Q1:Do I need to worry about the anchoring and scrolling capabilities of every form I create?
A1: Absolutely not. The majority of forms in most applications are dialog boxes. A dialog box is a modal form used to gather data from the user. A dialog box is usually a fixed size, which means that its border style is set to a style that cannot be sized. With a fixed-size form, you don't need to worry about anchoring or scrolling.
Q2:How do I know if a project is a candidate for a MDI interface?
A2: If the program will open many instances of the same type of form, it's a candidate for a MDI interface. For instance, if you're creating an image-editing program and the intent is to allow the user to open many images at once, MDI makes sense. Also, if you'll have many forms that will share a common toolbar and menu, you might want to consider MDI.
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