shortvrb, 152, 153, 816, 885

showidx, 656, 680, 681

showkeys, 68, 701

showtags, 778

sidecap, xxvii, 323325

soul, xxvi, 8892

stmaryrd, 498, 524537

subfig, xxvi, 309, 315321

subfigure, 315

subfloat, xxvi, 321323

supertabular, 256259, 261

Tabbing, 242

tabls, 269

tabularx, 250, 251253

tabulary, 251, 253255

texpicture, 639, 640

textcase, 8587

textcomp, 89, 362368, 388, 453455

theorem, 140

threeparttable, xxvi, 278, 279

times, 370, 371

tipa, xxvii, 405407, 416

titleref, 76, 77

titlesec, xxvii, 3645, 65, 224

titletoc, xxvii, 56, 5866

tlc, 983

tocbibind, 48, 681

trace, 945, 946, 976

tracefnt, 368, 369

truncate, 232, 233

txfonts, 388390, 510, 511, 517

typearea, xxvii, 203206, 207, 237

ucs, 361

ulem, 87, 88

upquote, xxvii, 153155

upref, 467

url, xxvi, 9396, 802

utopia, 371

varioref, 6875, 544

verbatim, 153, 155

vmargin, 202, 203

wasysym, 401

wrapfig, 176, 299302

xdoc, 814

xdoc2, 814

xr, 78

xr-hyper, 78

xspace, 80, 81

xypic, 593, 969

yfonts, 394396

PackageWarning, 881, 884

output produced from, 884

PackageWarningNoLine, 884

page counter, 215, 216, 851

page key (titlesec), 43, 44

page boundaries, ignoring in bibliographies, 729

page breaks, see also space parameters

badness rating, 859

equations, 479481

indexes, 680

multipage tables, 257

page layout, 234, 235

troubleshooting, 935939

page contents, symbolic display, 935937

page layout

asymmetrical, 208, 209

auto-completion, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211

binding, and the inner margin, 207

BLANK PAGE on generated pages, 236

body area, 207

changing, 197, 198, 199

crop marks, 212, 213, 214

displaying, 199, 200, 201, 202

driver margins, 196

footer height, 201

footnotes, 207

for computer display, 206

geometrical dimensions, 193197

headings, suppressing, 201

in relation to paper size, 203, 204, 205, 206

inner margins, 195

KOMA-Script classes, 236, 237

landscape mode, 211, 212

lines per page, 198

magnification, 210

marginal notes, 209

margins, 195, 208, 211

outer margins, 195

packages for, 202, 203

page breaks, 234, 235

paper size options, 195

paper size, specifying, 206

parameter defaults, 196

recto–verso layout, 43, 195, 199, 208, 209

running headers/footers, 207, 209

schematic page diagram, 194

symmetrical, 208, 209

text area, 207

trimming marks, 212, 213, 214

two-sided printing, 199, see also recto–verso layout

visual formatting, 234236

white space, 198

page numbers, 215, 216

by chapters, 216, 217

cross-references, 69

current page, referencing, 215


composed (folio-by-chapter), 665

duplicates, 650

encapsulating, 652, 671, 672

formatting, 651, 652

MakeIndex options, 664, 665

roman numerals, 666, 677

sort order, 657, 664, 678, 679

xindy options, 678, 679

last page, referencing, 216, 226

odd, forcing, 235

referencing, 215

resetting the counter, 216

suppressing, 222

page ranges

disabling in bibliographies, 695


disabling, 657, 668, 672, 677

limiting length, 677

page styles (headers and footers), 221, 222


by floating objects, 231

by page style, 225227, 228230

globally, 224, 225

saving a customization, 230

dictionary type headers, 231, 232

float pages, 231

for two-sided printing, 223, 226

mark commands, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 229, 230

multiple text lines, 225

named, 230

rules (graphic lines), 224

truncating text, 232, 233

page total field, bibliographies, 743

page_compositor keyword (makeindex), 660, 665

page_precedence keyword (makeindex), 661, 665

pagebreak, 102, 127, 234, 235, 480, 599, 930

(multicol), 188, 189

pagedesign (layouts), 200, 201, 202, 203

pagediagram (layouts), 199, 200, 202

pagefootnoterule (footmisc), 119

PageIndex (doc), 817, 821

pagename (babel), 547

pagenumbering, 215, 216, 217, 888

(chappg), 216, 217

(varioref), 69

pageref, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74, 111, 215, 216, 876

combining with ef, see varioref package

warning using, 927

(lineno), 178

(prettyref), 75

(showkeys), 68

(xr), 78

pages BibTeX field, 690, 763, 765, 772

pagestyle, 221, 222, 224233, 598, 599, 680, 887

forcing empty, 222, 235

(fancyhdr), 230

(nextpage), forcing empty, 236

(rcs), 838

pagevalues (layouts), 202

pagewise option (lineno), 181

palatino package, 101, 371, 398, 399

Palatino font

alternative support, 390, 391

description, 375

in math and text, 377, 378, 390, 391, 518, 519

Palatino Math font, 519

pamath package, 519

paper key/option (geometry), 206, 210

paper document class, 20

paper size

and page layout, 203, 204, 205, 206

options, 195

specifying, 206

paperheight rigid length, 194, 196, 880

(crop), 212

paperheight key/option (geometry), 206, 208, 213, 214

papersize key/option (geometry), 211

paperwidth rigid length, 194, 196, 880

(crop), 212

paperwidth key/option (geometry), 206, 208, 213, 214

par, 178, 250, 846, 848, 908

not allowed in argument, 846

(lineno), 177, 178

para option

(footmisc), 117, 118120, 122, 729

(manyfoot), 122, 123, 124

(threeparttable), 278, 279

para* option (manyfoot), 122, 123

paradescriptionlabel (paralist), 138

paragraph, 23, 27

(minitoc), 57

paragraph counter, 24, 851

paragraph boxes, 860, 862, 863866

paragraph break algorithm

adjusting, 849, 850

second-last line, 849, 850

tracing, 940943

paragraph breaks, troubleshooting, 939943

paragraph format, tables of contents, 62, 63, 64

paragraph options, in tables, 245, 246

paragraph separation, float captions, 311

paragraph*, 23

paragraphdesign (layouts), 202

paragraphdiagram (layouts), 202


boxed, 600

centered, 104

flush left, 103105, 106

flush right, 104

images in, 108, 109

indentation after heading, multilingual documents, 565

interline spacing, see leading

interword spacing, 102, 103

justifying, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106

leading, 106, 107, 108, 343, 373

lengthening, 943

ragged right, 103105, 106

rectangular holes in, 108, 109

shortening, 943

troubleshooting, 939943

unjustified, 103106

paralist package, xxvi, 132138

paralist.cfg file (paralist), 138

Parallel env. (parallel), 181, 182, 183, 184

problems with large objects, 183

parallel, 535

parallel package, xxvii, 181184

ParallelAtEnd (parallel), 183

ParallelDot (parallel), 183

ParallelLText (parallel), 182, 183

ParallelPar (parallel), 182

ParallelRText (parallel), 182, 183

ParallelUserMidSkip rigid length (parallel), 181

parameter stack size errors, 918, 919

parbox, 104, 629, 631, 862, 863, 865, 866, 870

justification in, 104, 106

problems with optional s argument, 930

parens key value

(caption), 310, 311

(subfig), 317, 320

(tlc), 313

parensfirst key value (tlc), 314

parentequation counter (amsmath), 484

parentheses, bibliographies

number-only citation systems, 695

short-title citation system, 735

parfillskip length, 264, 311

parg (ltxdoc), 834

parindent rigid length, 133, 182, 245, 246, 679, 680, 867

parpic (picins), 302, 303306

parsep length, 145

parskip length, 28, 30, 679, 680, 934, 935, 937

parskip key/option (caption), 311

part, 22, 23, 25, 28, 32, 49

producing unwanted page number, 222

(minitoc), partial contents for, 57

(titlesec), 37

(titletoc), partial contents for, 64

part counter, 24, 25, 851, 853

part*, 23, 32

partial, 392, 490, 527

partial tables of contents, 64, 65, 66

partial.toc file (tlc), 60

partname, 34

(babel), 547

partopsep length, 145

parttoc (minitoc), 57

Pascal key value (listings), 171174

pass key/option (geometry), 211

PassOptionsToClass, 835, 879, 886, 887

PassOptionsToPackage, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883


(eepicemu), 611

(eepic), 609, 610

(url), 93, 94, 95, 96

paths, drawing, 610

paths, typesetting, 9395, 96

pattern memory errors, 919

pausing, 945

pausing option (tracefnt), 369

Pazo font, 377, 378, 509, 518

pcharpath (pst-char), 414

pcheck (tlc), 876

pctex32 option (graphics), 615

pctex32 program, 615

pctexhp option (graphics), 615

pctexhp program, 615

pctexps option (graphics), 615

pctexps program, 615

pctexwin option (graphics), 615

pctexwin program, 615

.pcx file extension, 626

.pdf file extension, 7, 8, 9, 356

PDF (Portable Document Format), see also PostScript; SVG

definition, 642

generating from TeX, 643

links, 643

navigation, 643

searching, 356

test files, 643, 644

vs. PostScript, 642

PDF documents, searching, 356

pdfcprot package, 1089

pdfLaTeX option (crop), 213

pdftex key/option (geometry), 210

pdftex option (graphics), 615

pdftex program, 7, 210, 615, 639, 643, 1089

Peace (bbding), 403

penalty, 936, 937, 938

period key value

(caption), 310, 311, 313, 324

(subfig), 316

period (.), shorthand character, 558

periodical BibTeX entry type (jurabib), 719, 742

periods, three consecutive (...), see ellipsis

perl program, 760, 775, 776, 954

perp, 535

perpage option

(footmisc), 116, 124, 729

(manyfoot), 125

perpage package, xxvi, 120, 121

persistent errors, 892

Pfund (marvosym), 412

phaip BibTeX style, 792, 796

phantom, 473, 474, 505

phapalik BibTeX style (apalike), 792

phcpc BibTeX style, 792

phdthesis BibTeX entry type, 763, 765

Phi, 527

phi, 479, 527

phiaea BibTeX style, 792

phjcp BibTeX style, 792

phnf BibTeX style, 792

phnflet BibTeX style, 792

phone (wasysym), 401

PhoneHandset (bbding), 403

phpf BibTeX style, 792

phppcf BibTeX style (apalike), 792

phreport BibTeX style, 792

phrmp BibTeX style, 792

Pi, 527

pi, 512, 527

Pi font, 378, 379382

Piautolist env. (pifont), 381

pic program, 637

piccaption (picins), 305, 306

piccaptioninside (picins), 305

piccaptionoutside (picins), 305, 306

piccaptionside (picins), 305

piccaptiontopside (picins), 305

pichskip (picins), 303, 304, 305

picinpar package, 108, 109

picins package, 299, 302306

combined with caption, 306

picskip (picins), 303, 304

picsquare (epic), 602, 605

.pict file extension, 626

pict2e package, xxvii, 638

picture env., 488, 600, 634

(pspicture), 638, 639641

(texpicture), 639, 640

Pifill (pifont), 381

Pifont (pifont), 380

pifont package, 378381, 401, 403

Piline (pifont), 381

Pilist env. (pifont), 381

Pisymbol (pifont), 380, 401, 403

pitchfork (amssymb), 535

.pk file extension, 327, 594

placeins option (minitoc), 58

placeins package, 288, 289

plain BibTeX style, 691693, 709, 791, 792, 793, 806, 807

(bibtopic), 753, 754, 755

(bibunits), 750

(cite), 693697

(natbib), 709, 714

plain key (float), 292

plain page style, 33, 222, 223, 230, 679, 680

(fancyhdr), 230

(rplain), 224

plain text files, 6

plainnat BibTeX style (natbib), 709, 710, 736, 793

plaintop key (float), 292

plainyr BibTeX style, 793

plitemsep length (paralist), 132

plotting scientific data, see graphs

plparsep length (paralist), 132

plpartopsep length (paralist), 132

pltopsep length (paralist), 132

Plus (bbding), 403

plus (euro), 99

plus syntax, 63, 91, 415, 695, 854, 855, 929, 935

PlusOutline (bbding), 403

pm, 530

pmatrix env. (amsmath), 486

error using, 907

pmb (bm), 510

pmod, 492, 493

.png file extension, 8, 642644, 896

.pntg file extension, 626

pod (amsmath), 492, 493

pointedenum (paralist), 134

pointedenum option (paralist), 134

pointlessenum (paralist), 134

pointlessenum option (paralist), 134

points, font size, 335

Polish, 567

polish option (babel), 543, 567

polishrz (babel), 567

polishzx (babel), 567

polutoniko attribute (babel), 549, 550, 574, 585

polutonikogreek option (babel), 543, 585

pool size errors, 919

pop$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

poptabs, error using, 908

portability, commands, 842

Portable Document Format (PDF), see PDF

portable files, bibliographies, 775

portrait key/option (geometry), 207

portuges option (babel), 543

portuguese option (babel), 543

position key/option

(caption), 312, 318

(subfig), 317, 318


(harvard), 700, 703

(tlc), 703

postamble (docstrip), 829

postamble keyword (makeindex), 653, 660, 661

postambles, creating, 829, 830

postbreak key (listings), 173

postdisplaypenalty, 480

postmulticols rigid length (multicol), 185, 186

PostScript, 635, see also PDF; SVG

arrowhead length, 641

circles, 639

curves, 641

definition, 635

dvips driver, 637

encoding, 388, 389, 390

extended picture env., 638, 639, 640

extended or changed commands, 639641

generating missing fonts, 637

line thickness, 640, 641

lines, 639641

OpenType fonts, 636, 637

ovals, 639

test files, 643, 644

Type 1 fonts, 636, 637

vectors, 639641

vs. PDF, 642

PostScript fonts, 354, 355

PostScript New Font Selection scheme (PSNFSS), see PSNFSS

pounds, 459, 527

Pr, 500

pre-notes, bibliographies, 721

preamble, see also commands

bibliography database, 771, 772

creating, 829, 830

database format, bibliographies, 771, 772

defining fonts, see font commands, low level

document, 16, 17

documentation commands, list of, 820824

of tables, 244248

options, in tables, 243, 244, 254

preamble (docstrip), 829, 830

preamble keyword (makeindex), 653, 660, 661

preamble$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

prebreak key (listings), 173

prec, 532

precapprox (amssymb), 532

preccurlyeq (amssymb), 532

preceq, 532

precnapprox (amssymb), 532

precneqq (amssymb), 532

precnsim (amssymb), 532

precsim (amssymb), 532

predefined layouts, document headings, 34, 35

predefined text, document headings, 34

predisplaypenalty, 480

prefacename (babel), 547, 589

preload.cfg file, 429

premulticols rigid length (multicol), 185

pretolerance, 941

(multicol), 186

pretty-printing, bibliographies, 777, 779, 780

prettyref (prettyref), 75, 76

prettyref package, 75, 76

prevdepth rigid length, 865, 945

error using, 865, 902, 914

price BibTeX field (BibTexMng), 789

prime, 528


displaying, 934

tracing, 945

troubleshooting, 934, 945

primo (babel), 563

printbib program, 776

printbibliography (camel), 744

PrintChanges (doc), 817, 818, 821

printcontents (titletoc), 64, 65

PrintDescribeEnv (doc), 824

PrintDescribeMacro (doc), 824

PrintEnvName (doc), 824

printer points, 335

printheadings option (bibtopic), 753

printheadingsfalse (layouts), 201, 203

PrintIndex (doc), 817, 818, 821


(index), 682, 710, 721

(makeidx), 649, 669


bibliographies, 774, 775, 776, 777

code documentation parts, 816, 835

computer code, see computer code, printing

doc package, 813, 814

selected document versions, 21, 22

two-sided, see also recto–verso layout

page styles, 223, 226

turning on, 199

PrintMacroName (doc), 824

printparametersfalse (layouts), 201, 203

printtime (tlc), 871

problem resolution, see troubleshooting

proc document class, 467

proceedings BibTeX entry type, 690, 763

process flow

bibliographies, 806809

citations, 687689

index generation, 648, 673

LaTeX, 9

processdelayedfloats (endfloat), 291

processing errors, see troubleshooting

ProcessOptions, 879, 882, 886, 887

ProcessOptions*, 879, 882

prod, 491, 495, 496, 536

Prog (tlc), 654

program code, printing, see computer code, printing

program files, obtaining

CD-ROM, 948, 949

ftp, 948, 950953

web access, 949, 950

programs, bibliographies

BibTeX++, 760

BibTeX8, 759

8-bit version, 759

bibulus, 760

Java version, 760

MIBibTeX, 761

multilingual version, 761

perl version, 760

XML aware, 760

progress messages, suppressing during index generation, 657, 668, 675

projlim (amsmath), 500

proof env. (amsthm), 143, 144

proofmodetrue (index), 681, 682

proofname (babel), 547

proofs, see headed lists

properties, see options

proportional fonts, 331, 332

propto, 535

protect, 33, 46, 47, 48, 72, 130, 166, 468, 892, 893, 894, 895, 913

in index, 654, 666

no help with

url, 94

(ifthen), 873

(textcase), 86

protected@edef, 892

providecommand, 749, 847

(BibTeX), 771

providecommand*, 847

providehyphenmins (babel), 586

ProvidesClass, 877, 878, 879, 886, 888

warning using, 920

ProvidesFile, 432, 437, 438, 446, 450, 878, 879

warning using, 922

(inputenc), 446, 447

ProvidesLanguage (babel), 583

ProvidesPackage, 878, 879, 883

warning using, 926

(babel), 583

ProvideTextCommandDefault, 446, 454

(inputenc), 446

PS (tlc), 843, 844

.ps file extension, 8, 9, 625 file extension (graphics), 626

.ps.gz file extension, 625, 626

(graphics), 626

ps@style, 223

ps@plain, 223, 886

ps@titlepage (doc), 824

psamsfonts option

(amsfonts), 468

(amssymb), 468

(eucal), 468

(eufrak), 468

psfrag program, 594

Psi, 527

psi, 497, 527

PSNFSS (PostScript New Font Selection scheme), 370, 371, 372, 373, see also NFSS

Avant Garde Gothic, 374

Bitstream Charter, 374

classification of font families, 372

Courier, 374

fonts used, 371

Helvetica, 370, 375

ITC Bookman, 374

leading, 373

New Century Schoolbook, 375


alternative support, 390, 391

description, 375

in math and text, 377, 378, 390, 391, 518

Pi, 378381

sans serif fonts, 373

Times Roman

alternative support, 388390

description, 375

in math and text, 376, 377, 516

text symbol alternatives, 388, 389, 390

Utopia, 375

Zapf Chancery, 376

pspicture package, 638641, 954, 955 file (dvips), 639

psprint option (graphics), 615

psprint program, 615

pstoedit program, 646

pstricks package, 594, 643, 969, 970

.ptc file extension (titletoc), 64

ptcCfont (minitoc), 57

publisher BibTeX field, 690, 717, 763, 765, 772

pubps option (graphics), 615



number-only citation systems, 694, 696, 697

short-title citation system, 738

headed lists, 141

math symbols, 535, 536

multilingual documents

spacing after, 564

special cases, 591

number-only citations, 694, 696, 697

short-title citations, 738

purify$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

pushtabs, error using, 908

put, 605, 606

(epic), 604, 605, 606, 607

(pspicture), 641

putbib (bibunits), 750, 751, 752

putfile (epic), 605

PXfonts, 518

pxfonts package, 390, 391, 511, 519

tight letters with, 391

pybcheck program, 787

pybconvert program, 787

pybliographer program, 784787

pybliographic program, 784786

pycompact program, 787

.pz file extension, 626


qauthor (quotchap), 35, 36

qed (amsthm), 144

QED () symbol, 143, 144

qedhere (amsthm), 144

qedsymbol (amsthm), 143

qquad, 508, 856

QU (tlc), 877

quad, 508, 849, 850, 856

quad key value (caption), 311

quarter-circles, see epic package; eepic package

quarto (babel), 563

question mark (?), shorthand character, 554

quiet mode, index generation, 657, 668, 675

quotation env., 146, 810

(lineno), 180

quotations, 146, 147

quotations (mottos), on chapter headings, 35, 36

quotchap package, 35, 36

Quote env. (tlc), 146, 147

quote env., 146, 848

(lineno), 180

quote keyword (makeindex), 660, 662

quote$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

quotechar (doc), 822

quotedblbase, 459

quotesinglbase, 459

quoting characters, inserting in multilingual documents, 545, 552, 553


R syntax

(fancyhdr), 225, 226230

(tabulary), 254

(tlc), 248

R (babel), 568

, 459

(pxfonts), problems with, 390

(tipa), 406

(txfonts), problems with, 389

r syntax, 243

(array), 249

Radiation (ifsym), 405

radicals, math symbols, 504, 505

ragged option

(footmisc), 119, 123, 726, 730

(sidecap), 323, 324, 325

ragged right paragraphs, 103105, 106

ragged2e package, xxvii, 105, 106

problems with amsthm, 142

aggedbottom, 120

aggedcolumns (multicol), 186

RaggedLeft key value (caption), 311

RaggedLeft (ragged2e), 105

aggedleft, 104, 121

in headings, 31

(array), in tables, 247, 249

(ragged2e), 105

(titlesec), discouraged inside itleformat, 40

raggedleft key value (caption), 311

raggedleft option

(sidecap), 323

(titlesec), 37

RaggedLeftLeftskip length (ragged2e), 106

RaggedLeftParfillskip length (ragged2e), 106

RaggedLeftParindent rigid length (ragged2e), 106

RaggedLeftRightskip length (ragged2e), 106

RaggedRight key value (caption), 311

RaggedRight (ragged2e), 105, 106, 142, 186, 187, 739

aggedright, 104, 121, 127, 142, 182, 183, 341, 345, 739, 935

in headings, 31

in tables, 246, 247, 251, 261, 276

(array), in tables, 247, 249

(multirow), in tables, 273

(natbib), 707

(ragged2e), 105

(titlesec), discouraged inside itleformat, 40

raggedright key value

(caption), 311, 313

(jurabib), 739

(subfig), 316, 318

raggedright option

(sidecap), 323

(titlesec), 37

raggedrightboxes option (ragged2e), 106

RaggedRightLeftskip length (ragged2e), 105, 106

RaggedRightParfillskip length (ragged2e), 105, 106

RaggedRightParindent rigid length (ragged2e), 105, 106

RaggedRightRightskip length (ragged2e), 105, 106

Rain (ifsym), 405

aisebox, 150, 272, 273, 862

RaiseNums option (parallel), 183

aisetag (amsmath), 484

range_close keyword (makeindex), 660

range_open keyword (makeindex), 660

angle, 498, 511, 537

atio (calc), 872, 876

raw index, generating, 649

rawfonts package, 464

Rbag (stmaryrd), 537

bag (stmaryrd), 530

brace, 472, 498, 509, 537

brack, 498, 537

ceil, 498, 537

RCS (rcs), 837, 838

rcs package, 837, 838

RCS (Revision Control System), 836

rcs-user.tex file (rcs), 838

RCSAuthor (rcs), 837

RCSDate (rcs), 837, 838

RCSdate (rcs), 838

RCSdef (rcs), 837

RCSID (rcs), 838

csInfo (rcsinfo), 838, 839

rcsinfo package, 838, 839

rcsinfo.perl file (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoDate (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoDay (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoFile (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoLocker (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoLongDate (rcsinfo), 838, 839

csInfoMonth (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoOwner (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoRevision (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoStatus (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoTime (rcsinfo), 839

csInfoYear (rcsinfo), 839

RCSRawDate (rcs), 838

RCSRCSfile (rcs), 837

RCSRevision (rcs), 837

RCSTime (rcs), 837

Re, 527

READ BibTeX command, 805807, 809

read key (graphicx), 620, 625

reading data verbatim, 163

readme-tlc2.html file, 959

eal (calc), 872

RecordChanges (doc), 817, 818, 821

recto–verso layout, 43, 195, 199, 208, 209, see also two-sided printing

RecustomVerbatimCommand (fancyvrb), 165

RecustomVerbatimEnvironment (fancyvrb), 165


commands, 844, 845, 847

environments, 847850

reducedifibidem key value (jurabib), 729, 730

Ref (varioref), 72

ef, 26, 66, 68, 69, 7173, 75, 111, 130, 307

combining with pageref, see varioref package

problems using, 26, 67, 852

strange results with, 26

warning using, 927

(amsmath), 482, 485

(fltpage), 326

(lineno), 178, 179

(paralist), 132, 133

(prettyref), 75, 76

(showkeys), 68

(subfig), 316, 318, 319

(subfloat), 322, 323

(textcase), 86

problems using, 85

(titleref), 77

(upref), 467

(varioref), 71, 72

(wrapfig), 300

(xr), 78

ref option (cite), 697

reference keys, see keys

referencing subsections, document headings, 25, 26


(graphics), 629

(graphicx), 629

efname, 34, 726, 749

(babel), 545, 547

(bibunits), 751

(multibib), 756

efstepcounter, 33, 121, 851, 852, 853

problems using, 852

eftextafter (varioref), 73, 74, 357

eftextbefore (varioref), 73, 74

eftextcurrent (varioref), 69, 71, 74

eftextfaceafter (varioref), 73, 74

eftextfacebefore (varioref), 73, 74

eftextfaraway (varioref), 73, 74

eftextlabelrange (varioref), 74

eftextpagerange (varioref), 74

eftextvario (varioref), 74, 75

register values, displaying, 934, 935

Rejne option (fncychap), 34

relation symbols, math symbols, 531, 532, 533

elax, 162, 446, 501, 867, 868

release information, language definition files, 583

elphantom (tlc), 474

elscale (relsize), 84

elsize (relsize), 84, 156

relsize package, xxvi, 8385, 156

rem env. (tlc), 140

remreset package, 851

enewcommand, 844, 846

error using, 895, 897, 904

enewcommand*, 908

enewenvironment, 847, 848

error using, 898, 901

enewindex (index), 682

repeat data across pages, 599

repeatindex package, 680

report document class, 6, 13, 115, 120, 147, 195, 223, 679

footnote numbering, 112

heading commands, 2225, 51

release information, 878

replacement for, 236

TOC entries, 50, 52

reqno option (amsmath), 466, 469, 472

require function (xindy), 675

required fields, bibliography database, 762, 763

RequirePackage, 14, 356, 438, 682, 852, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 886, 913

error using, 908

premature loading, 908

warning using, 931

RequirePackageWithOptions, 883

reset key/option (geometry), 211

reseteqn.sty file (tlc), 14

resetlabels option (multibib), 756

resetmargin key (listings), 172

resetmargins key (fancyvrb), 157

esetul (soul), 92


(graphics), 617, 618, 629, 630

error using, 909

(graphicx), 629, 630

error using, 909


(graphics), 629, 630

(graphicx), 630


fonts, relative to original, 83, 84, 85

graphic objects, 629, 630

resolving problems, see troubleshooting

restore values, displaying, 944

estriction (amssymb), 534


(float), 294, 309311

(rotfloat), 298

result file, specifying, 826, 827

esumecontents (titletoc), 65, 66

REVERSE BibTeX command, 807

eversemarginpar, 127, 200

eversemarginpartrue (layouts), 200

reversemp key/option (geometry), 209, 210

revision bars, 189, 190, 191

Revision Control System (RCS), 836

RewindToStart (marvosym), 401

rewrite.rule function (bibtool), 780, 781

rewriting, bibliographies, 780, 781

floor, 498, 537

foot (fancyhdr), 221, 224, 225

group, 489, 498, 537

hd (LaTeXsym), 464

head (fancyhdr), 224, 225, 598

ho, 527

hook, 535

ight, 478, 483, 487, 498, 504, 525, 526, 537, 906

error using, 899, 905

right key value

(fancyvrb), 159

(listings), 172

right key/option (geometry), 208, 211

right option

(eurosym), 409

(lineno), 180, 181

right-to-left typesetting, multilingual documents, 566, 577

Rightarrow, 534

ightarrow, 173, 500, 534

ightarrowtail (amssymb), 534

ightarrowtriangle (stmaryrd), 534

rightbars option (changebar), 190

rightbody option (sidecap), 323

rightcaption option (sidecap), 323

RightDiamond (ifsym), 405

rightFloats option (fltpage), 325

ightharpoondown, 534

ightharpoonup, 534

ighthyphenmin, 586

rightlabels option (titletoc), 60

ightleftarrows (amssymb), 534

ightleftharpoons (amssymb), 534

ightmargin rigid length, 145, 147

rightmargin key (titlesec), 38, 43

ightmark, 218, 227, 228, 229

(extramarks), 220

ightpointleft (dingbat), 401

ightrightarrows (amssymb), 534

ightskip length, 103, 104, 105, 936, 937

(ragged2e), 105

ightslice (stmaryrd), 530

ightsquigarrow (amssymb), 534

ightthreetimes (amssymb), 530

ightthumbsdown (dingbat), 401

ightthumbsup (dingbat), 401

rigid lengths, 854

isingdotseq (amssymb), 532

lap, 180, 181, 183, 489

m, 347, 349

used in math, 349, 464

(custom-bib), 803

rm key value

(caption), 310, 311, 313

(subfig), 316

rm option (titlesec), 37

rmargin key/option (geometry), 208

mdefault, 346, 347, 438

mfamily, 339, 344, 346, 351, 409, 464

used in math, 348, 350

moustache, 498, 537

Roman folio style, 216

Roman, 129, 133, 852, 853

oman, 130, 133, 852, 853

roman folio style, 216

Roman font shape, 333

roman numerals, indexes

sort order, 666

suppressing page ranges, 677

romanian option (babel), 543

rootbib option (chapterbib), 747

rotate env. (rotating), 297, 634

rotate option (crop), 214


(graphics), 618, 628, 630, 631

error using, 908

(graphicx), 614, 624, 631, 632, 633

error using, 908

rotated material, hiding, 615


floats, 296, 297, 298

graphic objects, 630634

image files, 620

rotating package, 212, 296298, 633, 634

combined with endfloat, 291

otcaption (rotating), 298, 308

rotfloat package, 298

ound (euro), 98, 99

round key/option (jurabib), 721, 735

round option (natbib), 706, 712, 715

rounded corner, boxes, 596, 597

owcolor (colortbl), 265

rows, table

commands, 261

laying out, 242, 243

spacing, 244, 245, 269, 271

spanning, 272, 273, 274, 282

rplain package, 224


(fourier), 392

(stmaryrd), 498, 537

rceil (stmaryrd), 537

rfloor (stmaryrd), 537

Rrightarrow (amssymb), 534

rparenthesis (stmaryrd), 537

.rsc file extension (bibtool), 780

Rsh (amssymb), 534

RSpercentTolerance (relsize), 84

square (tlc), 528

Rsub (tlc), 31

times (amssymb), 530

rubber lengths, 854

rubibtex program, 573, 574

rubibtex.bat program, 574

ule, 41, 112, 242, 266, 326, 858, 863865, 866, 867

rule boxes, 860, 866868

rulecolor key (fancyvrb), 158

ruled key (float), 292, 293, 294

ruled key value (float), 310

ruled option (manyfoot), 124

rules (graphic lines)

around code listings, 173

color, 265

document headings, 41, 42

double, 269

floats, 285

footnotes, 112, 119, 120

formal, 269, 270, 271, 272

frame, color, 158

in tables

colored, 265

combining horizontal and vertical, 266, 267

dashed, 267, 268

double, 269

formal, 269, 270, 271, 272

variable width, 266

vertical, 266, 267, 269

page styles, 224

rulesep key (listings), 173175

rumakeindex program, 573

rumkidxd.bat program, 573

rumkidxw.bat program, 573

run-in style document headings, 27, 29, 30

runin key (titlesec), 38, 39

running headers and footers, see headers and footers, running

russian option (babel), 358, 543, 568, 570, 571

russianb option (babel), 975

russianb.ldf file (babel), 589

Vert (amsmath), 498, 501, 537

vert (amsmath), 498, 500, 501, 537


S, 39, 64, 130, 527

(textcomp), 457

s size function, 424

s: syntax (yfonts), 395, 396

safe option

(textcomp), 362, 364, 365, 367, 388

has no effect, 367

(tipa), 406

samepage, 234

samepage key (fancyvrb), 159

samin option (babel), 543

sample (tlc), 13, 221, 224, 293, 303, 598

sans serif fonts, 332, 339

as default, 373

sAppendix (tlc), 32, 33

save size errors, 919

savebox, 868, 869, 904, 944

error using, 895

savequote env. (quotchap), 35, 36

SaveVerb (fancyvrb), 165, 166, 167

SaveVerbatim env. (fancyvrb), 167

sbox, 307, 849, 868, 869, 870, 904, 944

error using, 895

sboxrule rigid length (shadow), 595

sboxsep rigid length (shadow), 595

sc, 347

used in math, 464

sc key value (caption), 310

sc option

(mathpazo), 378

(titlesec), 37

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), see SVG

scale key (graphicx), 619, 621

scale key/option (geometry), 211


(graphics), 617, 628, 629

(graphicx), 628, 629

scaled option

(eurosans), 410

(helvet), 370

(luximono), 154, 387

scaled material, hiding, 615


graphic objects, 628, 629

image files, 620

large operators, 368

scdefault, 346

SCfigure env. (sidecap), 323, 324

school BibTeX field, 763, 765

Schwabacher font, 394396

Scientific Word program, 615

scottish option (babel), 543

scrartcl document class, 236

screen key/option (geometry), 206

script commands, docstrip, 826830

scriptscriptstyle, 432, 494, 502

scriptsize, 342

scriptsize key value

(caption), 310

(subfig), 319

scriptstyle, 432, 489, 494, 502

scrollmode, 944

scrpage2 package, 237

scshape, 30, 63, 340, 341, 342, 344, 346, 853

used in math, 348, 350

(lettrine), 100

(soul), 91

SCtable env. (sidecap), 323, 324, 325

sdim rigid length (shadow), 595

searching, bibliographies, 775, 777, 778, 784, 785, 787

searching, PDF documents, 356

searrow, 173, 534

sec, 500

secdef, 27, 32

secformat (tlc), 41

secnumdepth counter, 23, 24, 27, 30, 33

sectfont (quotchap), 35, 36

section, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 3033, 39, 47, 49, 217, 218, 223, 937

cross-reference to, 66

error using, 893

suppressing floats, 287

with float barrier, 288

(bibunits), 751, 752

(minitoc), 57, 58

partial contents for, 57

(soul), with letter spacing, 91

(titleref), textual reference to, 77

(titlesec), 37, 3942, 44

(titletoc), partial contents for, 65

section counter, 24, 25, 32, 33, 219, 851, 853

section key value (jurabib), 724, 731

section option (placeins), 58, 288

section commands, 22, 23

default behavior, 31

redefining, 29, 30

section*, 23, 47, 707, 747

listed in TOC, 47

(titlesec), 44

section-level tables of contents, 57, 58

sectionbib option

(bibunits), 752

(chapterbib), 747, 748, 749

(natbib), 707, 747

sectionbreak (titlesec), 42, 43

sectionmark, 33, 219, 230

(fancyhdr), 229

sectlof (minitoc), 58

sectlot (minitoc), 58

secttoc (minitoc), 58

secttocdepth counter (minitoc), 58

secundo (babel), 563

security, docstrip, 832

sed program, 573, 574, 775, 778

see (makeidx), 652

see key/option (jurabib), 721

seename (babel), 547

select function (bibtool), 782

select.non function (bibtool), 782

selectfont, 345, 355, 410, 412, 413, 415, 417, 419, 454

selectlanguage (babel), 544, 545, 546, 571

semantic nest size errors, 919

semicolon (;), shorthand character, 554

seminar package, 596

SeparatedFootnotes option (parallel), 183

separator character, bibliography database, 761

serbian option (babel), 543

Series env. (tlc), 293

series BibTeX field, 690, 763, 765

series, fonts, see fonts, series

seriesdefault, 346, 417

serifed fonts, 332, 339

setboolean (ifthen), 680, 875, 886

setbox, 870

problems using, 870

setcounter, 130, 131, 852, 853, 876

error using, 844, 906, 907

(calc), 871, 873

error using, 895

setdefaultenum (paralist), 137

setdefaultitem (paralist), 136, 137

setdefaultleftmargin (paralist), 137

setdepth (bar), 613

setfnsymbol (footmisc), 116, 117

setfootbox (layouts), 201

sethebrew (babel), 568

sethlcolor (soul), 92


(graphicx), 623, 624

(keyval), 623

setlabelfont (layouts), 201, 203

setlayoutscale (layouts), 200, 201, 203

setlength, 855, 872

error using, 907

problems with, 507

(calc), 871, 872, 876

error using, 895

setmarginsrb (vmargin), 203

SetMathAlphabet, 352, 353, 436, 439, 903

error using, 897

setminus, 530

setnumberpos (bar), 613

setpage_prefix keyword (makeindex), 661

setpage_suffix keyword (makeindex), 661

setpapersize (vmargin), 203

setparametertextfont (layouts), 200, 201

sets and inclusion, math symbols, 533

sets and inclusion—negated, math symbols, 533

setspace package, 106108, 204

setstcolor (soul), 92


(bar), 613

(setspace), 107

SetSymbolFont, 433, 435, 436, 437, 439

warning using, 926

settodepth, 855, 856

settoheight, 855, 856

settowidth, 280, 282, 850, 855, 856

setul (soul), 92

setulcolor (soul), 92

setuldepth (soul), 92

setxaxis (bar), 613

setxname (bar), 613

setxvaluetyp (bar), 613

setyaxis (bar), 613

setyname (bar), 613

sf, 328, 347, 464

used in math, 349, 464

sf key value

(caption), 301, 306, 310, 311, 313, 316, 324

(subfig), 317

sf option (titlesec), 37

sfdefault, 346, 373

sffamily, 339, 341, 343, 344, 346, 351, 409, 464

problem with EC fonts, 355

used in math, 348, 350

(lucidabr), 410

sfixed size function, 426

sgen size function, 425

sgenb size function, 425

sh (babel), 564

shabox (shadow), 595, 596

shaded fonts, 334

shadow package, 595

shadow boxes, 595597

shadowbox (fancybox), 596, 597, 598

shadowsize rigid length (fancybox), 596, 598

shadowthickness (picins), 305

shalom fonts, 577

shape, document headings, 38

shapedefault, 346, 417

shapes, fonts, see fonts, shapes

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