
The Workshop is designed to help you anticipate possible questions, review what you've learned, and get you thinking about how to put your knowledge into practice. The answers to the quiz are in Appendix A Answers to Quizzes/Exercises.”


1:True or False: Form menu bars are created using the Context Menu control.
2:To create an accelerator or hotkey, preface the character with a(n):
3:If you've designed a menu using a Main Menu control, but that menu isn't visible on the form designer, how do you make it appear?
4:To place a check mark next to a menu item, you set what property of the item?
5:How do you add code to a menu item?
6:Toolbar items are part of what collection?
7:To create a separator on a toolbar, you create a new button and set what property?
8:True or False: Every button on a toolbar has its own Click event.
9:What must you do to have panels appear on a status bar?


  1. Modify the code you created for the toolbar that closes the form to take into consideration the checked status of the Ask Before Closing menu item.

  2. Implement a toggle button that works just like the Ask Before Closing menu item.

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