS. There wasn't a day that went by that he or she didn't put on their white gloves and inspect the beautiful glass house. It was their showcase to the world. All visitors (even vendors) received a tour whether they asked for one or not. They had rules—rules that provided RAS—and rules that were a bit excessive. There better not be a speck of dust, waste in the garbage can, or a cable lying around where it shouldn't be, or heads would roll. Yet, metrics were abundant and accurate.

Let's get back to the case studies. Why did we wait until after 40 site evaluations to write about this? The proof is in these assessments. Forty for 40, they all depict major flaws in the organization structure. Table 4-1 points out these organizational-related problems and their impact. These problems are highlighted in the table to bring you visibility and awareness of the mess these computing environments are in today. Unreal, isn't it! If we were to see this for the first time we probably wouldn't believe it either. The same issues and problems over and over again from company to company. Some have legacy environments and some don't. But what is apparent is that the infrastructure has truly taken a back seat to developing new systems. It's really a mess out there. Chances are executives wouldn't agree with us—they would never agree on something like that. They may change their minds when they see the data and the list of these 40 elite corporations. Then maybe they would start questioning their own IT computing environments.

Table 4-1. Organizational Problems and Their Impact
Organizational Problems Impact
Organizations today do not accommodate centralized ownership of key enterprise-wide processes (i.e., change control, problem management, etc.).
  • Ineffective use of IT resources

  • Ineffective processes.

  • Sporadic application unavailability.

  • Loss of IT credibility with users.

  • RAS severely impacted.

  • Lack of enterprise-wide solutions. Groups have their own versions of these processes within IT.

Three levels of technical support (system administration) not defined.
  • Problems go directly to senior technical staff. Senior technical staff is too busy with daily fire-fighting (problem resolution) drills. These senior technicians should be spending 80 percent of their time developing architectures, fully implementing and customizing systems management tools, and designing a cost-effective infrastructure.

Systems management tools not fully implemented by as much as 80 percent.
  • Manual intervention.

  • Occasional glitches.

  • Wasted costs.

  • Wasted functionality and senior technical resources.

Organization is split between infrastructure development and production support.
  • Difficult to turn over new projects developed within the infrastructure group to production support.

  • Difficult to designate a senior technician for production support only.

Organization does not intentionally and systematically breed senior technical staff.
  • Technical resources scarce.

  • Senior technical staff bogged down with daily problem resolution.

  • Loss of opportunity to grow internal IT staff.

Lack of a production control function to support the client/server environment.
  • Lack of production Q/A process.

  • Lack of second-level support.

  • Lack of centralized process ownership.

Lack of an effective architecture/planning function.
  • Cannot build an automated production-support environment

  • Lack of enterprise-wide solutions.

  • Lack of standards.

Lack of highly skilled technical resources especially in the systems administration function.
  • Staff is in a continuous reactive mode without ample time to plan or architect a new infrastructure. Always too busy fire fighting.

  • Systems management tools not implemented properly.

Difficult for staff to keep abreast of technologies. Too busy with daily fire-fighting drills.
  • Technology is evolving quicker than ever. System Management planning/analysis is imperative in implementing more of a lights-out environment. Thus, the organization loses out on opportunities to optimize use of new technologies.

Lack of enterprise-wide system management planning.
  • Point vs. enterprise solutions.

  • Higher costs to IT.

  • Lack of enterprise-wide solutions.

Roles and responsibilities not clearly defined.
  • Wasted human resource.

  • Duplication of efforts and overlap throughout the organization.

  • Wasted costs to IT.

  • Confusion for the people who use and staff the Help Desk.

  • Duplication of system management efforts.

In some companies we found organization structures to be extremely complex.
  • Difficult to implement and administer processes.

  • Poor communication.

  • Problem management not effective.

Multiple groups supporting users. Sometimes there's a separate group responsible for desktop hardware and another for software. There's also a separate group responsible for desktop projects.
  • At times difficult for the Help Desk to determine who to call for desktop problems.

  • Users lose time and productivity.

  • IT loses credibility.

Everyone responsible for everything but rarely does someone own anything.
  • Duplication of efforts throughout the organization.

  • Political infighting.

Some organizations are structured to focus on technology.
  • Poor communication.

  • Poor morale.

  • Lack of enterprise-wide system management planning.

  • Resources become scarce.

Responsibilities overlap when splitting the infrastructure between development and support.
  • Trying to separate projects and support is very difficult. Technical staff gets pulled off of support for new project implementations. Technicians prefer working on new projects.

  • Staff not implementing new projects has a difficult time supporting them.

  • Production support not receiving the recognition as does the staff working on new projects, but when problems occur they're the ones that work the overtime.

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