Implementing the Photo Model Controller

Listing 27.7 implements the route handling code for the Photo model. There are two routes handled. The getPhoto() route handler looks up a single Photo document, based on the _id field passed in as photoId in the GET query string. The getPhotos() route handler retrieves all Photo documents. Both handlers return a JSON string form of the results.

Listing 27.7 photos_controller.js: Implementing the getPhoto and getPhoto routes in the Express server to get photos

01 var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
02     Photo = mongoose.model('Photo'),
03 exports.getPhoto = function(req, res) {
04   Photo.findOne({ _id: req.query.photoId })
05   .exec(function(err, photo) {
06     if (!photo){
07       res.json(404, {msg: 'Photo Not Found.'});
08     } else {
09       res.json(photo);
10     }
11   });
12 };
13 exports.getPhotos = function(req, res) {
14   Photo.find()
15   .exec(function(err, photos) {
16     if (!photos){
17       res.json(404, {msg: 'Photos Not Found.'});
18     } else {
19       res.json(photos);
20     }
21   });
22 };

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