error using, 893

(extramarks), 221

markshow option (multicol), 188

markup-location function (xindy), 678, 679

markup-location-list function (xindy), 675

marvodoc.pdf file (marvosym), 401

marvosym package, xxvii, 401403, 411, 412

MarVoSym font, 401, 403

master scripts, creating, 829

mastersthesis BibTeX entry type, 763

math option (inputenc), 446

math alphabet identifier, see alphabet identifier

math fonts, see also fonts

alphabet identifiers, 348, 349351

AMS, 467, 468

automatic changes, 347, 348

Baskerville Math, 520

Bitstream Charter Math, 520

Blackboard Bold, 378, 509, 519

bold letters, 510512, 513

CM Bright, 522

Computer Modern (CM), 513

Concrete, 514

Euler, 396, 397399, 467, 514

Euler Fraktur, 467, 509

font commands, 351

formula versions, 352, 353

Fourier-GUTenberg, 391393, 515

Helvetica Math, 522

Info Math, 523

input, encoding, 445447

Lucida Math, 521

Palatino, 377, 378, 390, 391, 518

Palatino Math, 519

Pazo, 377, 378, 509, 518

Pi, 378381, 382

PXfonts, 518

scaling large operators, 368

setting up, 432437

this book, 1089

Times Roman, 376, 377, 389, 390, 516

TM Math, 517

TXfonts, 516

math symbol type, 524

math symbols, see also special characters; text symbols

accents, 529

as superscripts, 495

binary operator symbols, 529

compound, 490495

continued fractions, 490

decorated arrows, 490

decorative, 495

delimiters, 489, 490, 498, 499, 504

dottier accents, 494, 495

ellipsis (...), 496, 497

formulas, boxed, 491, 600

fractions, 493, 494

generalizations, 493, 494

horizontal extensions, 497, 499

integral signs, multiple, 492

LaTeX 2.09, 464

letters, 526529

math symbol type, 524

mathbin (boxes), 530

mathbin (circles), 531

mathbin (miscellaneous), 530

mathclose (open/close), 498, 537

mathematical type, 524

mathinner (punctuation), 536

mathop, 536

mathopen (open/close), 498, 537

mathord (Greek), 527

mathord (letter-shaped), 527

mathord (miscellaneous), 528

mathord (punctuation), 536

mathpunct (punctuation), 536

mathrel (arrows), 534

mathrel (arrows—negated), 534

mathrel (equality and order), 532

mathrel (equality and order—negated), 532

mathrel (miscellaneous), 535

mathrel (negation and arrow extensions), 535

mathrel (sets and inclusion), 533

mathrel (sets and inclusion—negated), 533

modular relations, 492, 493

numerals, 526529

opening/closing symbols, 537

operator symbols, 536

operators, 490493, 494, 495

operators, multilingual documents, 564

ordinary symbols, 526, 527, 528, 529

positioning subscripts/superscripts, 491, 492

punctuation, 535

radicals, 504, 505

relation symbols, 531, 532, 533

setting up, 433437

spacing between, 525, 526, 528, 529

subscripts, limiting positions, 491, 492

superscripts, above Relation symbols, 495

superscripts, limiting positions, 491, 492

symbol classes, 524526, 528, 529

variable form, 495, 496499

vertical extensions, 498, 499

mathalpha, 399, 434, 435, 524


(amsfonts), 467, 509

(amssymb), 509

(fourier), 391

(mathpazo), 378

(tlc), 435, 509

mathbf, 349, 352, 472, 475, 492, 495, 504, 508, 510, 511

(bm), 510

(mathptmx), 377

mathbin, 85, 435, 524, 528, 530, 531

(bm), 512

(relsize), 85

mathcal, 349, 351, 397, 484, 489, 495, 501, 506, 508, 509

(ccfonts), 384

(eucal), 396, 467

(eulervm), 397, 398

(fourier), 391

(mathpazo), 377

(mathptmx), 376

(pxfonts), 390

(txfonts), 389

mathclose, 435, 498, 524, 537

mathdollar, 527

mathellipsis, 536

mathematical typesetting, see also AMS-LaTeX; specific mathematical elements

fine-tuning layout

alignment, 505, 506, 507

big-g delimiters, 504

horizontal space, 507, 508

radicals, 504, 505

sizing, 502, 503

smashing, 506, 507

spacing, 502, 503, 505, 506, 507

sub-formulas, 503, 504

operator names, 499, 500, 501

text, 499501


(amsfonts), 467, 509

(amssymb), 509

(eufrak), 396, 397, 399, 467

(eulervm), 398

mathindent length (amsmath), 469, 471, 500

mathindent rigid length, 471

mathinner, 498, 525, 536

mathit, 349, 464

mathlarger (relsize), 84, 85

mathlines option (lineno), 178

mathnormal, 349, 350

(eulervm), 397

mathop, 85, 435, 524, 536

(amsmath), 492

(bm), 512

mathopen, 435, 498, 524, 537

mathord, 435, 474, 498, 524, 527529, 536

mathparagraph, 527

mathpazo package, 371, 373, 377, 378, 519

mathpple package, 371, 373, 377

mathptm package, 371, 373, 376, 377

mathptmx package, 370, 371, 373, 376, 377, 388390, 517

combined with tipa, 406

mathpunct, 435, 524, 536

mathrel, 85, 435, 474, 498, 524, 528, 529, 532535

(amsmath), 504

(bm), 512

mathring, 529

mathrm, 349, 350, 489, 499


(eucal), 396, 397

(eulervm), not existing, 398

(tlc), 509

mathscr option (eucal), 396

mathsection, 527

mathsf, 349, 351, 352, 353, 464

(eulervm), 399

mathsmaller (relsize), 84, 85

mathsterling, 527

mathstrut, 505

mathtime package, 352

mathtt, 349

mathversion, 352

error using, 904

matrix env. (amsmath), 486

error using, 904, 907

matrix-like environments

cases env., 486

matrix environments, 486, 487

single equations, few variants, 486

subscripts, stacking, 487, 488

superscripts, stacking, 487, 488

matrixput (epic), 607

max, 491, 500, 525

maxdimen rigid length, 88

(tabulary), 253

maxfiles (docstrip), 833

MaxMatrixCols counter (amsmath), 487

maxoutfiles (docstrip), 833

maxovaldiam rigid length (eepic), 609

mbox, 148, 499, 512, 844, 860, 870

hiding material in a discretionary, 173

to suppress hyphenation, 694

(bm), 512

(soul), 90

(ulem), 87

md key value (caption), 310

md option (titlesec), 37

mddefault, 346

mdqoff (babel), 548

mdqon (babel), 548

mdseries, 340, 344, 346

meaning, 935

meas (tlc), 501

measuredangle (amssymb), 528

medieval attribute (babel), 549

medium option (titlesec), 37

medmuskip length, 507, 525, 526

medskip, 857

in headings, 31

medskipamount length, 857

medspace (amsmath), 507, 508

memo page style (tlc), 230

memoir document class, 202, 237, 701

memory exceeded message, 915919

merge (stmaryrd), 530

merge rules, 673, 676

merge-rule function (xindy), 676

merge-to function (xindy), 678

merging, bibliographies, 779, 780

merlin.mbs file (custom-bib), 799, 803

MessageBreak, 884, 885

messages, see also troubleshooting

generating, 827, 828

informational, 920931

memory exceeded, 915919

user, generating, 827, 828

warning, 920931

messages, error

* (asterisk) only, 894

colored, in bibliography front end, 785


list of (MakeIndex), 658, 659

suppressing, 657, 668, 675

list of, 894915

source line, finding, 890894

syntax, 890

messages, index generation

debugging, 675

error messages

list of (MakeIndex), 658, 659

suppressing, 657, 668, 675

meta (doc), 815, 822

, 334

MetaPrefix (docstrip), 829, 833

MFpic program, 970


(amssymb), 527

(LaTeXsym), 464

mid, 509, 535

middle, available with eTeX, 498, 504, 537

midrule (booktabs), 270, 271, 272

midrulesep rigid length (booktabs), 271

midwordellipsis (ellipsis), 82

min, 500

minalignsep (amsmath), 476, 477, 479

minilof (minitoc), 56

minilot (minitoc), 56

minipage env., 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 869, 870

footnotes in, 110, 111, 113, 277

justification in, 104, 106

nested, 864

(supertabular), 256

minitoc (minitoc), 56, 58

minitoc package, xxvii, 5658, see also titletoc package

minitocdepth counter (minitoc), 56, 57

minus (euro), 99

minus syntax, 63, 91, 415, 695, 854, 855, 935

minuso (stmaryrd), 530

mirror option (crop), 214

misc BibTeX entry type, 763

misc option (ifsym), 405

missing$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 810

mktexlsr program, 899

ML env. (tlc), 139

mla option

(ellipsis), 82

(lips), 83

MIBibTeX program, 761

.mlfn file extension (minitoc), 56

mlt env. (tlc), 468

.mltn file extension (minitoc), 56

mmode boolean, 875

mnk option (inputenc), 571

mnote counter (tlc), 121

Mobilefone (marvosym), 401

mod (amsmath), 492, 493

models, 535

modular relations, math symbols, 492, 493

Module (doc), 824

modulo option (lineno), 179

modulolinenumbers (lineno), 179, 182

monetary symbols, see currencies, typesetting

Mongolian (Manju), 592

monospaced fonts, 331, 332, 339, see also typed text; typewriter font

courier, 374

monotoniko attribute (babel), 549, 574

month BibTeX field, 690, 763, 765, 770

moo (stmaryrd), 530

morecmidrules (booktabs), 271, 272

moredefs package, 82, 83

morefloats package, 912

moreverb package, 153

mos option (inputenc), 571

mottos (quotations), on chapter headings, 35, 36

Mountain (ifsym), 405

mountains, symbols, 403, 404, 405

movetoevenpage (nextpage), 236

movetooddpage (nextpage), 236

mp, 530

mparhack package, 127

mpexclude option (typearea), 205

mpfootnote counter, 110, 851

(footmisc), 111

mpfootnotemark (footmisc), 111

mpfootnoterule (footmisc), 119

mpinclude option (typearea), 205

mpsupertabular env. (supertabular), 256, 277

mpsupertabular* env. (supertabular), 256, 277

mrm (tlc), 350

mrnumber BibTeX field (BibTexMng), 789

msfsl (tlc), 350, 351, 352

Msg (docstrip), 827

.msp file extension, 626

mspace (amsmath), 507

.mtcn file extension (minitoc), 56

mtcfont (minitoc), 57

mtcindent rigid length (minitoc), 57

mtcoff package, 58

mtcpagenumbers (minitoc), 57

mtcPfont (minitoc), 57

mtcrule (minitoc), 57

mtcSfont (minitoc), 57

mtcSPfont (minitoc), 57

mtcSSfont (minitoc), 57

mtcSSSfont (minitoc), 57

mtctitle (minitoc), 57

mu, 492, 527

multfootsep (footmisc), 120

multibib package, xxvii, 746, 754, 755, 756

compatibility matrix, 746

multicol package, 176, 184189, 232, 299

license information, 184

multicolpretolerance (multicol), 186

multicols env. (multicol), 184, 185189, 680, 863, 875

style parameters, 185187

multicols* env. (multicol), 185, 884

multicolsep length (multicol), 185, 186

multicoltolerance (multicol), 186, 187

multicolumn, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 279, 280

error using, 901, 904, 905

(longtable), 260

(supertabular), 257, 258

(tabularx), 282

restrictions using, 252

multilingual documents, see also babel package

! (exclamation mark), shorthand character, 554

" (double quote), shorthand character, 551553

' (acute accent), shorthand character, 556

. (period), shorthand character, 558

: (colon), shorthand character, 554

; (semicolon), shorthand character, 554

< (less than sign), shorthand character, 557

= (equals sign), shorthand character, 557

> (greater than sign), shorthand character, 557

? (question mark), shorthand character, 554

^ (caret), shorthand character, 556

' (grave accent), shorthand character, 555

~ (tilde)

multilingual aspects, 554

nonbreaking space, 550

accented letters, 552

bibliographies, language support, 733, 734, 735, 811, 812

BibTeX, 573

character sets, 541

citations, Hungarian, 564

culture, and typesetting, 542

current language, setting/getting, 544, 545, 546

dates, formatting, 558, 559

definite articles, Hungarian, 563

encoding languages and fonts

Cyrillic alphabet, 569573

Greek alphabet, 574, 576

Hebrew alphabet, 576578

language options, 566568

eTeX, TeX extension, 540, 566

footnotes, 565, 566

French names, 563

Hcaption font, 577

Hclassic font, 577


cultural aspects, 542

defining dynamically, 542

in multiple languages, 546, 580, 581 Italian, 563

language aspects, 541

patterns, adjusting, 586

patterns, applying, 545

preventing, 545

special rules, 553

indentation after heading, 565

indexes, 666, 669671

language attributes, 549, 550

language, and typesetting, 541

language-dependent strings, 542, 547, 549551, 586

lists, 565

MakeIndex, 573

mathematical operators, 564

non-Latin alphabets

Arabic, 591

Armenian, 592

Chinese, 592

Cyrillic, 569571, 572, 573, 574

Ethiopian, 592

Greek, 574, 575, 576

Hebrew, 576, 577, 578, 579, 591

Indian, 592

Japanese, 592

Korean, 592

Manju (Mongolian), 592

numbering, 559, 560563, 564

Omega, TeX extension, 540, 570, 592, 637

OT1 extensions, 566, 567

overview, 539541

Polish, 567

punctuation, special cases, 591

quoting characters, inserting, 545, 552, 553

right-to-left typesetting, 566, 577

shalom fonts, 577

shorthands, 547, 548, 549

spacing after punctuation, 564

special characters, 552

summary table, 542

T1 extensions, 566, 567

multimap (amssymb), 534

multipage tables

and floats, 262264

captions, 257, 262

creating with longtable, 259, 260, 261, 262264

creating with supertabular, 256, 257, 258, 259

footnotes, 263

headers and footers, 256, 257, 261

horizontal alignment, 261

page breaks, 257

problems with, 263, 264

reducing run numbers, 263

row commands, 261

spacing around, 261

width, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264

multiple key value (jurabib), 722, 735

multiple option (footmisc), 120, 123125, 728731

multiple bibliographies, 745756

multiple citations, 703, 704

multiple indexes, 681, 682

multiple tables of contents, 54, 55, 5658

multiply, 871

multiput, 601, 606, 607

(pspicture), 640

multiputlist (epic), 606, 607

multirow (multirow), 273, 274, 282

multirow package, 273, 274

multirowsetup (multirow), 273, 274

multline env. (amsmath), 469, 471, 472

error using, 895

multline* env. (amsmath), 469, 472

multlinegap rigid length (amsmath), 471, 472

myclearpage (tlc), 236

myheadings page style, 222

MYitemize env. (tlc), 128

MyRot (tlc), 631

myverbatim env. (tlc), 165


(tlc), 83

abla, 528

ame (tlc), 341

name key

(listings), 172

(titlesec), 43, 44

name key value (jurabib), 729, 730, 731, 734

name&title key value (jurabib), 729

name&title&auto key value (jurabib), 730

named BibTeX style

(chicago), 700

(named), 791, 792

named package, 792

named boxes, 868, 869, 870, see also boxes

named page styles, 230

namelimits option (amsmath), 491

names, bibliography database, 766768

naming conventions, 842, 843

naming fonts, 420

namunsrt BibTeX style, 792

nar BibTeX style, 792

nar package, 792

NAT@close (natbib), 709

NAT@date (natbib), 709

NAT@idxtxt (natbib), 709

NAT@name (natbib), 709

NAT@open (natbib), 709

natbib package, xxvii, 68, 700710, 712715, 801

compatibility matrix, 746

incompatible with cite, 714

natbib.cfg file (natbib), 706, 709

natheight key (graphicx), 619

atural, 528

nature BibTeX style (nature), 792

nature package, 792

natwidth key (graphicx), 619

naustrian option (babel), 543

ncc option (inputenc), 571

cong (amssymb), 532

Ndash (tlc), 83

ndkeywordstyle key (listings), 170

e, 532

earrow, 534

nearskip key/option (subfig), 317, 318, 319, 321

nederlands BibTeX style (harvard), 700, 811

NeedsTeXFormat, 878, 879, 886, 888

release information, 878

warning using, 931

eg, 528, 529

negated math symbols

arrow extensions, 535

arrows, 534

equality and order, 532

sets and inclusions, 533

egmedspace (amsmath), 507, 508

egthickspace (amsmath), 507, 508

egthinspace, 507, 508

eq, 506, 532


commands, 846

document headings, 24

levels, tables of contents, 50

neveradjust option (paralist), 135, 136

neverdecrease option (paralist), 134, 135, 136

New Century Schoolbook font, 375

New Font Selection scheme (NFSS), 327329

newapa BibTeX style

(chicago), 700

(newapa), 792

newapa package, 792

ewblock, 686, 687, 693, 698

(BibTeX), 806

ewboolean (ifthen), 875, 886

newcent package, 371

ewcites (multibib), 755, 756


(array), 248, 249, 266, 561, 563

(colortbl), 265

(dcolumn), 275, 276

(tabularx), 251

(tabulary), 253

ewcommand, 843845, 846, 847, 883

error using, 897, 901, 904, 909, 914, 932

used in .bbl file, 749, 771

ewcommand*, 846, 908, 932

newcommands option (ragged2e), 105, 739

ewcounter, 151, 198, 849, 851, 852, 853, 871

error using, 897, 906

ewdatelsorbian (babel), 559

ewdateusorbian (babel), 559

ewenvironment, 847, 848, 849, 850

error using, 844, 897, 901, 905, 909, 914


(float), 292, 293, 294, 312, 320

(rotfloat), 298

ewfont, 328

ewif, 875

ewindex (index), 682, 709, 721

ewlength, 854, 875, 876, 883

error using, 897

newlfont package, 464

ewline, 860

error using, 911

(amsthm), 141, 142

newline key value (caption), 310

newline$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 810

ewpage, 30, 234, 289

(longtable), 261

(multicol), 186

(nfssfont.tex), 369

ewrefformat (prettyref), 76

news groups, 948

ewsavebox, 90, 849, 868, 869, 870, 944

error using, 897

ewstylenums (eco), 383

ewsubfloat (subfig), 320

ewtheorem, 851

error using, 906

(amsthm), 138, 139, 140, 142

ewtheorem* (amsthm), 139, 140, 143

ewtheoremstyle (amsthm), 141, 142, 143

ewtie (textcomp), 363, 366

newzealand option (babel), 543

exists (amssymb), 528

next option (inputenc), 360

extcitefull (jurabib), 725

extcitenotitle (jurabib), 725

extcitereset (jurabib), 725

extciteshort (jurabib), 725

nextpage package, 235, 236

NFSS (New Font Selection scheme), 327329

nfssfont.tex package, 345, 369, 370, 434, 435, 509

NG, 457

problems in T1, 417

g, 458

problems in T1, 417

geq (amssymb), 532

geqq (amssymb), 532

geqslant (amssymb), 532

ngerman option (babel), 543, 544, 552, 657, 672, 734

gtr (amssymb), 532

i, 533

nindent key (lettrine), 101

intt (tlc), 464

nintt option (rawfonts), 464

iplus (stmaryrd), 533

Leftarrow (amssymb), 534

leftarrow (amssymb), 534

Leftrightarrow (amssymb), 534

leftrightarrow (amssymb), 534

leq (amssymb), 532

leqq (amssymb), 532

leqslant (amssymb), 532

less (amssymb), 532

mid (amssymb), 535

n (tlc), 652

nearrow (stmaryrd), 534

nwarrow (stmaryrd), 534

No (babel), 563

o (babel), 563

noadjust option (cite), 695

oalign, 266

error using, 904

noBBppl option (mathpazo), 378


(bibentry), 711

(jurabib), 726, 727

obibliography* (bibentry), 711

nobottomtitles option (titlesec), 40

nobottomtitles* option (titlesec), 40

obreak, 234

obreakdash (amsmath), 83

obreakspace, 313, 314

NoCaseChange (textcase), 86

nocfg option (paralist), 138

ochangebars (changebar), 190

ocite, 691, 692, 693, 726, 772, 778, 793

error using, 896

problem using, 691

warning using, 920

(biblist), 774, 775

(bibtopic), 753

(bibunits), 751

(jurabib), 723, 726, 737741

ocite* (bibunits), 751

ocitetype (multibib), 755

nocompress option (cite), 694, 695

ocorr, 345

ocorrlist, 344

oextraslanguage (babel), 579, 588

oextrasrussian (babel), 589

nofancy option (rcsinfo), 839

nofighead option (endfloat), 290

nofiglist option (endfloat), 290


warning using, 925

(longtable), 259

nofoot key/option (geometry), 209

nographics option (crop), 214

nogrey option (quotchap), 35

nohang key value (jurabib), 738

nohead key/option (geometry), 209

noheadfoot key/option (geometry), 209

noheads option (endfloat), 290

nohyphenation option (babel), 545

oibidem (jurabib), 729

oindent, 113, 114, 126, 250, 858, 862, 867, 869

(picins), 303

noindentafter option (titlesec), 40, 42

noinfo option (crop), 213

ointerlineskip, 867

nointlimits option (amsmath), 491

olimits, 492

error using, 903

olinebreak, 692, 849, 943

(cite), 694

olinenumbers (lineno), 176

nolists option (endfloat), 290

nolol key (listings), 174

nomarkers option (endfloat), 290

ombre (babel), 561, 562

nomove option (cite), 697

omtcpagenumbers (minitoc), 57

omtcrule (minitoc), 57

on (tlc), 488

non-ASCII symbols, 842

non-English documents, see multilingual documents

non-Latin alphabets

Arabic, 591

Armenian, 592

Chinese, 592

Cyrillic, 569571, 572, 573, 574

Ethiopian, 592

Greek, 574, 575, 576

Hebrew, 576, 577, 578, 579, 591

Indian, 592

Japanese, 592

Korean, 592

Manju (Mongolian), 592

non-numerical cross-references, 76, 77

onaheterov (hetarom), 613

nonamebreak option (natbib), 706

nonamelimits option (amsmath), 491

nonbreaking hyphen (-), 83, 93

none key value

(fancyvrb), 158, 159, 161, 165

(listings), 172

onfrenchspacing, 428

onstopmode, 893

onumber (amsmath), 482

opagebreak, 234

opostamble (docstrip), 830

opreamble (docstrip), 829, 830

optcrules (minitoc), 57

orm (tlc), 501

normal key value (jurabib), 717, 722, 732, 742

normal option (threeparttable), 279

normal font, 338

ormal@charchar (babel), 589, 590

ormalcolor, 870

ormalem (ulem), 87

normalem option (ulem), 87

ormalfont, 29, 30, 113, 141, 148, 223, 339, 341, 344, 345, 464, 848, 870

normalizing, bibliographies, 780, 781, 786

ormalmarginpar, 127

ormalsize, 29, 30, 144, 146, 197, 342, 343, 373, 479, 480, 888, 911

normalsize key value (caption), 310

norsk option (babel), 543, 585

norsk.ldf file (babel), 585

norule option (footmisc), 119

noSeparatorLine option (fltpage), 325

nosort option (cite), 694, 695

nospace option (cite), 695

nostar option (titleref), 77

nostrict key value (jurabib), 729, 730

nosumlimits option (amsmath), 491

ot, 531, 533, 535

(ifthen), 877

notabhead option (endfloat), 290

notablist option (endfloat), 290

otag (amsmath), 472, 473, 475, 482, 483, 499

notbib option (tocbibind), 48

notcite option (showkeys), 68

note BibTeX field, 690, 763, 764, 765, 773

Notes env. (tlc), 151

notes counter (tlc), 151

otesname (endnotes), 126

notext option (crop), 214

otin, 533

notindex option (tocbibind), 48

notlof option (tocbibind), 48

notlot option (tocbibind), 48

notoccite package, 697, 698

incompatible with hyperref, 698

notoday option (rcsinfo), 839

notref option (showkeys), 68

nottoc option (tocbibind), 48

parallel (amssymb), 535

parallelslant (fourier), 392

plus (stmaryrd), 530

prec (amssymb), 532

preceq (amssymb), 532

Rightarrow (amssymb), 534

rightarrow (amssymb), 534

shortmid (amssymb), 535

shortparallel (amssymb), 535

sim (amssymb), 531, 532

subseteq (amssymb), 533

subseteqq (amssymb), 533

succ (amssymb), 532

succeq (amssymb), 531, 532

supseteq (amssymb), 533

supseteqq (amssymb), 533

triangleleft (amssymb), 533

trianglelefteq (amssymb), 533

trianglelefteqslant (stmaryrd), 533

triangleright (amssymb), 533

trianglerighteq (amssymb), 533

trianglerighteqslant (stmaryrd), 533

u, 527

null.tex file, 901

num.names$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 811

numarrows env. (tlc), 181

number BibTeX field, 763, 765

number of strings errors, 918

number width, tables of contents, 51

number-only citations, 691698, see also citation systems

captions, 697

color, 695

compressing citations, 714

customizing citations, 692, 693, 694, 695

definition, 686

headings, 697

line breaks, 694

natbib package, 712715

page ranges, disabling, 695

parentheses, 695

punctuation, 694, 696, 697

sort order, 693, 694, 695, 714

spaces, processing, 695

superscripts, 696, 697

unsorted citation style, 697

verbose mode, 696

numberblanklines key

(fancyvrb), 160

(listings), 172

numbered key value (jurabib), 739


code lines, 172


resetting the counter, 485

subordinate sequences, 484, 485

footnotes, 112, 115, 116, 122, 123125

headings, see document headings, numbering

lines, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181

lines, typed text, 159, 160

multilingual documents, 559, 560563, 564

pages, see page numbers

sub-numbering float captions, 321, 322, 323

numberless key (titlesec), 43, 44

numberless tables of contents, 59

umberline, 33, 47, 48, 49, 5052, 53

(titletoc), 61, 63

numbers key

(fancyvrb), 159, 160, 163, 165

(listings), 172

numbers option (natbib), 712, 713, 714, 715

numbersep key

(fancyvrb), 159, 160

(listings), 172

numberstyle key (listings), 172

umberwithin (amsmath), 485, 851

numbib option (tocbibind), 48

numerals, math symbols, 526529

numindex option (tocbibind), 48

numquotation env. (lineno), 177, 180

numquotation* env. (lineno), 180

numquote env. (lineno), 177, 180

numquote* env. (lineno), 180

VDash (amssymb), 535

Vdash (amssymb), 535

vDash (amssymb), 535

vdash (amssymb), 535

warrow, 534

nynorsk option (babel), 543, 585


O syntax (fancyhdr), 225, 226230

O, 457

o, 459

oaddress BibTeX field (jurabib), 742

oarg (ltxdoc), 834

oast (stmaryrd), 531

obar (stmaryrd), 531

obeyspaces option (url), 95

obeytabs key (fancyvrb), 160, 161

oblique font, 333

oblong (stmaryrd), 530

obslash (stmaryrd), 531

ocircle (stmaryrd), 531

oday (babel), 559

odd key value (titlesec), 43

odd keyword (makeindex), 657

oddpagelayoutfalse (layouts), 200, 201

oddsidemargin rigid length, 194, 196, 199, 887

odot, 531

(stmaryrd), 529

OE, 457

oe, 451, 459

officialeuro (eurosym), 409

og (babel), 545, 552, 554

ogreaterthan (stmaryrd), 531

oiiint (fourier), 392

oiint (fourier), 392

oint, 536

old German font, 394, 395, 396

olddatelsorbian (babel), 559

olddateusorbian (babel), 559

oldlfont package, 349, 464

oldstyle option (fourier), 393

OldStyleNums option (parallel), 183

oldstylenums, 14, 383, 733

(textcomp), 39, 367

warning using, 926

olessthan (stmaryrd), 531

olips (lips), 83

Omega, 479, 527

(fourier), 392, 393

omega, 527

Omega, TeX extension, 540, 570, 592, 637

ominus, 531

omit, error using, 904

omitted text, marking, see ellipsis

OML font encoding, 416, 436, 453

(ccfonts), 384

(cmbright), 385

(eulervm), 397

OMS font encoding, 365, 416, 436

(ccfonts), 384

(cmbright), 385

(eulervm), 397

OMX font encoding, 416, 436

(eulervm), 397

on-line access to CTAN, 949, 950

onecolumn, 184, 679, 680

onehalfspace env. (setspace), 107

onehalfspacing (setspace), 107

online option (threeparttable), 278, 279

online resources, bibliographies, 773, 774

online tracing, 943

only option

(excludeonly), 20

(rawfonts), 464

OnlyDescription (doc), 817, 818, 821, 835

ontoday (babel), 559

opcit (jurabib), 731, 741

opcit key/option (jurabib), 731, 741

open/close, math symbols, 498, 537

openbib option, 693

openin, 432

openout_any env. variable (LaTeX (web2c)), 832, 901

operator names, mathematical typesetting, 499, 500, 501

operatorname (amsmath), 475, 500, 501

operatorname* (amsmath), 500, 501

operators, math symbols, 490493, 494, 495, 536

multilingual documents, 564

oplus, 531

opt (optional), 21

optional package, 21, 22

optional arguments, 845, 850

optional code execution, tables of contents, 59, 60

optional fields, bibliography database, 762, 763

OptionNotUsed, 879, 887


class, 16

declaring, 880, 881

executing, 881, 882

global, 17

processing, 17, 18

unused, 18

opublisher BibTeX field (jurabib), 742


in TeX error message, 899

(ifthen), 877, 899

ordinary math symbols, 526, 527, 528, 529

organization BibTeX field, 690, 763, 764, 765, 779

origin key (graphicx), 619, 624, 632, 633

originalparameters option (ragged2e), 106

ornamental boxes, 596600

OrnamentDiamondSolid (bbding), 403

ornaments, see specific types of ornaments

osf option (mathpazo), 378

oslash, 531

OT1 font encoding, 337, 346, 354, 416, 420, 430, 441, 442

comparison with

T1, 346, 355

extensions, 566, 567

for math fonts, 436, 437

hyphenation in, 427, 902

list of LICR objects, 455463

(avant), 372

(babel), 566, 567, 590

(bookman), 372

(ccfonts), 384

(chancery), 372

(charter), 372

(cmbright), 385

(courier), 372

(fourier), not supported, 391

(helvet), 372

(infomath), 523

(newcent), 372

(palatino), 372

(pxfonts), 390, 391

(times), 372

(txfonts), 388, 389

(utopia), 372

OT2 font encoding, 416

(babel), 570

OT3 font encoding, 416

OT4 font encoding, 416

OT6 font encoding, 416

otherbeta (fourier), 392, 393

otherlanguage env. (babel), 544, 545, 546

otherlanguage* env. (babel), 545

otherOmega (fourier), 392, 393

otimes, 489, 531

out (euro), 98, 99

outer, 834

outer key/option (geometry), 208

outerbars option (changebar), 190

outerbody option (sidecap), 323

outercaption option (sidecap), 323

outlfamily (babel), 568

outline font, 334

output, warning involving, 929, 930

output encoding, 330, 361, 362, 447463

output files, indexes, 655, 657, 668, 674

output files, specifying, 826, 827

output style parameters, indexes, 661

oval, 596, 597, 608, 611

warning using, 926

(eepic), 608, 609

(epic), 608

(pspicture), 639, 640, 641

(texpicture), 640

oval boxes, 596, 597

Ovalbox (fancybox), 596

ovalbox (fancybox), 596, 597, 598

ovee (stmaryrd), 531

over, 494

overcite package, 696

overflow errors, 917919, see also troubleshooting

overfullrule rigid length, 939

output produced from, 939

overleftarrow (amsmath), 497

overleftrightarrow (amsmath), 497

overload option (textcase), 87

overrightarrow (amsmath), 497

overset (amsmath), 483, 495

overwithdelims, 494

owedge (stmaryrd), 531

owns, 533

oyear BibTeX field (jurabib), 742

OzTeX program, 615

oztex option (graphics), 615


P, 63, 527

(textcomp), 457

p (tlc), 83

p syntax, 243, 244, 245247, 249, 252, 263, 264

error using, 905

(tabulary), 253, 254

p@enumi, 129, 130

p@enumii, 129, 130

p@enumiii, 130

p@enumiv, 130

package errors, see specific package names; troubleshooting

package files, 6

package loading part, 882

package options, 16

PackageError, 885

output produced from, 885

PackageInfo, 884, 885

output produced from, 885

PackageInfoNoLine, 885

packages, see also specific packages

combining in one file, 20, 21

commands, 847, 879, 883885

definition, 16

descriptions, on-line catalogue, 950

documentation, finding, 954, 955

documenting, see documentation tools

file structure, 877885

local, distributing, 20, 21

modifying, 18

multiple, with same options, 18

processing, 17, 18

a4, 199, 202

a4dutch, 202

a4wide, 202

a5, 202

a5comb, 202

accents, 494, 965

ae, 356

afterpage, 289

alg, 168

algorithmic, 168

alltt, 152

amscd, 467, 488, 489

amsfonts, 383, 385, 386, 467, 509

amsmath, 83, 138, 465488, 489, 490508, 524, 535, 964

amsopn, 466

amsrefs, 968

amssymb, 383, 385, 386, 392, 467, 509, 511, 524537

amstext, 467

amsthm, 138144, 467, 964

amsxport, 968

amsxtra, 467, 495

apalike, 692, 791 array, 243251, 280282, 489

arydshln, 267, 268

askinclude, 19

authordate1-4, 700, 791

avant, 371, 373

ba, 521

babel, 539, 541, 542591, 701, 733, 749, 915

bar, 612

bbding, 403

bengali, 592

beton, 384, 397

bibentry, 710, 711

biblist, 774, 775

bibtopic, 746, 753755

bibunits, xxvii, 746, 749753

bigfoot, 117, 122

bm, 510513

bookman, 205, 371

booktabs, 269272

boxedminipage, 595

breqn, 470, 968

calc, 871, 872

camel, xxvi, 681, 743745, 965

captcont, 314

caption, xxvi, 295, 296, 308315, 316, 323

caption2, 308, 315

ccfonts, 383385, 399, 515

chams, 521

chancery, 371

changebar, 189191

chappg, 216, 217

chapterbib, 701, 707, 746, 747749, 771

charter, 371

chicago, 692, 699, 700

chmath, 521

cite, xxvi, 693697

citehack, 573

cjk, 592

cmbright, 385, 386, 523

color, 214, 969

colortbl, 265, 266

courier, 370, 371

crop, 212214

curves, 611

custom-bib, xxvii, 772, 789, 791, 798804

dcolumn, 274276

delarray, 489, 490

devnag, 592

diagram, 488, 965

dingbat, 400, 401

doc, 152, 583, 813824, 834

docstrip, 22, 824834, 975, 977

dvipsnames, 191

ecltree, 612

eco, 63, 64, 383

eepic, 603, 607611, 637, 638

eepicemu, 611

ellipsis, xxvii, 82

endfloat, xxvii, 289291

endnotes, xxvii, 125, 126

enumerate, 134

epic, 600607, 609, 611, 612

etex, 907

ethiop, 592

eucal, 396, 467

eufrak, 396, 397, 398, 467

euler, 397, 398

eulervm, 397399, 435, 515

euro, xxvi, 9699

europs, 411

eurosans, 98, 99, 410, 411

eurosym, 408, 409

excludeonly, 19, 20

exscale, 85, 368

extramarks, xxvii, 218, 220, 221

fancybox, 596600

fancyhdr, xxvii, 220, 224232

fancyheadings, 224

fancyref, 76

fancyvrb, 152, 153, 155168, 169, 172174

fix-cm, xxvii, 355, 356

fixltx2e, 232, 342

flafter, 70, 286

float, 291295, 923

floatfig, 299

floatflt, 299

fltpage, 325, 326

fncychap, 34, 35, 36

fncylab, 71

fnpara, 118

fontenc, 7, 155, 156, 361, 362, 888

fontinst, 88, 376, 419, 420, 437, 438, 971

footmisc, xxvii, 114120, 122, 123

footnpag, 116

fourier, xxvii, 371, 391393, 515

fp, 96

french, 591, 970

ftnright, 114, 176

fvrb-ex, 163

geometry, xxvii, 200, 206211

graphics, 296, 613618, 620, 624631, 953, 969

graphicx, 613615, 618624, 631633

graphpap, 640

grmath, 564

harvard, 68, 700, 704, 792, 801

hebcal, 558

hebfont, 578

helvet, 370, 371, 373, 424

here, 294

hetarom, 613

hhline, 266, 267

hvams, 523

hvmath, 523

hyperref, 78, 175, 643, 701, 706

ifsym, 403405

ifthen, 872877

indentfirst, 32, 565

index, 665, 681, 682, 701

indxcite, 681

infomath, 523

inputenc, 7, 175, 329, 357361, 443447, 571, 578

jmb, 792

jurabib, xxvi, 715743, 745, 792

keyval, 206, 308, 623

kuvio, 488, 980

lastpage, xxvii, 216

LaTeXsym, 464

layout, 199

layouts, xxvii, 195, 199202

ledmac, 117, 982

lettrine, 99101

lineno, xxvii, 176181, 182

lips, 82, 83

listings, xxvi, 154, 168175

lmodern, 357

longtable, 259263

lscape, 211, 212

lucidabr, 339, 521

luximono, 386388

makeidx, 649, 652, 656

manjutex, 592

manyfoot, xxvi, 122125

marvosym, xxvii, 401403, 411, 412

mathpazo, 371, 373, 377, 378, 519

mathpple, 371, 373, 377

mathptm, 371, 373, 376, 377

mathptmx, 370, 371, 373, 376, 377, 388390, 517

mathtime, 352

minitoc, xxvii, 5658

moredefs, 82, 83

morefloats, 912

moreverb, 153

mparhack, 127

mtcoff, 58

multibib, xxvii, 746, 754, 755, 756

multicol, 176, 184189, 232, 299

multirow, 273, 274

named, 792

nar, 792

natbib, xxvii, 68, 700710, 712715, 801

nature, 792

newapa, 792

newcent, 371

newlfont, 464

nextpage, 235, 236

nfssfont.tex, 345, 369, 370, 434, 435, 509

notoccite, 697, 698

oldlfont, 349, 464

optional, 21, 22

overcite, 696

palatino, 101, 371, 398, 399

pamath, 519

paralist, xxvi, 132138

parallel, xxvii, 181184

pdfcprot, 1089

perpage, xxvi, 120, 121

picinpar, 108, 109

picins, 299, 302306

pict2e, xxvii, 638

pifont, 378381, 401, 403

placeins, 288, 289

prettyref, 75, 76

pspicture, 638641, 954, 955

pstricks, 594, 643, 969, 970

pxfonts, 390, 391, 511, 519

quotchap, 35, 36

ragged2e, xxvii, 105, 106

rawfonts, 464

rcs, 837, 838

rcsinfo, 838, 839

relsize, xxvi, 8385, 156

remreset, 851

repeatindex, 680

rotating, 212, 296298, 633, 634

rotfloat, 298

rplain, 224

scrpage2, 237

seminar, 596

setspace, 106108, 204

shadow, 595

shorttoc, 55

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