Root Authority

Root access will be given to Mr. A and Ms. B to support servers AD0001 and AD0002. Mr. A and Ms. B are to support/backup each other (i.e., illness/vacation). If they're both unavailable contact Technical Support (within the data center). All changes to root will be audited to provide a trace of activity from the root user. The following activities are to be done by Technical Support upon request:

  • Kernel changes

  • Disk reconfigurations

  • Modifying the root user environment

  • Installation of any binary into the system directory structure

  • Modification to any network related configuration files

  • The manipulation/modification of any system daemon that is run as root

  • Changes to the /etc/rc* files

The following activities (but not limited to) may be done by the applications development root owners:

  • Change /etc/exports for mount directories

  • Change /etc/fstab

  • Add users/groups

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