Answers to Hour 21

1: What is the name of the data access components used in the .NET Framework?
2: What is the name given to a collection of DataRows?
A2: DataTable
3: How do I get data into and out of a DataTable?
A3: Use the Fill() and Update() methods of the ADO.NET DataAdapter.
4: What object is used to connect to a data source?
A4: The connection object appropriate to the data source (SqlConnection or OleDbConnection)
5: What argument of a connection string contains information about the type of data being connected to?
A5: The Provider= argument
6: The functionality of a DataTable (read-only, updateable, and so forth) is determined by what?
A6: The DataTable always has the same functionality, regardless of the source of the data.
7: What are the two .NET data providers supplied as part of the .NET Framework?
A7: The OleDb .NET Data Provider and the SqlClient .NET Data Provider
8: What method of a DataTable object do you call to create a new row?
A8: NewRow()

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