BM Attributes

The BM attributes are listed and described in Table 34-5 on this page.

Table 34-5. BM Attributes
AttributeAttribute IDAttribute ModifierDescription
SetModule Attention002Ah00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseThe SetModuleAttention command provides access to the Attention LED and allows initiation of the Identify function.
ClassPortInfo0001h00000000hGeneral and port-specific information for the BM class. See Table 28-7 on page 794. The following class-specific CapabilityMask bits are defined:
  • Bit 8 = IsIBMLSupported. If = 1, direct Access to IB-ML is supported.

  • Bit 9 = IsBKeyNVRAM. If = 1, B_Key is in NVRAM.

Notice0002h00000000hDevice BMA delivers event notifications to the BM in BMTrap(Notice) MADs. See Table 28-9 on page 798 and “BM-related Traps” on page 1017.
BKeyInfo0010h00000000hB_Key information for the node. See “Some Information Accessed by the BM” on page 341 and “Baseboard Management Key (B_Key) ” on page 340 for detail.
GetModulePMControl0024h00000000h=Request 00000001h=Response
  • If ModulePowerInfo.ModulePMCapability.IsPowerManaged Supported = 1, GetModulePMControl command allows access to the module's current power management state.

  • If the bit = 0, the command always returns 00h as the state. Valid states are indicated in ModulePowerInfo.ModulePM Capability.

GetModule Status002Bh00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseThe GetModuleStatus command provides access to the state of the facilities on a module.
WriteVPD0020h00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseProvides the mechanism for writing to different VPD devices, including the ModuleInfo and ChassisInfo SEEPROMs. Device selector in request holds “slave address” of VPD device to be accessed. For Chassis VPD devices, MME converts request into a physical IB-ML transaction to the Chassis VPD using a SEEPROM-style access. Software doesn't care whether Module VPD is implemented as a physical SEEPROM on IB-ML. Module VPD could be implemented as a physical SEEPROM device on IB-ML, in which case MME formats the same type of IB-ML transaction as used for Chassis VPD access. An implementation may design the Module VPD using proprietary hardware, and the MME is responsible for translating command and performing steps necessary to perform a write to the Module VPD. If the write is performed successfully, MME returns a response with an “OK” completion status value. Otherwise, the MME returns an appropriate error status.
ReadVPD0021h00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseThe ReadVPD command is similar to the WriteVPD command. If the access is successful, the response includes the requested VPD data in addition to the completion status value.
ResetIBML0022h00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseDirects MME to reset its IB-ML Agent function.
  • If the command is successful, response returns an “OK” completion status value.

  • Otherwise MME returns the appropriate error status.

  • Optionally MME can attempt to restore a “hung” IB-ML bus state by clocking “1” bits onto the bus until it sees the data line go high, at which time it can issue a STOP condition. The IB-ML Agent's master function must be functional for operation to be successful.

SetModulePMControl0023h00000000h=Request 00000001h=Response
  • If ModulePowerInfo.ModulePMCapability.IsPowerManaged Supported = 1, SetModulePMControl command allows access to the current Module Power Management state.

  • If the bit = 0, the command doesn't cause any updates, doesn't produce any side effects, and returns an error status in the response. Valid states are indicated in ModulePowerInfo.ModulePMCapability.

Issuing this command with an unsupported state value doesn't result in any update to the state.
SetUnitPMControl0025h00000000h=Request 00000001h=Response
  • If ModulePowerInfo.ModulePMCapability.IsPowerManaged Supported = 1, SetUnitPMControl command allow access to the current IOU power management state.

  • If the bit = 0, the command doesn't cause any updates, doesn't produce any side effects, and returns an error status in the response. Valid states are indicated in ModulePowerInfo.UnitPMCapability.

Issuing this command with an unsupported state value doesn't result in any update to the state.
GetUnitPMControl0026h00000000h=Request 00000001h=Response
  • If ModulePowerInfo.ModulePMCapability.IsPowerManaged Supported = 1, GetUnitPMControl command allows access to the current power management state for the IOU.

  • If the bit = 0, the command always returns 00h as the state. Valid states are indicated in ModulePowerInfo.UnitPMCapability.

SetIOCPM Control0027h00000000h=Request 00000001h=Response
  • If ModulePowerInfo.ModulePMCapability.IsPowerManaged Supported = 1, SetIOCPMControl command allows access to the current IOC power management state.

  • If the bit = 0, the command doesn't cause any updates, doesn't produce any side effects, and returns an error status in the response. Valid states are indicated in ModulePowerInfo.UnitPMCapability.

Issuing this command with an unsupported state value doesn't result in any update to the state.
GetIOCPMControl0028h00000000h=Request 00000001h=Response
  • If ModulePowerInfo.ModulePMCapability.IsPowerManaged Supported = 1, GetIOCPMControl command allows access to the current power management state of the IOC.

  • If the bit = 0, the command always returns 00h as the state. Valid states are indicated in ModulePowerInfo.UnitPM Capability.

SetModuleState0029h00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseThe SetModuleState command provides update access to the SW_CTR (Software Clear To Remove) and SW_RTR (Software Request To Remove) in support of module graceful removal.
IB2IBML002Ch00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseThe IB2IBML command provides the facility for delivering a low-level IB-ML transaction in a BM MAD. Three transaction types are supported:
  • An Atomic Write.

  • Atomic Read.

  • Atomic Write-Read. A request for an Atomic Write-Read operation specifies the selector for the targeted device, the number of data bytes to write, the write data, and the number of data bytes to read. The response to an Atomic Write-Read operation returns a completion status and the read data.

If the transaction is successful, the command response returns an “OK” completion status value and the requested IB-ML data (if any).

If MME cannot complete the transaction because of an IB-ML bus error, an error status is returned in the response.
IB2CME002Dh00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseThe IB2CME command delivers a split-transaction request or response message to the CME via IB-ML using a BM MAD. MME uses the command parameters to create a corresponding CME IB-ML message.

If the MME successfully transmits the message to the CME, the response contains an “OK” completion status.

If the MME has an IB-ML bus error, an error status is returned in the response. Otherwise, the response indicates the message was successfully transferred to the CME. It doesn't indicate whether the CME was able to process the message.
IB2MME002Eh00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseThe IB2MME command delivers a split-transaction request or response message to the MME in a BM MAD. The transaction is formatted the same as it would be if being delivered to a device on IB-ML, although there is no requirement for a module to physically implement an IB-ML (as long as it emulates the presence of IB-ML and executes the command correctly; this is referred to as virtual IB-ML).

If the MME accepts the message, the response contains an “OK” completion status.

Otherwise, an error status is returned and the response indicates the message was successfully transferred to the MME. It doesn't indicate whether the MME processed the message.
OEM002Fh00000000h=Request 00000001h=ResponseThe optional OEM command sends a BM MAD to a vendor-specific function within an MME. The request parameters include the Vendor ID of the vendor that defined the remaining parameters in the request. If this attribute is not supported, the MME returns a response with an error status value of “Attribute Not Supported.” If the command is supported, but not for the given vendor ID, an “Illegal Request Parameter” completion status is returned.

Table 34-6. Method/Attribute Implementation Map
Method ==>BMGetBMSetBMSendBMTrap
Noticexx x
WriteVPD  x 
ReadVPD  x 
ResetIBML  x 
SetModulePMControl  x 
GetModulePMControl  x 
SetUnitPMControl  x 
GetUnitPMControl  x 
SetIOCPMControl  x 
GetIOCPMControl  x 
SetModuleState  x 
SetModuleAttention  x 
GetModuleStatus  x 
IB2CME  x 
IB2MME  x 
OEM  x 

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