

AARs, 168

ABRY Partners, 41

acceptable versus unacceptable failures, 125-131

advocacy and information filtering, 34-35

after-action reviews, 131, 166-172

Ager, David, 3

Alessi, Alberto, 120-121

Allgaier, Larry, 21

Ametek Corporation, 40

analogies, misuse of, 77-84

Cocoa Pete’s Chocolate Adventures, 82

Enron, 83-84

1976 “swine flu” incident, 77-80

Zoots, 80-81

analyzing competitors, 173-176

Argyr, Chris, 62

Arm & Hammer, 54

Army after-action reviews, 166

assessing failures, 125-131

assumptions, examining, 84-87


Bacon, Francis, 103

Baker, James, 14

Baltimore Colts, 161-163

Baumard, Philippe, 124

Bay of Pigs fiasco, xvi, 130-131

Beaudoin, Taryn, xxi


gap between statements and behavior, reasons for

group dynamics, 59-60

leading questions, 58-59

unconscious mind, 61-62

observer’s influence on, 66-69

Belichick, Bill, 180-181

Berlin, Isaiah, 73

Berra, Yogi, 53

Berry, Raymond, 161-163

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 43

bias, confirmation bias, 33-34

Bird, Larry, 177

Bishop, Todd, 151

Blackburn, Donald, 28-30

Blinkoff, Robert, 61

Bolt, 134

Bower, Joseph, 44

Braden, Vic, 178

Bragg, Robert, 142

Breashears, David, 149

briefings, 147-149

Build-a-Bear Workshop, 9-11

Burt, Ronald, 110

business school, weaknesses of, 90-91


Capital One, 123

Casciaro, Tiziano, 110

case method, xvii

Chesterton, G. K., 1

Children’s Hospital in Boston, 150

Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis, 122

Christensen, Clayton, 45

Churchill, Winston, 46-48, 155

circumventing gatekeepers

Churchill, Winston (case study), 46-48

connecting with young people, 41-43

going to the periphery, 43-44

listening with your own ears, 36-39

seeking different voices, 39-41

Son Tay incident (case study), 27-31

table of strategies, 35

talking to noncustomers/nonsuppliers, 45-46

Citicorp building case study, 186-189

Clark, Maxine, 9-11

Cocoa Pete’s Chocolate Adventures, 82

Colts, 161-163

Colvin, Geoffrey, 156, 177

Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead), 55


briefings, 147-149

Crew Resource Management (CRM) training, 143-145

errors, 145-147

handoffs, 149-151

listening, 155-156

speaking up effectively, 151-154

team training, 156-158

Tenerife airline disaster (case study), 139-143

competitor intelligence, 173-176

complex organizational structure, tendency to mask problems, 11-12

Concorde jet, 129

confirmation bias, 33-34

conformity, 32-33

connecting with young people, 41-43

Connors, Jack, 193

Crew Resource Management (CRM), 16, 143-145

Crovitz, Gordon, 111

cultures of fear, 9-11

Cummings, Arthur, 112

curiosity, 189-191

CVS, 38-39


Darwin, Charles, 66

Davidi, Inbar, 171

Deal, Duane, 191

deliberate practice

after-action reviews, 131, 166-172

in business environments, 176-180

case studies

Bill Parcells and Bill Belichick, 180-181

Raymond Berry and Johnny Unitas, 161-163

Tony Gwynn, 163-165

competitor intelligence, 173-176

Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 109

Disney studios, 132

DNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence), 109

Drycleaning & Laundry Institute, 81

Dyson vacuum cleaners, 119-120

Dyson, James, 119-120


Edmondson, Amy, xx, 3, 107, 122

efficiency and information filtering, 31-32

Eli Lilly, 131

Ellis, Schmuel, 171

embracing problems as opportunities to learn and improve, 6-9

encouraging useful failures

acceptable versus unacceptable failures, 125-131

advantages of, 121, 123-124

Alessi case study, 120-121

Dyson vaccuums case study, 119-120

Pixar case study, 132-134

Engle, Dave, 164

Enron, 83-84

Ericsson, K. Anders, 176

errors, communication errors, 145-147

ethnographic research

Arm & Hammer example, 54

gap between statements and behavior, reasons for

group dynamics, 59-60

leading questions, 58-59

unconscious mind, 61-62

General Mills example, 54

Huggies example, 53

observer’s influence on behavior, 66-69

principles of effective observation, 62-66

Proctor & Gamble example, 54-57

evaluating failures, 125-131

Evista, 131

examining assumptions, 84-87


Facebook, 43

facilitating information sharing, 106-111


definition of, 5


acceptable versus unacceptable failures, 125-131

advantages of, 121-124

Alessi case study, 120-121

Dyson vaccuums case study, 119-120

Pixar case study, 132-134

Fairbank, Richard, 123

fear, culture of, 9-11

Feldstein, Martin, 146

filtering information, 31

finding problems, xvii

FISA (Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act), 100

Fisher, Bill, 81

focus groups, problems with, 55

group dynamics, 59-60

leading questions, 58-59

Ford, Gerald, 13, 77

Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA), 100

Foulkes, Helena, 39

Foushee, Clayton, 144

Fuld, Leonard, 173-174

fundamental attribution errors, 124


Garber, Peni, 41

Garvin, David, 66, 166

gatekeepers, 13-14


Churchill, Winston (case study), 46-48

connecting with young people, 41-43

going to the periphery, 43-44

listening with your own ears, 36-39

seeking different voices, 39-41

Son Tay incident (case study), 27-31

table of strategies, 35

talking to noncustomers/nonsuppliers, 45-46

reasons for information filtering

advocacy, 34-35

confirmation bias, 33-34

efficiency concerns, 31-32

pressures for conformity, 32-33

Gavetti, Giovanni, 80

GE (General Electric), 42, 157

General Mills, 54

Gilkey, Roderick, 190

Ginnett, Robert, 144

Glago’s Guest, 134

Glocer, Tom, 43

Gould, Stephen Jay, 161, 181


focus groups, 104

group dynamics, 59-60

sharing information in, 104-106

Grove, Andy, 43, 192

Grubbs, Victor, 139, 142

Guillain-Barr syndrome, 79

Gunther, Robert, 123

Gwynn, Tony, 163-165


Hamel, Gary, 41

handoffs, 149-151

Haynes, Alfred, 17, 145, 158

Hayward, Larry, 40

Hazmi, Nawaf al, 97

healthy paranoia, 192-193

Helmreich, Robert, 144

Hewlett-Packard, 42

hidden problems, reasons problems remain hidden

cultures of fear, 9-11

dismissing intuition, 14-15

gatekeepers, 13-14

isolation trap, 20-21

lack of training, 15-17

organizational complexity, 11-12

overview, 9

Hill Holliday, 192

Hilton Garden Inn, 179

Hoang, Ha, 129

Huggies, 53

hunting for patterns, 73

Hyatt Regency Hotel case study, 185-186


IAFC (International Association of Fire Chiefs), 145

identifying problems, xvii

IDEO, 122

Immelt, Jeffrey, 157

improving interpersonal communication

briefings, 147-149

handoffs, 149-151

listening, 155-156

speaking up effectively, 151-154

team training, 156-158

information filtering

circumventing filters

Churchill, Winston (case study), 46-48

connecting with young people, 41-43

going to the periphery, 43-44

listening with your own ears, 36-39

seeking different voices, 39-41

table of strategies, 35

talking to noncustomers/nonsuppliers, 45-46

reasons for

advocacy, 34-35

confirmation bias, 33-34

efficiency concerns, 31-32

pressures for conformity, 32-33

Son Tay incident (case study), 27-31

information sharing

facilitating, 106-111

9/11 terrorist attacks (case study), 95-101

CIA in Kuala Lumpur, 97-98

lack of information sharing, 100-101

Minneapolis field office investigation, 99-100

Phoenix memo, 98-99

“prevent first” mindset, 112-114

reasons for inadequate information sharing, 102-104

in small groups, 104-106

Intel, 43, 192

intellectual curiosity, 189-191

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), 145

interpersonal communication

briefings, 147-149

communication errors, 145-147

Crew Resource Management (CRM) training, 143-145

handoffs, 149-151

listening, 155-156

speaking up effectively, 151-154

team training, 156-158

Tenerife airline disaster (case study), 139-143

intuition, 14-15, 75-77

isolation trap, 20-21

Ison, Kelly, 147


JetBlue, 63

Jobs, Steve, 132

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), 167


Kansas City’s Hyatt Regency Hotel case study, 185-186

Kelleher, Herb, 174

Kennedy, John F., 130

Kilts, Clint, 190

Kimberly Clark, 53

Kinder, Thomas, 57

Kissinger, Henry, 28

Kleenex tissues, 68

Klein, Gary, 75

KLM Flight 4805, 139-143

Krasnow, Todd, 80

Kuala Lumpur, terrorist meeting in, 97

Kurre, Adrian, 179

Kwan, Julianne, 153


lack of training, 15-17

Lafley, A. G., 54-56

Laird, Melvin, 28-30

Landry, Tom, 163

Larson, James, 106

Lasseter, John, 132

Lawrence, Paul, 102

leading questions, 58-59

LeMessurier, William, 186-189

Levy, Paul, 43

listening, 145

listening with your own ears, 36-39

Livin’ It initiative (Proctor & Gamble), 54

Lobo, Miguel Sousa, 110

Loftus, Elizabeth, 58

Lorsch, Jay, 102

LTX Corporation, 39


making tradeoffs, 17-18

Martin, Roger, 113

May, Ernest, 77, 84-86

McNamara, Robert, xvi-xvii, 91, 130

Mead, Margaret, 55

mentoring, 87-88

Meurs, Klaus, 141

Microsoft, 54

Mihdhar, Khalid al, 97

mindset of problem-finders

Citicorp building case study, 186-189

healthy paranoia, 192-193

intellectual curiosity, 189-191

Kansas City’s Hyatt Regency Hotel case study, 185-186

systemic thinking, 191-192

mining data for patterns, 89-90

Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 97

Moorer, Thomas, 28-30

Morath, Julie, 122

Moussaoui, Zacarias, 99

Mueller, Robert, 112

Mulcahy, Anne, 36-38

Murphy, James, 148

MySpace, 43


NBA (National Basketball Association) draft picks, 129

Neeleman, David, 63

Nelson, Randy, 132

Nemeth, Charlan, 153

Neustadt, Richard, 77, 84-86

Nichols, Ralph, 155

9/11 Commission, 12

9/11 terrorist attacks, prior information about, 95-101

CIA in Kuala Lumpur, 97-98

lack of information sharing, 100-101

Minneapolis field office investigation, 99-100

Phoenix memo, 98-99

1976 “swine flu” incident, 77-79

Nixon, Richard, 27

noncustomers, talking to, 45-46

nonsuppliers, talking to, 45-46

Novartis, 21

novel experiences, seeking, 190



observer’s influence on behavior, 66-69

principles of effective observation, 62-66

Office Depot, 69

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), 109

Only the Paranoid Survive (Grove), 192

organizational complexity, tendency to mask problems, 11-12


Padres, 164

Pan Am Flight 1736, 139-143

paranoia, healthy paranoia, 192-193

Parcells, Bill, 180-181

Park, Jason, xx, 3

pattern recognition

examining assumptions, 84-87

intuition, 75-77

mentoring, 87-88

mining data, 89-90

misuse of analogies, 77-84

Cocoa Pete’s Chocolate Adventures, 82

Enron, 83-84

1976 “swine flu” incident, 77-80

Zoots, 80-81

Rapid Response Team case study, 73-74

PayPal, 90

Pentagram, 176

periphery of organization, seeking information from, 43-44

Pete’s Wicked Ale, 82

Phoenix memo, 98-99

Pixar, 132-134

Plomer, William, 95

Polaroid, 175

postmortems, 168

Powell, Colin, 27

practice, 165

“prevent first” mindset, 112-114

principles of effective observation, 62-66

process interventions, 107

Proctor & Gamble, 54-57


questions, leading questions, 58-59

Rapid Response Team (RRT) case study, 1-5, 73-74

Red Pencil Award (Build-a-Bear Workshop), 10

Reed, Americus II, 55

Reed, John, 188

Ricchetti, Carlo, 121

Rivkin, Jan, xvi, xx, 80, 103

Robinson, Chris, 167

Rowley, Coleen, 101

RRT (Rapid Response Team) case study, 1-5, 73-74


SALT (Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking) score, 179

San Diego Padres, 164

SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation), 16

Schon, Donald, 62

Schreuder, William, 141

seeking different voices, 39-41

Senge, Peter, 168

sharing information

facilitating, 106-111

9/11 terrorist attacks (case study), 95-101

CIA in Kuala Lumpur, 97-98

lack of information sharing, 100-101

Minneapolis field office investigation, 99-100

Phoenix memo, 98-99

“prevent first” mindset, 112-114

reasons for inadequate information sharing, 102-104

in small groups, 104-106

Shelby, Richard, 95

Shiliashki, Mario, 90

Shoemaker, Paul, 123

Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation (SBAR), 16

Skilling, Jeffrey, 83

Slosberg, Pete, 81

small groups, sharing information in, 104-106

Son Tay incident (case study), 27-31

Soubra, Zackaria, 98

speaking up effectively, 151-154

Starbuck, William, 124

Stasser, Garold, 104-106

statements, understanding gaps between statements and behavior

group dynamics, 59-60

leading questions, 58-59

unconscious mind, 61-62

Staw, Barry, 128-129

Stemberg, Tom, 66-69, 80

sunk-cost effect, 128-129

Surowiecki, James, 111

Sutcliffe, Kathleen, 7

Suzuki, Shunryu, 185

“swine flu” incident of 1976, 77-79

systemic thinking, 191-192


Tacelli, David, 39-40

talking, 145

Tapscott, Dan, 111

team communication, 156-158

Tenerife airline disaster, 139-143

Tenet, George, 96

Thomson Reuters, 43

Titus, William, 104

Toy Story, 132

Toyota, willingness to embrace problems, 7-9

Toyota’s “Andon cord” system example, 17

tradeoffs, making, 17-18

training, lack of, 15-17

triangulation, 65

Tucker, Anita, xx

Truman, Harry, 86


Ultimate Team Play, 179

unconscious mind, 61-62

United Airlines Flight 232, 17, 145

UPS, 179-180

useful failures, encouraging

acceptable versus unacceptable failures, 125-131

advantages of, 121-124

Alessi case study, 120-121

Dyson vaccuums case study, 119-120

Pixar case study, 132-134


van Zanten, Jacob Veldhuyzen, 139-143

Wal-Mart, 69

Walcott, Charles, 14

Walsh, Kevin, 192

Walt Disney studios, 132

Walton, Sam, 69

Warns, George, 142

Warshaw, Shirley, 14

Watanabe, Katsuaki, 8

WaterCooler technology, 42

Watkins, Michael, 107, 126

Wayne, Stephen, 14

Weick, Karl, 7, 142

Welch, Jack, 42

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, 111

Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (Tapscott and Williams), 111

Williams, Anthony, 111

Williams, Chris, 134

Williams, Chuck, 133

Williams, Kenneth, 98

Wohlstetter, Roberta, 189

Workin’ It initiative (Proctor & Gamble), 54

Wriston, Walter, 188


Xerox, 36

young people, connecting with, 41-43

Zaltman, Gerald, 55, 61

Zildjian, 192

Zoots, 80-81

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