
The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is a valued asset in the ever-evolving professional project management field. PMP certification in the professional arena ensures that employers are hiring a project manager with thorough, tested knowledge in project management principles; years of hands-on, specific experience performing project management tasks; and a commitment to continuing education in the field of project management. In addition, PMP certification gives colleagues a commonality of experience and provides opportunities for networking. PMPs share the same frame of reference in project management, regardless of the field of endeavor.

PMP-certified individuals work in a wide array of industries, from aerospace to telecommunications. Many hiring supervisors specify PMP certification as a preferred skill set when soliciting project managers.

Both private- and public-sector employers recognize the value that a PMP-certified employee brings to a project. Corporations embrace the consistent application of project management methodologies for initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing projects. The Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management framework is highly praised by companies and government entities, whether they are engaged in large-scale development projects or simply undertaking small reengineering initiatives. In both scenarios, the PMI approach offers a consistent project management methodology that can be tailored to the size and complexity of the project. This framework, coupled with the PMP certification program, ensures that PMP-certified practitioners are in high demand in the workforce.

PMI has brought the art and science of project management full circle through its PMP certification program and methodology, the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). PMI seeks to evaluate project management professionals through the application of the certification process to ensure a dependable workforce with solid credentials. The PMP certification examination tests for comprehensive project management knowledge as well as a thorough understanding of the PMBOK. This approach ensures that PMP-certified practitioners have comparable qualifications and strategic competencies in all aspects of project management. PMI advocates the practice of project management as a discipline, not unlike engineering or any other precise, science-based course of study. As such, PMI developed the PMBOK as a comprehensive framework of best practices for the implementation of project management, regardless of the specific industry.

The Project Management Institute

PMI is the premier project management organization in the world. It is a nonprofit educational group intent on advancing the practice of project management through the promotion and promulgation of widely accepted standards. It has more than 420,000 members in more than 170 countries with more than 250 charter-based local chapters. This is quite a feat for an organization that started in 1969 with five volunteers!

PMI establishes professional standards, provides continuing education opportunities for members, engages in industry-specific research, and offers certifications aimed at unifying and strengthening the discipline of project management.

If you consider yourself a project management professional and want to earn your PMP certification, consider joining PMI. You will receive a reduced rate when sitting for your PMP examination, as well as all the other benefits of PMI membership, including seminars, workshops, and other continuing education opportunities. These benefits include a community of peers that provides valuable information exchange about industry trends and access to the latest knowledge through a monthly magazine and quarterly research journals. To learn more about PMI and membership, visit PMI’s website, at

What’s New in the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition

PMI, as a member-driven organization, is continually evolving to meet the needs of its membership and the project management profession. To this end, the PMBOK has been revised to incorporate feedback from members and to reflect current industry practice and developments since the previous edition. If you are familiar with the previous edition—the PMBOK Guide, Fourth Edition—you will want to acquaint yourself with the changes in the Fifth Edition. This is particularly important if you used an earlier edition of the PMBOK to prepare for the PMP certification examination.

The new edition of the PMBOK pursues greater consistency and clarity over the Fourth Edition. The Fifth Edition also focuses on ensuring alignment with PMI standards and ISO 21500, the project management standard of the International Organization for Standardization. In addition, the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition introduces business rules to define how to handle the order and detail of information within procedure inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs. The PMBOK now incorporates redefined terms such as Work Performance Data, Work Performance Information, and Work Performance Reports. The new consistent terms align with the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom (DIKW) model developed in the field of knowledge management.

New material has been added to this edition to reflect changes, adaptations, and additions to tools and techniques used in the current practice of project management. The number of processes in the PMBOK has increased from 42 to 47. These five processes were added:

Image Plan Scope Management—Section 5.1

Image Plan Schedule Management—Section 6.1

Image Plan Cost Management—Section 7.1

Image Plan Stakeholder Management—Section 13.2

Image Control Stakeholder Engagement—Section 13.4

In addition, one process was moved to the new Stakeholder Management knowledge area:

Image Identify Stakeholders—Section 10.1 moved to Section 13.1

Finally, the names of 12 processes were changed to promote consistency and clarity:

Image Direct and Manage Project Execution—Section 4.3 changed to Direct and Manage Project Work

Image Verify Scope—Section 5.5 changed to Validate Scope

Image Plan Quality—Section 8.1 changed to Plan Quality Management

Image Perform Quality Control—Section 8.3 changed to Control Quality

Image Develop Human Resource Plan—Section 9.1 changed to Plan Human Resource Management

Image Plan Communications—Section 10.2 changed to Plan Communications Management—Section 10.1

Image Distribute Information—Section 10.3 changed to Manage Communications—Section 10.2

Image Report Performance—Section 10.5 changed to Control Communications—Section 10.3

Image Monitor and Control Risks—Section 11.6 changed to Control Risks

Image Plan Procurements—Section 12.1 changed to Plan Procurement Management

Image Administer Procurements—Section 12.3 changed to Control Procurements

Image Manage Stakeholder Expectations—Section 10.4 changed (and moved) to Manage Stakeholders Engagement—Section 13.3

The PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition defines a new Knowledge Area, Project Stakeholder Management. This new Knowledge Area was added to highlight the importance of stakeholders to the project management process. While PMI has always placed emphasis on stakeholders, a separate Knowledge Area makes it clear that managing stakeholders is fundamental to good project management.

All these changes resulted from PMP input that was used to streamline and clarify the PMBOK. A complete listing of all changes to the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition, is available in Appendix X1 of the PMBOK, and we also discuss these changes in more detail in Chapter 1, “Project Management Framework Fundamentals.” Each change is identified in its respective chapter in the PMBOK.

The new PMP certification examination went into effect on July 31, 2013, and is based on the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition.

The PMP Certification Process

PMP certification involves a number of steps, beginning with an application to PMI that details the prospective PMP candidate’s qualifications, experience, and training. After a candidate has received approval from PMI to sit for the examination, he or she registers for the examination and must comply with various procedures set forth for the examination. The PMP certification process concludes with passage of the examination and issuance of PMP credentials by PMI.

Registering for the PMP Certification Exam

Prior to actually taking a PMP certification examination, you must submit an application to PMI for approval, including detailed documentation supporting your professional project management experience and training in specific areas of expertise.

Application Submission

PMI provides an online application, as well as a downloadable application form on its website. You can find valuable information about the PMP application process in the PMP Handbook that is also available on PMI’s website. This handbook provides detailed information on every step of the application process. If you believe you meet the requirements for applying for PMP certification, you are ready to apply to PMI.


Read the PMP Handbook prior to applying for PMP certification. Much of the information in this section can be found in this handbook, which is available at

Candidates for PMP certification must meet both the educational and experience requirements for one of two categories. You must submit verification forms showing compliance with these criteria with your application for either category. The two categories are detailed in Tables I.1 and I.2.

Category One, shown in Table I.1, is for applicants possessing a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. In this category, less personal project management experience is necessary, although you must possess a minimum of 4,500 hours of hands-on project management activity. Category Two, shown in Table I.2, is ideal for candidates with longer work histories who do not hold a bachelor’s degree. In this category, you can use 7,500 hours of project management performance to substitute for a college degree.


TABLE I.1 Category One Applicants


TABLE I.2 Category Two Applicants

Additional information related to the educational and experience requirements for PMP certification eligibility are provided in the PMP Handbook.

Application Fee and PMI Membership

The application also requires an application fee, tiered for PMI members and non-PMI members, with the latter paying a higher rate. For computer-based testing (CBT), members of PMI pay $405 for the examination, while non-members pay $555. The prices for paper-based testing (PBT) are $250 for PMI members and $400 for non-members. The annual cost for PMI membership is $129, which means that membership is actually cheaper than the difference between the examination cost for non-members and members. The total cost for joining PMI and sitting for the PMI examination is $534. (This does not include chapter, special interest groups, and college memberships, which require additional fees.)


A random sample of applicants are chosen for audit prior to issuing eligibility letters. If you are selected for an audit, you are asked to provide additional information supporting your work experience, including supporting documentation from your supervisors that details your work on specific projects.

Examination Administration

The PMP certification examination is offered globally. CBT is the standard method used to administer the PMP exam. PMI administers CBT through Prometric. A complete list of testing sites and vendors is available on the PMI website. PBT is available if a candidate lives more than 300 km (186.5 miles) from a Prometric CBT site or if a corporate sponsor wishes to administer the exam to its own employees.

Prometric requires a PMI Eligibility ID code to register. PMI provides this code to a PMP candidate when approval is granted to sit for an examination. After you’ve been approved to sit for the exam, you can register online or use Prometric’s interactive voice-response telephone registration system.

Specific instructions for registering are also included in your approval letter from PMI.

To learn more about Prometric and its administration of the PMP certification examination, visit Prometric’s website, at

After your application has been approved by PMI, passing the PMP certification examination is your final step in becoming a PMP.


Candidates who do not pass the PMP certification examination on their first attempt may take the exam up to two more times within one year from the original eligibility date.


Candidates can cancel and reschedule an examination at any time more than two business days prior to the scheduled testing. Cancellations within 30 days of the scheduled test date will carry a fee of $70. There are no refunds for any tests cancelled within two days of the scheduled test date.

Candidates unable to appear for a scheduled examination due to a medical emergency must submit written notification to the PMI Certification Program Department within 72 hours of the scheduled exam. A rescheduling fee is charged. All circumstances are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


You have one year from the date of your eligibility letter in which to take the PMP certification examination. A refund can be obtained by written request to PMI one month before your exam eligibility expires. A $100 processing fee will be retained from your original application fee.

Arriving at the Exam Site

To be admitted into the test site, you are required to present a current form of government-issued identification that includes a picture and a signature. If your government-issued identification does not display a photograph or a signature, you may use a secondary form of identification with your government-issued identification. The PMP Handbook contains a list of acceptable identification types. Your approval letter from PMI and your registration confirmation from Prometric also detail what forms of identification are acceptable. You are not allowed to bring anything to the exam. An examiner provides you with a calculator and scrap paper.

Wear comfortable clothing and layer your clothing. You will spend up to four hours in the examination room, and your ability to concentrate and focus on the task at hand can be dramatically affected by the room temperature and your sense of comfort.

Get to your exam site early so you can review the PMP Cram Sheet provided in this book and any additional notes you create to quickly focus your mind on specific topics prior to the test. An early arrival ensures that you have ample time to relax and mentally prepare for the examination.

In the Exam Room

Do not start the examination immediately. Sit down at your computer terminal and acclimate to the examination room and your immediate environment. Organize your peripherals for your comfort. Are the mouse and keyboard set correctly? Does your chair need to be adjusted? Is the monitor at the correct eye level for you? A few minor corrections can make a big difference during the next few hours.

Prior to the start of the examination, the test administrator will review any specific instructions and tell you what is and is not allowed during the examination period. You are allowed to take breaks and use the restrooms as necessary.

Pretest Tutorial

Prior to beginning the examination, you are provided with a briefing and 15-minute online tutorial designed to familiarize you with the computer and operational procedures for the test. If you have taken a computer-based test previously or have participated in computer-based training, you will feel comfortable in this environment. The pretest tutorial will show you how to navigate through the test using your computer mouse. You’ll be shown how to select an answer to a question, move forward to a new question, return to a previous question, and similar functions. The clock begins after you’ve completed the tutorial, so if you feel comfortable with the information presented, move forward to the actual examination.

Time Allotted for the Test

You have up to four hours to complete the examination. Pace yourself. There are 200 multiple-choice questions, which breaks down to 50 questions per hour, so you have a little more than 1 minute per question. But not all questions require equal time. Don’t agonize over every question; do read the question and each possible answer in its entirety prior to selecting an answer.

Answer the PMI Way

More than one answer can seem plausible and correct. You are not asked to select the correct answer but rather the best answer from those provided. Attempt to rule out any obviously wrong choices immediately to narrow your field of best answers. You should strive to select the best answer based on how you believe PMI and the PMBOK would respond, given the question, and not necessarily from your own project management experience.


It cannot be emphasized enough that the PMI answer is the correct answer. You might do a task a certain way in real practice, and that method might even be one of the answer choices, but for purposes of the PMP certification examination, the PMBOK answer is the only correct answer. Don’t get caught off guard here!

The best answer as determined by PMI is provided as one of the four possible responses. Be suspicious of answers offering definitive responses like never and always. Some answers might tout non-PMI methods and reflect common project management misconceptions. Some answers might offer correct information, but the information is not pertinent to the question at hand. Similarly, some questions might contain factually correct information that has no bearing on the possible answers.

Pace Yourself During the Exam

After the first hour, you will be able to determine your speed and make adjustments as necessary. It is important to be aware of your time so you won’t have to rush at the end to complete the examination. You should leave adequate time to review any responses you were unsure of and to return to unanswered questions. If you are spending more than one minute on a question, it is better to skip over the question and mark it for review later than to agonize over the question and lose the opportunity to answer other questions whose answers you know.

The examination allows you to mark questions for later review and make multiple passes through the exam. Mark every question you are unsure of, even if you have selected an answer. This approach saves you time when you review your responses because you will not need to review any unmarked questions. If, on a second review, you determine an answer, unmark the question. Continue this process of going through all the marked questions until you have answered all the questions or are nearing the end of the allotted time period.

Save the last 20 minutes or so of the test to finalize any unmarked answers and ensure that you have provided an answer to each question. Try to make a best guess by ruling out definitely wrong answers, as discussed earlier, but do not give up. Select an answer for each question—even if you have to guess. There is no penalty for guessing.


Remember, there is no penalty for guessing. So be sure all questions have been answered—even if you have to guess. You at least give yourself an opportunity to get it right if you have an answer marked!

Throughout the testing period, keep an eye on the clock or use your watch timer to remind you at discreet intervals to take a break. It is amazing what simply standing up and stretching for a few minutes can do for your concentration.

At the conclusion of the test, candidates can opt to complete a satisfaction survey.

Exam Room Surveillance

You might be under surveillance during the examination. Some testing centers use both video and human monitors to ensure the validity of the test. After you get under way with your examination and start to concentrate on the task at hand, you will be unaware of any other activity. Any monitoring by the testing center will be unobtrusive.

Grading Your Exam

At the end of the examination period, you will receive a printed copy of your results indicating your status—either pass or fail. The scores are submitted to PMI by the end of the business day. If you have passed the examination, PMI will mail a PMP credential packet to you within six to eight weeks.

If you are taking a PBT, answer sheets are scored when they are returned to the test administrator. You can request that your exam be hand scored for an additional $45 fee.

Any questions regarding your score from either the CBT or PBT should be addressed to PMI’s exam supervisor.

About This Book

This book offers you tools, techniques, tips, and other information to assist you in passing the PMP certification examination and becoming PMP certified. The emphasis is on reconciling your approach to the exam with PMI’s viewpoint and perspective on the examination. This book is not a guide to general project management but rather a specific study tool aimed at distilling PMI’s approach to project management as set forth in the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition. Project initiation, planning, execution, control, and closing are the core topics in this book and are parallel to those same key areas in the PMBOK.

Using This Book and CD

This book and CD prepare you to pass the PMP certification examination by highlighting important project management principles, providing insight into proven test-taking strategies, emphasizing key information you can expect to see on the examination, and providing exam practice questions. You get guidance and clarification on PMBOK concepts and understand their relationship to other project management methodologies. You have many opportunities to apply your knowledge through practice examinations and test questions.

This book provides a practice examination as well as practice questions at the beginning and end of each section. The Cram Saver questions before each section help you decide how well you already know the material. If you answer all of the Cram Saver questions correctly, you can choose to skim a section before going to its Cram Quiz at the end. After you complete a section, answer the Cram Quiz questions to determine how well you comprehended the information in the section. If you missed more than one or two questions, work your way through the section again, focusing on the concepts that you missed.

Similarly, you can test your knowledge and evaluate your level of preparation for the PMP certification examination by taking the practice exam under real conditions. After you’ve worked your way through this book, take the practice exam. Evaluate your results and then reread the chapters of this book related to any areas of the practice examination where you were less certain or did not select the correct answer.

Finally, the Cram Sheet condenses all the concepts, knowledge areas, processes groups, terminology, and formulas presented throughout this book into a tear-out sheet you can take with you to the exam site for quick review prior to entering the testing facility. The Cram Sheet is also a valuable tool for use in quick daily reviews after you have completed this book. Review the Cram Sheet every day; if any terms seem vague, go to the appropriate topic in the book for a refresher.

Pearson IT Certification Practice Test Engine and Questions on the CD

The CD in the back of the book includes the Pearson IT Certification Practice Test engine, software that displays and grades a set of exam-realistic multiple-choice questions. This book comes with three practice exams for use with the Pearson IT Certification Practice Test engine. Using the Pearson IT Certification Practice Test engine, you can either study by going through the questions in Study Mode or take a simulated exam that mimics real exam conditions.

The installation process requires two major steps: installing the software and activating the exam. The CD in the back of this book has a recent copy of the Pearson IT Certification Practice Test engine. The practice exam—the database of exam questions—is not on the CD.


The cardboard CD case in the back of this book includes the CD and a piece of paper. The paper lists the activation code for the practice exams associated with this book. Do not lose the activation code. On the opposite side of the paper from the activation code is a unique, one-time-use coupon code for the purchase of the Premium Edition eBook and Practice Test.

Installing the Software from the CD

The Pearson IT Certification Practice Test is a Windows-only desktop application. You can run it on a Mac using a Windows virtual machine, but it was built specifically for the PC platform. The minimum system requirements are as follows:

Image Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7, or Windows 8

Image Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 client

Image Pentium-class 1-GHz processor (or equivalent)

Image 512 MB RAM

Image 650 MB hard disk space plus 50 MB for each downloaded practice exam

Image Access to the Internet to register and download exam databases

The software installation process is relatively routine. If you have already installed the Pearson IT Certification Practice Test software from another Pearson product, there is no need for you to reinstall the software. Simply launch the software on your desktop and proceed to activate the practice exam from this book by using the activation code included in the CD sleeve.

The following steps outline the installation process:

1. Insert the CD into your PC.

2. The software that automatically runs is the Pearson software to access and use all CD-based features, including the exam engine and the CD-only appendixes. From the Practice Exam tab, click the option Install Practice Exam.

3. Respond to the prompts as you would with any typical software installation process. The installation process gives you the option to activate your exam with the activation code supplied on the paper in the CD sleeve. This process requires that you establish a Pearson website login. You need this login to activate the exam, so please do register when prompted. If you already have a Pearson website login, there is no need to register again. Just use your existing login.

Activating and Downloading the Practice Exam

After the exam engine is installed, you should then activate the exam associated with this book (if you did not do so during the installation process) as follows:

1. Start the Pearson IT Certification Practice Test software from the Windows Start menu or from your desktop shortcut icon.

2. To activate and download the exam associated with this book, from the My Products or Tools tab, click the Activate button.

3. At the next screen, enter the activation key from the paper inside the cardboard CD holder in the back of the book. Then click the Activate button.

4. After the activation process downloads the practice exam, click Next and then click Finish.

When the activation process is complete, the My Products tab should list your new exam. If you do not see the exam, make sure you have selected the My Products tab on the menu. At this point, the software and practice exam are ready to use. Simply select the exam and click the Open Exam button.

To update a particular exam you have already activated and downloaded, simply click the Tools tab and click the Update Products button. Updating your exams ensures that you have the latest changes and updates to the exam data.

If you want to check for updates to the Pearson IT Certification Practice Test software, simply click the Tools tab and click the Update Engine button. You can then ensure that you are running the latest version of the software engine.

Activating Other Exams

You must complete the exam software installation process and the registration process only once. Then, for each new exam, you have to follow only a few steps. For instance, if you buy another new Pearson IT Cert Guide or Cisco Press Official Cert Guide, extract the activation code from the CD sleeve in the back of that book. From there, all you have to do is start the exam engine (if it’s not still up and running) and perform steps 2 through 4 from the previous list.

Chapter Formats

Each chapter follows a regular structure and provides graphical cues about especially important or useful material. The structure of a typical chapter is as follows:

Image Topical coverage—Each chapter begins by listing the exam topics covered in that chapter.

Image Cram Saver questions—You get a short list of questions related to the specific section topic. Each question is followed by explanations of both correct and incorrect answers. The Cram Saver questions help you decide how well you already know the material covered in the section.

Image Exam Alerts—Throughout the topical coverage section, Exam Alerts highlight material most likely to appear on the exam by using a special exam alert layout that looks like this:


This is what an Exam Alert looks like. An Exam Alert stresses concepts, terms, or activities that are likely to appear in one or more exam questions. For that reason, any information offset in Exam Alert format is worthy of extra attention on your part.

Even if material isn’t flagged as an Exam Alert, all the content in this book is associated in some way with test-related material. What appears in the chapter content is critical knowledge.

Image Cram Quiz questions—Each section ends with a short list of test questions related to the specific topics of that section. Each question is followed by explanations of both correct and incorrect answers. These practice questions highlight the most important areas on the exam.

The bulk of the book follows this chapter structure, but there are a few other important elements:

Image PMP Practice Exam—There is a full practice test at the end of this book. The questions are designed to challenge your knowledge and readiness for the PMP exam.

Image Answers to the PMP Practice Exam—This book provides the answers to the practice exam, complete with explanations of both the correct responses and the incorrect ones.

Image Cram Sheet—This tear-out sheet inside the front cover is a valuable tool that represents a collection of the most critical items you should memorize before taking the test. Remember, you can dump this information out of your head onto the margins of your test booklet or scratch paper as soon as you enter the testing room.

You might want to look at the Cram Sheet in your car or in the lobby of the testing center just before you walk into the testing center. The Cram Sheet’s information is grouped together under headings, so you can review the appropriate parts just before the test.

Using the CD

The CD contains two elements that help you prepare for the PMP exam:

Image Exam Practice Engine—This exam engine software includes all the questions from the book’s practice exam in electronic format. You can take a full, timed exam or choose to focus on particular topics in study mode. Use your feedback and the topics listed in the book to zero in on the areas where you need more study.

Image Cram Quizzes—All of the book’s Cram Quizzes and their answers have been compiled into one convenient document on the CD for you to have another portable practice option.

About the PMP Exam

The PMP certification examination consists of 200 four-option, multiple-choice questions developed by PMPs. According to the PMP Handbook, “The passing score for all PMI credential examinations is determined by sound psychometric analysis” and is not based on a fixed number of correct answers.

There are no prescribed guidelines for a course of study because the examination is objective in scope and intended to test your knowledge of the project management field; however, emphasis is strongly placed on the PMBOK.

Do note that the PMP exam includes a performance requirement specific to professional responsibility in the practice of project management. The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is not a component of the PMBOK; rather, it is a standalone document available on the PMI website that you will be tested on as part of the examination. The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct can also be found in the PMP Handbook.

The PMP certification examination tests for professional responsibility and five process groups:

Image Initiating

Image Planning

Image Executing

Image Monitoring and Controlling

Image Closing

The most significant knowledge areas are

Image Planning—This knowledge area accounts for 24% of the test material.

Image Executing—This knowledge area accounts for 30% of the test material.

Image Monitoring and Controlling—This knowledge area accounts for 25% of the test material.

Overall, 79% of the examination deals exclusively with planning, executing, and monitoring and controlling projects.

Initiating accounts for 13% of the exam, and closing accounts for 8%.

A new PMP certification examination went into effect on July 31, 2013, based on the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition.

PMP Exam Topics

Table I.3 lists all the PMP exam topics covered in this book. Use this table to find where a topic is covered in the book. For example, if your CD exam feedback indicates that you scored poorly in a particular topic, find that topic in this table so you can find where it is covered in the book.


TABLE I.3 PMP Exam Topics

In general, the chapters are organized by process group. Within each process group, the sections are organized by knowledge area. As much as possible, the flow is consistent with the project flow defined in the PMBOK. The section references in the following table and throughout the book refer to the specific sections in the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition. At any time you can go directly to the PMBOK to see the section that corresponds to the topic in this book that you are reading.

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