

A/B testing, 284

acronyms, 49

action-oriented learning, 167


in CCAF model, 186, 189191

follow-up, 191

group, 146

recall, 102105, 165, 190

recognition, 102, 104, 105, 106, 165, 190

tactile, 153154

Adobe Illustrator, 264

Allen, Michael, 186

analogies, 50

Anderson & Krathwohl taxonomy, 67

apprenticeship programs, 249

Ariely, Dan, 156

Articulate Software, 252

assessment. See evaluation

attention, 123160

attracting, 131132, 158

curiosity and, 143144

and elephant vs. rider analogy, 124127

maintaining, 85, 158, 159

storytelling and, 132138

summary points about, 158159

surprises and, 140143

unexpected rewards and, 140142

visuals and, 149153

attention span, 173

attitude gaps, 73

audience analysis, 5557

augmented reality, 263

automatic processes, 11

automaticity, 233234

autonomy, 39, 40, 58, 158, 231, 241


Be Less Helpful philosophy, 144

behavior change

diffusions of innovation and, 219220

environment and, 16, 266270

modeling and practice for, 222224

reinforcing, 227

self-efficacy and, 222224

social proof and, 224226

technology acceptance model and, 218219

visceral matters and, 226227

behavior triggers, 153

bike riding, 1112

Bingham, Tony, 245

blended learning, 191

Bloom’s Taxonomy, 6768

Bozarth, Jane, 243, 250


closet analogy, 4748, 8283

as elephant and rider, 125126

memory and, 8283

neuroenergetic theory and, 153

new learning and, 197198

Brand, Stewart, 7475

Brinkerhoff, Robert, 285

Britz, Mark, 243

budgeting example, 247253


case studies, 285286

CCAF model, 186193, 207

challenges, 73, 186, 189

changing behavior. See behavior change

characters in stories, 110

chunking information, 89, 90, 91, 120

Cialdini, Robert, 147

closet analogy, 4750, 8283, 9295, 152

coaching, 208209, 249

cognitive dissonance, 142143

cognitive load, 142, 166

collaborative learning, 146147

communication gaps, 1719, 20, 73

communities of practice, 252

Community Building for the Web (Kim), 253

competence, 69, 70, 134, 198, 206

competition, 146, 148, 159

complexity, 39, 43, 219, 220, 232, 246

comprehension, 69

conditioned memory, 108, 111113

confidence, learner, 185186, 193

Conner, Marcia, 245

conscious action, 69, 70

conscious effort, 69

consequences, 138

consistency, 85, 141142, 281282

content. See also information

complexity of, 39

embedding in memory, 161

having learners rate, 163

for novices vs. experts, 4042, 48

organizing, 254

providing right amount of, 172174, 273

testing, 174

varying feedback based on, 85


in CCAF model, 186, 187188

determining, 187188

emotional, 98101, 121, 138139, 152, 187188, 191

for habits, 236

physical, 188

providing learners with, 4446

simulating, 96

visuals for providing, 45, 152153

contextual triggers, 56, 153

counter-examples, 175176, 193

Covey, Stephen, 136

CPR training, 102105

Cross, Jay, 244

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 200, 213

curation skills, 254, 255

curiosity, 131, 143144


Damasio, Antonio, 139

Deci, Edward, 3132

decision trees, 262

declarative memory, 108

decorative graphics, 150

demographics, 28, 58

Design of Everyday Things (Norman), 258

desirable difficulty, 166


motivation gaps and, 8

setting, 60, 6367

Deterding, Sebastian, 211

Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers), 219

dilemmas, 138


communicating, 1719

having gaps in, 185

step-by-step, 177178, 181, 184

dissonance, 142143

distractions, 123, 150, 159

Don’t Make Me Think (Krug), 275

doodling, 153

Drive (Pink), 157

Duarte, Nancy, 174

Duhigg, Charles, 231

dummy books, 35

Dweck, Carol, 221



authoring software, 252

blog, 180

and CCAF model, 186

feedback for designer of, 57

habituation and, 85

instructional design workshops for, 254

interactivity and, 52, 166

learner feedback and, 85, 141142, 167, 192

multiple-choice question and, 102

scenarios, 13, 189190, 191, 252

elephant-and-rider analogy, 124127, 216217

emotional context, 98101, 121, 138139, 152, 187188, 191

Emotional Design (Norman), 150

emotional resonance, 138140

encoding and retrieval, 8283, 101105, 120

entertaining learners, 174

envelope-icon tutorial, 180181, 185

environment, 257270

behaviors in, 266270

habits and, 232

knowledge in, 258259

prompts/triggers in, 265266

proximity and, 260261

putting resources into, 261264

reducing complexity of, 43

summary points about, 270

supply caching in, 263264

environment gaps, 1517, 20, 73, 257258

episodic memory, 108, 109111

evaluation, 271286

challenges, 271272

of digital resources, 274275

feedback, 279280

Kirkpatrick levels of, 275, 283

measurement issues, 272273

of performance, 279

recognition vs. recall, 277280

summary points about, 286

surveys and, 275276

through observation, 284285

via interviews and case studies, 285286

examples, 173176, 181183, 193

experience filter, 5051

experiential learning, 216217, 227, 250


leveraging, 41

mental model for, 4748

problem-solving by, 50

tailoring learning for, 40

as teachers of novices, 50

explicit memory, 107

explicit rules, 182

extraneous cognitive load, 167

extrinsic rewards, 156, 159

extrinsically motivated learners, 3032, 33, 34


Facebook, 250

familiarization, 69, 191

fast vs. slow skills, 7678


in CCAF model, 186, 192193, 207

coaching, 193

consistency, 141142, 281282

in elearning scenario, 192

evaluation, 279280

following up on, 208209

frequency of, 207

habits and, 231232, 239

for learning designer, 57

peer-to-peer, 280

on skill development, 207209

variety of, 208

Ferguson, Dave, 262

field assessment system, 203

First Things Fast (Rossett), 54

flashbulb memory, 108, 115117

flow model, 200, 213, 214

focusing objective, 72

Fogg, BJ, 231, 238


coaching, 208209

for evaluations, 273

to support learned behaviors, 191, 203, 204, 240

font study, 10

formal learning, 244, 246247, 252, 255


for knowledge, 162

for stories, 110

French, Bill, 250

friction, 166167, 171, 193


games, 210212

gaps in learners, 226

analyzing, 73

identifying, 24, 2024

importance of understanding, 2425

scenarios about, 34, 2125

summary points about, 26

types of, 420

Gardner, Howard, 53

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, 53

Gee, James Paul, 210

germane cognitive load, 166, 167

Gery, Gloria, 69

giving directions, 176178

GMAT prep class, 7374, 75

goals, 5979

for budget project, 247253

communicating, 7073

defining, 59, 6367, 79

gaps related to, 73

learner proficiency and, 6970, 79

learner sophistication and, 6768, 79

solutions pertaining to, 6063

and speed of skill acquisition, 7378

structured flow of, 211213

summary points about, 79

Gollwitzer, Peter, 237, 265

Goofus and Gallant, 175

Google Analytics, 285

GPS devices, 178

group activities, 146

guiding learners, 176180, 193


habit gaps, 14, 20, 73, 234237

habits, 229242

anatomy of, 231232

automaticity and, 233234

autonomy and, 241

context and triggers for, 236

defined, 229

designing for, 237238

developing new, 228

environment and, 232

feedback and, 239

implementation intentions and, 237238

motivation and, 231

practice and, 239

shrinking, 238239

summary points about, 241

unlearning, 11

vs. procedures/skills, 234

habituation, 8485, 118, 120

Haidt, Jonathan, 124

handwashing training, 222, 265, 285

Happiness Hypothesis (Haidt), 124

Heath, Chip and Dan, 110, 174, 238

heroes, 134136

Highlights magazine, 175

hiring skill, 78

How Buildings Learn (Brand), 7475

Show Your Work: The Payoffs and How-to’s of Working Out Loud (Bozarth), 250

humor, 131, 149, 154, 155

hyperbolic discounting, 130

hypothetical problems, 33


Illustrator, Adobe, 264

immediacy, 136, 138, 153, 217

implementation intentions, 237238, 240, 265

in-context learning, 9597

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Cialdini), 147

infographics, 150

informal learning, 243256

balancing with formal learning, 246

components of, 245

defined, 244245

example, 247253

summary points about, 255

tools, 252, 254

information. See also content

caching, 263264

chunking, 89, 90, 91, 120

filtering, 254

organization of, 4748

retrieving, 48

structuring, 4850, 199200

visual vs. verbal, 151

innovations, diffusion of, 219220

instructional-design objective, 72

instructional-evaluation objective, 72

intelligence quotient (IQ), 53, 54

Intelligences, Gardner’s Multiple, 53

interactive learning, 52, 58, 166, 174

interviews, 56, 285286

intrinsic cognitive load, 167

intrinsic rewards, 157158, 159

intrinsically motivated learners, 30, 3233

IQ (intelligence quotient), 53, 54


job aids, 191, 248, 261263, 268

job shadowing, 56, 203

journey of learners, 12, 7374

just-in-time learning, 131, 158

just-in-time resources, 248


Kim, Amy Jo, 253

Kirkpatrick levels of evaluation, 275, 283

knowledge, 161194

friction and, 166167, 171

guidance and, 176180

listing existing, 162

metacognition and, 162

real vs. perceived, 105106

sharing, 250

showing vs. telling, 167170

stickiness of, 164165

summary points about, 193

of teacher vs. student, 4647

understanding and, 171172

vs. skill, 7

in the world, 258259

knowledge gaps, 46, 20, 73

Kohn, Alfie, 157

Kolb, David A., 53

Krathwohl, David, 67

Krug, Steve, 275

Kuhlmann, Tom, 180, 252


L1 interference, 13

language learning, 70


attracting/engaging, 36, 131132

average attention span for, 173

and elephant vs. rider analogy, 128130

entertaining, 174

experience filter in, 5051

gaps in, 226

giving feedback to, 192193

guiding, 176180

journey of, 12, 7374

learning about, 5457

maintaining interest of, 174

misconceptions of, 174176

motivations of, 10, 2834

pace layering of, 75

preferences of, 3637

proficiency of, 6970, 79

providing context for, 4446

respecting, 43

skill level of, 3740

sophistication of, 6768, 70, 79

summary points about, 58

talking to, 5556

types of, 2930


action-oriented, 167

applying to real world, 180182

blended, 191

collaborative, 146147

communities, 252, 253, 255

design (See learning design)

evaluating (See evaluation)

from experience, 216217

fast vs. slow skills, 7678

filtering of, 5051

formal, 244, 246247, 252, 255

gaps in, 24

in-context, 9597

informal (See informal learning)

interactive, 52, 58, 166, 174

in lecture classroom, 5152

memory as foundation of, 81

new procedures, 13

objectives (See learning objectives)

problem-based, 162163

the right things, 260

scaffolding, 4243

social (See social learning)

structuring, 4850, 199200, 210213

styles, 5354

vs. unlearning, 11

learning design

evaluating, 57, 272273

habits and, 240241

sensory memory and, 8586

short-term memory and, 9091

testing, 57

learning objectives

communicating, 7071

creating, 6267

performance evaluation and, 282283

taxonomy of, 72

learning-style inventories, 53

lectures, 5152

Lego experiment, 156157

Loewenstein, George, 143

long-term memory

chunking and, 89

closet analogy and, 9295

defined, 83

emotionally-charged events and, 116

friction and, 166

gatekeeper for, 91

memorization and, 121

organization of, 120

practice and, 196

repetition and, 121

retrieving information from, 86

vs. other types, 107


Made to Stick (Heath), 110, 174

Malamed, Connie, 150


project, 78, 247, 252

time, 235236, 239

Mason, Charlotte, 145

memorization, 119120, 121

memory, 81121

encoding and retrieval, 8283, 101105, 120

as foundation of learning, 81

learning design and, 9091

long-term (See long-term memory)

processing of, 107

repetition and, 117120, 121

sensory, 83, 8486

short-term, 83, 8691

summary points about, 120121

taking burden off, 258259

types of, 83, 107117, 121

working, 8691, 120, 164

mental models, 4748

mentoring, 226, 245, 246, 247, 249, 255

metacognition, 162, 193

metaphors, 50, 150

Meyer, Dan, 36, 144

miscommunication, 18

misconceptions, learner, 174176

MIT Media Lab, 146

mnemonic devices, 49

momentum, learner, 11

monkey mind, 153

Moore, Cathy, 167

motivation, 215228

competition as, 148

continuum of, 3132

habits and, 231

intrinsic vs. extrinsic, 3034

self-efficacy and, 220224

social proof and, 224226

summary points about, 227228

technology acceptance model and, 218219

types of, 215, 227

using rewards for, 157158

visceral matters and, 226227

motivation gaps, 811

defined, 8

and learning objectives, 73

questions to ask about, 20

reasons for, 810

unlearning as special, 11

multiple-choice tests, 42, 102, 271272, 278, 283, 286

muscle memory, 114

mystery, 144


neuroenergetic theory, 153

New Social Learning (Conner/Bingham), 245

Non-Designer’s Design Book (Williams), 67, 150

Norman, Donald, 150, 258259


closet analogy and, 4850

designing learning experience for, 4042

experience filter and, 5051

understanding skill level of, 3740

numeric data, 151


objective facts, 140

objectives. See learning objectives

observation, 284285, 286

opinion leaders, 225, 226, 228


pace layering, 7475

pain points, 33

passive experiences, 166

peer pressure, 220

peer-to-peer feedback, 280, 286

Perfect Time-Based Productivity (Wade), 235, 239

performance objective, 72

performance-based evaluation, 279, 286

personal learning networks (PLNs), 245, 254, 255

persuasion, 147

physical context, 188

pilot tests, 57, 86

Pink, Daniel, 157

PLNs (personal learning networks), 245, 254, 255

Power of Habit (Duhigg), 231

PowerPoint, 180, 190

practice, 196206

characteristics of effective, 200

communities of, 252

habits and, 232, 239

modeling and, 222224

providing opportunities for, 185

skill development through, 67, 196206

spacing out, 204205

structuring, 198200, 202203

variables influencing amount of, 206

praise, 98, 221

presentation skills, 282

Presentation Zen (Reynolds), 174

pressure, 100101, 220

pre-tests, 4142

problem identification, 6063

problem-based learning, 162163

problem-solving skills, 74, 76

procedural memory, 108, 113115

procedures, learning new, 13

proficiency, 11, 12, 39, 69, 79, 196

proficiency scales, 6970

progression, 39, 68, 150

Project ALERT, 26, 222, 225

project-management skills, 78, 247, 252

prompts, 265266

prototypes, 57, 190

proximity, 260261, 262

pull vs. push, 41, 50

Punished by Rewards (Kohn), 157



about evaluation, 272273

about motivation gaps, 20

about timing of rewards, 130

for engaging learners, 145

for identifying habit gaps, 236237

for identifying learning gaps, 2021

for identifying problems, 62

for learning about learners, 28, 56


Rapid E-Learning Blog, 180

rational decision-making, 139

real vs. perceived knowledge, 105106

recall activities, 102105, 165, 190, 277278

recall-based evaluation, 277278, 286

recognition activities, 102, 104, 105, 106, 165, 190

recognition-based evaluation, 277278, 279280

references, 16, 43, 268. See also resources

reinforcement, 118

remembering, 82, 102, 161. See also memory

repetition, 87, 117120, 121, 232

resistance self-efficacy, 220

Resonate (Duarte), 174


examples of, 248, 261264

testing, 274275

vs. formal courses, 248

retention, memory, 8688, 120

retrieving information, 82, 101105, 106, 120


as motivators, 157158

pros and cons of, 155157

timing of, 130, 155156

unexpected, 140142

Reynolds, Garr, 174

rider vs. elephant analogy, 124127

Rocket Surgery Made Easy (Krug), 275

Rogers, Everett, 219

role-plays, 98, 100, 191, 192, 206, 246

Rossett, Allison, 54, 261

rubrics, 281, 286

rules, explicit vs. tacit, 182

Ryan, Richard, 3132


Saari, Donald, 186

scaffolding, 4243


communicating learning objectives via, 73

gathering details for, 57

for in-context learning experiences, 9798

for showing vs. telling, 169170

self-control, 129

self-determination theory, 3132

self-efficacy, 220224, 228

self-evaluation, 280, 286

semantic memory, 108

sensory memory, 83, 8486

sequential events, 110

shadowing, job, 56

shiny things, 149153

short-term memory, 83, 8691. See also memory

Show Your Work (Bozarth), 243, 250

showing vs. telling, 137, 167170, 193

skill levels

accommodating different, 4042

assessing, 4142

identifying, 3740

skills, 195214

accomplishing tasks with, 209210

fast vs. slow, 7678

feedback on, 207209

practicing, 196206

summary points about, 214

teaching vs. introducing, 195

transferring to real world, 180182

using games to build, 210212

vs. habits, 234

vs. knowledge, 7

skills gaps, 67, 20, 73

slow vs. fast skills, 7678

social interaction, 146, 159, 171, 193

social learning, 243256

balancing formal and informal, 246

components of, 245

defined, 244245

example, 247253

summary points about, 255

tools, 252, 254

social networks, 247, 253, 254

social proof, 147148, 224226

sophistication of learners, 6768, 70, 79

statistics, 32, 34

step-by-step directions, 177178, 181, 184

stories, 49, 101, 110, 132140

storytelling, 110111, 121, 137

study habits, 146

Success Case Method (Brinkerhoff), 285

supply caching, 263264

surprises, 140144

surveys, 275276, 286

Sweller, John, 166

Switch (Heath), 238


tacit memory, 107

tacit rules, 182

tactile activities, 153154

TAM (technology acceptance model), 218219, 220

tax software, 264


of learner sophistication, 6768

of learning objectives, 72

technology acceptance model (TAM), 218219, 220

telling vs. showing, 137, 167170

test construction, 276


A/B, 284

content, 174

recall- vs. recognition-based, 277278

resources, 274275

user, 57, 86, 275

tests, 4142, 57, 86. See also evaluation; multiple-choice tests

texting while driving, 215, 217

Thalheimer, Will, 72

time management, 235236, 239

Tiny Habits program, 238

tire-changing instructions, 4546

Treisman, Philip Uri, 146147


behavior, 153

contextual, 56, 153, 188

in environment, 265266

habit, 231, 236, 241

troubleshooting, 184, 251

tunnel vision, 57

Twitter, 244, 252, 253, 254, 255


unconscious competence, 6970


defining, 6364

helping learners with, 171172

unexpected rewards, 140142

unlearning process, 11

urgency, 136138, 148, 275

user testing, 57, 86, 275


“vampire” energy use, 153

VAK or VARK model, 53

virtual-reality experiment, 146

visceral matters, 226227

visual clichés, 150

visual cues, 159, 208

Visual Design Solutions (Malamed), 150

visual learners, 53, 151

visual organizers, 152

visuals, 149153

books about creating, 150

providing context with, 152153

reasons for using, 150

for structuring information, 49


Wade, Francis, 235, 239

walkthroughs, 43, 190

What the Best College Teachers Do (Saari), 186

whiteboard, 163, 270

Williams, Robin, 67, 150

willpower, 129

Woods, Tiger, 11

working memory, 8691, 120, 164. See also memory


YouTube videos, 250

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