Implementing Sessions

Another very common use of Express middleware is to provide session support for applications. For complex session management, you might want to implement it yourself, but for basic session support, the cookie-session middleware works relatively well.

The cookie-session middleware utilizes the cookie-parser middleware underneath, so you need to add cookie-parser prior to adding cookie-session. The following shows the syntax for adding the cookie-session middleware:


The options parameter allows you to set the following properties for the cookie:

Image key: The name of the cookie that identifies the session.

Image secret: A string that is used to sign the session cookie to prevent cookie tampering.

Image cookie: An object that defines the cookie’s settings, including maxAge, path, httpOnly, and signed. The default is {path:'/', httpOnly:true, maxAge:null }.

Image proxy: A Boolean that, when true, causes Express to trust the reverse proxy when setting secure cookies via x-forwarded-proto.

When cookie-session is implemented, a session is stored as an object in req.session. Any changes you make to req.session flow across multiple requests from the same browser.

Listing 19.6 shows an example of implementing a basic cookie-session session. Notice that cookie-parser is added first in line 5 and then cookie-session is added in line 6, with a secret string. There are two routes in this example. When the /restricted route is accessed, the restrictedCount value is incremented in the session, and the response is redirected to /library. Then in library, if restrictedCount is not undefined, the value is displayed; otherwise, a welcome message is displayed. Figure 19.3 shows the different outputs in a web browser.

Listing 19.6 express_session.js: Implementing a basic cookie session by using Express

01 var express = require('express'),
02 var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'),
03 var cookieSession = require('cookie-session'),
04 var app = express();
05 app.use(cookieParser());
06 app.use(cookieSession({secret: 'MAGICALEXPRESSKEY'}));
07 app.get('/library', function(req, res) {
08   console.log(req.cookies);
09   if(req.session.restricted) {
10     res.send('You have been in the restricted section ' +
11              req.session.restrictedCount + ' times.'),
12   }else {
13     res.send('Welcome to the library.'),
14   }
15 });
16 app.get('/restricted', function(req, res) {
17   req.session.restricted = true;
18   if(!req.session.restrictedCount){
19     req.session.restrictedCount = 1;
20   } else {
21     req.session.restrictedCount += 1;
22   }
23   res.redirect('/library'),
24 });
25 app.listen(80);


Figure 19.3 Using basic session handling to track improper access to a route.

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