
HTTP Status Codes

100 Continue code, 400–402, 410–411

101 Switching Protocols code, 411

110 Response is stale code, 503

111 Revalidation failed code, 503

112 Disconnected operation code, 503

113 Heuristic expiration code, 503

199 Miscellaneous warning code, 503

200 OK code, 411

201 Created code, 411–412

202 Accepted code, 412

203 Non-authoritative Information code, 412

204 No Content code, 412–413

205 Reset Content code, 413

206 Partial Content code, 413–414

214 Transformation applied code, 503–504

299 Miscellaneous persistent warning code, 504

300 Multiple Choices code, 414–415

301 Moved Permanently code, 415

302 Found code, 415–416

303 See Other code, 416

304 Not Modified code, 416–417

305 Use Proxy code, 417

307 Temporary Redirect code, 417–418

400 Bad Request code, 418

401 Unauthorized code, 186, 418–419

403 Forbidden code, 186, 419

404 Not Found code, 419

405 Method Not Allowed code, 419

406 Not Acceptable code, 419–420

407 Proxy Authentication Required code, 186, 420

408 Request Timeout code, 420

409 Conflict code, 420–421

410 Gone code, 421

411 Length Required code, 421

412 Precondition Failed code, 421

413 Request Entity Too Large code, 422

414 Request-URI Too Long code, 422

415 Unsupported Media Type code, 422

416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable code, 422

417 Expectation Failed code, 423

500 Internal Server Error code, 423

501 Not Implemented code, 423

502 Bad Gateway code, 423

503 Service Unavailable code, 423–424

504 Gateway Timeout code, 424

505 HTTP Version Not Supported code, 424

# (signs)

for comments, 25

HTTP rules, 367


AAA (Access, Authentication, and Authorization), 177

access denial in, 186–187

in Apache 1.x/2.0, 182

in Apache 2.1/2.2, 182–185

authentication in, 186–187

logic in, 185–186

login schemes in, 195–199

modules for, 187–188

authentication function, 190–192

basic authentication providers, 188–190, 193–195

configuration, 193

digest authentication providers, 193–195

overview, 180–181

summary, 199–200

Abnormal running, modules dealing with, 337–338

absoluteURI option, 389

abstract in HTTP/1.1 specification, 358

Accept request-header field, 159, 453–455, 507

Accept-Charset request-header field, 455–456

Accept-Encoding request-header field, 456–457

Accept-Language request-header field, 159, 382, 457–458

Accept-Ranges response-header field, 459

Accepted status code, 412


AAA. See AAA (Access, Authentication, and Authorization)

denying, 186–187

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 424

access_checker hook

in host-based access control, 183

purpose, 45

in request processing, 155–156

ACCESS_CONF option, 246

Acknowledgments in HTTP/1.1 specification, 510–512, 530

AddHandler directive, 42

AddLanguage directive, 159

AddOutputFilter directive, 211

AddOutputFilterByType directive, 211

Age calculations in cache expiration model, 434–436

Age of responses in HTTP/1.1 specification, 363

Age response-header field, 459

Agent-driven content negotiation, 425–427

Alias directive, 157–158

Allow directive, 182

Allow entity-header field, 459–460

Ampersands (&) for key/value pairs, 138

Anonymous authentication, 193

ap_ header files, 39

ap_check_cmd_context function, 255

ap_check_command_context function, 256

ap_config.h file, 268

ap_dbd API, 290, 302–303

ap_dbd_acquire function, 283–284, 286–287, 302–303

ap_dbd_cacquire function, 287, 302–303

ap_dbd_close function, 283, 287, 302

ap_dbd_open function, 282, 287, 302–303

ap_dbd_prepare function, 287, 302, 304

ap_dbd_t type, 302

ap_destroy_sub_req function, 164, 167







ap_filter_protocol function, 216

ap_filter_rec_t type, 209–210

ap_filter_t type, 67, 208–209


AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET filters, 203–204

AP_FTYPE_NETWORK filters, 204

AP_FTYPE_PROTOCOL filters, 203

AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE filters, 203–204


ap_get_brigade function, 137

ap_get_module_config function, 144

ap_getword_conf function, 250

ap_hook_access_checker hook, 181

ap_hook_auth_checker hook, 181

ap_hook_check_user_id hook, 181

ap_hook_fatal_exception hooks, 336

ap_hook_handler function, 268–269

ap_hook_monitor function, 337–338

ap_hook_translate_name function, 268

ap_hook_type_checker function, 269




AP_INIT_FLAG macro, 246–247

AP_INIT_ITERATE macro, 247–248

AP_INIT_ITERATE2 macro, 247–250

AP_INIT_NO_ARGS macro, 246

AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS macro, 247, 250, 258

AP_INIT_TAKE1 macro, 242–243, 246

AP_INIT_TAKE2 macro, 247

AP_INIT_TAKE3 macro, 247

AP_INIT_TAKE12 macro, 247

ap_internal_fast_redirect function, 162

ap_internal_redirect function, 161

ap_log_cerror function, 324–325

ap_log_error function, 324–325

ap_log_perror function, 324–325

ap_log_rerror function, 324–325

ap_lookup_provider function, 275

ap_meets_conditions function, 146



ap_pass_brigade function, 137, 205, 221

ap_pcfg_open_custom function, 261

ap_provider API, 272–277

ap_provider.h header file, 41

ap_register_output_filter_protocol function, 216

ap_run_sub_req function, 164

ap_set_content_type function, 125, 211

ap_set_file_slot function, 245

ap_set_flag_slot function, 247

ap_set_module_config function, 283

ap_some_auth_required function, 186

ap_sub_req_lookup_dirent function, 164

ap_sub_req_lookup_file function, 164

ap_sub_req_lookup_uri function, 164

ap_sub_req_method_uri function, 164

Apache 1

AAA in, 182

history, 1–2

Apache 2

AAA in, 182

connection pooling in, 291–292

history, 2–3

Apache 2.2

AAA in, 182–185

smart filtering in, 211–217

Apache Bugzilla database, 10

#apache chat channel, 17

Apache license, 12–14, 343

accepting warranty or additional liability conditions, 347

applying, 347–348

definitions, 343–345

disclaimer of warranty, 346–347

grant of copyright license, 345

grant of patent license, 345

limitation of liability, 347

redistribution provisions, 345–346

submission of contributions, 346

trademarks, 346

Apache Module Developers mailing list, 16

#apache-modules chat channel, 17

Apache Portable Runtime (APR), 53–54

apr_status_t and return values, 58

APU library, 56–57

buckets and brigades, 74–75

conditional compilation, 59

data structures, 70–73

databases, 79–83

declaration macros, 58

developers list for, 16

encoding and cryptography, 76–77

extensions, 79

filesystems, 76

internationalization, 69

libraries, 21

modules, 54–55

namespacing, 57–58

networks, 76

pools, 29, 78–79

basic memory management, 61–62

connection, 290–292

generalized memory management, 62–63

implicit and explicit cleanup, 63–64

lifetime, 65–67

limitations, 68

subpools, 98

processes and threads, 78

reference manual, 57

resource management, 59

lifetime, 65–67

pool limitations, 68

pools, 61–64

problem of, 60–61

strings and formats, 69

summary, 83–84

time and date, 70

URI handling, 77

Apache Software Foundation (ASF), 3–6

ApacheCon conferences, 17

APLOG_DEBUG level, 326

APLOG_INFO level, 326–327

APLOG_MARK macro, 325


Appendices in HTTP specification

additional features, 524–525

HTTP entities vs. RFC 2045 entities, 521–524

Internet media types

message/http and application/http, 518–519

multipart/byteranges, 519–520

tolerant applications, 520–521

application/http type, 518–519

application/x-www-form-urlencoded format, 138

Applications, tolerant, 520–521

Applications development

Apache history, 1–3

Apache Software Foundation, 3–6

codebase, 7–9

developers, 10–11

forums, 9–10

further reading, 16–19

intellectual property in, 12–16

participation in forums, 11

process, 6

summary, 19

APR. See Apache Portable Runtime (APR)

apr_ header files, 39

apr_allocator function, 106

apr_array_header_t type, 70

#apr chat channel, 17

apr_conf_vector_t type, 29

apr_date module, 70

apr_dbd API, 82–83, 290, 292–294

database operations in, 294–298

functions in, 298–301

apr_dbd_check_conn function, 299

apr_dbd_close function, 298

apr_dbd_driver_t type, 294, 307–308

apr_dbd_error function, 298, 301

apr_dbd_escape function, 301

apr_dbd_get_driver function, 298

apr_dbd_get_entry function, 300

apr_dbd_get_name function, 300

apr_dbd_get_row function, 297, 300

apr_dbd.h file, 298

apr_dbd_init function, 298

apr_dbd_internal.h file, 307–308

apr_dbd_name function, 298

apr_dbd_native function, 293

apr_dbd_native_handle function, 298

apr_dbd_num_cols function, 300

apr_dbd_num_tuples function, 300

apr_dbd_open function, 298

apr_dbd_pquery function, 295, 301

apr_dbd_prepare function, 296, 301

apr_dbd_prepared_t type, 294, 308

apr_dbd_pselect function, 295, 301

apr_dbd_pvquery function, 295, 301

apr_dbd_pvselect function, 295, 301

apr_dbd_query function, 295, 299

apr_dbd_results_t type, 294

apr_dbd_row_t type, 294, 308

apr_dbd_select function, 295–296, 300

apr_dbd_set_dbname function, 299

apr_dbd_t type, 294, 308


apr_dbd_transaction_end function, 299


apr_dbd_transaction_mode_get function, 299

apr_dbd_transaction_mode_set function, 299


apr_dbd_transaction_start function, 299

apr_dbd_transaction_t type, 294, 308

apr_dbm.h file, 80

apr_dbm module, 80–81, 106


APR_DECLARE macro, 58, 284

apr_file_info module, 76

apr_file_io module, 76

apr_filepath function, 111

apr_fnmatch module, 76

apr_global_mutex function, 78, 102


apr_hash module, 70

apr_hash_t type, 72

APR_HOOK_FIRST macro, 171, 269

APR_HOOK_LAST macro, 269

APR_HOOK_MIDDLE macro, 269



apr_hooks.h file, 268, 270

apr_hooks module, 79

apr_iconv library, 69



apr_memcache module, 106

apr_mmap module, 76

apr_network_io module, 76

apr_off_t type, 231

apr_optional_hooks.h file, 268, 270

apr_optional_hooks module, 79

apr_optional module, 79

apr_palloc function, 286

apr_poll module, 76

apr_pool_cleanup function, 280

apr_pool_cleanup_kill function, 63–64

apr_pool_cleanup_register function, 64, 283

apr_pool_cleanup_run function, 64

apr_pool_clear function, 99

apr_pool_t type, 29

apr_proc_mutex function, 78, 102

apr_queue_create function, 73

apr_queue module, 70

apr_queue_t type, 73

apr_read_type_e, 231

apr_reslist_create function, 278

apr_reslist_destroy function, 278

apr_reslist module, 78

implementing, 278–284

for resource reuse, 99

apr_ring module, 70, 73

apr_rmm module, 105–106

apr_shm function, 78, 104–105

apr_signal function, 78

apr_status_t type, 58, 165–166, 298

apr_strings module, 69

apr_strmatch module, 69

apr_table_addn function, 71

apr_table_merge function, 72

apr_table_mergen function, 72

apr_table module, 70

apr_table_overlap function, 72

apr_table_set function, 72

apr_table_setn function, 71–72

apr_table_t type, 71

apr_thread_cond function, 78

apr_thread_mutex function, 78

apr_thread_proc function, 78

apr_thread_rwlock function, 78

apr_time_from_sec macro, 70

apr_time module, 70

apr_time_sec macro, 70

apr_time_t type, 70

apr_uri module, 77

apr_uri_parse function, 77

apr_uri_t type, 77

apr_uri_unparse function, 77

APR-UTIL (APU) library, 56–57

apr_xlate module, 69


apvfs library, 76

apxs utility, 128

Architecture. See Platform and architecture

ARRAY_merge function, 254–255

Arrays, 70–71

Articles, websites for, 19

ASF (Apache Software Foundation), 3–6

ASF members, 5

#asfinfra chat channel, 17

Asterisks (*) in HTTP rules, 367

Attribute/value pairs in transfer codings, 376

Audits for intellectual property violations, 16

Augmented BNF, 366–368

auth_checker hook, 45, 155–156

AuthDBDUserPWQuery, 304


AAA. See AAA (Access, Authentication, and Authorization)

in Apache 2.1/2.2, 183–184

basic, 178–179

cookies for, 198–199

credentials, 509

digest, 179, 193–195

HTTP/1.1 specification, 424

methods, 187

in mod_authn_dbd, 304

providers, 188–190, 193–195

Require directive, 186

Web login, 180

Authentication dialog, 179–180

authn_dbd_password function, 305

authn_dbd_prepare function, 304–305

authn_provider structure, 194

Author addresses in HTTP/1.1 specification, 516–518


AAA. See AAA (Access, Authentication, and Authorization)

in Apache 2.1/2.2, 184–185

Authorization field, 460–461

authz_dbd_login function, 270–271


Backports, 8

Backslash characters () in HTTP, 369

Backus-Naur Form (BNF), 366–368

Bad Gateway status code, 423

Bad Request status code, 418

Bars (|) in HTTP rules, 366

Basic authentication, 178–179

Basic authentication providers, 188–190, 193–195

Basic rules in HTTP, 368

Binary exponential backoff algorithm, 402–403

block argument for filters, 208

Blocking for input filters, 231

Blocks, coding, 86–87

BNF (Backus-Naur Form), 366–368


entities, 395

HTTP messages, 385–386

Braces ({}) for blocks, 86

Branches in code repository, 7

Breakpoints, 329–330

Brigades, 74–75, 132-137, 210-211, 217-227

Broken connections, 138 debugging, 339–340


authentication dialogs for, 197–199

delays and broken connections in, 339–340

Buckets, 74–75

for handlers 132-137

for filters, 217–227

metadata, 205

for rings, 73

Buffer overflows, 109

Bugzilla database, 10


cross-platform, 284–288

forum participation for, 11

Byte ranges

for cache responses, 448

working with, 492–493

in apache, 203


C language

stubs, 122

wrappers, 63

C++ language

for pools, 64

throw/catch structures, 116

Cache-Control general-header field, 431, 461–462

basic expiration mechanism for, 464–466

cacheable responses for, 463–464

extensions, 470

revalidation and reload controls for, 466–469

Cacheable responses in HTTP/1.1 specification, 362


in HTTP, 362, 427–428

client-controlled behavior for, 432

control mechanisms for, 431

correctness of, 429

errors in, 450

expiration model, 433–438

history lists, 452–453

invalidation in, 451–452

for negotiated responses, 449–450

replacement of, 452

response cacheability, 444–445

responses from, 445–448

security considerations, 509–510

shared and non-shared, 450

side effects in, 451

validation model, 438–444

warnings for, 430–432

write-through mandatory, 452

for pools, 96

in request processing, 160

for shared memory, 104

Calculations in cache expiration model, 434–437

Callback functions

for filters, 205

for modules, 125–126

Canonical form

conversion to, 522

media types, 379–380

case statements, 87

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 123, 291

Character sets

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 374–375

in RFC 2068, 528

Chat for developers, 9, 17

check_password function, 194

check_user_id hook

for authentication, 183–184, 190

purpose, 45

in request processing, 155–156

child_init function

for garbage collection, 96

for reslist, 281

for threads, 93–94, 117

Child pools, 67

chroot command, 113

Chunked transfer coding, 204, 377–378

CLA (Contributor License Agreement), 15

corporate, 353–356

individual, 349–353

Classic LAMP Model, 291

Cleanup, pool, 63–64

client_cookie function, 271

Client error 4xx status code definitions, 418–423

client_login function, 270

Clients and client behavior

for caches, 432

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 361

idle, 509

for prematurely closed connections, 402–403

Clockless origin server operation, 479–480

cmd_parms_struct structure, 243

Codebase, 7

Coding, 85

blocks, 86–87

comments, 87–88

declarations, 87

flow control, 87

forum participation for, 11

functions, 86

lines, 86

Combining cache response headers, 447–448

<Comment> container, 258


coding, 87–88

in containers, 25

HTTP, 368–369

COMMIT for transactions, 297

Commit-Then-Review (CTR) code, 8

Committers in Apache Software Foundation, 5

Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 123, 291

Communicating between modules, 90–92

Comparisons, URI, 372

Compatibility of HTTP versions, 525–529


conditional, 59

module, 128

Complex parsing, filters for, 221–225

Complexity in handler vs. filter decisions, 47

compress encoding format, 376

Compression and decompression, 49, 203, 232-235

Conditional compilation, 59, 284-288

Conferences for developers, 17

Configuration 237-262

AAA modules, 193

basics, 41–42

filters, 213–215

modules. See Modules

pools, 66

in start-up phase, 23–25

Configuration data

scope of, 89

in thread-safe programming, 92

Configuration records, 29

Configuration vectors, 88

Conflict status code, 420–421


directives, 238

in httpd.conf, 251–253

conn_rec object, 29

definition, 37–38

for filters, 203

CONNECT method, 410

Connection general-header field, 470–471


debugging, 339–340

filters, 203–204

HTTP/1.0 compatibility with, 526–527

HTTP/1.1, 359

message transmission requirements, 400–403

persistent, 396–400, 526–527

pooling, 67, 290–292

scope of, 90

Constructor/destructor model, 60

Containers, 24–25

context checking, 255–257

custom, 257–261

merging, 251–254

Content-Base in RFC 2068, 527

Content codings in HTTP/1.1 specification, 375–376

Content-Disposition response-header field

for default filenames, 524–525

security issues, 509

Content-Encoding entity-header field, 395–396, 471–472, 523

Content filters, 202–205

Content generators, 123

default handlers, 144–148

HelloWorld module. See HelloWorld module

reading form data, 138–144

in request processing, 42–43, 48

summary, 148

Content-Language entity-header field, 382, 472–473

Content-Length entity-header field, 216, 387, 473

Content-Location entity-header field, 473–474, 489

Content-MD5 entity-header field, 216, 474–476

Content negotiation, 424–425

agent-driven, 426–427

HTTP/1.1, 360

in apache, 158–160

server-driven, 425–426

transparent, 427

Content-Range entity-header field, 383, 476–478

Content-Transfer-Encoding (CTE) field, 523

Content-Type entity-header field, 395–396, 478

See also ap_set_content_type

Context in configuration, 25, 255–257

Continuation lines, 86

Continue status code, 400–402, 410–411

Contributor License Agreement (CLA), 15

corporate, 353–356

individual, 349–353

Control mechanisms for caches, 431


to canonical form, 522

of date formats, 522

Cookies for authentication, 198–199

copy function for buckets, 74

Copyleft, 13

Copyright license, 345

copyright notice in HTTP1.1 specification, 358

Copyright statement in HTTP/1.1 specification, 530

Core dumps, debugging, 332–333

CoredumpDirectory directive, 332

Corporate CLA, 353–356

Costs, license, 12


HTTP, 368–369

with media types, 379–380

Crashes, tracing, 331–332

CREATE keyword in RFC 2068, 527

Credentials, authentication, 509

Cross-MPM programming, 101–102

process and global locks in, 102–104

shared memory in, 104–106

Cross-platform issues

API builds, 284–288

programming, 99–101

Cryptography, 76–77

CTR (Commit-Then-Review) code, 8

Cursors, 296–297

Custom containers, 257–261

Custom login schemes, 195–199


Data axis for filters, 46–49

Data compression and decompression, 49

Data structures, 70

arrays, 70–71

hash tables, 72–73

for module configuration, 239

queues, 73

rings, 73

tables, 71–72

Data types, 294–296

Data vs. metadata, 153

Database framework, 79–80, 289

ap_dbd, 302–303

Apache 1.x/2.0 vs. Apache 2.2, 290

apr_dbd, 82–83, 292–294

functions in, 298–301

operations in, 294–298

apr_dbm, 80–81

connection pooling, 290–292

DBD architecture, 292

DBD driver, 306–320

mod_authn_dbd application, 303–306

summary, 320


format conversions, 522

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 373–374

module for, 70

Date general-header field, 478–480

Day-based anonymous authentication, 193

DBD, drivers in, 292, 306–307

apr_dbd_internal.h for, 307

exporting, 307–308

functions, 309–320

dbd_close function, 280

dbd_construct function, 278–279

dbd_destruct function, 280

dbd_mysql driver, 311

dbd_setup function, 280–281

DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, 109

Debugging, 323

core dumps, 332–333

crash tracing, 331–332

filters, 338–341

hooks for, 336–338

logging for, 324–327

modules for, 333–337

MPMs for, 331

running under debugger, 327–333

servers, 329–331

summary, 341

help for system administrators, 326–327


coding, 87

macros for, 58

module APIs, 286–288

DECLINED handler value, 126

default_handler function, 144


handlers, 144–148

text media type, 379–380

deflate encoding format, 376

deflate_in_filter function, 232–235

Delays, debugging, 339–340

DELETE method

cache invalidation with, 451

as idempotent method, 404

working with, 409

Deletions, cache invalidation after, 451–452

Delta seconds, 374

Denial of service (DoS) attacks

protecting against, 109–110

on proxies, 510

Deny directive, 182

Deny from directive, 186

Denying access, 186–187

Dependencies, external. See Libraries

destroy function, 74

Developers, 10–11

in Apache Software Foundation, 5

documentation for, 18

mailing list, 16

Development branches in code repository, 7

Development forums, 9–10

Digest authentication

overview, 179

providers, 193–195


Cache-Control field, 461–462

characteristics, 24

context for, 25

for filters, 211

functions for, 242–246

for module configuration, 238, 242–250

preprocessor, 285–286

user data in, 244–245

Directories, configuring, 240–241

<Directory> container, 238, 240, 251–252

<DirectoryMatch> directive, 241

Disambiguating in cache expiration model

expiration values, 437

multiple responses, 437–438

Disconnected operation warn code, 503

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, 109

Diverting requests, 161–163

DNS spoofing, 508

do_garbage function, 97–98

Document variants, 168–171


APR, 57

forum participation for, 11

websites for, 18

DoS (denial of service) attacks

protecting against, 109–110

on proxies, 510

doxygen format, 57

Drivers, DBD, 292, 306–307

apr_dbd_internal.h for, 307

dbd_mysql, 311

exporting, 307–308

functions, 309–320



APR, 76–77

HTTP formats, 375–376

in form data, 138-139

in URIs, 506

enctype attribute, 138

End-to-end headers, 445–446

End-to-end reload, 467


filtering, 204

HTTP vs. RFC 2045, 521–524

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 360, 394

bodies, 395–396

header fields, 395

length, 396

Entity tags

for cache validation, 439, 442–444

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 382–383

Environment variables

CGI, 41

for filters, 214–215

in request_rec, 30

setting, 24, 45, 55, 91

EOS bucket type, 226

checking for, 219

in debugging, 340

support for, 75

err_headers_out table, 92

Error log, 324–326

ErrorDocument directive, 163

Errors and error documents

in caches, 450

connection monitoring for, 400

I/O, 137–138

in modules, 172–174

in request processing, 162–163

in secure programming, 109

ETag response-header field, 216, 480

Event MPMs, 27

exec command, 113

EXEC_ON_READ option, 246

Existing parsers, filtering through, 225–227

Expanded macros, 121

expat library, 206, 225–226

Expect request-header field, 480

Expectation Failed status code, 423

Expiration and expiration models, 362–363

age calculations, 434–436

for Cache-Control general-header field, 464–466

disambiguating, 437–438

expiration calculations, 437

heuristic, 433–434

server-specified, 433

Expires entity-header field, 481–482

Explicit cleanup of pools, 63–64

Explicit expiration time in HTTP/1.1 specification, 362

Explicit user agent warnings, 431–432


drivers, 307–308

functions, 264

optional hooks, 270–271

Extending API, 263–264

APR, 79

cross-platform builds, 284–288

hooks and optional hooks, 267–271

new function implementation, 264–266

provider API, 272–277

providing services, 277–284

summary, 288

External dependencies. See Libraries


Fastcgi, 28

fatal_exception hook, 268

Fatal exception hooks, 268, 336

Feasibility factor in handler vs. filter decisions, 46

fetch_dbm_value function, 81

File bucket type, 75

File names, attacks based on, 507–508

<Files> container, 238, 240, 251


APR, 76

mapping, 156–158

security in, 111–113

filter_func function, 210

filter_hooks function, 214

filter_init_func function, 210

filter_insert function, 213–214

filter-oriented output, 133

FilterChain directive, 213

Filters and filter modules, 201–202

buckets for, 217–221

callback functions for, 205

for complex parsing, 221–225

content, protocol, and connection, 202–205

debugging, 338–341

through existing parsers, 225–227

input, 202, 207–208, 210–211, 230–235

mod_filter, 213

objects, 208–210

output, 202, 207, 210–211

pipelining for, 205–206

for pools, 67

postprocessing and preprocessing, 212

for protocol handling, 215–217

request processing, 46–49

self-configuration, 213–215

stdio-like I/O, 227–230

summary, 235–236

find_file function, 112–113

First-hand responses in HTTP/1.1 specification, 362

Fixups hook

purpose, 45

in request processing, 155–156

Fixups phase in subrequests, 166

#flastmod SSI element, 165

Flexibility with libraries, 119

Flow and flow control

coding, 87

for message connections, 400

upstream/downstream, 363

Flush bucket type, 75

Forbidden status code, 186, 419

Form data, parsing, 138–144

form_data function, 265

form_hooks function, 266

Form-processing modules, 49

form_value function, 142, 265

Format strings, 295–296


APR, 69

date/time, 373–374, 522

Found status code, 415–416

Free Software Foundation (FSF), 13

Free software licenses, 12

Fresh responses in HTTP/1.1 specification, 363

Freshness lifetime in HTTP/1.1 specification, 363

From request-header field, 482

FSF (Free Software Foundation), 13

#fsize SSI element, 165

Full copyright statement in HTTP/1.1 specification, 530

Full date formats in HTTP/1.1 specification, 373–374

Fully generic shared memory, 106


apr_dbd API, 298–301

callback, 125–126, 205

coding, 86

DBD driver, 309–320

for directives, 242–246

exporting, 264

implementing, 264–266

optional, 265–266

registering, 115

static, 129

using, 266


Garbage collection

function for, 96–98

in resource management, 60–61

Gateway Timeout status code, 424

Gateways in HTTP/1.1 specification, 362

GDBM, 80–81

General header fields, 387–388

Generic grammar in HTTP/1.1 specification, 366–369

GET method

as idempotent method, 404

OK status code with, 411

side effects of, 451

working with, 405–406

Global data in thread-safe programming, 92

Global locks, 102–104

global mutexes, 102–103

GLOBAL_ONLY macro, 255

global_score entry, 334

Global variables, 117, 338

GNU General Public License (GPL), 13–14

Gone status code, 421

GPL (GNU General Public License), 13–14

Grammar in HTTP/1.1 specification, 366–369

Grant of copyright license, 345

Grant of patent license, 345

gzip encoding format, 375


Handler field, 127

Handler hook

purpose, 45

in request processing, 156


default, 144–148

vs. filters, 46–48

pools, 66

Hash characters (#)

for comments, 25

HTTP rules, 367

Hash tables, 72–73

HEAD method, 404

as idempotent method, 404

OK status code with, 411

side effects of, 451

working with, 406

Header field definitions in HTTP/1.1 specification, 453

Accept, 453–455

Accept-Charset, 455–456

Accept-Encoding, 456–457

Accept-Language, 457–458

Accept-Ranges, 459

Age, 459

Allow, 459–460

Authorization, 460–461

Cache-Control, 461–470

Connection, 470–471

Content-Encoding, 471–472

Content-Language, 472–473

Content-Length, 473

Content-Location, 473–474

Content-MD5, 474–476

Content-Range, 476–478

Content-Type, 478

Date, 478–480

ETag, 480

Expect, 480–481

Expires, 481–482

From, 482

Host, 482–483

If-Match, 483–484

If-Modified-Since, 484–486

If-None-Match, 486–487

If-Range, 487–488

If-Unmodified-Since, 488

Last-Modified, 488–489

Location, 489

Max-Forwards, 489–490

Pragma, 490–491

Proxy-Authenticate, 491

Proxy-Authorization, 491

Range, 492–494

Referer, 494

Retry-After, 494–495

Server, 495

TE, 495–496

Trailer, 497

Transfer-Encoding, 497

Upgrade, 498–499

User-Agent, 499

Vary, 499–500

Via, 500–501

Warning, 501–504

WWW-Authenticate, 504

header_parser hook, 197

purpose, 45

in request processing, 155–156

Headers and header fields 153-155

for cache responses, 445–448

contents, 384–385

entities, 395

filter, 204

general, 387–388

in HTTP/1.1. See Header field definitions in HTTP/1.1 specification

Range, 493–494

request messages, 154, 391

response messages, 394

headers_in table, 91

headers_out table, 92

Heap bucket type, 75

HelloWorld module, 124

completed, 127–129

handler field, 127

I/O, 132–133

errors, 137–138

input, 134–137

output, 133–134

request_rec for, 129–130

response page for, 130–132

return values, 126–127

skeleton, 124–126

Heuristic expiration

in cache expiration model, 433–434

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 363

Heuristic expiration warn code, 503

Hexadecimal numeric characters, 369

History lists, 452–453

Hooks, 267

analysis of, 267–269

for debugging, 336–338

optional, 270–271

order of execution, 269

pools, 66

processing, 44–46, 50–51

in request processing, 155–156

Hop-by-hop headers, 445–446

Host access

in AAA, 181

in Apache 2.1/2.2, 183

Host request-header field, 390, 482–483, 526

.htaccess file

for authentication, 186

purpose, 238–239

for request processing security, 160

http_ header files, 39

HTTP/1.0, changes from, 525–526

HTTP/1.1 specification

abstract, 358

access authentication, 424

acknowledgments, 510–512, 530

appendices, 518–529

author addresses, 516–518

caching. See Caches

character sets, 374–375


message transmission requirements, 400–403

persistent, 396–399

content codings, 375–376

content negotiation, 424–427

copyright notice, 358

date/time formats, 373–374

entities, 394–396

entity tags, 382–383

full copyright statement, 530

header fields. See Header field definitions in HTTP/1.1 specification

index, 529

language tags, 382

media types, 379–381

memo status, 357

method definitions, 403–410

notational conventions and generic grammar, 366–369

overall operation, 364–366

product tokens, 381

purpose, 358–359

quality values, 381–382

range units, 383

references, 512–516

requirements, 359

security considerations, 504–510

status codes. See Status code definitions

terminology, 359–365

transfer codings, 376–378

Uniform Resource Identifiers, 371–372

versions, 370–371

http_config.h file, 40, 246–247, 255

http_connection.h file, 40

http_core.h file, 40

HTTP entities vs. RFC 2045 entities, 521–524

http_log.h file, 40, 324

http_main.h file, 40

HTTP messages

bodies, 385–386

connection transmission requirements, 400–403

headers, 154, 384–385, 387–388, 391

HTTP protocol for, 152–153

length, 386–387

request. See Request processing and messages

response, 153, 392–394

types, 383–384

http_protocol.h file, 40, 132, 134

http_request.h file, 40

http URL, 372

HTTP Version Not Supported status code, 424

http_vhost.h file, 40

httpd.conf file

intro 23-25

for authentication, 186

conflicts in, 251–253

containers in, 24–25

context checking, 255–257

custom, 257–261

merging, 251–254

for core dumps, 332

directives. See Directives

for request processing security, 160

#httpd-dev chat channel, 17

httpd.h file

conn_rec in, 37

contents, 40

request_rec in, 30–35

server_rec in, 35–37

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). See HTTP messages; Request processing and messages


IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)

Character Set registry, 374

for content codings, 375

for transfer codings, 377

Idempotent methods, 404

identity encoding format, 376

Idle clients, 509

If-Match request-header field, 483–484

If-Modified-Since request-header field, 484–486

If-None-Match request-header field, 486–487

If-Range request-header field, 487–488

If-Unmodified-Since request-header field, 488

Image processing filters, 49

Immortal bucket type, 75

Implementing new functions, 264–266

Implicit cleanup of pools, 63–64

Implied linear white space, 368–369

Inbound/outbound paths, 364

#include file SSI command, 165–166

#include virtual SSI command, 165–166

Incomplete responses in caches, 450

Index in HTTP/1.1 specification, 529

Individual CLA, 349–353

Information gathering in request processing, 163–167

Informational 1xx status code definitions, 410–411


library, 116–117

pool, 66

server start-up, 22-23, 268

Input filters, 202, 230

blocking, 231

callback functions for, 205, 207–208

example, 232–235

modes for, 231

readbytes for, 231–232

strategies for, 210–211


module, 134–137

safe use of, 108

validating, 107–108

insert_filter hook

in request processing, 156

for self-configuration, 213–214

Intellectual property, 12–16

Interactive online forums, 16–17

Internal redirects in request processing, 161–162

Internal Server Error status code, 423

Internationalization, 69

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)

Character Set registry, 374

for content codings, 375

for transfer codings, 377

Internet media types

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 379–381

message/http and application/http, 518–519

multipart/byteranges, 519–520

Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 9, 17

Invalidation, cache, 451–452

invoke_cmd function, 330


filter, 230–235

stdio-like, 227–230

strategies, 210–211

module, 132–133

errors, 137–138

input, 134–137

output, 133–134

reading form data, 138–144

iovec type, 75

IP addresses, conserving, 526

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 9, 17


Key/value pairs for form data, 138

Keys, hash table, 72–73

Labels, 295–296

LAMP architecture, 289–292

Language tags, 382

Last-modified dates in cache validation, 439, 442–444

Last-Modified entity-header field, 485, 488–489

lb_scores entry, 335

Length of HTTP messages, 386–387

Length Required status code, 421


authentication, 178–180

logging, 325–327

libdbi, 292

libjpeg library, 114–115

libmysqlclient library, 116


APR, 21

apvfs, 76

with filters, 206

good practice, 114–118

module building with, 118–120

serf, 75

state changes in, 117–118

third-party, 114

libxml2 library, 117–118, 206


Apache, 12–14, 343–348

corporate CLA, 353–356

GPL, 13

individual CLA, 349–353


in module data management, 88–90

in resource management, 65–67

<Limit> container, 256–257

<LimitExcept> container, 256

Line-length limitations in MIME, 524

Linear white space (LWS), 368–369, 384–385


coding, 86

in HTTP requests, 154

Linux in LAMP architecture, 289

Literals, 366

load_module function, 330–333

LoadFile directive, 118–120

LoadModule directive, 119

<Location> container, 238, 240–241, 251–252

Location header spoofing, 508–509

Location response-header field, 489

Locks in cross-MPM programming, 102–104

log_transaction hook, 45

logger hooks, 156

Logging and log information

abuse of, 505

for debugging, 324–327

in request processing, 156, 161


custom schemes, 195–199

Web, 180

LogLevel directive, 325

longjmp function, 114

LWS (linear white space), 368–369, 384–385


<Macro> container, 259–260

macro_section function, 260

macro_t type, 259


APR, 58

expanded, 121

Mailing lists, 9, 16

make_label function, 296

Malformed requests, 163

Malicious requests, 163

malloc function, 68

map_to_storage hook

purpose, 44

in request processing, 155–156

Mapping in HTTP requests, 154, 156–158

Markup parsing modules, 49

max-age directive, 465, 467–468

Max-Forwards request-header field, 489–490

max-stale directive, 466

MaxRequestsPerChild, 96, 98

MD5 hash, 194

Media types

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 379–381

message/http and application/http, 518–519

multipart/byteranges, 519–520


managing, 61–63, 96

shared, 104–106

merge_config function, 252

Merging containers, 251–254

Meritocracy in Apache Software Foundation, 4

message/http type, 518–519

Messages, HTTP. See HTTP messages


vs. data, 153

private, 160

Metadata buckets, 205

Method definitions, 403



GET, 405–406

HEAD, 406

idempotent, 404

OPTIONS, 404–405

POST, 407

PUT, 408–409

safe, 403–404

TRACE, 409

Method Not Allowed status code, 419

Method tokens, 388

Metux MPM, 28

MHTML messages, 524

MIME character set, 374

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 380–381

line-length limitations, 524

MIME-Version header field, 521–522

min-fresh directive, 466

Miscellaneous persistent warning warn code, 504

Miscellaneous warning warn code, 503

Missing character sets, 375

Mmap bucket type, 75

mod_ header files, 39

mod_access module, 182

mod_alias module, 43, 157

mod_auth_basic module, 184, 187, 190, 272

mod_auth_cookie module, 92

mod_auth_dbm module, 182

mod_auth_digest module, 182, 184, 187, 272

mod_authn_alias module, 184

mod_authn_anon module, 184, 272

mod_authn_day module, 194

mod_authn_dbd module, 184, 196, 272, 303–306

mod_authn_dbm module, 184, 272

mod_authn_default module, 184

mod_authn_file module, 184, 272

mod_authn_ldap module, 272

mod_authnz_day module, 194

mod_authnz_ldap module, 184–185, 265

mod_authz_dbd.h file, 270

mod_authz_dbd module, 185, 196–197, 270–271

mod_authz_dbm module, 185

mod_authz_default module, 185

mod_authz_groupfile module, 269

mod_authz_host module, 183–184

mod_authz_owner module, 185, 269

mod_authz_user module, 185, 191–192

mod_backdoor module, 333, 337

mod_backtrace module, 333, 336

mod_cband module, 110

mod_dbd.h file, 41, 285–286

mod_dbd module, 277–278

mod_deflate module, 49, 214, 232, 261

mod_diagnostics module, 333, 338–341

mod_env module, 91

mod_evasive module, 110

mod_expat module, 227

mod_ext_filter, 48

mod_fcgid, 28

mod_filter module, 213–214, 216

mod_form.h file, 266

mod_form module, 265

mod_headers table, 91

mod_helloworld.c file, 127

mod_include module, 165, 264

mod_includes filter, 48

mod_info module, 333

mod_ldap module, 105–106

mod_line_edit module, 222

mod_load_average module, 110

mod_macro module, 259

mod_negotiation module, 43, 158–160

mod_proxy module, 248

mod_proxy_html module, 225, 248–249, 326–327, 340–341

mod_publisher module, 264, 273

mod_rewrite, 43, 91, 326

mod_robots module, 110

mod_ruid, 28

mod_security module, 110

mod_setenvif module, 91

mod_ssl filter, 49

mod_status module, 333–334

mod_transform.h file, 264

mod_transform module, 168, 264

mod_transform_set_XSLT function, 264, 284

mod_transform_XSLTDoc function, 264

mod_txt module, 217-221

configuration for, 244–245

mod_upload module, 140

mod_watchdog module, 333

mod_whatkilledus module, 333, 336

mod_xhtml module, 276

mod_xmlns module, 228, 273–275

Modes for filters, 207–208, 231


AAA, 187–188

authentication function, 190–192

basic authentication providers, 188–190, 193–195

configuration, 193

digest authentication providers, 193–195

in APR, 54–55

in APU, 56–57

communicating between, 90–92

configuring, 237

alternative methods, 261

basics, 237–239

context in, 255–257

custom containers for, 257–261

directives for, 242–250

function types for, 246–250

hierarchy, 250–255

process, 239–240

scope of, 246

server and directory, 240–241

structures for, 239

summary, 262

user data in, 244–245

data management, 88

configuration vectors, 88

lifetime scopes, 88–90

debugging. See Debugging

error handling and reusability of, 172–174

libraries for, 118–120

for request processing, 168–174

written and compiled in other languages, 120–122

Monitor hook, 67, 268, 337–338

Monitoring connections, 400

Moved Permanently status code, 415

mpm_common, hooks exported by, 268

Multi-homed Web servers, 526

Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs), 22, 25

cross-MPM programming issues, 101–102

process and global locks, 102–104

shared memory, 104–106

for debugging, 331

purpose, 26–27

UNIX-family, 27–28

working with, 28–29

Multiline comments, 87–88

multipart/byteranges type, 519–520

multipart/form-data format, 138

Multipart types in HTTP/1.1 specification, 380–381

Multiple Choices status code, 414–415

Multiple responses in cache expiration model, 437–438

MultiViews option, 159

must-revalidate directive, 468–469

Mutexes, 102–103

MySQL databases, 79

drivers, 82–83, 295

in LAMP architecture, 289

thread-safe library versions, 116

DBD Driver, 307-320


N rule, 367


attacks based on, 507–508

HTTP rules, 366

Namespace modules, 273–274

Namespacing in APR, 57–58

NDBM, 80–81

Negotiated responses, caching, 449–450


content, 158–160, 424–427

in persistent connections, 397–398


APR, 76

security for, 111

New functions, implementing, 264–266

News, websites for, 19

Newsgroups, 16

no-cache directive, 463

No Content status code, 412–413

no-store directive, 464

no-transform directive, 469

Non-authoritative Information status code, 412

Non-shared caches, 450

Nonmodifiable headers, 446–447

Nonstandard request processing, 44

Nonvalidating conditionals, 444

Not Acceptable status code, 419–420

Not Found status code, 419

Not Implemented status code, 423

NOT_IN_DIR macro, 255


NOT_IN_FILES macro, 255

NOT_IN_LIMIT macro, 255–256

NOT_IN_LOCATION macro, 255


Not Modified status code, 416–417

Notational conventions in HTTP/1.1 specification, 366–369

Notes for filters, 214–215

notes table, 91

Null pointers, 332

NULL values, 269


OK return value, 126

OK status code, 411

Online chat, 17

Online forums, 16–17

only-if-cached directive, 468

open_logs hook, 268

Operating systems

MPMs with, 28–29

for security, 111–113, 178

Operational phase in two-phase operation, 25

Optional elements in HTTP rules, 367

optional_fn_retrieve hook, 268

Optional functions, 265–266

Optional hooks, 270–271

OPTIONS method, 404–405

OR_ALL option, 246

OR_AUTHCFG option, 246

OR_FILEINFO option, 246

OR_INDEXES option, 246

OR_LIMIT option, 246

OR_OPTIONS option, 246

Oracle drivers, 295


hook execution, 269

request processing, 49–50

Order directive, 182

Origin servers

and 100 (Continue) status, 401

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 361

Output, module, 133–134

Output filters, 202

callback functions for, 205, 207

strategies for, 210–211

Overflow, buffer, 109


Parameters, media type, 379

Parentheses () in rules, 367

parse_form_from_POST function, 140–142

parseChunk function, 206


filters for, 221–227

form data, 138–144

HTTP constructs, 368

Partial Content status code, 413–414


in Apache 2.1/2.2, 184

in basic authentication, 178–179

in mod_authn_dbd, 305–306

Patent license, 345

Patents, 14–15

Paths and path names

attacks based on, 507–508

inbound/outbound, 364

vs. URLs, 157

People and processes in security, 178

Per-directory configuration, 41

Per-server configuration, 41

Perchild MPM, 28

Perl language, 2, 289

Persistent connections

considerations, 399

HTTP/1.0 compatibility with, 526–527

in message transmissions, 400

operation, 397–398

proxy servers, 398

purpose, 396–397

Persistent data

garbage collection, 96–98

memory/resource management, 96–99

reslist, 99

resource reuse, 99

scope of, 90

shared resources, 106

subpools, 98

thread safety in, 93–96

Personal information, security for, 505–507

Peruser MPM, 28

Philosophy of Apache Software Foundation, 6

PHP in LAMP architecture, 289

Pipe bucket type, 75


for filters, 205–206

in persistent connections, 398

Piracy, 14–15

Platform and architecture, 21

basic concepts and structures, 29

configuration basics, 41–42

conn_rec object, 37–39

cross-platform issues

API builds, 284–288

programming, 99–101

for DBD driver, 306

key API components, 39–41

MPMs, 26–29

overview, 21–22

process_rec object, 37

request processing. See Request processing and messages

request_rec object, 30–35

server_rec object, 35–37

two-phase operation, 22–26

PMC members in Apache Software Foundation, 5


crashes from, 332

declaring, 87

for merging containers, 253–254

in request_rec, 30

in shared memory, 105–106

Pool bucket type, 75

poolclass class, 64

Pools, See Apache Portable Runtime (APR), pools

post_config hook, 268

Post-configuration hooks, 66, 268

POST method, 404

cache invalidation with, 451

OK status code with, 411

parsing data from, 140–142

vs. PUT, 408

working with, 407

post_read_request hook

purpose, 44

in request processing, 155–156

PostgreSQL drivers, 295

Postprocessing filters, 212

Pragma general-header field, 490–491

pre_config hook, 268

Pre-configuration hooks, 66, 268

pre_connection hook, 67

pre_mpm hook, 268

Precautionary principle, 107–109

Precondition Failed status code, 421

Predecessors of functions, 269

Prefork MPM, 27–28

Prematurely closed connections, 402–403

Prepackaged configuration functions, 245–246

Preprocessing filters, 212

Preprocessor directives, 285–286

private directive, 463

Private metadata, 160

Privileges, 111

process_connection hook, 67

process_rec object, 29, 37

process_score entry, 335

Processes, 29

APR, 78

in cross-MPM programming, 102–104

Processing hooks, 44–46, 50–51

Product tokens, 381

Programming techniques and caveats, 85

coding conventions, 85–88

cross-MPM, 101–106

cross-platform, 99–101

external dependencies and libraries, 114–120

inter-module communication, 90–92

module data management, 88–90

modules written and compiled in other languages, 120–122

persistent data, 93–99

secure programming, 106–113

summary, 122

thread-safe, 92–93

Protocol filters, 202–205, 215–217

Provider API, 272–277

Providers, authentication, 188–190, 193–195


and 100 (Continue) status, 402

Apache, 48

for cache responses, 446–447

denial of service attacks on, 510

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 361

persistent connections, 398

security considerations in HTTP, 509–510

Proxy-Authenticate response-header field, 187, 491

Proxy Authentication Required status code, 186, 420

Proxy-Authorization request-header field, 491

proxy-revalidate directive, 469

ProxyHTMLLinks directive, 249

ProxyPassReverse directive, 241

public directive, 463

Public domain software, 12

Public mailing lists, 16

PUT method

cache invalidation with, 451

as idempotent method, 404

working with, 408–409

Python in LAMP architecture, 289


q parameter in Accept field, 454

Quality values

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 381–382

in RFC 2068, 527

Queues, 73

quick_handler hook, 44


Range field, 492–494

Range request-header field, 485, 493–494

Range units in HTTP/1.1 specification, 383

read function, 74

readbytes, 231–232

Reading form data, 138–144

Reason phrase in response messages, 392–394

Redirect directive, 158, 163

REDIRECT_STATUS variable, 162

Redirection 3xx status code definitions, 414–418

Redirects in request processing, 161–162

Redistribution section in Apache license, 345–346

Reference manual, APR, 57

References in HTTP/1.1 specification, 512–516

Referer request-header field, 494

register_hooks function, 117, 189, 192, 267, 269, 271

Registering functions, 115

Release managers, 9

Releases, 8–9

Reload controls, 466–469

RemoveOutputFilter directive, 211

Replacement of caches, 452

Report generation in Site Valet, 168

Repositories, code, 7, 10

Representation in HTTP/1.1 specification, 360

Request Entity Too Large status code, 422

Request-Line in request messages, 388

Request pools, 30

Request processing and messages, 151–152, 388

in Apache, 42, 155–156

caching in, 160

content generation in, 42–43

content negotiation in, 158–160

data axis and filters, 46–49

hooks in, 156

mapping to filesystem, 156–158

order of, 49–50

phases in, 43–44

pools in, 66

private metadata in, 160

processing hooks, 44–46, 50–51

scope in, 89–90

security in, 160

summary, 51

in HTTP, 153, 360

anatomy of, 153–155

diversion in, 161–163

header fields in, 391

information gathering in, 163–167

logging in, 161

malformed and malicious, 163

Request-Line for, 388–390

resources identified in, 390–391

modules for, 168–174

summary, 174–175

request_rec object

for configuration data, 239–240

definition, 30–35

for filters, 203

for HelloWorld, 129–130

for module communication, 90–92

Request/response protocols, 364

Request Timeout status code, 420


with PUT, 408

in request messages, 389–390

Request-URI Too Long status code, 422

Request URLs, 43

Requested Range Not Satisfiable status code, 422

Require directive, 186, 188, 256

Requirements in HTTP/1.1 specification, 359

Reset Content status code, 413

Reslists, see APR reslists

APR reslists

implementing, 278–284

working with, 99

Resources and resource management

APR, 59

lifetime, 65–67

pool limitations, 68

pools, 61–64, 78–79

problem of, 60–61

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 360

in request messages, 390–391

reusing, 99

shared, 106

Response is stale warn code, 503

Response page for HelloWorld, 130–132

Responses and response messages, 153, 360, 392

cacheability of, 444–445

from caches, 445–448

header fields, 394

status-line, 392–394

Responsibility for intellectual property violations, 16

Results sets, 296–297

Retry-After response-header field, 494–495

Return values

APR, 58

modules, 126–127


DBD driver, 306

modules, 172–174

resources, 99

Revalidation failed warn code, 503

Revalidation for Cache-Control, 466–469

Review and consensus process, 8

Review-Then-Commit (RTC) code, 8

RFC 2045 entities, 521–524

RFC 2068, changes from, 527–529

Rings, 73

Roles in Apache Software Foundation, 4–5

ROLLBACK for transactions, 297

RSRC_CONF option, 246

RTC (Review-Then-Commit) code, 8


s-maxage directive, 465, 528

Safe methods, 403–404

Safe programming techniques, 178

Satisfy directive, 182

SAX filters, 228


of module configuration, 246

of module data, 88–90

Scoreboard, 334–335

scoreboard.h file, 334

Scrutiny of DBD driver, 306

SDBM, 80

Seconds, delta, 374

Security, 177–178

AAA. See AAA (Access, Authentication, and Authorization)

HTTP, 504–505

authentication credentials and idle clients, 509

content-disposition issues, 509

denial of service attacks on proxies, 510

DNS spoofing, 508

file and path name attacks, 507–508

location header spoofing, 508–509

personal information, 505–507

proxies and caching, 509–510

in request processing, 160

secure programming, 106–107

denial of service attacks, 109–110

operating system for, 111–113

precautionary principle, 107–109

Security phase, hooks in, 156

See Other status code, 416

Self-configuration filters, 213–215

Semantically transparent caches, 363

Semi-colons (:), HTTP comments, 368

Sensitive information

encoding in URIs, 506

transfer of, 505–506

Separators in coding, 86

serf library, 75

Server-driven content negotiation, 425–426

Server error 5xx status code definitions, 423–424

Server log information, abuse of, 505

server_rec object, 29

for configuration data, 239–240

definition, 35–37

Server response-header field, 495

Server-specified expiration, 433

Servers, 29

configuring, 240–241

debugging, 329–331

HTTP/1.1, 361

multi-homed, 526

start-up, 268, 329–331

Service Unavailable status code, 423–424

Services, providing, 277–284

Session management with SQL, 196–197

set_allowed_ports function, 248

set_links function, 249–250

set_links_raw_args function, 250

setaside function, 74

SetHandler directive, 42

setjmp function, 114

SetOutputFilter directive, 211

Shared caches, 450

Shared memory, 104–106

Shareware, 13

Shutdown in two-phase operation, 26

Side effects

with GET and HEAD, 451

with libraries, 119

Site Valet software, 53, 168

Skeletons, module, 124–126

Sloppy programming, 108–109

Smart filtering, 211–217

Socket bucket type, 75

Software licenses, 12–14

Specific end-to-end cache revalidation, 467

split function, 74


DNS, 508

location headers, 508–509

SQL databases

and apr_dbd, 82–83

session management with, 196–197

statements in, 295–296

Square brackets ([]) in rules, 367

Stable branches of code repository, 7

Stale responses, 363

Standard modules, 333–335

STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF macro, 124, 239–240

start_comment function, 258

Start-up, server, 268, 329–331

Start-up phase, configuration in, 23–25

startElement event, 228

State changes in libraries, 117–118

Static data in thread-safe programming, 92

static functions, 129

Status code definitions, 392–394, 410

client error 4xx, 418–423

from handlers, 126

informational 1xx, 410–411

redirection 3xx, 414–418

server error 5xx, 423–424

successful 2xx, 411–414

STATUS file, 8

Status-line in response messages, 392–394

stdio-like filter I/O, 227–230

Stealth libraries, 119


APR, 69

format, 295–296

Strong cache validators, 439–442

Strong entity tags, 382

Structures. See Data structures

Stubs, 122

Submission of contributions section in Apache license, 346

Subpools, 98

subprocess_env table, 91

Subrequests, 163–167

Subversion repository, 10

Subversion system, 7

Successful 2xx status code definitions, 411–414

Successors of functions in determining order, 269

suexec, 28

switch statements, 87

Switching Protocols status code, 411

System administrators, debugging assistance for, 326–327

Systems-level modules, 26


Tables, 71–72

of bags, 138

hash tables, 72–73

TCP connections, 29, 37

TE request-header field, 495–496

Temporary files, creating, 100–101

Temporary Redirect status code, 417–418

Termination, library, 116–117

Terminology in HTTP/1.1 specification, 359–365

test_config hook, 268

Testing, forum participation for, 11


filtering, 217–221

media types, 379–380

parsing, 221–225

TEXT rule, 369

Third-party extensions, 18

Third-party intellectual property, 15–16

Third-party libraries

compatibility of, 114

debugging, 340–341

Thread safety, 92–93

with libraries, 116

in persistent data, 93–96

Threads, APR, 78

throw/catch structures, 116


in HTTP/1.1 specification, 373–374

module for, 70

tmpfile function, 100


in HTTP/1.1 specification, 381

in request messages, 388

Tolerant applications, 520–521

TRACE method

as idempotent method, 404

OK status code with, 411

working with, 409

Traceback for command handler functions, 330–333

Tracing crashes, 331–332

Trademarks in Apache license, 346

Trailer general field, 497

Trailers in chunked transfer coding, 378

Transactions, 297–298

Transfer codings in HTTP/1.1 specification, 376–378

Transfer-Encoding general-header field, 385–386, 497, 523–524

Transfer-length of messages, 386–387

Transformation applied warn code, 503–504


filters for, 212

XSLT, 168

transforms table, 169

Transient bucket type, 75

translate_alias_redir function, 157–158

translate_name hook

purpose, 44

in request processing, 155–156

Translation, forum participation for, 11

Transmission requirements for connections, 400–403

Transparent caches, 363

Transparent content negotiation, 427

Transparent proxies, 446–447

Transport-layer security, 178

Trunks in code repository, 7

Trust nothing principle, 107–109

try_alias_list function, 158

Tunnels, 362

Tutorials, websites for, 19

Two-phase operation, 22–23

operational phase, 25

start-up, 23–25

type_checker hooks, 168

purpose, 45

in request processing, 155–156


entities, 395–396

HTTP messages, 383–384

media, 379–381


Unauthorized status code, 186, 418–419

Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), 371–372

APR handling, 77

encoding sensitive information in, 506

in request messages, 389–390

UNIX-family MPMs, 27–28

Unlimited shared resources, 106

Unspecified end-to-end cache revalidation, 467

Unsupported Media Type status code, 422

Updates, cache invalidation after, 451–452

Upgrade general-header, 498–499

Upstream/downstream flow, 363

URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), 371–372

APR handling, 77

encoding sensitive information in, 506

in request messages, 389–390


vs. filesystem paths, 157

http, 372

request, 43

US-ASCII character set, 374

Use directive, 259–260

use_macro function, 260–261

use_namespace function, 274

Use Proxy status code, 417

Usenet newsgroups, 16

User-Agent request-header field, 499

User-Agent string, 161

User agents

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 361

warnings, 431–432

User data in configuration functions, 244–245

Usernames in basic authentication, 178–179

Users in Apache Software Foundation, 4–5

Users list, 16

util_ header files, 39

util_filter.h file, 41, 136, 208–209, 227

util_ldap_cache_init function, 105

util_ldap.h file, 41

util_script.h file, 41

Utility factor in handler vs. filter decisions, 46



cache, 438–444

for Cache-Control field, 466–469

input, 107–108

Validators, 363


hash table, 72–73

quality, 381–382, 527

return, 58, 126–127


of documents, 168–171

in HTTP/1.1 specification, 360–361

Vary field, 499–500

Vectors, configuration, 30, 88


HTTP, 370–371, 525–529

library, 119–120

Subversion system, 7

vhost macro, 259

Via general-header field, 500–501

Virtual hosts, 238

<VirtualHost> container, 238, 241, 251


Warning general-header field, 501–504

Warnings for caches, 430–432

Weak cache validators, 439–442

Weak entity tags, 383

Web, login, 180

Web servers, multi-homed, 526

Websites for developers, 17–19

Weights for HTTP quality values, 381

Whitespace in coding, 86

Wildcards in RFC 2068, 528

Worker MPM, 27

worker_score entry, 335

Wrappers, C, 63

write command, 113

Write-through mandatory in caches, 452

WWW-Authenticate response-header field, 187, 504


xdefault function, 228

xhtml_hooks function, 277

XML namespace framework, 272–273

XML_Parse function, 226

xmlns_filter function, 225

xmlns.h file, 275

xmlns structure, 275–276

XMLNSUseNamespace directive, 274

XSLT transformation, 168

xstartElement function, 228

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