Unit Testing for Coverage

Code coverage tools provide wonderful assistance in writing, crafting, and maintaining your tests. They graphically show you which code you executed in your tests, letting you know if you hit the code you intended and which code you have not hit yet.

Code coverage by no means gives you an exhaustive understanding of how you have exercised your code. Many constructs branch to multiple code paths in ways that cannot be statically determined. Some of the most powerful features of our various languages—the features that give us the most useful abstractions—work in ways that are transparent to static analysis. While the coverage tool may show you what has been executed when you use these mechanisms, it has no way to know in advance how many permutations exist in order to compute the degree of coverage from execution.

Data-driven execution replaces chained conditionals with lookups, generally from an array or table. In Listing 1-1, the coverage tool will give an accurate assessment of statement coverage for this case, but it cannot tell you whether each of the conditions represented as the transition points in the table have been covered as it could if you implemented it with chained if...else statements. If the functions in the rateComment array were defined elsewhere and potentially reused, the coverage tool would miss even more.

Listing 1-1: An example of data-driven execution in JavaScript demonstrating a blind spot of code coverage

function commentOnInterestRate(rate) {
  var rateComment = [
    [-10.0, function() { throw "I'm ruined!!!"; }],
      function() { gripe("I hope this passes quickly."); }],
    [3.0, function() { mumble("Hope for low inflation."); }],
    [6.0, function() { state("I can live with this."); }],
      function() { proclaim("Retirement, here I come."); }],
    [100.0, function() { throw "Jackpot!"; }]

  for (var index = 0; index < rateComment.length; index++) {
    var candidateComment = rateComment[index];
    if (rate < candidateComment[0]) {

Dynamic dispatch provides another mechanism by which code execution defies static analysis. Take the following simple line of JavaScript.


The value of the variable method is not known until runtime, making it impossible in the general case for a coverage tool to determine the number of available paths. In JavaScript, the number of methods can change over the course of execution, so the even the known methods of the object cannot be used to inform a coverage calculation. This problem is not restricted to dynamic languages. Even canonically statically typed languages such as C++, through virtual functions and pointer-to-member references, and Java, through reflection, have dynamic-dispatch features.

Other situations happen more naturally, what I call semantically handled edge cases. These are cases in which the language or runtime environment automatically translates exceptional conditions into variations that need to be handled differently from normal execution. Java unchecked exceptions, exceptions that do not have to be declared in the method signature, encapsulate a number of these, most famously the dreaded NullPointerException that occurs when trying to use a null reference. The handling of divide-by-zero errors across languages varies from full application crashes to catchable exceptions to the return of NaN9 from the calculation.

9. NaN is the symbolic representation of “not a number” from the IEEE floating-point specifications.

Additionally, code coverage can deceive. Coverage only shows you the code that you executed, not the code you verified. The usefulness of coverage is only as good as the tests that drive it. Even well-intentioned developers can become complacent in the face of a coverage report. Here are some anecdotes of innocent mistakes from teams I have lead in the past that let you begin to imagine the abuse that can be intentionally wrought.

• A developer wrote the setup and execution phases of a test, then got distracted before going home for the weekend. Losing his context, he ran his build Monday morning and committed the code after verifying that he had achieved full coverage. Later inspection of the code revealed that he had committed tests that fully exercised the code under test but contained no assertions. The test achieved code coverage and passed, but the code contained bugs.

• A developer wrote a web controller that acted as the switchyard between pages in the application. Not knowing the destination page for a particular condition, this developer used the empty string as a placeholder and wrote a test that verified that the placeholder was returned as expected, giving passing tests with full coverage. Two months later, a user reported that the application returned to the home page under a certain obscure combination of conditions. Root cause analysis revealed that the empty string placeholder had never been replaced once the right page was defined. The empty string was concatenated to the domain and the context path for the application, redirecting to the home page.

• A developer who had recently discovered and fallen under the spell of mocks wrote a test. The developer inadvertently mocked the code under test, thus executing a passing test. Incidental use of the code under test from other tests resulted in some coverage of the code in question. This particular system did not have full coverage. Later inspection of tests while trying to meaningfully increase the coverage discovered the gaffe, and a test was written that executed the code under test instead of only the mock.

Code coverage is a guide, not a goal. Coverage helps you write the right tests to exercise the syntactic execution paths of your code. Your brain still needs to be engaged. Similarly, the quality of the tests you write depends on the skill and attention you apply to the task of writing them. Coverage has little power to detect accidentally or deliberately shoddy tests.

Notice that at this point I have not talked about which coverage metric to use. Almost everyone thinks of statement or line coverage. Statement coverage is your entry point, your table stakes, provided by almost all coverage tools. Unfortunately, many stop there, sometimes supplementing it with the even weaker class and method/function coverage. I prefer minimally to use branch and condition coverage10 as well. Several tools include branch coverage. Woefully few include condition coverage and beyond. Some additional metrics include loop coverage—each loop must be exercised zero, one, and many times—and data path metrics such as def-use chains11 [LAS83, KOR85]. In Java, the open-source tool CodeCover (http://codecover.org) and Atlassian’s commercial tool Clover do well. Perl’s Devel::Cover handles multiple metrics as well. Although its messages could use some improvement, PMD includes dataflow analysis errors and warnings for UR, DU, and DD anomalies.12

10. Branch coverage evaluates whether each option in the syntactic flow control statements is covered. Condition coverage looks at whether the full effective truth table after short-circuit evaluation is exercised for complex conditions.

11. Definition-use, define-use, or def-use chains are the paths from the definition of a variable to the uses of that variable without an intervening redefinition. See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use-define_chain for the opposite analysis of a use of the variable and all the paths from definitions of that variable to the use without intervening redefinitions. The set of paths is the same for the two metrics, but the grouping is based on opposite end points. Coverage of these paths is a stricter form of coverage than is implemented in most tools.

12. See http://pmd.sourceforge.net/pmd-4.2.5/rules/controversial.html#DataflowAnomalyAnalysis.

I seem to have an affinity for high-availability, high-reliability, and safety-critical software. I have led and worked on teams developing emergency-response software, real-time robotic control (sometimes in conjunction with non-eye-safe lasers), and high-utilization build and test systems for which downtime means real business delays and losses. I have led projects in which we treated 100% statement, branch, condition, and loop coverage as only a milestone to thorough unit testing. Not only did we only derive coverage from unit tests—as opposed to the many other levels of testing we applied to the systems—but we only counted coverage obtained for a class by the test for that class. Incidental coverage by use from other classes was not counted.

In general, I have found that you start to get a quality return at around 50% statement coverage. The return becomes meaningful as you approach 80%. You can get significant return as you pass the milestone of 100%, but the cost of doing so depends on your skill at testing and writing testable, low-complexity, loosely coupled code.13 Whether the cost justifies your return depends on your problem domain, but most teams do not have the experience in achieving it to accurately assess the tradeoff.

13. These milestones are purely anecdotal, but correlate well with the observations of others, including http://brett.maytom.net/2010/08/08/unrealistic-100-code-coverage-with-unit-tests/ and the common targets of 70–80% coverage in many organizations. There are several possible explanations for this effect, ranging from the fact of the tests to the increased focus on design from practices like TDD.

Typically, teams choose an arbitrary number less than 100% based on arguments that it is not worth it to reach 100%. Generally, arguments for what not to test fall into two groups: the trivial and the difficult. Arguments against writing the difficult tests focus on either the algorithmically complex items or the error paths.

The trivial includes things like simple getters and setters. Yes, they can be boring to test, but testing them takes little time and you will never need to wonder if your coverage gap is only due to the trivial omissions.

The algorithmically complex code is most likely the heart of your secret sauce—the thing that distinguishes your software from everyone else’s. That sounds to me like something that requires testing. If the implementation complexity discourages testing, it probably needs design improvements, which can be driven by the need for testability.

The error path tests verify the parts most likely to upset your customers. You rarely see kudos in online reviews for software that does not crash and that handles errors gracefully. Software that crashes, loses data, and otherwise fails badly gets poor and very public reviews. In our eternal optimism, we developers hope and almost assume that the error paths will rarely be traversed, but the reality that the world is perfectly imperfect guarantees that they will. Testing the error paths invests in your customers’ good will under adversity.

Ultimately, you make the decision about the degree of testing your business needs. I recommend that you make that decision from the position of the skilled craftsman who can achieve whatever coverage the business requires rather than from the position of avoiding high coverage because it seems too hard. The purpose of this book is to fill out your tool belt with the patterns, principles, and techniques to make that possible.

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