Information Systems Services Cost Options Definitions

Enterprise Costs

Enterprise costs are fixed costs to sustain general operations. These charges provide for the support of connectivity, operation, and maintenance of the organization's enterprise network.

Enterprise servers provide services to more that one customer. Enterprise servers are those servers registered as of the fiscal year when the budget is approved. Servers not registered are defined as departmental servers and their support is billable at the standard professional services rate.

New equipment purchases planned for the next fiscal cycle will need to be projected on the SLA. This will provide information-systems services with information for staffing. New equipment that is not presented in the SLA will be charged a professional services fee to cover all cabling, hardware, software, and installation costs. In addition, a one-percent, per-month charge for the value of equipment to cover the cost of nonbudgeted resources will be assessed.

Professional Services

Professional services costs are charges that are incurred for services provided by information-systems services such as application services, training, desktop support, etc. Information-systems services charges a competitive cost recovery rate which is approved annually by the information systems services governance board.

						Service Level Agreement
						*Customer Name*
						Information Systems Services
						{Your Organization's Name}
						{Your Organization's Address}
						FISCAL YEAR ccyy/ccyy

This Agreement made as of the First day of Fiscal Year,
by and among {organization's name} the Information Systems 
Services Board (if applicable), and  *CUSTOMER NAME*.
Whereas the {organization's name} has directed the Information
Systems Services department to establish written Agreements 
with each Customer in order to better define the relationships 
between the IS function and each of its Customers,
Therefore the parties mutually agree to the following:
1. The information systems services to be provided to the 
Customer and respective obligations of the parties shall be in
accordance with the terms of the this Service Level Agreement
for Customers thereto dated for fiscal years which has been 
prepared specifically for this Customer and which are 
incorporated herein.
2. This agreement shall be in effect for the one-year period 
beginning on the first day of the fiscal year {put date here}
and end on the last day of the fiscal year (put date here}.
The Customer may terminate this Agreement upon nine months 
written notice to the Information Systems Services Board.
3. Changes to this Agreement can be made by written Amendment
signed by all parties.
4. The parties agree to conduct negotiations for a successor 
agreement for the following fiscal year in sufficient time to 
meet the {organization's name} and Customer 
budgeting schedules.
5. The Customer will appoint a representative to act as the
contact for the Customer. An individual performing this function 
will collaborate with information-systems service representatives
to ensure the success of all projects. The representative does not
need to have an information-systems background.  It is imperative
that the individual has extensive knowledge of the customer's 
information needs and business practices.  The representative will 
be the primary liaison with the information-systems services 
contact. The representative will maintain a list of critical
applications and prioritize other applications for service 
by the information systems services department.
6. All Customer hardware and software interfacing with the 
organization's enterprise network shall be compatible with the
system and operating standards established for the organization 
wide network. Software, database management, and operating 
systems installed on servers owned by the customer must be 
kept at the version levels specified by the information systems 
services department.
7. The Customer will pay the information-systems services
department in two budget cost categories: Enterprise and 
Professional Services for a total sum of $ *ANNUAL BUDGET*.  These 
costs are: a. Enterprise Services cost for the amount of $ 
*ENTERPRISE  BUDGET*.  Payments shall be 
due and made monthly in twelve equal installments of $ * 1/12 
of ENTERPRISE BUDGET*. b. The Professional Services 
cost for the amount of $ *PROFESSIONAL BUDGET*.
Payments shall be due and made monthly for services rendered.  
Interest charges incurred by information systems services 
department to fund its operation as a result of delinquent 
Customerpayments will be billed directly to the Customer.
This Agreement shall become effective, as of the date written 
above upon execution by all of the parties.
ATTEST:       {organization's name}
By:Information Systems Services Board Chairman

I. Purpose
The purpose of this SLA is to define the services provided to the
Customer by the Information Systems Services Department (ISSD).
These services are provided at the rates approved by the ISS 
Board (ISSB).

II. Customer Service Requests
ISSD uses a Customer Service Request (CSR) system to manage 
requests for services from its customers.  This is an automated
system available through the Enterprise network.
ISSD customers enter all requests for services into the CSR 
tracking system.  Once entered, a production date and project
schedule are negotiated between the Customer and ISSD.

III. Status Reporting
Project status is communicated through ISSD representative.  
This occurs through meetings, phone conversations, memorandums, 
E-mail, etc.  On a monthly basis, the ISSD provides management 
reports to assist in tracking project activity.  These 
reports detail both activity status and their associated costs.
IV. Help Desk
ISSD Help Desk services is the first line customer support for 
the reporting of hardware and software problems. Problems are 
recorded in a problem and change Control system to facilitate 
problem resolution.  The Help Desk phone number is {phone number}.
						Help Desk Escalation and Notification Matrix
Severity  Level
1. Failure of server/router/cabling that effects more that one 
        60 minutes - first escalation
        4 hours      - second escalation
2. Failure of server/hub/cabling/that effects entire department of 
more than three customers.
        2 hours - first escalation
        8 hours - second escalation
3. Failure of PC/cable segments that effects three users of less.
        24 hours - first escalation
        48 hours - second escalation
4. Non-Priority issues.
        7  days   - first escalation

V. Services
ISSD offers a complete range of information system services.  
These services are customer business driven and are matched
to the appropriate technology.  Listed below are some of 
the Enterprise and  Professional Services offered by ISSD.
Enterprise Services

Enterprise Services encompass the enterprise network, servers
and services.
     Documents on demand (one time setup charge)
     Production application processing
     Problem and change management
     Business recovery services
     Enterprise printing
     Price agreement checking
     Printing and post processing services
     Purchase requisition reviews
     Public data access
     Microfilm / Microfiche
     Network software license registration
     Network software distribution
     Enterprise On-line data storage
     Support for electronic mail
     Report distribution bundling
     System performance
     System monitoring
     Integration into the enterprise network
     Wide area network performance monitoring and tuning
     Internet access
     (Add your services)

Professional Services
Professional Services costs are charges that are incurred for 
services provided by ISS over and above the Enterprise 
services.  Services may be selected from the following:
     Project management
     Planning, research, and technical review services
     Enterprise modeling
     Strategic planning
     Business analysis
     Software recommendation
     Requests for proposal (RFP)
     Systems analysis, design and development
     Implementation of purchase/package software
     Software training
     Off-site data storage
     Installation and support of office automation services
     Application development
     Application maintenance after warranty period expires
     Form design and maintenance
     Server installation and administrative support (non 
     System and network analysis, capacity and performance 
     Installation of direct or remote devices
     Document imaging
     Unplanned integration into the enterprise network
     Internet web page design and integration
     (add your services)

VI.Professional Services
Based on a Professional Services annual budget of $XXXXXX.XX; 
billing for these allocated ISSD resources is monthly on an "as 
consumed" basis.

VII. Software Portfolio
The ISSD will provide the Customer with an inventory of 
current applications that are supported. Support for 
applications that are not on the currently supported inventory 
will be negotiated.  The Customer's representative will 
identify any maintenance needs, upgrades, and re-engineering 
for these applications to be included in the budget for 
the fiscal year.

VIII. Inventory List
The ISSD will utilize an inventory list of terminals, PCs and 
peripherals provided by the Asset Management System.

IX. Servers
Servers that are attached to the enterprise network will be 
maintained at the same software version levels specified by the 
ISSD.  Database software must be maintained at the appropriate 
level to be compatible with the Enterprise network. A system
management plan will be established to identify the system 
manager and the database administrator responsibilities, for 
each server.  It will be the responsibility of the information 
manager to prepare the plan for servers that are controlled 
by the customer.

X. Millennium
Any applications that are not scheduled for completion of migration 
by 1998 will need to be reviewed for two 
digit year and algorithm issues occurring due to the change of
century.  Each customer will allocate the needed budget dollars
to complete {some percentage} of 
the required year 2000 changes during fiscal cycle.

XIII. Training
The ISSD publishes a list of training courses that are offered 
by Customer Services. The customer will need to identify their 
training needs for the fiscal year.

XIV.  Performance Measurements
Customer Service Request (CSR) completion dates will be 
negotiated among the Customer's representative and the ISSD 
contact.  Once the completion date is established, the staff 
member performing the work will be responsible for completing
the work.  In the event that circumstances beyond the control
of the employee or ISSD result in a delay, the staff member 
and the ISSD contact will meet and discuss the situation with 
the customer.  The ISSD will maintain an appropriate level of 
response and system up time for the enterprise network.  
Performance will be measured against industry standards.  
Additional performance measures requested by a customer will be 
submitted to the ISSB for review and approval.

XV. Projected Purchase of PCs, Printers etc.
The customer will provide a projection of new hardware and 
software. Anything in addition to this list will be subject 
to additional costs for installation service and support.

XVI. Projected Requirements for Network Connectivity.
The customer will identify in their SLA any new locations 
that will need to be connected to the Enterprise network. 
New equipment that is not presented in the SLA will be 
charged a professional services fee to cover all cabling, 
hardware, software, and installation costs. In addition, a 
1% per month charge for the value of new equipment to cover
the cost of non-budgeted resources will be assessed.

XVII. Products Supported by ISS
ISS publishes a list of products supported and services offered 
as part of the Enterprise network.

      ISS Service Level Agreement
						Fiscal Year CCYY - CCYY
						XVIII. Professional Services Options (attachment)
						Customer: *Customer Name*

The following attachment provides a list of planned activities 
for the upcoming fiscal year.  It is intended that the ISSD 
take action on these projects during the year and in the 
time frames specified for each project.  Customer projects 
noted below will be initiated as directed by the customer 
representative with available funding and available ISSD 

Planned Activity Development:
List activities for the fiscal year.

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