title BibTeX field, 690, 732, 743, 763, 765, 768, 772, 779 (jurabib), 717, 718, 719, 722

title width, measuring in document headings, 41

titleaddon BibTeX field (jurabib), 743

itleclass (titlesec), 44, 45

itlecontents (titletoc), 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64

itlecontents* (titletoc), 62, 6365

itleformat (titlesec), 38, 4045, 65, 91, 92

titleformat key/option (jurabib), 716, 720, 721, 734, 735, 741

itleformat* (titlesec), 37

itlelabel (titlesec), 37

itleline (titlesec), 42

itleline* (titlesec), 42

titlepage env., 858

itleref (titleref), 76, 77

titleref package, 76, 77


(titlesec), 41, 42

(titletoc), 59, 61


(titlesec), 41, 42

(titletoc), 61

titles, bibliographies

format, 719, 720

information field, 743

mapping short to full, 721, 722, 723

titles, bibliography database, 768

titlesec package, xxvii, 3645, 65, 224, see also document headings; titletoc package

itlespacing (titlesec), 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

itlespacing* (titlesec), 40, 65, 91, 92

titletoc package, xxvii, 56, 5866, see also minitoc package; titlesec package

itlewidth rigid length (titlesec), 41, 42

Tk program, 954

tlc package, 983

tlc2.err file (tlc2), xxvii

TM Math font, 517

tmargin key/option (geometry), 206, 208

note (threeparttable), 278

o, 491, 492, 501, 534

TOC, see tables of contents

.toc file extension, 7, 8, 23, 32, 33, 46, 47, 49, 54, 445

(chapterbib), 749

(titletoc), 58, 60

tocbibind package, 48, 681

tocdepth counter, 27, 49, 50, 52, 55, 61, 63, 64, 65

ocdesign (layouts), 202

ocdiagram (layouts), 202

oday, 85, 837, 838

(babel), 550, 558, 559, 585, 587

(rcsinfo), 839

today option (rcsinfo), 839

odayRoman (babel), 558

oEng (tlc), 873

olerance, 102, 103, 187, 941943

(multicol), 186

one (tipa), 406, 407

tone option (tipa), 406, 407

op, 524, 528

top key (titlesec), 44, 45

top key value

(caption), 312, 318

(subfig), 318

top key/option (geometry), 208, 209

top$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

topadjust key/option (subfig), 317, 318

opcaption (supertabular), 257

opfigrule, 285

opfraction, 284, 285, 286

opleftxmark (extramarks), 221

topline key value (fancyvrb), 158

opmargin rigid length, 194, 196, 198, 872, 934, 935

opmark, 218, 221

topnumber counter, 284, 285

oprightxmark (extramarks), 221

oprule (booktabs), 270, 272

opsep length, 141, 145, 934, 935

opskip length, 197, 198, 936, 938

(geometry), 207

total key/option (geometry), 211

otalheight, 861, 862, 866

(graphics), 630

totalheight key (graphicx), 619, 623, 898

totalnumber counter, 284

totalpages BibTeX field (jurabib), 743

trace package, 945, 946, 976

tracefnt package, 368, 369

raceoff (trace), 946

traceoff option (changebar), 191

raceon (trace), 946

traceon option (changebar), 191

tracestacks option (changebar), 191

tracing font selection, 368

tracing problems, see troubleshooting

tracing, paragraph break algorithm, 940943

racingall, 940, 943, 944, 945, 946

racingassigns (trace), available with eTeX, 946

racingcommands, 945

racinggroups, available with eTeX, 906, 918

(trace), 946

racingifs, 921

racinglostchars, 945

racingmacros, 945

tracingmulticols counter (multicol), 186, 188

racingonline, 907, 918, 924, 938, 940, 943

racingoutput, 943

racingpages, 938

output produced from, 938

racingparagraphs, 940

output produced from, 941, 942

racingrestores, 944

racingstats, 916

output produced from, 916

racingtabularx (tabularx), 252, 253

trailing blanks, indexes, 650, 655, 666, 669

transcript files

extension, 7

index generation, 658, 668

writing to, 943

translated works, bibliographies, 742, 743

translating documents, see multilingual documents

translating language-dependent strings, 586

translations, language options, 550, 551

translator BibTeX field (jurabib), 743

tree structures, 612

riangle, 528

riangledown (amssymb), 528

riangleleft, 530

rianglelefteq (amssymb), 533

rianglelefteqslant (stmaryrd), 533

riangleq (amssymb), 532

riangleright, 161, 530

rianglerighteq (amssymb), 533

rianglerighteqslant (stmaryrd), 533

TriangleUp (ifsym), 405

trim key (graphicx), 619, 620, 621

trimming marks, 212, 213, 214

troff program, 608


boxes, displaying contents, 943

buffer size errors, 917

color, 870

command definitions, displaying, 932934

command execution, tracing, 945, 946

command names, strange, 933

cross-reference errors, 894

debugging messages, indexes, 675

description, 889, 890

error messages

asterisk only, 894

list of, 894915

source line, finding, 890894

syntax, 890

exception dictionary errors, 917

font glyphs, 369, 370

font memory errors, 917

font selection, 368

footnotes, 944, 945

fragile commands, 892894

grouping levels errors, 917, 918

hash size errors, 918

hyphenation, 940

index generation, 665, 666

informational messages, 920931

internal tables, overflowing, 917919

list stack, displaying, 944

lost characters, tracing, 945

macro stack, displaying, 892

MakeIndex, 665, 666

memory exceeded message, 915919

number of strings errors, 918

online tracing, 943

page breaks, 935939

page contents, symbolic display, 935937

paragraph breaks, 939943

parameter stack size errors, 918, 919

pattern memory errors, 919

persistent errors, 892

pool size errors, 919


displaying, 934

tracing, 945

register values, displaying, 934, 935

restore values, displaying, 944

save size errors, 919

semantic nest size errors, 919

stepping through documents, 945

terminal display, 943

TeX capacity exceeded errors, 915919

text input levels errors, 919

trace package, 945, 946

transcript file, writing to, 943

vertical space, 935939

warning messages, 920931

true key value

(caption), 309

(fancyvrb), 157, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165

(geometry), 206

(jurabib), 716, 735

(listings), 171, 173, 174, 175

(titlesec), 43, 44

true syntax, 875

truedimen key/option (geometry), 210

TrueTeX program, 615

truetex option (graphics), 615

runcate (truncate), 232, 233

truncate package, 232, 233

TruncateMarker (truncate), 232

truncating text, page styles, 232, 233

ryparam (layouts), 200, 202

rycolumnsep (layouts), 201

rycolumnseprule (layouts), 201

ryevensidemargin (layouts), 201

ryfootskip (layouts), 201

ryheadheight (layouts), 201

ryheadsep (layouts), 200, 201

rypaperheight (layouts), 201

rypaperwidth (layouts), 201

rytextheight (layouts), 201

rytextwidth (layouts), 201

TS1 font encoding, 117, 354, 355, 382, 416, 417, 420, 453455

list of LICR objects, 455463

(avant), 372

(bookman), 372

(ccfonts), 383, 384

(chancery), 372

(charter), 372

(cmbright), 385, 386

(courier), 372

(fourier), 392

(helvet), 372

(luximono), 387

(newcent), 372

(palatino), 372

(pxfonts), 391

(textcomp), 362, 366, 367

(times), 372

(txfonts), 388, 389

(utopia), 372

TS3 font encoding, 416

t, 347

used in math, 349, 464

tt key value

(caption), 310

(fancyvrb), 155, 156

tt option (titlesec), 37

ttctexa document class, 960

tdefault, 154, 339, 346, 387

tfamily, 93, 339, 344, 346, 409, 464, 935

used in math, 348, 350

.ttt file extension (endfloat), 291

TUG (TeX Users Group) home page, 948

turkish option (babel), 543, 557

turn env. (rotating), 297, 634

wlrm (tlc), 464

twlrm option (rawfonts), 464

two-sided printing

page styles, 223, 226

turning on, 199

wocolumn, 184, 679, 680

warning using, 926

twocolumn key/option (geometry), 207

twocolumn option, 16, 114, 176, 184, 232

wocolumnlayouttrue (layouts), 200, 201

woheadleftarrow (amssymb), 534

woheadrightarrow (amssymb), 534

twoside key/option (geometry), 207, 208, 209

twoside option, 199, 208, 729, 881

(biblist), 774

(layout), 199

txfonts package, 388390, 510, 511, 517

touching letters with, 390

yformat (tabulary), 254

ymax rigid length (tabulary), 253, 254

ymin rigid length (tabulary), 253, 254

type BibTeX field, 763, 765

type key (graphicx), 620, 627

error using, 896

type$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

ypearea (typearea), 205

typearea package, xxvii, 203206, 207, 237

typearea.cfg file (typearea), 203

typed text, see also typewriter font; verbatim env.

background fill, 157, 158

blanks, displaying, 160, 161

boxing, 164


background, 158

frame rules, 158

text, 156, 157

computer code, printing, 168, 169, 170, 175

as floats, 174

captions, 174

code fragments within normal text, 171

formatting language keywords, 170, 171

frames around listings, 173

indentation, 172

input encoding, 174, 175

languages supported, 169

line breaks, 172, 173

numbering lines, 172

rules around listings, 173

computer program style quoting, 153, 154, 155

customized variants, 164, 165

displaying a subset of data, 162, 163

emphasizing, see italic; underlining

escape characters, 161

executing commands in, 161

fonts, specifying, 155, 156

framing, 157, 158

indentation, removing, 157

inside arguments, 165, 166, 167, 168

inside footnotes, 167

leading spaces, removing, 157

monospaced typeface, 153, 154, 155

numbering lines, 159, 160

reading data verbatim, 163

spacing, vertical, 159

special characters, 152, 153

start/stop delimiters, 152, 153, 167, 168

tabs, displaying, 160, 161

top/bottom delimiters, 159

writing data verbatim, 163

typefaces, see fonts

ypein, 827

ypeout, 432, 827, 893


currencies, 9699

directory names, 9395, 96

e-mail addresses, 9395, 96

euro currency, 9699

paths, 9395, 96

tables of contents, 49, 50, 51, 52

URLs, 9395, 96

typesetting parameters, list of, 820824

typewriter font, 339, 386, 387, 388, see also verbatim env.; typed text

typographic conventions, this book, 1113

typographical fonts, see proportional fonts


U font encoding, 397, 416, 430, 435, 454

(eurosans), 411

(eurosym), 409

u, 365, 462

ucs package, 361


UKenglish option (babel), 543

ukrainian option (babel), 543, 568

ul (soul), 88, 90, 92

ULdepth rigid length (ulem), 87

ulem package, 87, 88

ULforem (ulem), 87

uline (ulem), 87

ULthickness (ulem), 88

umvs.fd file (marvosym), 403

unbalance counter (multicol), 186, 187, 188

unboldmath, 352

(bm), 512

UndeclareTextCommand, 366, 454

UndefineShortVerb (fancyvrb), 168

underaccent (accents), 495

underleftarrow (amsmath), 497

underleftrightarrow (amsmath), 497

underlining text, 87, 88, 92, 342

underrightarrow (amsmath), 497

underset (amsmath), 495

undertilde (accents), 495

undotted option (minitoc), 56

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), see URLs

unifying index entries, 676

unitcntnoreset option (bibtopic), 754

unitlength rigid length, see a LaTeX manual [101, 104]

(eepic), 609, 610

(epic), 602605, 607

(pspicture), 641

units key (graphicx), 632, 633

unjustified paragraphs, 103106

unkern, 81

unlhd (LaTeXsym), 464

unpack.ins file, 828, 829

unpublished BibTeX entry type, 690, 763

unrhd (LaTeXsym), 464

unsethebrew (babel), 568

unskip, 111, 146, 325

unsorted citation style, 697

unsrt BibTeX style, 687, 792, 793, 795, 806

(bibtopic), 754

(notoccite), 697

unsrtnat BibTeX style (natbib), 708, 710, 793

unzip program, 410

up key value (caption), 310

up option (titlesec), 37

Uparrow, 498, 534

uparrow, 498, 534

updated BibTeX field (jurabib), 743

updatename (jurabib), 743

updatesep (jurabib), 743

updefault, 346


(ccfonts), 385

(cmbright), 386

(mathpazo), 378

(mathptmx), 377

Updownarrow, 498, 534

updownarrow, 498, 534

upharpoonleft (amssymb), 534

upharpoonright (amssymb), 534

uplus, 530


(ccfonts), 385

(cmbright), 386

(mathpazo), 378

(mathptmx), 377

uppercase, problems with, 571, 845

uppersorbian option (babel), 543

upquote key (listings), 154

upquote package, xxvii, 153155

upref package, 467

upright option (fourier), 392

upright font shape, 333, 340

uproot (amsmath), 504, 505

upshape, 340, 341, 344, 346

Upsilon, 527

upsilon, 527

upuparrows (amssymb), 534


(custom-bib), 802

(natbib), 710

(url), 93, 94, 95, 96, 771

error in moving argument, 94

problems using, 93

url BibTeX field

(BibTexMng), 789

(custom-bib), 800, 802

(jurabib), 718, 743

(natbib), 710

url package, xxvi, 9396, 802

UrlBigBreaks (url), 96

UrlBreaks (url), 96

urldate BibTeX field (jurabib), 743

urldatecomment (jurabib), 743

urldef (url), 94, 95

UrlLeft (url), 95, 96

spaces ignored in, 95

UrlNoBreaks (url), 96

urlprefix (custom-bib), 802

UrlRight (url), 95, 96

spaces ignored in, 95

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)

bibliographies, 710, 742, 743

line breaks, 93

typesetting, 9395, 96

urlstyle (url), 94, 95, 96

URW Antiqua font, 393, 394

URW Grotesk font, 393, 394

usage (doc), 823

usebox, 307, 849, 868, 869, 870

error using, 905

(soul), 90

usecounter, 151

usedir (docstrip), 830, 831, 832

usefont, 371, 373, 408, 417

USenglish option (babel), 543

UseOption (optional), 21

usepackage, 14, 16, 17, 18, 878, 881883, 919

error using, 899, 913

release information, 878

warning using, 931

usepostamble (docstrip), 827, 830

usepreamble (docstrip), 830

user commands, defining for index generation, 653, 654

user groups, 955958, see also help resources

user messages, generating, 827, 828

useshorthands (babel), 547, 548

UseTDS (docstrip), 832, 914

UseTextAccent, 454

(textcomp), 366

UseTextSymbol, 365, 366, 454

usetoc option (titleref), 77

UseVerb (fancyvrb), 165, 166, 167

UseVerb* (fancyvrb), 166

UseVerbatim (fancyvrb), 167

usorbian option (babel), 559

UTF-8 support, encoding, 360, 361, 441, 447

utf8 option (inputenc), 360, 361, 444, 541, 669

utf8enc.dfu file (inputenc), 447

utopia package, 371

Utopia font, 375

in math and text, 515

uuline (ulem), 87

uwave (ulem), 87

UWforbf option (ulem), 87


v, 462

val (euro), 98

value, 130, 131, 198, 277, 852, 871, 873, 876, 893, 934

error using, 905

varbigcirc (stmaryrd), 531

varbigtriangledown (stmaryrd), 530

varbigtriangleup (stmaryrd), 530

varcopyright (stmaryrd), 528

varcurlyvee (stmaryrd), 530

varcurlywedge (stmaryrd), 530

varepsilon, 474, 504, 527

varhat (tlc), 399

variables, bibliographies, 805

varinjlim (amsmath), 500

varioref option (fltpage), 326

varioref package, 6875, 544, see also cross-references

varkappa (amssymb), 527

varliminf (amsmath), 500

varlimsup (amsmath), 500, 501

varnothing (amssymb), 528

varoast (stmaryrd), 531

varobar (stmaryrd), 531

varobslash (stmaryrd), 531

varocircle (stmaryrd), 531

varodot (stmaryrd), 529, 531

varogreaterthan (stmaryrd), 531

varolessthan (stmaryrd), 531

varominus (stmaryrd), 531

varoplus (stmaryrd), 531

varoslash (stmaryrd), 531

varotimes (stmaryrd), 531

varovee (stmaryrd), 531

varowedge (stmaryrd), 531

varphi, 474, 504, 527

varpi, 527

varprojlim (amsmath), 500

varpropto (amssymb), 535

varrho, 527

varsigma, 527

varsubsetneq (amssymb), 533

varsubsetneqq (amssymb), 533

varsupsetneq (amssymb), 533

varsupsetneqq (amssymb), 533

vartheta, 527

varthm env. (tlc), 143

vartimes (stmaryrd), 530

vartriangle (amssymb), 533

vartriangleleft (amssymb), 533

vartriangleright (amssymb), 533

varumlaut option (yfonts), 394, 395, 396

vbadness, 924, 928, 930

vbox, 373, 870, 928, 936

in TeX warning message, 924, 926, 930

vcenter, 489

Vdash (amssymb), 535

vDash (amssymb), 535

vdash, 535

vdots, 536

vec, 529

Vector (pspicture), 641


error using, 895

(pspicture), 639, 640, 641

(texpicture), 640

vector drawings, see epic package; eepic package

vee, 530

veebar (amssymb), 530

veqns (tlc), 73

Verb (fancyvrb), 167

verb, 93, 152, 165, 167, 168, 171, 845, 857

error using, 913

rotating output, 634

(boxedminipage), 595

(doc), 816

(ltxdoc), 834

(parallel), 182

(shortvrb), 152

(tabularx), restricted usage, 255

(tabulary), restricted usage, 255

(upquote), 154


(shortvrb), 152, 153

(tabularx), restricted usage, 255

(tabulary), restricted usage, 255

Verbatim env. (fancyvrb), 155, 156162, 163, 164

verbatim env., 151, 152, 155, 845, 894, see also typed text; typewriter font

error using, 913

(doc), 816, 822

(parallel), 182

(upquote), 154

(verbatim), 153

verbatim package, 153, 155

verbatim delimiters

doc package, 815, 816

docstrip, 833

verbatim text, see typed text

Verbatim* env. (fancyvrb), 160

Verbatim* (fancyvrb), 164

verbatim* env.

(doc), 822

(verbatim), 153

verbatimchar (doc), 823

VerbatimEnvironment (fancyvrb), 163

VerbatimFootnotes (fancyvrb), 167

VerbatimInput (fancyvrb), 163

VerbatimInput* (fancyvrb), 164

VerbatimOut env. (fancyvrb), 163

verbose key/option (geometry), 210

verbose option

(cite), 696

(placeins), 289

(wrapfig), 301

verbose mode, index generation, 675

verbx (tlc), 167

version control, 21, 22, 836, 837, 838, 839

versions, selecting for printing, 21, 22

VERT (fourier), 392

Vert, 498, 528

vert, 498, 528

vertical extensions, math symbols, 498, 499

vertical rules (graphic lines), 266, 267, 269

vfill, 188, 189, 857, 858, 866

viewport key (graphicx), 619, 621

Village (ifsym), 405

Virgo (marvosym), 401

visual formatting, 234236

vitem (tlc), 167

vline, 243, 265, 266, 267

vmargin key/option (geometry), 211

vmargin package, 202, 203

vmarginratio key/option (geometry), 208, 209, 211

Vmatrix env. (amsmath), 486, 487

vmatrix env. (amsmath), 486

vmode boolean, 875

voffset rigid length, 196, 210

(vmargin), 203

voffset key/option (geometry), 210

volume BibTeX field, 690, 763, 765, 772

volume title, bibliographies, 743

volumetitle BibTeX field (jurabib), 743

vpageref (varioref), 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75

vpageref* (varioref), 69, 70

vpagerefrange (varioref), 69, 71

vpagerefrange* (varioref), 71

vphantom, 505, 506

Vref (varioref), 72


(prettyref), 76

(varioref), 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 916

producing error, 75

vref* (varioref), 69

vrefpagenum (varioref), 72, 73

vrefrange (varioref), 69, 70, 71

vrule, 266, 867, 868

vscale key/option (geometry), 208, 211

vspace, 600, 857, 858, 859, 864, 865, 867, 868, 911

error using, 903

problems using, 857, 859

vspace*, 43, 112, 857, 858, 864, 865

VTeX program, 416, 643

vtex key/option (geometry), 210

vtex option

(changebar), 189

(crop), 213

Vvdash (amssymb), 535


w.eps file (tlc), 616

Waldi’s font, 401

warn option (textcomp), 366, 367, 910

warning messages, 920931, see also messages; troubleshooting

warning$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

warningshow option (tracefnt), 368

wasysym package, 401

wd, 307

weather option (ifsym), 404, 405

wedge, 530

weight, fonts, 334, 335

welsh option (babel), 543

welsh.ldf file (babel), 583

wget program, 950

while$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

whiledo (ifthen), 876

white space

around text, 198

in tables, 279, 280

italic correction, 340, 341, 342

whline (tlc), 266

wide option (sidecap), 323, 324

widehat, 497, 512, 529

(bm), 512

WideMargins (a4), 199

widespace key value (tlc), 314

widetilde, 483, 497, 506, 529

(fourier), 392

widowpenalty, 936, 939

width, see space parameters

width, 861, 862

(graphics), 630

(wrapfig), 301

width key (graphicx), 619, 621624

width key/option

(caption), 309

(geometry), 207, 208, 211

width option (crop), 213

width syntax, 227, 867, 868

width$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

window env. (picinpar), 108

Windows database manager, bibliographies, 789

Windvi program, 954, 955

withprosodicmarks attribute (babel), 549, 556, 557

wlog, 432

wordsep (titlesec), 40

wp, 527

wr, 530

wrap key (titlesec), 38, 39, 41

wrapfig package, 176, 299302

wrapfigure env. (wrapfig), 299, 300, 301, 302

wrapfloat env. (wrapfig), 302

wrapoverhang rigid length (wrapfig), 301, 302

wrapping text around images, 108, 109, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302

wraptable env. (wrapfig), 299, 300302

write, 131

write$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 810

writing data verbatim, 163

www BibTeX entry type (jurabib), 742, 743


X syntax (tabularx), 251, 252, 255

x key (graphicx), 632, 633

X2 font encoding, 355, 416, 569

xdoc package, 814

xdoc2 package, 814

xdvi program, 614, 954

Xi, 527

xi, 527

xindy program, 7, 540, 573, 648, 650, 652, 666679, 972, see also index generation; MakeIndex program


(amsmath), 490

(fourier), 392

xleftmargin key

(fancyvrb), 157

(listings), 172

xmlcode (tlc), 293

XMLexa env. (tlc), 293, 298

XMLexa* env. (tlc), 298

.xmp file extension (tlc), 55

xout (ulem), 87

Xpdf program, 642

xquad (tlc), 63

xr package, 78

xr-hyper package, 78

xrightarrow (amsmath), 490

xrightmargin key (fancyvrb), 157

XSolid (bbding), 403

XSolidBold (bbding), 403

XSolidBrush (bbding), 403

xspace (xspace), 80, 81

xspace package, 80, 81

xspaceskip length, 428

xswordsdown (fourier), 392

xswordsup (fourier), 392

xvec (tlc), 844, 932, 935

xy env. (xy), 549

xypic package, 593, 969


y (docstrip), 828

y key (graphicx), 632, 633

Ydown (stmaryrd), 530

year BibTeX field, 690, 763, 765, 768, 772, 779

(jurabib), 717, 718

year key value (jurabib), 718, 733

year information missing, bibliographies, 708

yfonts package, 394396

Yingyang (marvosym), 401

yinipar (yfonts), 395, 396

Yleft (stmaryrd), 530

Yright (stmaryrd), 530

Yup (stmaryrd), 530


Zapf Chancery font, 376

Zapf Dingbats

an alternative, 403, 404

encoding, 378380

zero (euro), 99

zerohyph.tex file (babel), 545

zeros option (euro), 97

zeta, 392, 490, 527

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