Displaying Static Text with the Label Control

Label controls are used to display static text to the user. By static, I mean that the user can't change the text directly (but you can change the text with code). Label controls are one of the most common controls used; fortunately, they're also one of the easiest. Labels are most often used to provide descriptive text for other controls, such as text boxes. Labels are also great for providing status-type information to a user, as well as for providing general instructions on a form.

Begin by creating a new Windows Application named Traditional Controls. Change the name of the default form to fclsControls, and change its Text property to Traditional Controls Example. Next, change the Main entry point to use flcsControls.

Add a new Label control to the form by double-clicking the Label item in the toolbox. The primary property of the Label control is the Text property, which determines the text displayed to the user. When a Label control is first added to a form, the Text property is set to the name of control—this isn't very useful. Set the properties of the new Label control as follows:

Property Value
Name lblMyLabel
Location 5,6
Size 100,25
Text Labels are for static text!

Notice how the label's text appears on two lines (see Figure 7.1). This occurs because the text is forced to fit within the size of a new Label control. In most cases, it's best to place label text on a single line. To do this, you could increase the width either by using the Properties window or by dragging the edge of the control, but there is an easier way. Double-click the Label control's AutoSize property now and notice how the label resizes itself automatically to fit the text on a single line. Double-clicking a property that accepts a set number of values cycles the property to the next value. The AutoSize property of new Label controls is false by default, so double-clicking this property changed it to true.

Figure 7.1. Labels display static text.

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