
Why Great Leaders Don’t Take Yes for an Answer: Managing for Conflict and Consensus


Chapter 1 The Leadership Challenge

Conflict and Consensus

Decision-Making Myths

Managing Reality

The Absence of Dissent

Tragedy on Everest

The Perils of Conflict and Dissent

Why Is This So Difficult?

A Deeper Explanation


Chapter 2 Deciding How to Decide

Managerial Levers

The Power to Learn

The Prepared Mind


Chapter 3 An Absence of Candor

Columbia’s Final Mission

Hard Versus Soft Barriers

Leadership Matters


Chapter 4 Stimulating the Clash of Ideas

Caufield’s Story

Pulling All the Right Levers

The Leader’s Toolkit

“Watch Out” Situations

Practice Makes Perfect


Chapter 5 Keeping Conflict Constructive

Diagnosing the Debate

Affective Conflict

Curbing Affective Conflict

Building a Capability

Freedom and Control


Chapter 6 A Better Devil’s Advocate

The Devil’s Advocate in Business

Inspiring Divergent Thinking

The Broken Record


Chapter 7 The Dynamics of Indecision

A Culture of Indecision

The Origins of Indecisive Cultures


Chapter 8 Fair and Legitimate Process

Fair Process

Legitimate Process

Giving People Voice

The Misalignment Problem

Communicating Intent

Teaching Good Process

What About Conflict?


Chapter 9 Reaching Closure

Divergence and Convergence

The Psychology of Small Wins

The 1983 Social Security Crisis

Types of Intermediate Agreements

Shifting into Decision Mode

Sustaining Closure

The Importance of Trust


Chapter 10 Leading with Restraint

What Type of Leaders?

The Myth of the Lone Warrior

Two Forms of Taking Charge

Leading with Restraint

Questions, Not Answers



Know What You Don’t Know: How Great Leaders Prevent Problems Before They Happen


About the Author


Chapter 1 From Problem-Solving to Problem-Finding

Embrace Problems

Why Problems Hide

Cultures of Fear

Organizational Complexity


Dismissing Intuition

Lack of Training

Making Tradeoffs

Becoming an Effective Problem-Finder

The Isolation Trap

Chapter 2 Circumvent the Gatekeepers

Why Filtering Takes Place

Efficiency Concerns

Pressures for Conformity

Confirmation Bias


Circumventing the Filters

Listen with Your Own Ears

Seek Different Voices

Connect with Young People

Go to the Periphery

Talk to the Nons

A Most Prescient Leader

Chapter 3 Become an Ethnographer

Why Don’t People Do What They Say?

Leading Questions

Group Dynamics

The Unconscious Mind

Honing Your Powers of Observation

A Few Words of Caution

Chapter 4 Hunt for Patterns

What Is Intuition?

Faulty Analogies

Solutions in Search of Problems

Building Your Pattern-Recognition Capabilities

Better Analogies


Mining the Data

What Do You Learn at Business School?

Chapter 5 Connect the Dots

“The System Was Blinking Red”

The CIA in Kuala Lumpur

The Phoenix Memo

The Minneapolis Field Office Investigation

The 9/11 Attacks

Why Not Share Information?

Information Sharing in Small Groups

How to Facilitate Information Sharing

Leading Teams

Leading Organizations

Mindset Matters

Chapter 6 Encourage Useful Failures

Why Tolerate Failure?

Acceptable Versus Unacceptable Failures

Before the Failure

During the Failure

After the Failure

Useful, Low-Cost Failures

Chapter 7 Teach How to Talk and Listen

Crew Resource Management Training

Communication Errors

Improving Interpersonal Communication



Speaking Up Effectively


Train Teams, Not Individuals

Chapter 8 Watch the Game Film

After-Action Reviews: Promise and Peril

Competitor Intelligence: Promise and Peril

Deliberate Practice

Looking in the Mirror

Chapter 9 The Mindset of a Problem-Finder

Three Dimensions of a New Mindset

Intellectual Curiosity

Systemic Thinking

Healthy Paranoia


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