Hour 13. Performing Arithmetic, String Manipulation, and Date/Time Adjustments

Just as arithmetic is a necessary part of everyday life, it's also vital to developing Windows programs. You probably won't write an application that doesn't add, subtract, multiply, or divide some numbers. In this hour, you'll learn how to perform arithmetic in code. You'll also learn about order of operator precedence, which determines how C# evaluates complicated expressions (or equations). After you understand operator precedence, you'll learn how to compare equalities—something you'll do all the time.

Boolean logic is the logic C# itself uses to evaluate expressions in decision-making constructs. If you've never programmed before, Boolean logic may be a new concept to you. However, in this hour I explain what you need to know about Boolean logic to create efficient code that performs as expected. Finally, I show you how to manipulate strings and work with dates and times.

The highlights of this hour include the following:

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