Answers to Hour 2

1: How can you make the Visual Studio Start Page appear at startup if this feature has been disabled?
A1: Change the At Startup property of the project.
2: Unless instructed otherwise, you are to create what type of project when building examples in this book?
A2: Windows Application project
3: To make a docked design window appear when you hover over its tab and disappear when you move the mouse away from it, you change what setting of the window?
A3: Auto Hide
4: How do you access the Toolbars menu?
A4: Choose Toolbars from the View menu or right-click any toolbar.
5: What design window do you use to add controls to a form?
A5: The toolbox
6: What design window is used to change the attributes of an object?
A6: The Properties window
7: To modify the properties of a project, you must select the project in what design window?
A7: Solution Explorer
8: Which Help feature adjusts the links it displays to match what it is you are doing?
A8: Dynamic Help

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