
The Workshop is designed to help you anticipate possible questions, review what you've learned, and get you thinking about how to put your knowledge into practice. The answers to the quiz are in Appendix A, “Answers to Quizzes/Exercises.”


1:What is the name of the data access components used in the .NET Framework?
2:What is the name given to a collection of DataRows?
3:How do I get data into and out of a DataTable?
4:What object is used to connect to a data source?
5:What argument of a connection string contains information about the type of data being connected to?
6:The functionality of a DataTable (read-only, updateable, and so forth) is determined by what?
7:What are the two .NET data providers supplied as part of the .NET Framework?
8:What method of a DataTable object do you call to create a new row?


  1. Create a new project that connects to the same database used in this example. Rather than displaying a single record in two text boxes, put a list box on the form and fill the list box with the names of the people in the database.

  2. Further extend the project you built in exercise 1 by adding a Name text box below the list. When the user clicks a name in the list, show the name in the text box. If the user clicks another name, update the database with any changes made in the text box to the previously selected name.

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