
Process Development and Implementation

Why aren't processes flourishing in client/server computing? When we speak with managers around the globe they all speak of technology, technology, and more technology. Why aren't they preaching processes, processes, and more processes? And more important, why aren't these processes imbedded deep into the bowels of the infrastructure? Even the basic processes (change control, problem management, etc.) are not thriving as depicted in Table 5-1.

Some executives are aware of this, so they organize a special group reporting into the management of the infrastructure group to focus on process development. This brings up another set of issues and problems. What we've seen in many companies is that this group is headed up by a very small staff. At times this group is led by a person who used to manage a larger group and, for whatever reason, it didn't work out. Yet this individual had some good qualities so "we'll put him here." Another scenario would be for an individual to head this group who came from somewhere other than the trenches within the infrastructure. This is a huge mistake and a common problem in the industry. The issues with having a separate group other than your own technical production support staff lead this endeavor are enormous:

  • Buy-in is difficult when it's done outside of the group that needs to adhere to it.

  • The staff removed from the trenches don't really understand the details. You had to have been reared in that type of environment.

Back in the mainframe days, processes were developed and implemented by system programmers, database administrators, operations analysts, etc. These same people maintained and made sure that everyone adhered to the processes. There was key centralized ownership. Buy-in wasn't necessary because the same people that designed and implemented the processes were the same people that maintained them.

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