Chapter 14. Web Server Security

Linux offers many advantages, but one feature in particular has allowed it to penetrate the corporate market: It can instantly transform inexpensive PCs into full-fledged Web or intranet servers. If you're planning to deploy Linux in a Web setting, this chapter is for you. It focuses exclusively on securing Web hosts and covers these topics:

  • Installation issues and eliminating nonessential services

  • Applying network access control to essential non-Web services

  • Apache Web server security

  • Adding basic and cryptographic HTTP authentication

Eliminating Nonessential Services

Securing your Web host begins even before installation, when you make your first crucial decision: which type of Web host you're building. The three most common types are

  • Intranet Web hosts—Hosts without Internet connectivity, typically connected to a local area network.

  • Private or extranet Web hosts—Hosts that have Internet connectivity but provide services only to a very limited clientele.

  • Public or sacrificial Web hosts—Garden-variety Web hosts that users known and unknown can access publicly, 24 hours a day, on the Internet.

Each host type demands a slightly different approach. In an intranet environment, for example, you may provide network services that you'd never allow on a public Web server, and they would pose less risk.

Default Linux installations include many services that your Web host can probably do without, including:

  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

  • finger

  • Network File System (NFS)

  • Other RPC services

  • Server Message Block (SMB) protocol

  • R services

You must decide which services to provide by weighing their utility, their benefits, and the risks they pose. Let's briefly address these services now.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the standard method of transferring files from one system to another. In intranet and private Web hosts, you may well decide to provide FTP services as a convenient means of file distribution and acceptance. Or you might provide FTP to offer users an alternate avenue though which to retrieve information that is otherwise available via HTTP.

For public Web servers, though, you should probably pass on public FTP. Open anonymous FTP poses various security risks and is a big headache. For example:

  • If attackers compromise your FTP server, they can gain privileged access to the host's remaining resources.

  • Attackers can sometimes use external FTP to "hop" your firewall.

  • On public FTP servers with writeable directories, attackers can perform irritating but effective disk saturation attacks by filling your disks with junk.

  • Bozos can use your FTP to store contraband, such as stolen or cracked software (warez) or obscene materials prohibited by law.

If your organization must provide public FTP services, dedicate a box specifically for this purpose. Isolate that box (prohibit trust relationships to other machines), strip it to the essentials, and take these steps:

  • Place the FTP directories on their own file system (perhaps in a chroot environment).

  • Deny users chmod, overwrite, delete, or rename privileges. See Chapter 11, "FTP Security."

  • Log everything.


fingerd (the finger server) reports personal information on specified users, including username, real name, shell, directory, and office telephone number (if available).

finger is nonessential and can expose your system to unwanted intelligence-gathering activity. Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema discuss the benefits that finger offers to crackers in their paper "Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into It":

  • As every finger devotee knows, fingering "@", "0", and "", as well as common names, such as root, bin, ftp, system, guest, demo, manager, etc., can reveal interesting information. What that information is depends on the version of finger that your target is running, but the most notable are account names, along with their home directories and the host that they last logged in from.

(From "Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into It," Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema, .)

Crackers can use this information to track your staff's movements and even identify levels of trust within your organization and network. At a bare minimum, attackers can build user lists and establish other possible avenues of attack.

To appreciate your potential level of exposure, consider this output, pulled from a finger server at

allysony Allyson Yarbrough  qterm   73 csa      (BABB022-0B96AX01.BU.E
ann317   Ann Lam            netscap 35 csa      (PUB6-XT19.BU.EDU:0.0)
annie77  Nhi Au             emacs-1 38 csa      (PUB3-XT30.BU.EDU:0.0)
april    jeannie lu         tin    *43 csa      (
artdodge Adam Bradley       pico    40 csb      (
barford  Paul Barford       pine    *1* csb      (exeter)
best     Azer Bestavros     tcsh    28 csb      (sphinx:0.0)
best     Azer Bestavros     tcsh    0 sphinx    (:0.0)
bhatti   bhatti ghulam      tin     33 csa      (
brianm   Brian Mancuso      bash    19 csa      (
budd     Phil Budne         tcsh   *5* csa      (
carter   Bob Carter         rlogin 11 csb       (

The first thing you'll notice is that several users are logged in not from dialup accounts, but from workstations with static IP addresses or hostnames (,,, and so on). Determined attackers will take note of this: If they can't gain unlawful access to your host directly, they might be able to compromise one of these other hosts.

For example, consider the situation depicted above. Since users on external hosts already have valid accounts on moria, they provide attackers a convenient avenue of entry. Attackers can log in to moria under legitimate usernames and conduct fishing expeditions without raising suspicion.

Also, by examining the output, attackers can quickly determine that moria supports X sessions ( and supports at least basic r services for selected users and hosts ( This is precisely the type of information you're trying to keep under wraps. So, unless you have a very good reason for it, do not run fingerd on your Web host.

Network File System (NFS)

Network File System (NFS) provides distributed file and directory access and allows users from remote hosts to mount your file systems from afar. On the remote user's machine, your exported file systems act and appear as though they are local. NFS services vaguely resemble file and directory sharing in the Windows and MacOS worlds.

In internal networks, you might well use NFS for convenience. For example, by using NFS, you can share out a central directory hierarchy containing essential tools to all workstations of a particular class. Or you can use NFS to share out user home directories. This will ensure that users have access to their files even when they log in to different machines. Hence, user bozo can log in to,, or and still have an identical /home directory.

If you're using NFS on an internal Web server, take at least these steps:

  • Consider creating a separate partition for file systems that you intend to export, and enable the nosuid option.

  • Export file systems read-only whenever possible.

  • Limit portmapper access to trusted hosts. To do so, add portmapper and your approved host list to /etc/hosts.allow. After you've done that, add portmapper to /etc/hosts.deny and specify ALL.

  • Never export your root file system.

  • Your NFS server is configured by default to deny access to remote users logged in as root. Do not change this.

Otherwise, unless you absolutely have to, don't run NFS on a public Web server. (The benefits here outweigh the risk by a wide margin.)

Other RPC Services

Additional RPC services that you should disable are rpc.rusersd (the rusers server), rpc.rwalld (the rwall server), and rstatd (the system statistics daemon).


ruserd can expose you to unwanted intelligence-gathering activity, producing results similar to finger output. For example, I pulled a host query on Santa Clara University in California (host –l –v –t any to generate a list of possible targets. Here's a snippet of the results:    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    A    83659 IN    CNAME    scuish.SCU.EDU    83659 IN    A

I picked through this list—which was revealing in itself because of how administrators named their hosts and hardware—and chose this entry:    83659 IN    A

sunrise seemed like a good choice. I guessed that it was a host (not network hardware) and probably a SPARC. I ran a rusers query on it (rusers –l, and this is what I received:

qli    Jun 12 08:03  26:55 (sunrise)
hwen   Jun  4 09:51  44:47 (
vli    Jun 12 18:34  5:49 (
qli   Jun  9 13:50  8:29 (sunrise)

As you can see, rusersd provides the same basic information as fingerd (minus user directories, real names, and last login), and for that reason, you should disable it. To do so, comment it out in inetd.conf.


rstatd also provides interesting information, including statistics on the CPU, virtual memory, network uptime, and hard drive. Although exposure of this data may not pose a significant threat, there's no good reason to provide it on a publicly accessible Web host. I recommend that you disable rstatd. To do so, comment it out in inetd.conf.


Note that perfmeter (performance meter, a popular diagnostic tool) makes RPC calls to rstatd to get its information. If you disable rstatd, perfmeter will not run.

rwalld (The rwall Server)

rwalld processes rwall requests and allows remote users to send messages to all users on the network. (rwall is the networked version of wall.) It serves no purpose on a public Web host and may allow bozos to jam up terminals with nonsensical text. I recommend that you disable rwalld. To do so, comment it out in inetd.conf.

The R Services

The R services (rshd, rlogin, rwhod, and rexec) provide varying degrees of command execution on, or interaction with, remote hosts, and they're quite convenient in closed network environments. However, they have no place on a public Web server. Let's briefly run through each one and what it does.

rshd (The Remote Shell Server)

rshd (the Remote Shell server) allows remote command execution. The client program (rsh) connects and requests a shell on the specified remote host. There, rshd opens the shell and executes user-supplied commands. For example, suppose you wanted a directory listing of / on the remote host linux3. If linux3 was running rshd, you could issue this command:

rsh linux "ls –l /"

rshd services are not suitable for publicly available Web servers. To disable rshd, comment it out in inetd.conf.


rlogin is much like telnet. In fact, once you log in using rlogin, things will work exactly as if you were using telnet. The difference is this: rlogin is designed to automate logins between machines that trust one another. For example, suppose your network had three machines:

Suppose further that you had an account under the username hacker on all three machines. If you used telnet to log in to linux1, linux2, or linux3, you'd have to enter a username and password every time. To avoid this, use rlogin instead, like this:

rlogin linux1

Because linux1 already knows you, it logs you in immediately without bothering to ask for a username or password. rlogin only works this way if your username is known and you have an .rhosts entry. If not, rlogin will still ask for a username and password.

Providing rlogin services is fine in intranet environments or closed networks, but they aren't essential on a public Web host. To remove rlogind (the rlogin server), remove it from (or comment it out in) inetd.conf. Also, as an extra measure, you might want to remove /etc/hosts.equiv and do a disk-wide removal of any .rhosts files.

rexec (Remote Execution Services)

rexec services are somewhat antiquated but still available on Linux. rexec offers remote command execution, much like rsh. The chief difference is that users must supply a password to execute commands with rexec. However, even with this level of protection, I would still recommend disabling rexecd (the rexec server) on public Web hosts. To do so, comment out rexecd in inetd.conf.

rwhod (The Remote who Services)

rwho is the networked version of who, which is a utility that reports information on currently logged users. Here's an example of a simple who query's output:

NAME       LINE         TIME
mikal      ttyq0        Jun 14 02:51

Or, here's a more advanced who query's output, which shows not simply the currently logged user's username and tty, but also his last command:

NAME    LINE         TIME          IDLE    PID  COMMENTS
   .    system boot  Jun 14 02:38
   .    run-level 2  Jun 14 02:38    2    0    S
mikal   ftp1253      Jun 14 02:44   1253  id=ftp0 term=0   exit=0
mikal + ttyq0        Jun 14 02:51   .     1497

rwhod (the rwho server) serves such information to remote rwho clients. This utility (much like rusers) can expose sensitive information and help crackers build user lists and usage time- tables. I recommend that you disable rwhod. To do so, comment it out in inetd.conf.

Other Services

Next, let's quickly cover additional services that might be running if you didn't personally perform the installation, or if others have previously administered your Linux Web host.

Here's a common scenario: Your organization has been using a Linux box for development for several months. Suddenly, you're informed that the box should be converted to a Web or intranet host. Under these conditions, you should perform a reinstallation. However, if you don't, you may have to disable several services that, although perfectly acceptable on a standalone or internal server, could pose security risks on a Web server.

Table 14.1 addresses those services and what they do, and offers some quick background and suggestions on each one.

Table 14.1. Other Network Services and Daemons

Service Description
amd This is a daemon for automatically mounting file systems and is often used in NFS-enabled environments. Hence, it's a strong candidate, likely to appear on intranet hosts. If you're migrating an intranet host to a public Web host, check for amd. If it's running, ensure that it isn't needed. If not, disable it.
bootparamd This is a tool for remotely booting Sun systems. It has no place on a public Web host, so disable it if you find it running.
dhcpd This is the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) daemon. DHCP allows your Linux system to relay vital network information to incoming clients. Users needn't know their IP address, default gateway, or subnet masks before logging in because DHCP does it all for them. Public Web hosts have no need for DHCP. If you find that dhcpd is running, disable it.
gopherd Gopher is an antiquated but effective document distribution system from the University of Minnesota. Gopher was actually the Web's predecessor and was in many ways similar. Originally accessible only via command-line interface, Gopher became the rage following the introduction of graphical Gopher clients. Although it's true that most mainstream Web clients also support Gopher, there are comparatively few instances in which you'd actually provide Gopher services. Some Linux distributions turn Gopher on by default, so be sure to check for it and disable it.
innd This is the Internet News daemon, a service not generally needed on public Web hosts.
lpd This is the line printer daemon, also a service not generally needed on public Web hosts (although it's often seen on intranet hosts). If you find lpd running, disable it.
portmap This RPC program numbers into DARPA protocol port numbers and is only needed if you're providing RPC services like NFS, rusers, rwho, and so on (which, on a Web host, is inadvisable).
smbd This is the Samba server. It provides Server Message Block/LanManager-like services for Linux systems. This allows Linux boxes to serve as file servers in Microsoft-centric networks, which makes smbd a common choice for intranet hosts. On a public Web host, disable smbd.
ypbind This allows client processes to bind or connect to NIS servers. Generally, you wouldn't run NIS on a public Web server, so I recommend disabling it.
ypserv This serves local NIS information to remote hosts. Generally, you wouldn't run NIS on a public Web server, so I recommend disabling it.

If you're unsure of which services your Web host is running, try scanning the system from port 0 to port 65000. This will reveal many (but not all) running services. (To learn more about network scanning, please see Chapter 8, "Scanners." )

Finally, note that when you disable services, your changes won't go live until you restart inetd and httpd.


The bottom line is this: When you build your Web host, try to adhere to the "Minimal is better" philosophy by eliminating everything that isn't absolutely necessary, including X, games, multimedia, demos, development example files, sample applications, additional shells, and so on.

Applying Access Control to Running Services

In all likelihood, you'll run several services that could open security holes. For example, it would be difficult to establish and maintain a Web host without providing FTP services to at least internal users. Hence, you'll need to apply host-based access control to those services.

You do this using a toolkit called TCP Wrappers, which offers pattern-matching-based access control to remote services. You can use this to allow or deny services to specified users.

The TCP Wrappers toolkit offers you wide latitude and functionally resembles a mixture of firewall and intrusion detection tools. Built into the TCP Wrappers system is an extensive access control language, hosts_access, through which you can not only allow and deny access, but also trigger various events when TCP Wrappers detects certain activity. Learn more about TCP Wrappers in Chapter 18, "Linux and Firewalls."

Web Server Security

After slimming down your Web host's services, your next step is to establish access control and authentication on your Web server. That's what this section is all about.

Apache is the Web server, httpd, on most modern Linux distributions.


Application:  httpd

Required:  Apache

Config files:  access.conf, httpd.conf, srm.conf

Security history: Like any mature distribution, Apache has had security bugs in the past. However, the current release is quite stable. To examine Apache's security history, go to There you'll find an exceptionally comprehensive bug tracking system, with a search engine that provides indexing by bug type, module, version, and severity (critical, serious, or non-critical).

Notes: Apache 1.3.4, released in January 1999, handles all directives in a single, unified file named httpd.conf-dist.

Originally a replacement for (and improvement on) the National Center for Supercomputer Applications' httpd, Apache is the world's most popular HTTP server and provides many built-in security mechanisms, including

  • Host-based network access control

  • Control over if and where local users can run CGI scripts

  • Control over if and how local users can override your settings

Let's look at these features now.

Controlling Outside Access: access.conf

Apache provides host-based network access control via access.conf. Depending on your Linux distribution, access.conf might be located in several directories, but the most likely is /etc/httpd/apache/conf/.

Here's a standard access.conf from a default installation:

# access.conf: Global access configuration
# Online docs at
# This file defines server settings which affect which types of
# services are allowed, and in what circumstances.
# Each directory to which Apache has access, can be configured
# with respect
# to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in that
# directory (and its subdirectories).
# Originally by Rob McCool
# First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of
# permissions.

<Directory />
Options None
AllowOverride None

# Note that from this point forward you must specifically allow
# particular features to be enabled - so if something's not working as
# you might expect, make sure that you have specifically enabled it
# below.
# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.

<Directory /home/httpd/html>

# This may also be "None", "All", or any combination of "Indexes",
# "Includes", "FollowSymLinks", "ExecCGI", or "MultiViews".
# Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"
# doesn't give it to you.

# Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Options None

# This controls which options the .htaccess files in directories can
# override. Can also be "All", or any combination of "Options",
# "FileInfo", "AuthConfig", and "Limit"

AllowOverride None

# Controls who can get stuff from this server.

order allow,deny
allow from all


# /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin should be changed to whatever your
# ScriptAliased CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.

#<Directory /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin>
<Directory /home/httpd/cgi-bin>
AllowOverride None
#Options None
Options ExecCGI

# Allow server status reports, with the URL of
# http://servername/server-status
# Change the "" to match your domain to enable.

#<Location /server-status>
#SetHandler server-status

#order deny,allow
#deny from all
#allow from

# There have been reports of people trying to abuse an old bug from
# pre-1.1 days.  This bug involved a CGI script distributed as a part
# of Apache. By uncommenting these lines you can redirect these attacks
# to a logging script on  Or, you can record them
# yourself, using the script
# support/phf_abuse_log.cgi.

#<Location /cgi-bin/phf*>
#deny from all
#ErrorDocument 403

# You may place any other directories or locations you wish to have
# access information for after this one.

To establish rules for applying network access control, concentrate your efforts on directives in this section:

# Controls who can get stuff from this server.

order allow,deny
allow from all

The directives offer three avenues of control:

  • allow—The allow directive controls which hosts (if any) can connect and offers you four choices: all, none, or list (where list is a list of approved hosts).

  • deny—The deny directive controls which hosts (if any) cannot connect and offers you three choices: all, none, or list (again, where list is a list of unapproved hosts).

  • order—The order directive controls the order in which the allow/deny rules are applied and offers three choices: allow, deny, deny, allow, or mutual-failure. (mutual-failure is a special option that specifies that a connection must pass both allow and deny rules.)

Using these directives in concert, you can apply access control in several ways:

  • Inclusively—Here, you explicitly name all authorized hosts.

  • Exclusively—Here, you explicitly name all unauthorized hosts.

  • Inclusively and exclusively—Here, you mix and match.

Let's look at a few examples.

Inclusive Screening: Explicitly Allowing Authorized Hosts

Suppose your host was and you wanted to restrict all outside traffic. Your access control section might look like this:

order deny, allow
allow from
deny from all

Here, on evaluation of a connect request, the server first processes denials and rejects everyone. Next, it checks for approved hosts and finds In this scenario, only connection requests from are allowed.

Of course, this scenario is a bit too restrictive. Chances are, you'd like to allow at least a few machines in your domain to connect. If so, you could make the rules slightly more liberal using a host list, like this:

order deny, allow
allow from
deny from all

In this new scenario, not only can connect, but and can too. However, other machines in your domain are left out in the cold. (For example, the server will reject connections from and

Or perhaps you aim to allow all connections initiated from your domain, and reject only those coming from foreign networks. To do so, you could configure the access control directives like this:

order deny, allow
allow from
deny from all

Here, any machine in the domain can connect. However, note that wherever possible, you should use IP addresses instead of hostnames to designate hosts and networks. This will guard against DNS spoofing.


In DNS spoofing, the cracker compromises the DNS server and explicitly alters the hostname-IP address tables. These changes are written into the translation table databases on the DNS server. Thus, when a client requests a lookup, he or she is given a bogus address; this address would be the IP address of a machine completely under the cracker's control.

Here's an example that limits connections to those initiated by the host :

order deny, allow
allow from
deny from all

And here's a more general ruleset that limits connections to those initiated from Deltanet's network:

order deny, allow
allow from 199.171.190
deny from all

But these are inclusive schemes, where you explicitly name all hosts or networks that can connect. You need not rely on inclusive schemes alone. You can also use exclusive schemes to screen out just one host (or a few of them) using the deny directive.

Exclusive Screening: Explicitly Blocking Unwanted Hosts

Suppose you wanted to block connections from but still allow connections from everyone else. You might set up your directives like this:

order deny, allow
allow from all
deny from

This would block only and grant other hosts open access. Of course, in practice this would probably be an unrealistic approach. The folks on hackers likely also have accounts on other machines within Therefore, you might be forced to block the entire domain, like this:

order deny, allow
allow from all
deny from

This would block any host coming from And if you later encountered problems from users on hackers from still other domains, you could simply add the new "bad" domains to the list, like this:

order allow, deny
allow from all
deny from

But things aren't always that cut-and-dried. Sometimes you need to limit access to a single domain and even refuse connections from machines within it. For this, you must use the mutual-failure option.

The mutual-failure Option: Mix and Match

Suppose that you're running Apache in an intranet environment where your main network is Your aim is to provide Web access to all hosts but and The easiest way is to establish a ruleset like this:

order mutual-failure
allow from
deny from

The mutual-failure directive forces a test where incoming hosts must meet both allow and deny rules. Here, all hosts in are granted access except accounts and shipping.

Configuration Options That Can Affect Security

Except for network access control functions in access.conf, Apache installs with optimal security settings. In fact, these settings are stringent enough that you may have to change some of them.

As you tailor your Apache configuration to suit your needs and you learn more about it, you may be tempted to enable many useful options that are disabled by default. Table 14.2 lists these options and what they do.

Table 14.2. Various Options in access.conf

Option Purpose
ExecCGI Specifiesthat CGI scripts can be executed under this directory hierarchy.
FollowSymLinks Allows remote users to follow symbolic links simply by clicking on their hyperlinks.
Includes Specifiesthat Apache will process Server Side Includes.
Indexes Enables a directory listing where Apache will display a file list if no default page is found.

These options, and the way you configure them, can raise security issues. Let's briefly cover those now.

The ExecCGI Option: Enabling CGI Program Execution

Not long after the Web emerged, it became apparent that, although hypertext allowed users to navigate through documents (or between them), it provided little interactivity. Users couldn't manipulate data or search through it.

In response, developers created various programs that could interact with Web servers to produce rudimentary indexing. And as the demand for this functionality increased, so did the need for a standard by which such gateway programs could be written. The result was the Common Gateway Interface (CGI).

CGI is a standard that specifies how Web servers use external applications to pass dynamic information to Web clients. CGI is platform- and language-neutral, so as long as you have the necessary compiler or interpreter, you can write gateway programs in any language. This includes but is not limited to the following:


  • C/C++

  • Perl

  • Python

  • REXX

  • TCL

  • The shell languages (sh, csh, bash, ksh, ash, zsh, etc.)

Typical CGI tasks include performing database lookups, displaying statistics, and running WHOIS or FINGER queries through a Web interface. (Although technically, you could perform almost any network-based query using CGI.)

Apache allows you to control whether CGI programs can be executed and who can execute them. To add CGI execution permission, enable the ExecCGI option in access.conf, like this:

Options ExecCGI

Does enabling CGI execution pose any risk? Yes, because although you may observe safe programming practices, your users might not. They could inadvertently write CGI programs that weaken system security. Hence, enabling CGI execution is sometimes more trouble than it is worth. Frankly, you may find yourself reviewing your users' code, looking for possible holes.

If you can avoid granting CGI execution, do it.


You can also restrict CGI execution to a specific directory. This way, you can install and execute CGI scripts but your users can't. Some ISPs do this and mandate that users submit their scripts for examination. If the scripts seem safe, the ISP will house them in the approved directory. To restrict CGI to a particular directory, use the ScriptAlias directive to define your desired directory.

The FollowSymLinks Option: Allowing Users to Follow Symbolic Links

Linux supports symbolic links, which are small files that point to the location of other files. When accessed, a symbolic link behaves as though the user accessed the real, referenced file.

For example, suppose your home directory was /home/hacker and you frequently accessed a file named /home/jack/accounting/reports/1999/returns.txt. Instead of typing that long path each time you needed access, you could create a symbolic link, like this:

ln –s  /home/jack/accounting/reports/1999/returns.txt returns.txt

This would place a symbolic link named reports.txt in your home directory. From then on, you could access reports.txt locally. This is quite convenient.

Apache supports an option called FollowSymLinks that allows remote users to follow symbolic links in the current directory simply by clicking on their hyperlinks. This has serious security implications because local users can inadvertently (or even maliciously) link to internal system files and thus "break the barrier," allowing remote users to jump over the virtual barrier that separates the Web space from the main file system hierarchy. Do not enable the FollowSymLinks option.


Another reason not to enable FollowSymLinks is that you must constantly check that files that are linked to have sufficiently restrictive permissions. If you have more than a handful of users, this could eat up substantial time and effort and prove to be a real hassle.

The Includes Option: Enabling Server Side Includes (SSI)

Apache supports Server Side Includes (SSI), a system that allows Webmasters to include on-the-fly information in HTML documents without actually writing CGI programs.

SSI does this using HTML-based directives, which are commands that you can embed in HTML documents. When Web clients request such documents, the server parses and executes those commands.

Here's an example using the config timefmt directive that reports the time and date:

The current date and time is:
<!--#config timefmt="%B %e %Y"-->

When a Web browser calls this document, the server will capture the local host's date and time and then output the following:

The current date and time is: Monday, 14-Jun-99 11:47:37 PST

This is quite convenient and much easier than writing a Perl script (which might have to parse other data) to do the same:

    read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
    @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
    foreach $pair (@pairs)
        ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
        $value =~ tr/+/ /;
        $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
        $value =~ tr/,/ /;
        $contents{$name} = $value;

print "Content-type: text/html

print "<html>";
print "The current date and time is $mydate
print  "</html>";

Similarly, SSI allows you to cleanly include additional HTML documents in the final output. For example, suppose you have a Web page that reports daily hacker news, like the one in Figure 14.1.

Yet another hacker news reporting page.

Figure 14.1. Yet another hacker news reporting page.

The header and footer are static, and it's really only the news that changes. Hence, you could create a special file for dynamic news, news.html, and allow your reporters to add their stories to it as they receive them. Meanwhile, backstage, you might employ a script like this:

open(HEADER, "header.html");
while(<HEADER>) {

open(NEWS, "news.html");
while(<NEWS>) {

open(FOOTER, "footer.html");
while(<FOOTER>) {

The script displays the header, the updated news file, and the footer in sequence. The end result is that you never have to edit or rewrite the header or footer, and all fresh edits to news.html are always automatically displayed. But this seems like an awful lot of work, especially when you could just add this SSI directive to your home page source to achieve precisely the same result:

<!--#include file="news.html"-->

Because SSIs are so convenient, you might be persuaded to enable them. I recommend that you don't because they can pose security risks. For example, the exec cmd directive allows you to specify systems commands within your source, like this:

<!--#exec cmd=" ls –l /"--> (This would output a directory listing).

This could open your server to possible attack. For instance, suppose your Web page also has a form that takes user input. An attacker could download the HTML source, insert malicious exec commands, and then submit the form. Your server would process the form and unwittingly execute the commands assigned to exec.

For this reason, if you do intend to allow SSIs, at least restrict them to file inclusion and display functions only.

Enabling Server Side Includes Without Command Execution

By default, access.conf denies all options, including SSIs:

# Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Options None

To enable basic SSI without enabling the exec directive, change your Options line to this:

# Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Options IncludesNOEXEC

The Indexes Option: Enabling Directory Indexing

One option you shouldn't enable is directory indexing. This is when Apache sends a directory listing if no default page is found. In a moment, I'll demonstrate why this is undesirable. But first, let's examine how directory indexing works.

It's an unfortunate fact of life that you cannot control how others construct hyperlinks to your server pages. In a perfect world, all Webmasters would use fully qualified URLs, like this:

This URL contains all possible variables:

  • The protocol (http)

  • The server's base address

  • The port that httpd is listening on (8080)

  • The directory path (/)

  • The desired document (index.html)

Alas, few Webmasters, amateur or professional, take the time to construct URLs this way. Instead, they're more apt to do something like this:

As you can see, some key variables are missing. This initially doesn't seem problematic because your Web host will sort it out. After receiving the connection request, it will find httpd, which in turn will call the Web server's / directory.

By default, your Web server looks for a file named index.html in the requested directory. With directory indexing, if the Web server cannot find index.html, it sends a directory listing instead. Please see Figure 14.2.

A directory listing.

Figure 14.2. A directory listing.

This is undesirable because remote users can browse your file list. Therefore, unless you're hosting an archive where you intend to provide file browsing, do not enable directory listing.


Note that if you do enable the directory listing option, you should ensure that your directories do not contain sensitive files: access control lists, configuration files, or databases such as .htpasswd and .htaccess. See the following section for more information on these files.

Adding Directory Access Control with Basic HTTP Authentication

Beyond the measures discussed previously, you can also add additional password protection and access control at the directory level with htpasswd, and allow your users to do the same on a per-directory basis.


The prevailing tool for password-protecting Web directories is Rob McCool's htpasswd.

Application:  htpasswd

Required:  htpasswd and Apache

Config files:  .htpasswd, .htaccess, .htgroup

Security history:  htpasswd has no relevant security history. However, Apache 1.2 had a buffer overflow in cfg_getline(), a function used to read various files, including the htpasswd access files (.htpasswd and .htaccess). This allowed users without access to the Web server UID to obtain such access. You should have a more recent Apache release, but if not, upgrade.

Notes: None

The htpasswd system offers access control at the user and group levels via three configuration files. Each file fulfills a different function in the authentication process:

  • .htpasswd—The password database. It stores username and password pairs. .htpasswd vaguely resembles /etc/passwd in this respect. When users request access to the protected Web directory, the server prompts them for a username and password. The server then compares these user-supplied values to those stored in .htpasswd. .htpasswd is mandatory.

  • .htgroup—The htpasswd groups file. It stores group membership information, and in this respect it vaguely resembles /etc/group. .htgroup is optional; you only need it if you implement group access control.

  • .htaccess—The htpasswd access file. It stores access rules (allow, deny), the location of configuration files, the authentication method, and so on. .htaccess is mandatory.

The following examples show how to implement simple user-based and more complex group-based HTTP authentication.

Setting Up Simple User-Based HTTP Authentication

In this example, you'll password-protect Web directories belonging to a user named Nicole, located in and beneath /home/Nicole/public_html. Because group authentication is not involved, you need only take two steps:

  • Create a new .htpasswd database

  • Create a new .htaccess file

Creating a New .htpasswd Database

To create a new .htpasswd password database, issue the htpasswd command plus the -c switch, the password filename, and the username, like this:

$ /usr/sbin/htpasswd -c .htpasswd nicole


Depending on your installation, you may find htpasswd utility in different directories. Two common locations are /home/httpd/bin and /usr/sbin.

The preceding command tells htpasswd to create a new htpasswd database, .htpasswd, with a user entry for user nicole. In response, htpasswd will prompt you for the new user's password:

Adding password for nicole.
New password:

Finally, when you enter the new password, htpasswd will prompt you to confirm it:

Re-type new password:

If the two passwords match, htpasswd will commit this information to .htpasswd, a plain-text file broken into two comma-delimited fields, the username and the encrypted password:


This new .htpasswd file is your password database. The next step is to create your .htaccess file.

Creating a New .htaccess File

The .htaccess file stores your access rules and various configuration information. To create it, you can use any plain-text editor.

Here's the .htaccess file for Nicole's Web directory:

AuthUserFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName Nicole
AuthType Basic

<Limit GET POST>
require user nicole

The file consists of five main directives and their corresponding values:

  • AuthUserFile—Points to the location of the .htpasswd database. Note that when you set AuthUserFile, you must specify the full path to .htpasswd. For instance, in the preceding example, the path is /home/Nicole/public_html, not /~Nicole/public_html.

  • AuthGroupFile—Points to the location of your group access file, normally .htgroup. In this first example, a group file wasn't necessary, so I set the AuthGroupFile directive value to /dev/null.

  • AuthName—Stores a user-defined text string to display when the authentication dialog box appears. When users request access, they're confronted by a username/password prompt. The caption requests that they "Enter username for AuthName at hostname ." Although the server fills in the hostname variable, you must specify the AuthName variable's value. If you leave it blank, the dialog will display a message like "Enter username for——at"

  • AuthType—Identifies the authentication method. In the preceding example, I specified basic authentication, the most commonly used type. Note that although basic authentication provides effective password protection, it does not protect against eavesdropping. That's because in basic authentication, passwords are sent in uuencoded format. More on this later.

  • Limit—Controls which users are allowed access, what type of access they can obtain (such as GET, PUT, and POST), and the order in which these rules are evaluated.

The Limit directive's four internal directives offer refined access control:

  • require—Specifies which users or groups can access the password-protected directory. Valid choices are explicitly named users, explicitly named user groups, or any valid user who appears in .htpasswd. In the example file, I used the require directive to limit access to user nicole (require user nicole).

  • allow—Controls which hosts can access the password-protected directory. Syntax is allow from host1 host2 host3 , and you can specify these hosts by hostname, IP address, or partial IP addresses.

  • deny—Specifies which hosts are prohibited from accessing the password-protected directory. Syntax is deny from host1 host2 host3 . Here, too, you can specify hosts by their fully qualified hostnames, IP addresses, or partial IP addresses.

  • order—Controls the order in which the server will evaluate access rules. Syntax is deny, allow (deny rules are processed first) or allow, deny (allow rules are processed first).

If you look at the sample file again, it will now make more sense:

AuthUserFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName Nicole
AuthType Basic

<Limit GET POST>
require user nicole

The file specifies that no group access is allowed, that the authentication is type Basic, and that only user nicole's login and password will be accepted for comparison with the password database's values.

When users connect to Nicole's site, the server locates .htpasswd and notifies the client that authentication is required. In response, the Web browser displays a password dialog box. Please see Figure 14.3.

The HTTP password authentication dialog.

Figure 14.3. The HTTP password authentication dialog.

If the user supplies an incorrect username or password, the server rejects his authentication attempt and offers him another opportunity. Please see Figure 14.4.

The HTTP failed authentication confirmation dialog.

Figure 14.4. The HTTP failed authentication confirmation dialog.

This method is quite effective for password-protecting a single directory hierarchy for a single user. Now, let's address group access.

Setting Up Group-Based HTTP Authentication

Setting up group authentication is just slightly more complicated. For this, you must create an .htgroup file. In this example, let's stick with Nicole's site, located in /home/Nicole/ public_html/.

Let's assume that you want to grant users larry, moe, and curly access to Nicole's site. First, you need to designate a group, which you'll fittingly call stooges. Here's a corresponding .htgroup file:

stooges: larry moe curly

The file is broken into two fields. The first identifies the group, and the second holds your user list. Once you've created .htgroup, you must edit .htaccess and specify .htgroup's location:

AuthUserFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htgroup
AuthName Nicole
AuthType Basic

<Limit GET POST>
require user nicole

And finally, you must specify access rules for group stooges:

AuthUserFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htgroup
AuthName Nicole
AuthType Basic

<Limit GET POST>
require group stooges

When should you use group-based authentication? Here's an example on a microscopic scale: Suppose you password-protect /public_html and allow users larry, moe, and curly to access it. Suppose further that beneath /public_html, you create a special directory named /reports and you want to restrict access to larry and moe only. You could create two groups, as depicted in Figure 14.5.

Two groups with securityWeb servershtpasswd Web serverssecurityhtpasswd serversWeb serverssecurity htpasswd Apachehtpasswdsome users shared and some users not.

Figure 14.5. Two groups with some users shared and some users not.

All members of Group A and Group B can access /public_html. However, only larry and moe from Group B can access /public_html/reports.

In reality, if you were dealing with only three users, you could create new .htpasswd and .htaccess files in /public_html/reports and allow any valid user appearing in /public_html/reports/.htpasswd (larry or moe or both). However, when you have several hundred users and multiple directories and subdirectories to restrict, group-based authentication is quite convenient.

Weaknesses in Basic HTTP Authentication

Basic HTTP authentication is a great quick fix for password-protecting Web directories, but it does have weaknesses:

  • htpasswd protects against strictly outside approaches. It does not protect local Web directories from local users who can access such directories directly, via the file system or through other services, without using a Web client.

  • By default, the htpasswd system provides no password lockout mechanism and therefore invites sustained, reiterative, or brute-force attacks. Attackers can try as many usernames and passwords as they like. To try a brute-force attack, get BeastMaster's brute_Web, located at . (Note that brute_Web requires a dictionary file.)

Also, basic HTTP authentication methods are well known. Therefore, when you're employing HTTP authentication on public Web hosts, I strongly recommend that you do not store .htpasswd files in the directories they protect. If you do, authorized users will be able to download the file and run password-cracking tools against it. This is the Web equivalent of someone grabbing /etc/passwd.

But basic HTTP authentication's greatest weakness by far is that passwords are sent in encoded but not encrypted format. Hence, attackers can sniff authentication traffic.


To sniff your own HTTP authentication traffic, get Web_sniff by BeastMaster V from Rootshell. It was specifically designed to capture and decode basic HTTP authentication passwords on-the-fly. Find it at .

If you're concerned about electronic eavesdropping, you can opt out of basic HTTP authentication for something more industrial-strength: cryptographic authentication.

HTTP and Cryptographic Authentication

Currently, above and beyond Basic type authentication, Apache supports digest-based cryptographic authentication using MD5. MD5 belongs to a family of one-way hash functions called message digest algorithms and was originally defined in RFC 1321:

  • The algorithm [MD5] takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input. It is conjectured that it is computationally infeasible to produce two messages having the same message digest, or to produce any message having a given prespecified target message digest. The MD5 algorithm is intended for digital signature applications, where a large file must be "compressed" in a secure manner before being encrypted with a private (secret) key under a public-key cryptosystem such as RSA.

(RFC 1321 is located at .)

MD5 has been most often used to ascertain file integrity (or whether someone has tampered with files). When you run a file through MD5, the fingerprint emerges as a unique 32-character value, like this:


Many UNIX software distribution sites use MD5 to generate digital fingerprints for their distributions. As you browse their directories, you can examine the original digital fingerprint of each file. A typical directory listing would look like this:

MD5 (wn-1.17.8.tar.gz) = 2f52aadd1defeda5bad91da8efc0f980
MD5 (wn-1.17.7.tar.gz) = b92916d83f377b143360f068df6d8116
MD5 (wn-1.17.6.tar.gz) = 18d02b9f24a49dee239a78ecfaf9c6fa
MD5 (wn-1.17.5.tar.gz) = 0cf8f8d0145bb7678abcc518f0cb39e9
MD5 (wn-1.17.4.tar.gz) = 4afe7c522ebe0377269da0c7f26ef6b8
MD5 (wn-1.17.3.tar.gz) = aaf3c2b1c4eaa3ebb37e8227e3327856
MD5 (wn-1.17.2.tar.gz) = 9b29eaa366d4f4dc6de6489e1e844fb9
MD5 (wn-1.17.1.tar.gz) = 91759da54792f1cab743a034542107d0
MD5 (wn-1.17.0.tar.gz) = 32f6eb7f69b4bdc64a163bf744923b41

If you download a file from such a server and later determine that the digital fingerprint differs from its reported original, something is amiss.

Because MD5 offers high assurance, developers have incorporated it into many network applications. MD5 authentication over HTTP has actually been available ever since NCSA httpd was the prevailing Web server. Let's look at MD5 digest authentication now.

Adding MD5 Digest Authentication

You can add MD5 authentication using the htdigest tool.

Application:  htdigest

Required:  htdigest and Apache

Config files:  .htdigest

Security history:  htdigest has no relevant security history.

Notes: None

htdigest works in a similar fashion as htpasswd. To create a new digest database, .htdigest, issue the following command:

htdigest -c  .htdigest [realm] [username]


The realm variable is your AuthName from .htpasswd.

Next, edit .htacess and specify .htdigest's location:

AuthUserFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htgroup
AuthDigestFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htdigest
AuthName Nicole
AuthType Basic

<Limit GET POST>
require user nicole

And finally, specify the new authentication type:

AuthUserFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htgroup
AuthDigestFile /home/Nicole/public_html/.htdigest
AuthName Nicole
AuthType Digest

<Limit GET POST>
require user nicole

After you complete these steps, all further authentication will be digest-based. This will at least ensure that even if attackers come armed with sniffers, they won't be able to harvest any passwords.


One drawback of MD5 authentication is that not every client supports it. However, this is a minor concern because although more than 50 eclectic browsers exist, most users stick to mainstream products.

Running a chroot Web Environment

Another method of bolstering Web security is to run a chroot Web environment. To do so, use the chroot program.

Application:  chroot

Required:  chroot

Config files: None

Security history: None

chroot allows you to change the root directory. That is, you can designate a "new" root directory hierarchy where your Web will reside. In this directory hierarchy, you create a miniature Linux file system. This environment is sometimes called a "jail" because even if attackers do manage to exploit some weakness in your Web system, their leveraged access cannot bleed over into the main file system.

You create a chroot environment in five steps:

  1. Create a user/owner for this Web tree.

  2. Create a group for this Web tree.

  3. Create the Web tree's directory.

  4. chroot the Web server root to that directory.

  5. Create a miniature directory system there.

All of these steps are simple except for the last one. For example, assume that the owner is webowner and the group is webgroup. To create the root directory, webjail, and set permissions and ownership, you'd issue these commands:

mkdir /webjail
chown -R  webowner:webgroup /webjail
chmod -R 775 /webjail

Next, log in as webowner and create the directory hierarchy. Here, you must carefully consider what programs and functions you want to support. At a minimum, you'll need a /bin directory with one shell and some staple system commands (ls, mv, grep, cat, cp, and so on). But that's not all. If you intend to run any CGI programs, you'll need to include Perl, which would entail /bin/perl and /usr/lib/perl.

After you decide which programs and functions you want to support, create the appropriate directories and copy over the files. Note that you may have to duplicate the directory structure, precisely because some utilities have hard links hard-coded into their source.

When you're finished, issue the following command:

chroot /webjail httpd

Establishing a chroot Web environment is not easy and takes considerable research. The following online documents can guide you through the most difficult choices.

Accreditation and Certification

Finally, I wanted to address a seldom-treated issue that's relevant if you're employing your Linux Web server in electronic commerce: accreditation. In enterprise or electronic commerce environments, you may need verification that your business, process, and transactional processes are secure. Your trading partners might even make this a requisite.

One route is to have your system assessed by a recognized body of professionals (after you've secured it). When your system is assessed this way, it's ultimately given a certificate of assurance. This next section identifies several bodies that offer certification.

Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P., Resource Protection Services (USA)

Coopers&Lybrand's Resource Protection Services group is composed of the Information Technology Security Services (ITSS) and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) services. Their professionals provide a full range of security and BCP solutions, including security implementation services, electronic commerce and cryptography services, technical security analysis and design, penetration testing, security management services, and business continuity planning using their trademarked CALIBER Methodology.

The ITSS branch specializes in testing and certification in the following areas:

  • Secure electronic commerce

  • Penetration testing

  • Risk assessment

  • Security strategy

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

  • 1211 Avenue of the Americas

  • New York, NY 10036-8775

  • Phone: (212) 596-6200

  • Fax: (212) 596-6213

  • URL:

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) offers the WebTrust certification system. In this process, CPAs trained in information security assess your network for the following:

  • Transaction integrity

  • Encryption and secure communications

  • Best security practices

Your successful certification results in a VeriSign security certificate and the WebTrust seal of approval. This notifies customers that CPAs have evaluated your business practices and controls and determined that they are in conformity with WebTrust Principles and Criteria for Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce.

The WebTrust system is similar to CPA certification of your firm's assets, profits, and losses. The certification comes with the signature and assurance of a trained professional licensed in his given area of expertise.

International Computer Security Association (Previously NCSA)

The International Computer Security Association (formerly the National Computer Security Association) is the world's largest provider of computer security assurance services. Their mission is to better public confidence in computer security through a program of products and services certification.

Besides certifying products, ICSA also provides network assurance and certification. This is done through their TruSecure program. TruSecure is a service in which ICSA tests and certifies your Web servers, firewalls, and network at an operational level.

Upon completing the certification process, your company will receive a seal of approval from ICSA.COM certifying your network.

Troy Systems

Troy Systems' Information Systems Security supports government and commercial clients with security planning, risk management, security test and evaluation, vulnerability testing, technical countermeasures, disaster recovery, contingency planning, Internet/intranet security, training and awareness, and certification and accreditation.

Troy Systems services some major governmental agencies. For example, they recently secured a contract with the U.S. Army Medical Information Systems and Services Agency.


Beyond the steps described in this chapter, the best step you can take to secure your Web server is to become intimately familiar with Apache's configuration options. For this, I recommend that you obtain a copy of Apache: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition, by Ben and Peter Laurie, from O'Reilly and Associates.

Also, Web server security is inextricably linked not simply to where your CGI programs reside, but also to whether you wrote them in a secure manner. Hence, if you intend to provide CGI functionality, check Chapter 16, "Secure Web Development," for secure programming techniques. Nothing spoils a secure server like insecure CGI programs.

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