

1Password, 345

3D view (Maps), 296-298

3G/4G connections, setting up, 52-54

4G connections, setting up, 52-54

10W USB power adapter, 374

() (parentheses), 249


About section, 30-32

accessories, 369

Apple TV, AirPlay mirroring with, 377-378

Apple wireless keyboard, 378-381

cases, 381-383

docks, 373-374

printers, 369-372

SD card and USB adapters, 383-385

Smart Case, 372-373

Smart Cover, 372-373

accounts, authorizing, 314


AirPlay mirroring with Apple TV, 377-378

Lightning Digital AV Adapter, 376-377

Lightning VGA Adapter, 375-376


photos in iPhoto, 183-185

wallpaper images, 30

Air Display, 321

Air Hockey, 358-359

AirPlay, 85, 197, 377-378


bypassing, 372

printers, 370-372

alarms, setting, 119-121


creating, 176-177

viewing, 175-176

alert sounds, setting, 32-33

Amazon Instant Video, 354

Angry Birds HD, 360-361

Apple Component AV Cable, 376

Apple ID, creating, 67

Apple iPad 12W USB power adapter, 374

Apple iPad Smart Cover, 7

Apple TV, AirPlay mirroring with, 377-378

Apple wireless keyboard, 378-381

apps, 301

1Password, 345

Air Display, 321

Air Hockey, 358-359

AirPlay, 85

Amazon Instant Video, 354

Angry Birds HD, 360-361

app folders, creating, 306-307

arranging on iPad, 305-306

Bento 4 for iPad, 345


Day view, 111

events, creating, 108-110

List view, 114

Month view, 113

Week view, 112

Year view, 114


taking photos, 166-167

recording video, 196-197

Clock, 119-121

Comics, 366


adding contacts to favorites, 108

adding images to contacts, 108

composing email to contacts, 107

copying contacts, 107

creating contacts, 104-105

editing contacts, 107

searching for contacts, 106-107

sending messages to contacts, 108

sharing contacts, 108

deleting, 305

Desktop Connect, 321

downloading automatically, 303

Epicurious, 343-344

Evernote, 338-341

Facebook, 318-320


placing video calls, 211-212

setting up, 209-210

Fieldrunners for iPad, 363

finding in App Store, 309-311

Flipboard, 328-330

Galcon Fusion, 361

GarageBand, 350-352

Gold Strike, 364-366

GoodReader, 322-324

Google Play Books, 100

GoReader Pro, 326

Harbor Master HD, 360

help, 313-314

Highborn HD, 359-360

Hulu Plus, 354


buying books, 90-91

reading books, 92-93


adding photos to video, 205-207

adding video titles, 208-209

combining video clips, 199-202

editing video transitions, 203-205

iPhone/iPod touch apps, 311-313

iTap VNC, 320-322

iTeleport for iPad, 321

Kindle, 100

LogMeIn Ignition, 321


composing email, 150-151

configuring account, 146-148

configuring how email is received, 154-155

creating signatures, 152

deleting email, 153

email settings, 156-157

moving email, 153

reading email, 149-150

searching email, 154

spam filters, 153

Maps, 285

bookmarks, 292-293

directions, 289-291

locations, finding, 285-287

places/things, searching for, 288-289

traffic reports, 298-299

views, 294-298

Merriam-Webster Dictionary HD app, 331

Messages app

sending/receiving text messages, 158-159

setting up, 157-158

MindNode, 345

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition, 362

Music, 72-74

Netflix, 353-354

NetNewsWire, 326

NewsRack, 325-328

Newsstand, 366-367

Nook app, 100

Notes, 115-117

OmniGraffle, 345

Pandora, 355-356

Penultimate, 342

Photo Booth, 168-169

Photos. See Photos app

Plants vs. Zombies HD, 362

Printer Center, 371-372

Pulse News Reader, 326

purchasing, 302-304

quitting, 308-309

Real Racing 2 HD, 364

redownloading, 304

Reminders, 117-119

Safari. See web surfing with Safari

Scrabble for iPad, 363

sharing with family, 314

SketchBook Pro, 345

Skype, 332-333

Spotify, 356

StarWalk, 345

Stick It, 334-337

switching between, 308

syncing with iTunes, 59

Things, 345

USA Today, 346

Videos, 83-84

viewing currently running apps, 307-308

The Weather Channel Max+, 346

Wolfram Alpha, 345

WordPress, 345

Word Spy, 365

WritePad, 341-342

YouTube app, 84

Zinio, 367

App Store, 301

finding apps in, 309-311

purchasing apps from, 302-304

arranging apps, 305-306


clock alarms, setting, 119-121


adding to video, 209

buying on iTunes, 77-80

composing with GarageBand, 350-352

Home Sharing, 86

listening to with Pandora, 355-356

playing with AirPlay, 85

playing with Music app, 72-74

playlists, 75-76

muting, 8-9

podcasts, downloading, 81-82

voiceovers, adding to video, 209

volume control, 8

Authorize This Computer menu, 314

authorizing multiple accounts, 314

Auto-Capitalization, 41

Auto-Correction, 41

Auto-enhance button (iPhoto), 184

AutoFill settings, 42

Auto-Lock setting, 34

automatic downloads, 303

averaging columns, 245-248


background images, adding to documents, 235

backing up data, 56

Bento 4 for iPad, 345

Blinds transition, 274-275

Bluetooth settings, 379

Book Jacket Select case (InCase), 381


adding, 97, 132-136

deleting, 133-135

setting in Maps, 292-293

syncing, 135

books, 89


adding, 97, 132-136

deleting, 133-135

syncing, 135

buying from iBooks, 90-91

finding, 92

highlights, 95-96

notes, 95-96

organizing, 98-99


in iBooks, 92-93

in Kindle/Nook apps, 100

reading aids, 94-95

brightness in iBooks, 94


photos, 170-171

to URLs, 124-125

brushed effects, applying to photos, 186

Brushes button (iPhoto), 186


Home button, 6

Wake/Sleep button, 7-8

Buy App button (App Store), 304


apps, 302-304

books from iBooks, 90-91

music from iTunes Store, 77-80

video, 80

bypassing AirPrint, 372


cables. See also adapters

calculations, performing, 249


Day view, 111

events, creating, 108-110

List view, 114

Month view, 113

Week view, 112

syncing with iTunes, 57-58

Year view, 114

calls, placing with Skype, 332-333

Camera app

recording video, 196-197

taking photos, 166-167

Camera Connection Kit, 383-385

Camera Roll, 166-167

cameras, digital

importing photos from, 384-385

capitalizing words, 17

Caps Lock, turning on/off, 41

capturing screen, 180

car chargers, 374

Case Logic 10-inch Tablet Sleeve, 382

cases, 381-383

cells, formatting, 250-252

changing wallpaper, 28-30

charts, creating, 233-234, 258-260

clipart, importing, 229

clips (video)

combining clips in iMovie, 199-202

trimming, 198

clock alarms, setting, 119-121

Clock app, 119-121

Closed Captioning, 46

closing apps, 308-309

cloud. See iCloud


averaging, 245-248

layouts, 226

totaling, 244

comics, reading with Comics app, 366

Comics app, 366


email, 150-151

music with GarageBand, 350-352

computers, syncing with. See syncing

configuring. See setting up


to 3G/4G networks, 52-54

to Wi-Fi networks, 50-51


adding images to, 108

adding to favorites, 108

composing email to, 107

copying, 107

creating, 104-105

editing, 107

nicknames, 105

searching for, 106-107

sending messages to, 108

sharing, 108

syncing, 57-58, 105

VIPs, 150

Contacts app

adding contacts to favorites, 108

adding images to contacts, 108

composing email to contacts, 107

copying contacts, 107

creating contacts, 104-105

editing contacts, 107

searching for contacts, 106-107

sending messages to contacts, 108

sharing contacts, 108

copy and paste, 21


contacts, 107

images, 141-142

text, 21, 141

cropping photos, 172, 185

Crop & Straighten button (iPhoto), 185

Cross Dissolve (iMovie), 204

currently running apps, viewing, 307-308

customizing, 27

alert sounds, 32-33

date/time, 39-40

iBooks display, 94-95

keyboard settings, 40-41

label settings, 46

music settings, 43

Notification Center settings, 44-45

parental restrictions, 36-38

password, 34-35

privacy settings, 38

Safari settings, 42

side switch functionality, 38

video settings, 46

wallpaper, 28-30


Data Roaming, 54

date/time, setting, 39-40

Day view (Calendar), 111


apps, 305

bookmarks, 133-135

email, 153

photos, 181-182

Desktop Connect, 321

details about your iPad, viewing, 30-32

detecting orientation, 9

dictating text, 18-19

dictionaries, Merriam-Webster Dictionary HD app, 331

directions, getting in Maps, 289-291

disabling. See turning on/off

displaying slideshows, 178-179

.doc/.docx files, importing into Pages, 237

docks, 373-374


background images, 235

charts, 233-234

column layouts, 226

creating, 216-217

document setup, 235-236

images, inserting, 227-229

line spacing, 226

lists, 224-225

printing, 220, 236-237

reading with GoodReader, 322-324

shapes, 230-231

sharing, 236-237

syncing with iTunes, 60-61


creating, 231-233

moving, 233

text formatting, 222-223

text styles

applying, 218-220

reusing, 221

undoing mistakes, 218

Do Not Disturb mode, 44


apps automatically, 303

podcasts, 81-82

dragging, 10-11

drawing with SketchBook Pro, 345

driving directions, 289-291

DVDs, importing into iTunes, 79



contacts, 107

photos, 171-172

text, 19-24

video transitions in iMovie, 203-205

Effects button (iPhoto), 187


composing, 150-151


accounts, 146-148

how email is received, 154-155

deleting, 153

folders, creating, 150

moving, 153

reading, 149-150

searching, 154

sending, 150-151

settings, 156-157

signatures, creating, 152

spam filters, 153

emailing video, 197

enabling. See turning on/off

enhancing photos, 172

entertainment apps. See also Game Center

Air Hockey, 358-359

Amazon Instant Video, 354

Angry Birds HD, 360-361

Comics app, 366

Fieldrunners for iPad, 363

Galcon Fusion, 361

GarageBand, 350-352

Gold Strike, 364-366

Harbor Master HD, 360

Highborn HD, 359-360

Hulu Plus, 354

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition, 362

Netflix, 353-354

Pandora, 355-356

Plants vs. Zombies HD, 362

Real Racing 2 HD, 364

Scrabble for iPad, 363

Spotify, 356

Word Spy, 365

Epicurious, 343-344

events, creating, 108-110

Evernote, 338-341

Exposure button (iPhoto), 184

external displays, presenting Keynote presentations on, 282-283

Eye-Fi card, 385


Facebook, 318-320


placing video calls, 211-212

receiving video calls, 212-213

setting up, 209-210

troubleshooting, 213

Favorites, adding contacts to, 108

fetch delivery, 154

Fieldrunners for iPad, 363

fill color (cells), 250-252

filling in web forms, 138-139


apps in App Store, 309-311

books, 92

contacts, 106-107

locations with Maps app, 285-287

RSS feeds, 326

flicking, 10-11

Flipboard, 328-330

folders, creating, 150, 306-307

following people on Twitter, 161

footers, 254

force closing apps, 308-309



cells, 250-252

headers/footers, 254

tables, 253-254

text, 222-223


creating, 255-257

filling in, 138-139

formulas, not updating, 257

four-finger gestures, 11

Fraud Warning, 42


Galcon Fusion, 361

Game Center, 356-358


Air Hockey, 358-359

Angry Birds HD, 360-361

Fieldrunners for iPad, 363

Galcon Fusion, 361

Game Center, 356-358

Gold Strike, 364-366

Harbor Master HD, 360

Highborn HD, 359-360

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition, 362

Plants vs. Zombies HD, 362

Real Racing 2 HD, 364

Scrabble for iPad, 363

Word Spy, 365

GarageBand, 350-352

generations (iPad), 4-5

Genius feature, 76


dragging, 10-11

finger gestures, 11

flicking, 10-11

pinching, 10

tapping, 10

touching, 10

Gold Strike, 364-366

GoodReader, 322-324

Google Play Books app, 100

GoReader Pro, 326

Griffin PowerJolt Car Charge, 374

grouping slides, 279


handwriting notes, 341-342

Harbor Master HD, 360

HD (high definition), 80

HDMI adapters, 281

HDMI connectors, 376

headers, 254

help for apps, 313-314

Highborn HD, 359-360

high definition (HD), 80

highlighting books, 95-96

History (Safari), 130-131

Home button, 6

Home screen, 12-13

bookmarks, 135-136

notes, 334-337

Home Sharing, 86

home video, importing into iTunes, 79

Hulu Plus, 354


iBooks, 89

adding bookmarks, 97

adding notes and highlights, 95-96

alternatives to, 100

buying books, 90-91

customizing display, 94-95

organizing books, 98-99

page-turning effect, turning off, 93

reading books, 92-93

iCloud, syncing with, 66-67

identifying iPad versions, 4-5

IDs, Apple IDs, 67


adding to contacts, 108

adding to email, 151

background images, 235

clipart, 229

copying from web pages, 141-142

inserting into documents, 227-229

photos. See photos

setting as wallpaper, 28-30

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 146


adding photos to video, 205-207

adding video titles, 208-209

combining video clips, 199-202

editing video transitions, 203-205


clipart, 229

DVDs into iTunes, 79

home video into iTunes, 79

photos from camera or SD card, 384-385

InCase Book Jacket Select case, 381

Incase Car Charger, 374

interface elements

copy and paste, 21

dictating text, 18-19

editing text, 19-24

menus, 16

on-screen keyboard, 17-18

sliders, 15

switches, 15

tab bars, 16

toolbars, 16

Internet Wi-Fi connections, setting up, 50-51

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), 146

iOS 5, 5

iOS 6, 5

iPad comparison chart, 4

iPhone apps, 311-313



adjusting, 183-185

brushed effects, 186

sharing, 188

special effects, 187

online journals, 189-193

iPod touch apps, 311-313

iTap VNC, 320-322

iTeleport for iPad, 321


buying music, 77-80

Genius feature, 76

Home Sharing, 86

home video, importing, 79

importing DVDs into, 79

Match, 43, 63, 72

syncing with

advantages, 54-56

apps, 59

calendars, 57-58

contracts, 57-58

documents, 60-61

music, 62-63

photos, 64-67


journals, creating, 189-193

Kensington KeyFolio Pro Keyboard Case, 382

Kensington PowerBolt Micro Car Charger, 374


Apple wireless keyboard, 378-381

on-screen keyboard, 17-18

settings, 40-41

Keyboards button, 41

KeyFolio Pro Keyboard Case (Kensington), 382

Keynote presentations, 267

building, 268-270

playing, 281

presenting on external display, 282-283


building, 270-273

organizing, 279-280


adding, 274-278

Blinds transition, 274-275

Magic Move transition, 275-276

Kindle app, 100


label settings, 46

layouts, column layouts, 226

Lightning Digital AV Adapter, 376-377

Lightning VGA Adapter, 375-376

line spacing, 226

listening to music

with AirPlay, 85

with Music app, 72-74

with Pandora, 355-356

lists, creating, 224-225

List view (Calendar), 114

locations, finding with Maps, 285-287

locking orientation, 8-9

Lock screen, 11-12, 334-337

LogMeIn Ignition, 321


magazines, subscribing to with Newsstand, 366-367

Magic Move transition, 275-276

Mail app

composing email, 150-151

configuring account, 146-148

configuring how email is received, 154-155

creating signatures, 152

deleting email, 153

email settings, 156-157

moving email, 153

reading email, 149-150

searching email, 154

spam filters, 153

Maps, 285

bookmarks, 292-293

directions, 289-291

locations, finding, 286-287

places/things, searching for, 288-289

traffic reports, 298-299


3D view, 296-298

Satellite view, 294-296

menus, 16

Merriam-Webster Dictionary HD app, 331

messages. See email; text messages

Messages app

sending/receiving text messages, 158-159

setting up, 157-158

Microsoft Word documents, importing into Pages, 237

mind mapping software, 345

MindNode, 345

mistakes, undoing in Pages, 218

model numbers, 31, 32

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition, 362

Month view (Calendar), 113

movies, watching with Netflix, 353-354


email, 153

tables, 233

multimedia cloud notes, 338-341

Multi-Pass, 80

multiple accounts

authorizing, 314

multiple notes accounts, 117

multiple email inboxes, 150

multiple web pages, opening, 140-142


adding to video, 209

buying on iTunes, 77-80

composing with GarageBand, 350-352

Home Sharing, 86


with AirPlay, 85

with Music app, 72-74

with Pandora, 355-356

playlists, 75-76

settings, 43

syncing, 62-63, 78

Music app, 72-74

mute switch, 8-9

muting sound, 8-9


Netflix, 353-354

NetNewsWire, 326

networks, 49

3G/4G connections, setting up, 52-54

syncing with iCloud, 66-67

syncing with iTunes

advantages, 54-56

apps, 59

calendars, 57-58

contacts, 57-58

documents, 60-61

music, 62-63

photos, 64-67

Wi-Fi network connections, setting up, 50-51

New Album button, 177

New and Noteworthy section (App Store), 302

New Contact form, 104-105

news articles, reading, 328

with NewsRack, 325-328

with Safari Reader, 143

NewsRack, 325-328

Newsstand, 366-367

nickname field (contacts), 105

Nook app, 100


adding to books, 95-96

adding to Home/Lock screen, 334-337

creating, 115-117

media cloud notes, 338-341

writing notes, 341-342

Notes app, 115-117

Notification Center, 44-45

Numbers spreadsheets, 239

calculations, performing, 249

charts, creating, 258-260


averaging, 245-248

totaling, 244

creating, 240-243

forms, creating, 255-257

keyboard options, 241

tables, 260-265

cell formatting, 250-252

formatting, 253-254

headers/footers, 254

selecting, 261


object transitions, 277-278

OmniGraffle, 345

online journals, creating, 189-193

On/Off (Wake/Sleep) button, 7-8

on-screen keyboard, 17-18

opening multiple web pages, 140-142


books, 98-99

slides, 279-280


detecting, 9

in iBooks, 94

locking, 8-9


Pages, 215


background images, 235

charts, creating, 233-234

column layouts, 226

creating, 216-217

document setup, 235-236

images, inserting, 227-229

line spacing, 226

lists, creating, 224-225

printing, 220, 236-237

shapes, 230-231

sharing, 236-237

tables, creating, 231-233

text formatting, 222-223


applying, 218-220

reusing, 221

undoing mistakes, 218

page-turning special effect (iBooks), 93

Pandora, 355-356

parental restrictions, 36-38

parentheses (), 249

Passcode Lock, 34-35

password protection, 34-35

pasting text, 21

Penultimate, 342

performing calculations, 249

personalizing. See customizing

phone calls, placing with Skype, 332-333

Photo Booth, 168-169

photos, 165

adding to video, 205-207

adjusting in iPhoto, 183-185


creating, 176-177

viewing, 175-176

browsing, 170-171

brushed effects, 186

cropping, 172, 185

deleting, 181-182

editing, 171-172

enhancing, 172

importing from camera or SD card, 384-385

inserting into documents, 227-229

online journals, creating, 189-193

Photo Stream, 170

rotating, 171

screen captures, 180

setting as wallpaper, 28-30


with iPhoto, 188

with Photos app, 173-174


creating, 177-178

displaying, 178-179

stopping, 178

special effects, 187

straightening, 185

syncing with iTunes, 64-67


with Camera app, 166-167

with Photo Booth, 168-169

zooming, 171

Photos app


creating, 176-177

viewing, 175-176


browsing, 170-171

deleting, 181-182

editing, 171-172

enhancing, 172

rotating, 171

screen captures, 180

sharing, 173-174

zooming, 171


creating, 177-178

displaying, 178-179

stopping, 178

Photo Stream, 170

Picture Frame function, 178-179

pictures. See photos

pinching, 10

places, finding in Maps, 288-289

placing video calls, 211-212

Plants vs. Zombies HD, 362


Keynote presentations, 281


with AirPlay, 85

with Home Sharing, 86

with Music app, 72-74

podcasts, 81-82


with AirPlay, 85

with Videos app, 83-84

playlists, creating, 75-76

podcasts, downloading, 81-82

POP (Post Office Protocol), 146

power accessories, 373-374

presentations (Keynote), 267

building, 268-270

playing, 281

presenting on external display, 282-283


building, 270-273

organizing, 279-280


adding, 274-278

Blinds transition, 274-275

Magic Move transition, 275-276

previously visited websites, returning to, 130-131

Printer Center app, 371-372

printing, 220, 236-237, 370-372

privacy settings, 38

protecting your iPad, 381-383


IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 146

POP (Post Office Protocol), 146

Pulse News Reader, 326

purchasing apps, 302-304

push delivery, 154


Quit button, 6

quitting apps, 308-309

radio, Pandora, 355-356



in iBooks, 92-93

in Kindle/Nook apps, 100

reading aids, 94-95

comics with Comics app, 366

documents with GoodReader, 322-324

email, 149-150

magazines with Newsstand, 366-367

news articles, 328

with NewsRack, 325-328

with Safari Reader, 143

reading list, building, 136-137

RSS feeds with NewsRack, 325-328

Real Racing 2 HD, 364

rearranging images in documents, 229


text messages, 158-159

video calls, 212-213

recipes, Epicurious app, 343-344

recording video with Camera app, 196-197

redeeming codes in App Store, 303

red eye, fixing, 172

redownloading apps, 304

reminders, setting, 117-119

Reminders app, 117-119

renting video, 80

reusing styles, 221

rotating photos, 171

RSS feeds

finding, 326

reading with NewsRack, 325-328


Safari browser. See web surfing with Safari

Safari Reader, 143

Satellite view (Maps), 294-296

Saturation control (iPhoto), 185

Scrabble for iPad, 363

screen captures, 180

screen gestures

dragging, 10-11

flicking, 10-11

four-finger gestures, 11

pinching, 10

tapping, 10

touching, 10


Home screen, 12-13

Lock screen, 11-12

Search screen, 13-14

Settings screen, 14-15

SD cards, importing photos from, 384-385

SD (standard definition), 80


email, 154

contacts, 106-107

places/things in Maps, 288-289

Search screen, 13-14

web, 125-127

Search screen, 13-14


parental restrictions, 36-38

password protection, 34-35

wireless networks, 51

selecting tables, 261


email, 150-151

text messages, 108, 158-159

tweets, 162


About section, 30-32

alert sounds, 32-33

Bluetooth, 379

Cellular Data, 52

Closed Captioning, 46

email, 156-157

keyboard, 40-41

music, 43

Notification Center, 44-45

parental restrictions, 36-38

password protection, 34-35

privacy, 38

Safari, 42

side switch functionality, 38

software updates, 68

time/date, 39-40

wallpaper, 28-30

Wi-Fi, 50-51

Settings screen, 14-15

setting up

3G/4G connections, 52-54

bookmarks in Maps, 292-293

clock alarms, 119-121

documents, 235-236


accounts, 146-148

how email is received, 154-155

FaceTime, 209-210

Messages app, 157-158

reminders, 117-119

Twitter, 160

Wi-Fi network connections, 50-51

shake, 9

shapes, adding to documents, 230-231

Share button (iPhoto), 188


apps with family, 314

contacts, 108

documents, 236-237


with iPhoto, 188

with Photos app, 173-174

video, 202



with Camera app, 166-167

with Photo Booth, 168-169

video, 196-197

shortcut keys, 380

side switch, 8-9, 38

signatures (email), creating, 152

Siri, 22-24

asking Siri to call you by nickname, 105

checking schedule, 113

creating calendar events, 110

creating clock alarms, 121

checking email, 155

directions, 291

finding contacts, 106

finding Map locators, 289

playing music, 74

sending email, 151, 159

traffic reports, 299

tweeting, 162

web searches, 127

SketchBook Pro, 345

Skype, 332-333

sliders, 15


building, 270-273

grouping, 279

organizing, 279-280

Slideshow button, 178


creating, 177-178

displaying, 178-179

stopping, 178

Smart Case, 372-373

Smart Cover, 7, 372-373

SmartShell case (Speck), 382

software updates, 68


buying on iTunes, 77-80

Home Sharing, 86


with AirPlay, 85

with Music app, 72-74

with Pandora, 355-356

playlists, creating, 75-76


clock alarms, setting, 119-121


adding to video, 209

buying on iTunes, 77-80

composing with GarageBand, 350-352

Home Sharing, 86

listening to with Pandora, 355-356

playing with AirPlay, 85

playing with Music app, 72-74

playing with Pandora, 355-356

playlists, 75-76

muting, 8-9

settings, 32-33

voiceovers, adding to video, 209

volume control, 8

Sound Check, 43

spacing, line spacing, 226

spam filters, 153

special effects, applying to photos, 187

special keys, 380

Speck SmartShell case, 382

spoken turn-by-turn directions, 291

Spotify, 356

spreadsheets, 239

calculations, performing, 249

charts, creating, 258-260


averaging, 245-248

totaling, 244

creating, 240-243

forms, creating, 255-257

keyboard options, 241

tables, 260-265

cell formatting, 250-252

formatting, 253-254

headers/footers, 254

selecting, 261

standard definition (SD), 80

StarWalk, 345

Stick It, 334-337

stopping slideshows, 178

straightening photos, 185

streaming video with Netflix, 353-354


applying to text, 218-220

reusing, 221

subscribing to magazines with Newsstand, 366-367

surfing the web. See web surfing with Safari

switches, 15

switching between apps, 308


bookmarks, 135

contacts, 105

music, 78

with iCloud, 66-67

with iTunes

advantages, 54-56

apps, 59

calendars, 57-58

contacts, 57-58

documents, 60-61

music, 62-63

photos, 64-67


tab bars, 16

tables, 260-265

creating, 231-233


cells, 250-252

headers/footers, 254

whole tables, 253-254

moving, 233

selecting, 261

taking photos

with Camera app, 166-167

with Photo Booth, 168-169

tapping, 10


capitalizing, 17

copying and pasting, 21

copying from web pages, 141

dictating, 18-19

editing, 19-24

formatting, 222-223


applying, 218-220

reusing, 221

text messages

sending/receiving, 108, 158-159

setting up, 157-158

text size in iBooks, 94

themes in iBooks, 94

Things app, 345

Thumbnail Grid button (iPhoto), 184

time, setting, 39-40

time-delayed video rentals, 80

titles, adding to video, 208-209

toolbars, 16

Top Charts (App Store), 302

totaling columns, 244

touching, 10

traffic reports, 298-299


adding to Keynote presentations, 274-278

Blinds transition, 274-275

Magic Move transition, 275-276

object transitions, 277-278

editing in iMovie, 203-205

trimming video clips, 198


apps, 313-314

FaceTime, 213

VNC connections, 322

turn-by-turn directions, 289-291

turning on/off. See also settings

Auto-Capitalization, 41

Auto-Correction, 41

AutoFill, 42

Caps Lock, 41

Closed Captioning, 46

Do Not Disturb mode, 44

Fraud Warning, 42

iBooks page-turning effect, 93

iPad, 8

iTunes Match, 43, 63

parental restrictions, 36-38

Sound Check, 43

TV shows

season passes, 80

watching with Netflix, 353-354

tweets, sending, 162


following people on, 161

sending tweets, 162

setting up, 160


undoing mistakes in Pages, 218

updates, 68

URLs (Universal Resource Locators), browsing to, 124-125

USA Today app, 346


version numbers, 31

versions of iPad, 4-5

VGA adapters, 281

video output adapters

AirPlay mirroring with Apple TV, 377-378

Lightning Digital AV Adapter, 376-377

Lightning VGA Adapter, 375-376

videos, 195

adding photos to, 205-207

AirPlay, 197

buying versus renting, 80

DVDs, importing into iTunes, 79

emailing, 197

importing into iTunes, 79

music, adding, 209


with AirPlay, 85

with Videos app, 83-84

recording with Camera app, 196-197

settings, 46

sharing, 202

transitions, editing, 203-205

video calls

placing, 211-212

receiving, 212-213

setting up FaceTime, 209-210

troubleshooting, 213

video clips

combining clips in iMovie, 199-202

trimming, 198

video titles, adding, 208-209

voiceovers, adding, 209

watching with Netflix, 353-354

Videos app, 83-84

viewing. See also reading

albums, 175-176

currently running apps, 307-308

details about your iPad, 30-32

web pages, 128-129



Day view, 111

List view, 114

Week view, 112

Year view, 114


3D view, 296-298

Satellite view, 294-296

VIPs, 150

VNC (Virtual Network Computing) technology, iTap VNC, 320-322

voiceovers, adding to video, 209

VoIP (voice over IP), Skype, 332-333

volume control, 8

Volume Limit, 43


Wake/Sleep button, 7-8

wallpaper, changing, 28-30

watching movies/TV shows with Netflix, 353-354

The Weather Channel Max+, 346

web forms, filling in, 138-139

web pages

bookmarking, 132-133

copying images/text from, 141-142

opening multiple, 140-142

returning to previously visited pages, 130-131

viewing, 128-129

web surfing with Safari, 123


adding, 132-133

deleting, 133-135

home screen bookmarks, 135-136

news articles, viewing with Safari Reader, 143

reading lists, building, 136-137

Safari settings, 42

URLs, browsing to, 124-125

web forms, filling in, 138-139

web pages

bookmarking, 132-133

copying images/text from, 141-142

opening multiple, 140-142

returning to previously visited pages, 130-131

viewing, 128-129

web searches, 125-127

Week view (Calendar), 112

Wi-Fi network connections, setting up, 50-51

wireless keyboards, 378-381

wireless network connections, setting up, 50-51

wireless printing, 369-372

Wolfram Alpha, 345

Word documents, importing into Pages, 237

WordPress, 345

Word Spy, 365

WritePad, 341-342


Year view (Calendar), 114

YouTube app, 84

Zinio, 367

zooming photos, 171

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