Answers to Hour 3

1: True or False: C# is a true object-oriented language.
A1: True.
2: An attribute that defines the state of an object is called a what?
A2: Property
3: To change the value of a property, the property must be referenced on which side of an equal sign?
A3: The left side
4: What is the term for when a new object is created from a template?
A4: Instantiation
5: An external function of an object (one that is available to code using an object) is called a what?
A5: Method
6: True or False: A property of an object can be another object.
A6: True. Such properties are called object properties.
7: A group of like objects is called what?
A7: Collection
8: What tool is used to explore the members of an object?
A8: Object Browser

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