
Accident scenario, 112
Acrylic fiber plant
emergency power generators, 11
emergency response plans, 11
foam spraying system, 11
hazardous-materials releases
accident sequence and emergency response, 9–10
consequences, 10
lessons learned, 10–11
Acrylonitrile (AN), 161
release, 9
emergency response, 9
environmental effects, 10
groundwater contamination, 10
poisoning symptoms, 10
soil contamination problems, 10
toxic release, 10
vaporization prevention, 10
Action times, 233
Drift River valley
view west of oil terminal, 49
Redoubt Volcano eruption
crude-oil terminal flooding, 48
lahar flows, 48
American Petroleum Institute standard API 650, 96
Anchored steel storage tank
fragility curve for, 124
Annual exceedance probability, 81
End-point scenarios
consequences of, 183
QRA of internal release events, 184
Natech scenarios by
earthquakes, 177, 180
floods, 179
outputs societal risk, 149
quantitative risk analysis, 185
results of, 188
software, 150
vulnerability models, 147
As low as reasonably practicable (ALARP), 115
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 97
Automatic shutdown systems, 221
Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level (APELL) program, 63
Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE), 113
Boiling pool, 101
Cabinet Office of Japan, 1
California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) program, 54
CalARP Program regulations, 207
Cascading effects, 114–115, 237
Chemical-accident prevention, 1
Chemical industry
Natech risk management, 2
Chemical process industry
quantitative risk analysis for, 106
Wenchuan earthquake
fertilizer factory, dryer and pipe severing, collapse, 37
flange failure, 38
Civil-protection measures, 4
Classification, labeling, and packaging (CLP), 92
National System for Disaster Risk Management (SNGRD), 56
National Unit for Risk Management of Disasters (UNGRD), 56
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), alliance with, 56
Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction, 56
Compressed gas, 95
Consequence-analysis models, 113
dispersion models, 113
loss-of-containment, 113
source term, 113
Continuous pipelines (CP), 98
Conventional scenarios
individual and societal risk, 183
societal risk, internal failures, 187
Critical filling level (CFL), 148, 150, 184
vulnerability model and input parameters for horizontal cylindrical tanks, 151
Critical velocity, 185
Crude distillation unit (CDU), 26
Crude-oil processing plant, 6
Cryogenic liquids, 95, 99
Damage state (DS), 100
Data availability, 238
Dedicated assessment methodologies and tools, 4
Detailed analysis techniques (QRA), 96
Digital elevation model (DEM), 77
Disaster potential, 191
Disaster risk reduction, 1
Discrete damage states, 111
Domino effect, 144, 172
Early-warning systems, 233
Natech-specific, effectiveness of, 233
Earthquakes, 71, 158, 206
characteristics, 71
effective and reliable predictors for, 71
engineering, 71
future impacts, 86
limitations, 86
occurrence probability of, intensity, 71
prevention measures for, 206
pipelines, 209
pipework, 209
storage tanks, 208
probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, 72–75
definition of, input seismic action, 74
European seismic hazard map, 75
ground motion intensity, 72
seismic hazard, 74
seismic zones, definition, 75
structural analysis of equipment, 71
uncertainties, 86
EFFECTS software, 153
Emergency-response planning, 231
accident prevention, 231
consequence mitigation, 231
Emergency Response Planning Guideline 2 (ERPG-2), 123
Empirical equipment damage models, 109
Equipment vulnerability models, 96, 149
atmospheric equipment, 96
hazard classification, based on structural features, 99–101
pipeline systems, 97–99
pressurized equipment, 97
EU Offshore Directive, 54
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), 86
European Macroseismic Intensity Scale, 162
European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), 121
European Seismic Hazard Map (ESHM), 75
EU Water Framework Directive, 54
integrated river basin management, 54
Evacuation, 4
FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC), 80
Fire-fighting teams, 6
Flammability, liquid substances, 100
Floating-roof systems, 8
Flood(ing), 78, 215
categories of water impact, 78
conceptual framework for, 83
definition, 78
estimation of, maximum water depth and velocity, 79
flood hazard classification, 78
flood maps, 81
Flood Risk Management Plans, 86
flood-triggered accidents
individual-risk contours, 186
forecasting and EU floods directive, 84
amount of rainfall, 85
historical data, 84
intensity and height, 84
frequency of, 80–81
future impacts, 86
hazard classification based on
number of floods observed, 79
water depth and velocity, 79
hazard map for, hypothetical 10-20-year, 81
identification of flood-prone areas, 78
intensity of, 78
limitations, 86
Natech risk analysis, 78
preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, 86
prevention measures for, 206
pipelines, 217
pipework, 217
storage tanks, 216
probability, 80–81
scenarios, 183
uncertainties, 86
FloodList project reports, 85
Flood maps, 81
types based on hypothetical case, 84
Fluidized catalytic cracking unit (FCCU), 26, 27
Fragility curves, 163
cumulative, 165
discrete, 165
Fragility functions, 154
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
nuclear accident, 18
Fukushima Natech accident, 66
Geographical Information System (GIS), 145
Global Flood Monitoring System (GFMS), 85
Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, 85
Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Project (GSHAP), 72
homogeneous seismic hazard map, 72
seismic hazard maps, 72
Great East Japan earthquake 2011, 208
Group risk, 193
Guidance for Offsite Consequence Analysis methodology, 123
Hazard and operability study (HAZOP), 29
Hazard curve
peak ground acceleration (PGA)
mean annual frequency of exceedance, 196
Hazardous-materials (hazmat), 3
releases, 5
cause, liquid sloshing, 5
Hazardous plants
operator obligation, 53
Hazardous substances
representative substance, 198
Hazard ranking, 92
Hazmat release likelihood (HRL), 126
HAZUS damage state, 163
Heat radiation, 7, 192
High winds, 217
prevention measures for, 206
storage tanks, 218
Katrina, 1
Rita, 1
Sandy, 1
Hydrocarbon spills, 1
Hydro-meteorological hazards, 237
Immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) toxic concentrations, 123
Impact zones, 170
Individual-risk contours, 106, 185
Individual-risk maps, 149
Industrial-accident databases, 33
Accident Database of UK Institution of Chemical Engineers, 33
eNATECH database, 34
European Commission’s Major Accident Reporting System (MARS), 33
French ARIA database, 33
US Coast Guard National Response Center (NRC) database, 33
Industrial accidents
standard scenarios and associated frequencies, 195
Industrial establishment’s safety report, 54
Industrial facilities
accidental hazardous-materials release, 54
process-safety analysis, 54
process-safety information, 54
standard operating procedures, 54
training and maintenance programs, 54
Industrial plants and units module, 121
Industrial risk assessment, 106
individual risk, 106
qualitative, 106
risk analysis, 106
quantitative, 106
risk analysis, 106
steps in, 106
International Building Code (IBC), 207
Isorisk curves, 106
example of, 106
Istanbul earthquake scenario, 162
Italian Hazard Map, 75
seismic zonation in, 76
Fire Service Law, 55
Great East Japan earthquake, 55
seismic code, 55
High Pressure Gas Safety Law, 55
Land Resilience Basic Law, 55
Law on the Prevention of Disasters in Petroleum Industrial Complexes, 55
Petroleum Complex Disaster Prevention Law, 55
Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, 11–19
chemical releases, 12
nuclear emergency, 12
hazmat releases, 12
mining waste, 12
Sendai port area, fires at refinery, 16–19
accident sequence and emergency response, 16–18
consequences, 19
lessons learned, 19
Tokyo Bay, fires and explosions at LPG storage tank farm, 12–16
accident sequence and emergency response, 12–14
consequences, 15–16
lessons learned, 16
toxic waste, 12
heavy oil tank destruction, 39
Japanese Fire and Disaster Management Agency, 11
Japanese Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, 11
Japanese nuclear power plant, 1
Japan twin disasters, 1
Kocaeli earthquake, 4–11, 159, See also Earthquakes
chemical facility, damage caused, 159
Land-use-planning (LUP), 230
Lightning, 218
prevention measures for, 206
pipelines, 219
pipework, 219
storage tanks, 218
Lightning-related hazards, 234
Liquefied natural gas (LNG), 95
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 95
Liquid evaporation, 95
Liquid sloshing, 206
Liquid substances, 100
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), 140
Local specific individual risk (LSIR), 179
Locational risk (LR), 192
Loss intensities (LIs), 100
classes, 101
Loss of containment (LOC), 3, 105
consequences of, 109
expected severity of, 111
magnitude of, 112
target equipment, 111
Major Accidents Ordinance, 137
Manning’s empirical formula, 79
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), 96
Meteorological lightning location systems, 234
Minor loss, defined, 100
Modified mercalli intensity (MMI), 4
Natech, 1 See also specific headings starting with Natech
risk, 1–2
assessment and management, 2
social, environmental, and economic impacts, 1
Natech accidents, 170, 205
mitigation measures, 220
automated emergency shutoff valves, 220
design, 220
foaming systems, 220
implementation, 220
oil-spill detectors, 220
walls/dikes around storage tanks, 220
water cannons, 220
prevention measures for, 206
coastal storm surge, 211
earthquakes, 206
floods, 215
high winds, 217
lightning, 218
tsunami, 211
Natech events
characteristics, 3–4
data sources and quality, 33–34
earthquake-triggered, 36–37
diamond buckling, 36
direct shaking impact, 36
elephant-foot buckling, 36
ground deformation, 36
by soil liquefaction, 36
hazmat release mechanism, 36
direct shaking impact, 36
liquefaction-induced ground deformation, 36
liquid sloshing, 36
hazmat releases, 36
intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) toppling, 37
overturning of storage racks, 37
flood-triggered, 40–43
buoyancy, 40
cascading event risk, 42
drag forces, 40
exposed petroleum pipeline, 41
hazmat leaks, 40
hazmat release mode
flood-induced erosion, 40
impact of floating debris, 40
river bed scouring, 40
water pressure, 40
water speed, 40
hydrocarbon release, 42
post-accident analyses, 43
soil contamination, 42
substances involved, 35
toxic or flammable substance dispersion, 42
water contamination, 42
water drag, 40
water intrusion, 40
general lessons learned, 34–35
Natech risk-reduction measures implementation, 35
Natech-specific additional safety measures, 35
natural-hazard specific design, 35
risk mitigation, 35
hot weather-triggered, 47
decomposition of substance, 47
direct exposure to solar radiation, 47
polymerization of substance, 47
thermal stresses, 47
lightning-triggered, 45–47
direct structural damage, 45
equipment damage and failure mechanisms, 45
cathodic corrosion, 45
thermal heating, 45
fire in gasoline storage tank, 46
hazmat releases, 45
indirect structural damage, 45
protection measures, 45
low temperatures-triggered, 47
freezing water expansion, 47
frost heave, 47
pipe cracking, 47
safety-relevant function, 47
other, 47–48
extreme temperatures-triggered, 47
volcanic eruptions-triggered, 48
storms-triggered, 43–44
affect on chemical-process industry, 43
chemical releases, 43, 44
hazmat storage areas, 43
hurricane Katrina
wind-induced roof destruction, 43, 45
on-shore damage, 43
via flooding from storm surge, 43
wave loading, 43
wind-related damage, 43
tsunami-triggered, 38–40
debris impact, 39
hazmat release mechanism, 39
ignition probability, 40
Japanese industry, 39
soil contamination, 40
tank overturning and collapse, 39
toxic releases, 40
volcanic eruptions-triggered
ash loading, 48
lahar flows, 48
mitigation actions, 48
seismic activity, 48
volcanic ash fallout, 48
Natech hazards, 91
Natech probabilities, 171
Natech risk, 237
international activities, 61–66
Awareness and preparedness for emergencies at local level (APELL) program
by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 63–65
chemical accident prevention, preparedness and response
OECD guiding principles, 61–63
OECD guiding principles, natech addendum, 61–63
OECD guiding principles, OECD natech project, 61
Sendai framework
for disaster risk reduction 2015-30, 65–66
Natech risk analysis, 99, 162
damage analysis, 162
methodologies and tools, 191
multiple units, 170
with RAPID-N, 162
results for tanks, 170
risk curves and effects, 191
single unit containing a flammable substance, 166
single unit containing a toxic substance, 168
Natech risk-analysis module, 123
analysis process, 123
criteria for, damage classification, 123
fragility curves, 123
level of damage, 123
Natech risk assessment, 91, 92, 108
empirical equipment damage models, 109
hazard identification and consequence analysis, 110
characterization of natural hazard, 110
discrete damage states, 111
probit functions, 112
input information, 109
quantitative risk analysis, 108
risk integration and evaluation, 115–117
seismic risk analysis, 109
Natech risk index (NRIi), 126
as diagnostic tool, 127
graphic representation for, 127
Natech risk reduction, 227, 238
early warning, 233
emergency-response planning, 231
governance, 227
characterization, 228
evaluation, 228
risk appraisal, 228
risk communication, 229
risk management, 229
risk preassessment, 228
implementation of, 56–60
European Union, 56–58
risk-reduction strategies, 57
Germany, 58–60
Commission for process safety, 60
German Environment Agency, 59
German Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), 58
German Major Accident Ordinance, 58
Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, 60
obligations of operators, 58
Technical Rules on Installation Safety (TRAS), 60
mitigation, 229
organizational measures, 227
prevention, 229
Natech risks management
regulatory frameworks, 53–56
Colombia, 56
European Union (EU), 53–54
Japan, 55
United States of America, 54
Natech scenarios, 95, 101
by earthquakes, 177
conventional consequence-analysis models, 178
definition, 178
layout for, 177
local specific individual risk (LSIR), 179
probit functions for human vulnerability, 177, 178
quantitative risk assessment, 179
societal risk levels, 179
by floods, 179, 181, 184
density of, resident population, 183
expected frequency of, 183
flood scenarios, 183
individual risk, 183
layout and vessel features, 179, 182
societal risk, 183
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), 158
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), 80
National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 212
Natural disasters, 1, 237
Natural-gas transmission system, 97
Natural hazards, 191, 231
maps, 238
module, 121
in safety management
criteria for selected sources, 131
flowchart for, 130
scenario, 162
severity parameters, 109
technological secondary effects, 1
zones, 230
North Anatolian Fault (NAF), 157
strike-slip fault system, 157
Nuclear contamination, 1
Observational fragility curves, 148
OECD guiding principles
chemical-accident prevention, 61
emergency plans, 62
Natech risk management, 61
natural-hazard maps, 63
risk assessment, 62
safety reports, 62
supplementation, 61
working group on chemical accidents (WGCA), 61
second Natech project, 63
Offshore platforms and pipelines release
Hurricanes Katrina vs. Rita, 22
Oxyacetylene welding (OAW), 98
Peak ground acceleration (PGA), 71, 158
Peak ground velocity (PGV), 71, 158
Performance-based seismic design (PBSD), 74
Pipelines, structural features of, 98
Plant unit information, example of, 122
Policy gaps, 237
Pool surface areas, 196
Potential life loss (PLL), 187
Preliminary assessment of Natech risk (PANR), 126
data collection, 126
hazard identification, 126
inventory development, 126
Natech risk index (NRIi), 126
qualitative methodology for, 126
risk, definition, 126
vulnerability analysis, 126
Pressurized equipment, 97
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), 70
schematic of five basic steps in, 73
Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis (PTHA), 77
Probability density functions (PDFs), 72
Probit functions, 112
Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation, 54
Quantitative area risk analysis techniques, 145
Quantitative risk analysis (QRA), 106
methodology, 191–193
steps and relevant aspects, 192
Quantitative risk assessment (QRA), 143
ARIPAR-GIS software, 143, 145
Natech package, 145
equipment vulnerability models, 148
flowchart of procedures, 144
identification of credible combinations of events, 146
input data/calculation procedure, 147–148
output, 149–150
iso-risk contours, 153
simplified hazard-ranking criteria, 145
RAPID-N, 119
case study, 125, 157
design, 120
industrial plants and units module, 121
Natech risk-analysis module, 123
natural-hazards module, 121
outlook, 126
scientific module, 120
structure of, 120
RAPID-N earthquake Natech case study
example output of, 125
Reference handbooks, 191
Green Book, 191
Purple Book, 191
Red Book, 191
Yellow Book, 191
Refinery’s naphtha tank farm, 6, 7
Regional earthquake hazard, 157
in-depth assessment, 157
Risk acceptance
Carrot diagram representing framework for, 116
Risk assessment, 238
framework, 143
Risk communication, 238
case study, description of, 193–198
iso-risk contours for QRA, 153
Risk evaluation, 115–117
Risk integration, 115–117
Risk management plan (RMP) rule, 54
Risk management program (RMP), 165
Risk matrix, 106
example of, 107
Risk state (RS), 111, 154
River floods, 234
Scenario earthquake, See Earthquakes
Segmented pipelines (SP), 98
Seismic building codes, 229
Seismic design, 221, 229
Seismic intensity parameter, 154
Seismic Natech risk analysis
characterization of natural hazard, 110
flowchart of procedure, 110
Seismic risk, 157
assessment, 140
Sendai framework
aim, 65
all-hazards approach, 66
disaster risk management, 66
Sendai port area
fires at refinery
asphalt release, 18
burned tanks, 17
economic losses, 19
emergency responders, role of, 18
gasoline release, 16
heavy oil release, 17
multiple pipeline breaks with hydrocarbon release, 17, 18
Natech preparedness level, 19
toxic gas cloud formation, 19
Seveso Directive
amendment, 54
domino effects, 53
major-accident prevention policy (MAPP), 53
safety report, 53
Seveso regulatory bodies
survey, 57
ShakeMap, 162
Simultaneous emergency-response efforts, 4
Societal risk, 145, 192
curves, 106
example of, 108
Soil liquefaction, 221
Stationary vessels
natural-hazard impacts
accident scenarios and frequencies, 197
release frequency, 197
Submerged arc welding (SAW), 98
Substance hazard, 92, 94
categories, 93
released substance, physical state of, 94
compressed gas, 95
cryogenic liquids, 95
liquefied gases under pressure, 94
liquids, 95
Surface faulting, 6
Technical rules for installation safety (TRAS), 128
Technological hazard, 91
Natech risk, 92
substance hazard, 92
Technology hazard matrix, 99
Thai floods, 1
Tokyo Bay
fires and explosions at LPG storage tank farm
damage, 15
economic losses, 16
environmental impact, 15
evacuation, 15
fireball, 14
injuries, 15
methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) release, 14
polypropylene release, 14
refinery’s tank 364, 13
boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE), 13
Toxic-effects models, 114
Toxicity, liquid substances, 100
Toxic substances, 101
Trans-Alaska oil pipeline, 210
engineered seismic protection measures, 211
Transport activities
societal risk, 193
Transportation network, 97
TRAS 310, 128
precautions and measures, 128
accident scenarios, determination of, 136
climate change, consideration of, 134–137
detailed hazard source analysis, 131–134
effects of major accidents, 137
inflows of water, at site, 133
methodological approach of, 129
planning for emergencies, 137
possible causes of, major accidents, 135
potential water runoff routes, 133
protection concepts for scenarios, 136
requirements for adaptation, climate change, 138
safety precautions and measures (flooding), 136
safety-relevant parts of establishments and installations, 134
scenarios and protection aims, specification of, 135
scope of application, 128
simplified hazard source analysis, 129–131
test site, 139
TRAS 320, 128
application of, 139
climate change factor, 139
precautions and measures, 138
Tsunami, 1, 76
annual rate of, 77
equipment, effect on, 195
historical observations, 76
mechanisms of damage, 76
occurrence, effect, 76
probabilistic tsunami hazard, 77
types of waves, 76
Tsunami and coastal storm surge, 211
prevention measures for, 206
pipelines, 214
pipework, 214
storage tanks, 213
Tsunami Risk and Strategies for the European Region (TRANSFER) project, 212
Tsunami-triggered Natech risk, 154
Kocaeli earthquake, 4–11
acrylic fiber plant
hazardous-materials releases, 9–11
Izmit Bay refinery fires, 6–9
accident sequence and emergency response, 6–7
consequences, 7–8
lessons learned, 8–9
Unconfined vapor cloud explosion (UVCE), 113
harmful effects of technological hazards and environmental emergencies, minimization of, 64
objectives, 64
phases, 64
ten elements, 64
United Kingdom
Milford haven thunderstorm, 21–29
accident sequence and emergency response, 26
consequences, 27–28
crude distillation unit (CDU), 26
damage by explosion, 28
explosion, causes and contributing factor, 29
failed elbow bend, 27
flare relief system, 26
fluidized catalytic cracking unit (FCCU), 26
hydrocarbon release, 26
lessons learned, 29
monetary losses, 28
vacuum gas oil (VGO), 26
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 63
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), 91
United States
Department of Transport
research and special programs administration (RSPA), 21
emergency-response planning, 54
hazardous-materials risk management, 54
Katrina and Rita, 21–25
accident sequence and emergency response, 22–24
communication and electrical power system damage, 24
consequences, 24
crude oil and other oil releases, 22
environmental impact, 24
hazardous-materials releases, 21
lessons learned, 25
offshore infrastructure, impact on, 21
offshore platforms and pipelines release, 22
oil rig, 23
oil spills, 21
onshore installations, impact on, 21
pipeline deinventory practice effectiveness, 25
National Transportation Safety Board, 19
Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation, 54
Risk Management Plan (RMP) rule, 54
San Jacinto river flood, 19–21
accident sequence and emergency response, 19–20
consequences, 20
evacuation, 20
fatigue cracks, 20
hydrocarbon release, 19
injuries, 20
lessons learned, 21
petroleum fires, 20
pipeline damage and spills, 19
spill response costs, 20
stream meandering, 21
US Coast Guard offices
incident command post (ICP), 24
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 215
United States Geological Survey (USGS), 121
US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 78
US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 85
US National Weather Service, 23
Vacuum gas oil (VGO), 26
Valve closure, 234
Warning times, 233
Weather-forecasting techniques, 84
Welding, high-quality, 98
Working group on chemical accidents (WGCA), 61
Worst-case risk-analysis approach, 109
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