

ABB (Asea, Brown, Baveri), 26


of projects, 179, 311

of Six Sigma providers, 58

The Alchemy of Growth (Baghai), 72

Alder, Jim, 46, 126


reinvigorating Six Sigma deployment, 341-346

Six Sigma for, 6-7

AlliedSignal, 26, 37-38

anchoring change initiatives (deployment architecture stage), 52-53, 304-305

Asea, Brown, Baveri (ABB), 26

assessments. See also change initiatives, reinvigorating

example, 326-328

with Kotter’s philosophical deployment architecture, 352-354

of Six Sigma deployment, 331-333


Baghai, Mehrdad, 72

BBs. See Black Belts

Belts. See Black Belts; Green Belts; Master Black Belts

Bennis, Warren, 138

best practices, sharing, 296

big picture clarification. See linking internal activities

Black Belts (BBs), 8, 258

certification requirements, 144-146, 272-274

Chemical Design for Six Sigma training programs, 216-218

defined, 11

financial expectations, 36

full time versus part time, 260-262, 316

hiring, 259-260

K-Sigma Black Belt training program, 220-225

number to train, 228-230, 262-263

Operational Black Belt training program, 218-220

as part of infrastructure, 133-135

percentage to be trained, 36

project drivers, 249

responsibilities of, 10-11

retention and career planning, 279-281

succession planning, 271-272

talent selection, 259-268

time dedicated to projects, 230

training programs, 225

Bossidy, Larry, 3, 6, 17, 22, 26, 41, 43, 45-46, 49, 56-57, 69, 101, 107-108, 118-121, 236, 285, 330, 354

bottom-line expectations, 91-99

Bottom-Up prioritization matrix, 170-171

bottom-up projects, 10, 161-165

Breen, Ed, 6, 108

broad-based change empowerment (deployment architecture stage), 50

Burhnam, Dan, 6

business model, components of, 17-23, 69-70

business process reengineering. See reengineering

Business Team Workshop, 190-195

customizing, 199-204

business unit deployment, division deployment versus, 109-110

business units, Deployment Champions for, 126-128


capacity productivity (C-P), 87

career planning for Belts, 279-281

CEO, as part of infrastructure, 120-123

certification requirements, 144-146

for Belts, 272-274

Champion Workshops, 195-199

customizing, 199-204


Deployment Champions, 46

Initiative Champions, 45-46

responsibilities of, 10-11

change initiatives

anchoring (deployment architecture stage), 52-53, 304-305

connecting Six Sigma with, 106-108

driving change, importance of, 3

reinvigorating, 329-331

deployment efficiency, 340-341

extending Six Sigma, 346-352

leadership roadmap, 334-340

program assessment, 331-333

quality dimensions, 333-334

strategic alignment, 341-346

Six Sigma as, 6

steps to success, 354-355

change readiness, 341

Charan, Ram, 3, 17, 69

chartering projects, 176-182, 310

charters, defined, 27

Chemical Design for Six Sigma training programs, 216-218

clarifying big picture. See linking

Collins, Jim, 7, 42

communication (deployment architecture stage), 48-49, 240-241

communication plans, 235-236

creating custom, 238-240

elevator speeches, 250-252

example of, 246-249

Human Resources (HR) role in, 281-284

importance of, 322, 342

matrix for, 236-238

media for, 244-245

message presentation, 241-244

topics for, 252

communications department, extending Six Sigma to, 348

complacency, sources of, 42

complexity of message in communications matrix, 236-238

Confronting Reality (Bossidy and Charan), 3, 17, 46, 69, 119-120, 330, 354

consolidating gains (deployment architecture stage), 51-52, 303-304

consultant experience, differentiating Six Sigma providers, 65-66

consultants. See providers

contracts with Six Sigma providers, 67-68

control plans for sustaining performance, 324

COPQ (cost of poor quality), 87, 163

corporate deployment history, differentiating Six Sigma providers, 64

corporate history, differentiating Six Sigma providers, 64

cost of poor quality (COPQ), 87, 163

costs. See ROI (return on investment)

Covey, Stephen, 6, 56

crisis identification, 42

Critical Ys. See goals; operational metrics; outputs

Crystal Ball (simulation software), 299

culture of organization

readiness for change, 341

Six Sigma and, 37

customers, extending Six Sigma to, 351


differentiating Six Sigma providers, 64

of workshops, 199-204


decision matrix, selecting providers, 61-63

defects per unit, 93-97


communication plans. See communication plans

components of, 38-40

efficiency assessment, 340-341

extending Six Sigma, 346-352

Human Resources (HR) role in, 255-259, 281-284

Belt retention and career planning, 279-281

position profile example, 268-274

recognition and rewards program, 274-279

talent selection, 259-268

Kotter’s philosophical deployment architecture, 41, 352-354

anchoring change initiatives, 52-53, 304-305

communicating change vision, 48-49, 240-241

consolidating gains, 51-52, 303-304

employee empowerment, 50

guiding coalition, 45-47

sense of urgency, 42-45

short-term gains, 51

stages of, 41

vision and strategy, 47-48

scope of, 105-106

business unit versus division deployment, 109-110

connecting Six Sigma with other initiatives, 106-108

domestic versus global deployment, 110-111

integration of Six Sigma programs, 112-113

integration with Lean Enterprise, 111-112

pilot versus full deployment, 108-109

scheduling events, 113-114

success factors, 351

timing, 40-41

Deployment Champion Workshop, 195-199

customizing, 199-204

Deployment Champions, 46

as part of infrastructure, 126-128

deployment letter example, 282-284

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), 39, 113

training programs, 215-218

desktop management software solutions, 298-300

DFSS. See Design for Six Sigma

differentiating providers, 63-66

discipline, Six Sigma for, 7-8

division deployment, business unit deployment versus, 109-110

DMAIC roadmap, steps in, 35

domestic deployment, global deployment versus, 110-111

DPU (defects per unit), 93-97

driving change, importance of, 3


efficiency. See bottom-line expectations

The 8th Habit (Covey), 6

“elevator speeches,” 47, 250-252

emotional content of message in communications matrix, 236-238

employee empowerment (deployment architecture stage), 50


extending Six Sigma participation, 349

versus independent contractors, differentiating Six Sigma providers, 65

enterprise management software solutions, 287-290

packages for, 297-298

requirements, 290-297

entitlement, 30-32

defined, 161

establishing, 310

evaluations of training plans, 230-234

Excel (spreadsheet software), 299

executing software solutions, 300-301

executive interviews, 199-204

Executive Team, as part of infrastructure, 120-123

Executive Team Workshop, 186-190

customizing, 199-204

expanding software solutions, 301-302

expectations. See also financial targets

bottom-line expectations, 91-99

importance of defining, 90

participation expectations, 100-101

top-line expectations, 99-100

external realities

assessing, 18-19

crisis identification, 42

linking internal activities with, 151, 159-160, 309-310

reinvigorating change initiatives, 330

strategic planning and, 69-85


failure modes

in Kotter’s philosophical deployment architecture, 352-354

management support, 338

process improvement plans, 337

project selection, 335

sustaining performance, 339-340

training plans, 336

filters. See project filters

financial function

extending Six Sigma to, 346

importance of, 343

financial impact, tracking, 322

financial metrics. See financial targets

financial support, as part of infrastructure, 139-141

financial targets. See also expectations; money

bottom-line expectations and, 91-92

metrics and, 87-90

reinvigorating change initiatives, 330

setting, 19, 88-90

Six Sigma processes and, 19-22, 73-75

strategic planning and, 69-85

financial tracking programs, 294

Financial Workshop, 206

Fisher, George, 101

flexibility of software solutions, 296-297

Friel, Joyce, 236

full deployment, pilot deployment versus, 108-109

full time Belts, part time versus, 260-262, 316


gain-sharing agreements, 67

Galvin, Bob, 122-123, 245

gap analysis, 79

GBs. See Green Belts

GE (General Electric), 26

global deployment, domestic deployment versus, 110-111

global presence, differentiating Six Sigma providers, 66

goals, entitlement and, 30-32. See also financial targets

Good to Great (Collins), 7, 42

Great Groups, 138

Green Belts (GBs), 8, 259

certification requirements, 144-146, 272-274

defined, 11

financial expectations, 36

full time versus part time, 260-262, 316

hiring, 259-260

number to train, 228-230, 262-263

as part of infrastructure, 135-137

percentage to be trained, 36

position profile example, 268-270

responsibilities of, 10-11

retention and career planning, 279-281

talent selection, 259-268

time dedicated to projects, 230

training programs, 225

guiding coalition (deployment architecture stage), 45-47


Hammer, Michael, 57

handbook example, 325-326

Harry, Mikel, 267

head count reductions, 92

Hill, Bill, 11

hiring Belts, 259-260

history of Six Sigma, 25-26

Horizon 1 (strategic planning), 72-73

Horizon 2 (strategic planning), 72

Horizon 3 (strategic planning), 72

Human Resources (HR)

extending Six Sigma to, 347

role in Six Sigma deployment, 255-259, 281-284

Belt retention and career planning, 279-281

position profile example, 268-274

recognition and rewards program, 274-279

talent selection, 259-268

support, as part of infrastructure, 141-142

Human Resources Workshop, 207


i-solutions (enterprise management software), 298

iGrafx (desktop management software), 300

independent contractors versus employees, differentiating Six Sigma providers, 65

industry experience, differentiating Six Sigma providers, 64

infrastructure, 117-119, 146-147, 257

Black Belts (BBs), 133-135, 258

CEO and Executive Team, 120-123

certification requirements, 144-146

Deployment Champions, 126-128

financial support, 139-141

Green Belts (GBs), 135-137, 259

Human Resources support, 141-142

Initiative Champions, 123-126

Master Black Belts (MBBs), 130-133, 258

Project Champions, 128, 130

project team members, 138-139

project tracking system, 142

steering teams, 142-143

Initiative Champions

defined, 11

as part of infrastructure, 123-126

selecting, 45-46

initiatives. See change initiatives


financial metrics and, 19-22

strategic planning and, 73-75

Instantis (enterprise management software), 297


Six Sigma and Lean Enterprise, 111-112

Six Sigma programs, 112-113

intellectual property (IP), 58

differentiating Six Sigma providers, 65

internal activities

linking, 22-23

with external realities, 151, 159-160, 309-310

reinvigorating change initiatives, 330

internalization of training, 226-227

interviews, executive interviews, 199-204

IT department, extending Six Sigma to, 348


JMP (statistical analysis software), 299

Johnson, Lyndon B., 355

K-Sigma Black Belt training program, 220-225

Kearney, A.T., 56

knowledge management, 296

Kotter’s philosophical deployment architecture, 41, 352-354

anchoring change initiatives, 52-53, 304-305

communication change vision, 48-49, 240-241

consolidating gains, 51-52, 303-304

employee empowerment, 50

guiding coalition, 45-47

sense of urgency, 42-45

short-term gains, 51

stages of, 41

vision and strategy, 47-48

Kotter, John, 6, 41

Kouzes, James, 8

Krugman, Herb, 247


labor savings, reducing head count, 92

Labovitz, George, 70, 309

leadership, principles of, 120

The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes and Posner), 8, 120

leadership development, Six Sigma as, 8-9

leadership roadmap, 303

management support, 319, 321-323, 337-338

process improvement roadmaps, 318-319, 336-337

project selection, 151-157, 307-311, 334-335

steps in, 150, 306-307

sustaining performance, 323-325, 339-340

training plans, 312-317, 335-336

leadership workshops. See workshops

Leading Change (Kotter), 6, 41

Lean Enterprise

integration with Six Sigma, 213-215

K-Sigma Black Belt training program, 220-225

Six Sigma integration with, 111-112

training portfolios, 211-213

Lean Sigma, 39

training portfolios, 211-213

legal department, extending Six Sigma to, 348

linking internal activities, 22-23

with external realities, 151, 159-160, 309-310

Linsenmann, Don, 124

Little, Arthur D., 56

Lucas, Wes, 6


MAIC (Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) roadmap, 113

management support

failure modes, 338

importance of, 319, 321-323, 337-338

Mankins, Michael, 69

manufacturing processes

K-Sigma Black Belt training program, 220-225

Operational Black Belt training program, 218-220

marketing department, extending Six Sigma to, 348

Master Black Belts (MBBs), 8, 258

certification requirements, 144, 272-274

defined, 11

financial expectations, 36

full time versus part time, 260-262, 316

hiring, 259-260

number to train, 228-230, 262-263

as part of infrastructure, 130-133

percentage to be trained, 36

responsibilities of, 10-11

retention and career planning, 279-281

talent selection, 259-268

time dedicated to projects, 230

training programs, 225-227

materials review process, 204

MBBs. See Master Black Belts

McDonald, Frank, 46, 126

McNerney, Jim, 6, 9, 18, 43, 46, 108-109, 122, 126, 206, 285

measurable goals. See financial targets

media for communication plans, 244-245

message complexity, in communications matrix, 236-238

message emotional content, in communications matrix, 236-238

message presentation, in communication plans, 241-244

methodology of Six Sigma, 10-12


bottom-line expectations and, 91-92

defects per unit, 93-97

financial targets and, 87-90

participation expectations and, 100-101

rework, 99

scrap, 97-98

software for tracking. See software (for tracking metrics)

top-line expectations and, 99-100

Microsoft Office suite (desktop management software), 299


list of, 105-106

project selection, 158

scheduling Six Sigma deployment events, 113-114

Minitab (statistical analysis software), 299


delivering, 24-25, 35-36

finding, 24, 28-34

focusing on, 24-28

Motorola, 25, 149-150


Nordelli, Bob, 6

Norris, Paul, 6, 48, 101, 159, 309

operating activities, 22

Operational Black Belt training program, 218-220

operational metrics, prioritizing project clusters, 152-157

Operational Six Sigma, 39, 112-113

operations roadmap. See DMAIC roadmap

opportunity for success, identifying, 42

organizational culture

readiness for change, 341

Six Sigma and, 37

organizational priorities, polls about, 7

Organizing Genius (Bennis), 138


financial metrics and, 19-22

strategic planning and, 73-75


part-time Belts, full-time versus, 260-262, 316

participation expectations, 100-101

partnership with Six Sigma providers, 59-60

PDBBs (Product Development Black Belts), talent selection, 266-268


expectations, 297

sustaining, 323-325, 339

failure modes, 339-340

pilot deployment, full deployment versus, 108-109

planning software solutions, 300

polls, organizational priorities, 7

Poses, Fred, 6, 31, 42-47, 49, 58, 101, 120-122

position profile example, 268-274

Posner, Barry, 8

The Power of Alignment (Labovitz and Rosansky), 70, 149, 309

PowerPoint (presentation software), 299

PowerSteering Software (enterprise management software), 298


project clusters with operational metrics, 152-157

projects, 149-150, 165-175, 310

Bottom-Up matrix, 170-171

Motorola example, 149-150

project filters, 172-175

Top-Down matrix, 166-170

problem-solving ability with Six Sigma, 12

process baseline

defined, 161

establishing, 310

process entitlement

defined, 161

establishing, 310

process improvement in Six Sigma, 19-23, 73-75

process improvement roadmaps, 318-319, 336-337


entitlement, 30-32

importance of, 309

money generation. See money

Six Sigma forms, 39

value mapping, 28-30

procrastination costs, 44

Product Development Black Belts (PDBBs), talent selection, 266-268

productivity. See bottom-line expectations

profit margins, analyzing, 32-34

program assessments. See also change initiatives, reinvigorating

with Kotter’s philosophical deployment architecture, 352-354

of Six Sigma deployment, 331-333

program reviews, 59

program tracking. See software (for tracking metrics)

Project (process management software), 299

Project Champion Workshop, 195-199

customizing, 199-204

Project Champions

defined, 11

as part of infrastructure, 128, 130

project clusters, prioritizing with operational metrics, 152-157

project drivers for Black Belts (BBs), 249

project filters, 172-175

project prioritization and selection roadmap, 157-160

project results. See results

project team members, as part of infrastructure, 138-139

project tracking system, as part of infrastructure, 142


accountability for, 179, 311

advantages of, 182

Bottom-Up projects, 161, 163-165

chartering, 176-182, 310

continuous identification of, 324

financial impact of, 24

idea development and selection, 292

managing, 292-295

performance expectations, 297

prioritizing, 149-150, 165-175, 310

Bottom-Up matrix, 170-171

Motorola example, 149-150

project filters, 172-175

Top-Down matrix, 166-170

for profit margin improvements, 32-34

reasons for lack of success, 182-183

results tracking, 295-296

reviewing, 179-182, 321-322

selecting, 10, 151-157, 307-311, 334-335

failure modes, 335

project prioritization and selection roadmap, 157-160

trends in, 164-165

strategic alignment, 342

time dedicated to, 230

Top-Down projects, 161-165

tracking. See software (for tracking metrics)


accountability of, 58

contracts with, 67-68

differentiating, 63-66

identifying, 60-61

importance of, 55-56

partnership with, 59-60

questions to ask, 66-67

ROI (return on investment) of, 57, 59

selecting, 61-63


QI Macros (desktop management software), 300

quality dimensions, reinvigorating Six Sigma, 333-334

quantifiable results of Six Sigma, 12

Ramelli, Donnee, 44, 110

recognition and reward programs, 274-279, 323

reducing head count, 92

reengineering, Six Sigma versus, 57

The Reengineering Revolution (Hammer), 57

Reengineering the Corporation (Hammer), 57

references, differentiating Six Sigma providers, 64

Request for Proposal. See RFP

requirements for enterprise management software solutions, 290-297

resource management, 294, 317, 321. See also infrastructure


quantifiable results of Six Sigma, 12

tracking, 295-296

retention of Belts, 279-281

return on investment. See ROI


projects, 179-182, 321-322

Six Sigma assessment example, 326-328

reward and recognition programs, 274-279, 323

rework (metric), 99

RFP (Request for Proposal)

evaluating providers, 60

sample of, 357-365

RFP decision matrix, selecting providers, 61-63


delivering money, 35-36

leadership roadmap, 150, 303

management support, 319, 321-323, 337-338

process improvement roadmaps, 318-319, 336-337

project selection, 151-157, 307-311, 334-335

steps in, 306-307

sustaining performance, 323-325, 339-340

training plans, 312-317, 335-336

project prioritization and selection roadmap, 157-160

ROI (return on investment)

factors affecting, 75-80

of Six Sigma providers, 57, 59

Rosansky, Victor, 70, 309

RTY (rolled throughput yield), 87, 93


sales department, extending Six Sigma to, 348

Sauer, Brad, 46, 126

scheduling Six Sigma deployment events, 113-114

Schroeder, Richard, 26, 45, 118, 126

scope of deployment, 105-106

business unit versus division deployment, 109-110

connecting Six Sigma with other initiatives, 106-108

domestic versus global deployment, 110-111

integration of Six Sigma programs, 112-113

integration with Lean Enterprise, 111-112

pilot versus full deployment, 108-109

scheduling events, 113-114

scrap (metric), 97-98


Initiative Champions, 45-46

projects, 10, 151-157, 307-311, 334-335

failure modes, 335

project prioritization and selection roadmap, 157-160

trends in, 164-165


differentiating providers, 63-66

questions to ask, 66-67

RFP decision matrix, 61-63

sense of urgency (deployment architecture stage), 42-45

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 56

short-term gains (deployment architecture stage), 51

Sierk, Jim, 6, 45, 126

SigmaFlow (desktop management software), 300

simulation applications, 299

Six Sigma

for alignment, 6-7

assessment example, 326-328

as change initiative, 6

connecting with other initiatives, 106-108

deployment. See deployment

for discipline, 7-8

forms of, 39

handbook example, 325-326

history of, 25-26

infrastructure. See infrastructure

integration of programs, 112-113

integration with Lean Enterprise, 213-215

as leadership development, 8-9

leadership roadmap. See leadership roadmap

methodology of, 10-12

organizational culture and, 37

process improvement in, 19-23, 73-75

providers. See providers

reengineering versus, 57

reinvigorating, 329-331

deployment efficiency, 340-341

extending Six Sigma, 346-352

leadership roadmap, 334-340

program assessment, 331-333

quality dimensions, 333-334

strategic alignment, 341-346

TQM (Total Quality Management) versus, 26-27, 56-57

training portfolios, 211-213

Six Sigma for Operations, 112-113

software (for tracking metrics), 285-287

desktop management solutions, 298-300

enterprise management solutions, 287-290

packages for, 297-298

requirements, 290-297

executing, 300-301

importance of, 344-346

planning for, 300

tuning and expanding, 301-302

Solso, Tim, 46, 126

sponsors. See Initiative Champions

statistical analysis software, 299

Steele, Richard, 69

steering teams, 46-47, 59, 142-143

strategic alignment, reinvigorating Six Sigma deployment, 341-346

strategic objectives, alignment to, 291

strategic planning, 69-85

strategy and vision (deployment architecture stage), 47-48

student evaluations of training plans, 230-234

success factors, Six Sigma deployment, 351

succession planning, 271-272

supply chain, extending Six Sigma to, 350-351

survey for Six Sigma assessment, 332-333


team members. See project team members

teams, resource management, 294

timing for deploymentt, 40-41

Top-Down prioritization matrix, 166-170

top-down projects, 10, 161-165

top-line expectations, 99-100

TQL (Total Quality Leadership), 107

TQM (Total Quality Management), Six Sigma versus, 26-27, 56-57

TQS (Total Quality for Speed), 107

tracking. See project tracking system

training. See also workshops

Black Belts (BBs), 133, 135, 225, 262-263

Business Team Workshop, 190-195

certification requirements, 144-146

Champion Workshops, 195-199

customizing workshops, 199-204

Deployment Champions, 127

Design for Six Sigma training programs, 215-218

Executive Team, 123

Executive Team Workshop, 186-190

Financial Workshop, 206

Green Belts (GBs), 136-137, 225, 262-263

Human Resources personnel, 141

Human Resources Workshop, 207

importance of, 119, 209-210

Initiative Champions, 125-126

integration of Six Sigma and Lean Enterprise, 213-215

K-Sigma Black Belt training program, 220-225

Master Black Belts (MBBs), 130, 132-133, 225-227, 262-263

materials review process, 204

Operational Black Belt training program, 218-220

portfolios for, 211-213

Project Champions, 129

project team members, 138

for sustaining performance, 324

training materials, 58

training plans, 312-317, 335-336

extending Six Sigma with, 350

failure modes, 336

management of, 227-228

number of Belts to train, 228-230

student evaluations, 230-234

time dedicated to, 230

training steering team, 130

Transactional Six Sigma, 39, 113

transfer of technology, 59

tuning software solutions, 301-302

“Turning Great Strategy into Great Performance” (Mankins and Steele), 69


validation of financials, 294

value mapping, 28-30

Visio (process map software), 299

vision and strategy (deployment architecture stage), 47-48

vision communication (deployment architecture stage), 48-49, 240-241


waves of training, 262

Weidman, David, 6, 46, 122, 126

Welch, Jack, 26, 53, 57, 108-109, 122, 136, 173, 228, 245, 272, 285

Winning (Welch), 57

Winning Together program example (communications plans), 238-240

workshops. See also training

Belt retention, 281

Belt selection process, 266

Business Team Workshop, 190-195

Champion Workshops, 195-199

customizing, 199-204

Executive Team Workshop, 186-190

Financial Workshop, 206

Human Resources Workshop, 207

materials review process, 204

for Six Sigma/Lean Enterprise integration, 214-215

tips for success, 205-206

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