Sending and Receiving Cookies

The cookie-parser middleware provided in Express makes handling cookies extremely simple. The cookie-parser middleware parses the cookies from a request and stores them in the req.cookies property as a JavaScript object. The cookie-parser middleware uses the following syntax:



The cookie-parser middleware will be renamed cookie when Connect 3.0 ships. You may need to change your code to support the new name if it doesn’t end up being backward compatible.

The optional secret string parameter prevents cookie tampering by internally signing the cookies using the secret string.

To set a cookie in a response, you can use the res.cookie() method shown below:

res.cookie(name, value, [options])

A cookie with the name and value parameters specified is added to the response. The options parameter allows you to set the following properties for the cookie:

Image maxAge: The amount of time, in milliseconds, for a cookie to live before it expires.

Image httpOnly: A Boolean that, when true, indicates that this cookie should only be accessed by the server and not by client-side JavaScript.

Image signed: A Boolean that, when true, indicates that the cookie will be signed, and you need to access it using the req.signedCookie object instead of the req.cookie object.

Image path: The path that the cookie applies to.

For example, the following sets a hasVisited cookie:

res.cookie('hasVisited', '1',
           { maxAge: 60*60*1000,
             httpOnly: true,

You can remove cookies from a client by using the res.clearCookie() method. For example:


Listing 19.5 shows a simple example of getting a cookie named req.cookies.hasVisited from a request and setting it if it hasn’t already been set.

Listing 19.5 express_cookies.js: Sending and receiving cookies by using Express

01 var express = require('express'),
02 var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'),
03 var app = express();
04 app.use(cookieParser());
05 app.get('/', function(req, res) {
06   console.log(req.cookies);
07   if (!req.cookies.hasVisited){
08     res.cookie('hasVisited', '1',
09                { maxAge: 60*60*1000,
10                  httpOnly: true,
11                  path:'/'});
12   }
13   res.send("Sending Cookie");
14 });
15 app.listen(80);

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