

<a> element, 60, 175, 344

absolute hyperlinks, 345, 355358

Accordion widgets. See Bootstrap Accordion widgets

Add Behavior icon, 374, 379, 382, 383

Add Class/ID icon, 158, 187, 320, 364

Add New Server icon, 422, 427

Add Selector icon, 159, 225, 248, 276

Adobe Add-ons, 15, 374, 375

Adobe Authorized Training Centers, 15

Adobe Creative Cloud, 4

Adobe Dreamweaver. See Dreamweaver

Adobe Edge Animate, 404, 405

Adobe Flash, 402

Adobe forums, 15

Adobe Generator. See Generator

Adobe Muse, 59

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

All mode, CSS Designer, 48, 94, 149

alpha transparency, 315, 317

animation. See web animation

<article> element, 62, 78, 215, 263, 389

<aside> element, 62, 182, 184, 211, 212

Assets panel, 250, 261, 318319, 335

<audio> tag, 62


background color, 163, 176, 396

background images

adding to headers, 160163

gradients as, 164, 177, 179, 397

banner animation, 405409

Beginner workspace, 33

behaviors, 377387

adding to hyperlinks, 383385

applying, 379382

overview of, 374375

removing applied, 382383

responsive design and, 385387

review questions/answers on, 399

Swap Image behavior, 379381

Swap Image Restore behavior, 381382

Berners-Lee, Tim, 58

bit depth, 314

<blockquote> element, 60, 183, 185, 273

<body> element, 60, 8485

Bootstrap, 131141

adding HTML5 elements to, 139141

code inconsistency cleanup, 174

column width manipulation, 217221

component width management, 189191

creating layouts using, 133139

hiding unwanted content using, 210214

mobile device design and, 208221

read-only style sheet, 189

Bootstrap Accordion widgets, 387398

inserting into layouts, 388392

styling, 392398


indented text, 276277

navigation menu, 177178

table row, 287

box model, 7475

<br> tag, 60, 262

Brightness and Contrast tool, 340

Browse icon, 11, 349, 411, 412

browsers. See web browsers


<canvas> tag, 62

caption elements, 294296

cascade theory, 7982

cells, styling table, 287289

character entities, 61

Check Spelling dialog, 302303

child pages, 241253

adding content to, 243247

creating new, 242243

formatting content in, 247250

hyperlink updates on, 353355

updating, 250253, 353355

class attributes, 8788, 9798


creating custom, 158160, 187188

pseudo-classes and, 175

Classroom in a Book series, 1

clipboard, 262

cloaking process, 428429

code font used in book, 2

Code Hinting window, 275

Code Navigator, 9093

Code view, 24

creating long selectors in, 299

Find and Replace feature in, 306

Refresh button for, 389

Code workspace, 34

Coding toolbar, 37


background, 163, 177

text, 155

color picker, 155

color space, 314315

column widths, 217221

comma-separated values (CSV) file, 291

Commit icon, 327, 333, 338

Compare option, 438

compression, image file, 316

Connect to Remote Server icon, 433

content placeholders, 186187

Copy Dependent Files dialog, 127


CSS properties, 226230

images from Photoshop, 331334

tables, 284285

Create tab, 1920

Crop tool, 338339, 340

cropping images, 338339

CSS (cascading style sheets), 66101

box model, 7475

cascade theory, 7982

class and id attributes, 8788, 9798

Code Navigator tool, 9093

copying/pasting properties, 226230

creating in CSS Designer, 151153

CSS Designer, 4449, 9396

current version, 98100

descendant theory, 8589

HTML comparison, 6970

inheritance theory, 8285

multiple element formatting, 96

positioning images using, 320321

review questions/answers on, 101

rules and rule syntax, 77, 78, 224226

shorthand method, 9697

specificity theory, 8990

styling tables with, 285286

support resources, 100

CSS3, 98100

features and effects, 99100

support resources, 100

CSS Designer, 4449, 9396

All and Current modes, 48, 94, 149

copying/pasting properties, 226

header creation, 148157

@Media window, 45

Properties window, 4648, 95, 285

Selectors window, 46, 95

Sources window, 45

style sheet creation, 151153

Current mode, CSS Designer, 48, 94, 149, 399

custom classes, 158160


declarations, 77

Default workspace, 34

Delete icon, 228, 438

dependent files, 433

descendant theory, 8589

Design view, 2425

clipboard use and, 262

table cell navigation in, 282

Design workspace, 1213, 35

designing web pages. See web design

destination links

adding to the same page, 370

Element HUD for creating, 367368

id attribute for creating, 365367

Disable icon, 228

dithering process, 314

<div> element, 60, 85, 123, 139, 143, 408

docking panels, 3233

Document toolbar, 37

DOM Viewer, 50, 214215

dpi (dots per inch), 313

dragging-and-dropping images, 335336


Help reference, 14

installing, 4

product home page, 15

site creation, 912

Support Center, 14

updating, 5, 14

drop zone, 32

.dwt file extension, 237

dynamic templates, 237


Edge Animate program, 404, 405

Edge Web Fonts, 193198

Edit HTML Attributes icon, 319, 336, 360

Edit Image Settings tool, 340

Edit image tool, 340

editable regions

formatting content in, 247250

inserting into templates, 237239

Element HUD, 50, 357, 360361, 367

element references, 3

<em> tag, 60, 357

email links, 347, 358362

creating, 358360

image-based, 360361

text-based, 361362

warning about, 362

embedded formatting, 77

Emmet feature, 5254

exporting Photoshop assets, 114116

external hyperlinks, 344, 355358

Extract workspace, 3536

eye icon, 114, 330


<figcaption> tag, 62

<figure> tag, 62

file formats

for raster images, 316317

for vector graphics, 312

for video files, 412

Find and Replace feature, 304307

Flash, Adobe, 402

floating panels, 3132

FLV file format, 412, 414, 417


Edge Web, 193198

size specifications for, 200202

stacks of, 194, 198200

typefaces vs., 193

web-hosted, 198

<footer> tag, 62

<form> tag, 60

forums, Adobe, 15

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 420

FTP over SSL/TLS connection method, 420

FTP sites

connection options, 423

steps for setting up, 421425

troubleshooting connections to, 424


Generator, 112118

creating multiple assets using, 116118

exporting assets from Photoshop using, 114116

steps for working with, 113114

Get icon, 435, 438

Getting Started tab, 21

GIF file format, 316

Google Maps, 355357

gradient backgrounds, 163165, 177, 179, 397

graphic tools, 340


raster, 312317

vector, 312

See also images

grouping panels, 32


<h1> to <h6> tags, 60

<head> tag, 60, 231, 237

<header> element, 62, 146

headers, 146167

background images for, 160163

color background for, 163

creating for text, 264266

CSS Designer options for, 148157

custom classes for, 158160

entering text for, 146148

formatting text for, 153157

gradient effects for, 163165

responsive design for, 298

heads-up displays (HUDs), 5051

<hgroup> tag, 62

hiding elements, 210214

high color, 315

hinting menu, 156, 182, 211

home page

hyperlinks to, 352353

setting up, 430431

<hr> tag, 60

HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 5665

character entities, 61

code structure, 59

CSS comparison, 6970

current version, 6264

defaults, 7072

historical origins, 5859

review questions/answers on, 65

table formatting and, 280

tags, 5859, 6061

HTML5, 6264

animation support, 402, 410

Bootstrap and, 139141

quote attribution in, 268

semantic web design, 6364

tags, 6263

video support, 402, 415416

HTML entities, 191192

HTML Property inspector, 4142

HTML structures, 266269

<html> tag, 60

HUDs (heads-up displays), 5051

Hyperlink icon, 357

hyperlinks, 342371

absolute, 345, 355358

adding behaviors to, 383385

checking on pages, 369370

destination, 365369, 370

editing/removing, 349

email, 347, 358362

external, 344, 355358

home page, 352353

image-based, 360361

internal, 344, 348355

navigation menu, 178179

placeholder for, 349, 383, 384

pseudo-classes for, 175

relative, 344, 345, 348351

review questions/answers on, 371

targeted, 363369, 370

text-based, 361362

updating in child pages, 353355


id attributes, 8788

creation process for, 98

targeted links and, 363, 365369

<iframe> tag, 60

Ignore option, 438

Image HUD, 50, 326

Image Optimization dialog, 325, 340

Image Property inspector, 42

image-based links, 360361

images, 310341

color spaces used for, 314315

copying/pasting from Photoshop, 331334

dragging-and-dropping, 335336

file formats for, 312, 316317

inserting on a webpage, 318320, 322328

non-web file type, 325328

optimizing with Property inspector, 337339

Photoshop Smart Objects, 328331

positioning, 320321

Quality setting for, 325

raster graphics, 312317, 333

resolution of, 313314, 328

review questions/answers on, 341

screen size and, 334335

size of, 314315, 328, 338

tools for editing, 340

vector graphics, 312

Images category icon, 318

<img> element, 60, 320

Import Tabular Data dialog, 291292

importing text, 261263

incompatible code, 165

indented text, 273277

inheritance theory, 8285

inline formatting, 77

<input> tag, 60

Insert Article dialog, 264, 281

Insert menu, 323324

Insert panel, 322323

Insert Rows or Columns dialog, 283


editable regions into templates, 237239

images on a webpage, 318320, 322328

metadata into templates, 239241

tables from other sources, 291294

Inspect mode, 28

installing Dreamweaver, 4

interactivity, 372399

Bootstrap Accordion widgets for, 387398

Dreamweaver behaviors for, 374375, 377387

review questions/answers on, 399

See also behaviors

interface customization, 1655

internal hyperlinks, 344, 348355

home link creation, 352353

relative link creation, 348351

targeted link creation, 363365

updating in child pages, 353355

Internet Explorer, 403, 416


JPEG file format, 316

jQuery framework, 373, 388, 398


keyboard shortcuts, 4041



page, 120143

predefined, 124141

template creation from, 236237

workspace, 3335

lesson files

downloading and unzipping, 67

recommended order for using, 8

<li> element, 60, 272

<link> element, 61, 81

Link Checker panel, 370

linked CSS formatting, 77

links. See hyperlinks

Linting support, 52

lists, 269279

creating, 270273

indented text in, 273277

ordered and unordered, 272273

responsive, 277279

Live Source Code mode, 2728

Live view, 25, 127, 135

previewing pages in, 259, 286, 355, 416

table styling in, 286

local site, 9, 420

Locked icon, 243

Log button, 434

lossy compression, 316


Manage Sites dialog, 421

map links, 356357

Marcotte, Ethan, 107

max-width specification, 49, 335

measurement systems, 156

media content. See web animation; web video

media queries, 207, 221231

adding rules to, 224226

explanation of, 130

identifying, 221224

resources on, 231

syntax used in, 208

VMQ interface and, 129131

Media Query Definition dialog, 224

media type property, 207

menus. See navigation menus

<meta> tag, 61, 240, 241


image-related, 320

inserting into templates, 239241

min-width specification, 49, 224, 335

mobile device design, 204233

Bootstrap framework and, 208221

column width manipulation and, 217221

copying/pasting CSS properties, 226230

lists and, 277279

media queries and, 207208, 221231

media type property and, 207

mobile-first design and, 206, 214217

responsive design and, 206208

review questions/answers on, 232233

Scrubber tool and, 208210

steps for completing, 230231

tables and, 296302

mobile-first design, 206, 214217

mobile-optimized sites, 213

mockups, 112

monochrome, 314

MP4 file format, 412

Muse, Adobe, 59


named anchors, 363

<nav> element, 62, 175

navigation, 342371

basics of, 344345

checking on pages, 369370

email links for, 358362

external hyperlinks for, 355358

image-based links for, 360361

internal hyperlinks for, 348355

review questions/answers on, 371

targeting page elements, 363369

text-based links for, 361362

See also hyperlinks

navigation menus, 167182

adding new items to, 170174

centering, 180182

cleaning up, 174

hyperlinks in, 178179

steps for creating, 167170

styling, 175180

New Document dialog, 125

New Feature guides, 2223

New Features tab, 20


Ogg file format, 412

<ol> element, 61, 272, 273

online resources. See resources

ordered lists, 271272

OS X vs. Windows instructions, 3


page design

evaluating options for, 122124

list of components for, 109110

page layouts, 120143

Bootstrap framework and, 131141

evaluating design options for, 122124

review questions/answers on, 142143

Visual Media Queries interface and, 129131

working with predefined, 124141

palettes, color, 314315

panels, 2933

closing, 3031

docking, 3233

dragging, 31

floating, 3132

grouping, 32

minimizing, 2930

stacking, 32

tabbed, 388

passwords, 422

Paste Styles option, 293, 395


copying/pasting images from, 331334

exporting assets from, 114116

Smart Objects from, 328331

pixels, 312313


content, 186187

hyperlink, 349, 383, 384

video, 411

web page, 434

PNG file format, 317

Point to File icon, 351

Position Assist HUD, 50, 389, 410

positioning images, 320321

poster images, 410

predefined layouts, 124141

Bootstrap framework and, 131141

steps for working with, 125129

VMQ interface and, 129131

Preferences dialog, 3839

prelaunch checklist, 432

Preview in Browser option, 296

Property inspector, 4142

displaying, 187, 239

docking, 410

graphic tools in, 340

optimizing images with, 337339

Refresh button, 389

table properties, 42, 282

pseudo-classes, 175

publishing to the web, 418439

cloaking process for, 428429

home page setup for, 430431

prelaunch checklist for, 432

putting your site online, 432435

remote site setup for, 420428

review questions/answers on, 439

synchronization process for, 436438

testing server used for, 426428

punctuation, 23

Put icon, 433, 438


queries. See media queries

Quick Tag Editor, 184, 268, 276


raster graphics, 312317

color spaces for, 314315

file formats for, 316317

resolution of, 313314

scaling issues, 333

size of, 314315

RDS (Remote Development Services), 421

Refresh icon, 197, 250, 335

regular expressions, 304

Related Files interface, 4243

relative hyperlinks, 344, 345, 348351

remote sites, 9, 420428

connection methods, 420421

setting up for FTP, 421425

synchronizing local and, 436438

testing server used for, 426428

troubleshooting connections to, 424

Remove Event icon, 383

Resample tool, 340

Reset icon, 327, 338

resolution, 313314

resources, 1415

on CSS, 100

on HTML, 59

on HTML5 video, 416

on media queries, 231

responsive web design, 107

behaviors and, 385387

lists utilizing, 277279

mobile devices and, 206208

tables utilizing, 296302

See also mobile device design

rollover effects, 374, 385, 386, 396398

rows, table, 283284

rules, CSS, 7778, 224226


Save All command, 253

Save Web Image dialog, 326


custom workspaces, 37

pages as templates, 236

<script> tag, 61

Scrubber tool

mobile device design and, 208210

resizing document windows with, 128, 131

<section> element, 63, 248

Select File dialog, 350

Select Image Source dialog, 322, 324

selectors, 46, 77, 90

semantic content, 182188

creating for text, 263264

custom element classes and, 187188

main content placeholders and, 186187

steps for building, 182186

semantic web design, 6364

SFTP (Secure FTP), 420

Sharpen tool, 340

shorthand, CSS, 9697

Show Set option, 47, 95, 150151, 286

Site menu, 9

site root folder, 10

Site Setup dialog, 11, 422, 428429

Smart Objects, 328331

smartphones. See mobile device design

<source> tag, 63

<span> tag, 61, 158

special characters, 191192

specificity theory, 8990

spellchecking web pages, 302304

Split view, 2627, 267

stacking panels, 32

stacks, font, 194, 198200

staging servers, 420

Standard toolbar, 37

starter layouts, 125129

strikethrough formatting, 2

<strong> tag, 61, 357

<style> tag, 61, 79, 81

style sheets, 151153


Accordion widgets, 392398

navigational menus, 175180

tables and cells, 285289

SVG graphics, 312

Swap Image behavior, 379381

Swap Image Restore behavior, 381382

SWF file format, 412, 414

synchronization process, 436438

Synchronize Files dialog, 437


CSS rule, 78

media query, 208


Table dialog, 280281

Table Property inspector, 42

tables, 279302

caption elements in, 294296

cell styling for, 287289

controlling the display of, 289291

copying and pasting, 284285

creating from scratch, 279284

inserting from other sources, 291294

making responsive, 296302

review questions/answers on, 308, 309

styling with CSS, 285286

<table> tag, 61, 282, 294

tag selector interface, 4344, 280


HTML, 5859, 6061

HTML5, 6263

targeted links, 363369

creating internal, 363365

Element HUD for creating, 367368

id attribute for, 363, 365367, 368369

<td> tag, 61, 287, 288

templates, 234255

adding content to, 243247

Bootstrap framework, 131141

child pages produced from, 241253

creating from existing layouts, 236237

editable regions in, 237239

formatting content in, 247250

how they work, 236

metadata added to, 239241

review questions/answers on, 254255

updating, 250253

Templates category icon, 250, 261

testing server, 426428

text, 261269

finding and replacing, 304307

font size specification for, 200202

formatting for headers, 153157

global type styles for, 192202

headings created for, 264266

HTML structures added to, 266269

importing from documents, 261263

indented, 273277

lists created from, 269279

semantic structures for, 263264

spellchecking, 302304

Text HUD, 50, 357, 361362

<textarea> element, 61

text-based links, 361362

<th> tag, 61, 287, 288

thumbnails, 108109

TinyURLs, 1

Tips & Techniques tab, 2122

<title> tag, 61, 237, 240

Toggle Size Constrain icon, 327, 338

toolbars, 37

<tr> tag, 61, 306

true color, 315


fonts distinguished from, 193

using in web design, 192193

See also fonts


<ul> tag, 61, 273

unordered lists, 273

Update from Original tool, 340

Update Pages dialog, 251, 354

Update Template Files dialog, 251, 353

updating Dreamweaver, 5, 14

uploading files, 432435

usernames, 422


values, 156

vector graphics, 312

video. See web video

<video> element, 63, 412, 415

views, 2328

Code view, 24

Design view, 2425

Inspect mode, 28

Live Source Code mode, 2728

Live view, 25

Split view, 2627

Visual Media Query (VMQ) interface, 49, 129131


Web 2.0, 374

web animation

adding to pages, 405409

Edge Animate program for, 404

explanation of, 402

review questions/answers on, 417

viewing on older systems, 410

See also web video

web browsers

hyperlink info in, 346

popularity of specific, 73, 106

previewing pages in, 296

video support in, 404, 416

web design, 102119

Adobe Generator and, 112118

important questions for, 104106

page design and, 109110

responsive, 107, 206208

review questions/answers on, 119

thumbnails for, 108109

wireframes for, 111112

Web Edition of book, 89

web fonts

building font stacks with, 198200

Edge Web Fonts as, 195198

web video

adding to pages, 410413

explanation of, 402

fixing buggy, 414

HTML5 options for, 415416

resources about, 416

review questions/answers on, 417

See also web animation

WebDav system, 421

WebM video format, 412

web-safe color palette, 315

Welcome screen, 1922

Create tab, 1920

Getting Started tab, 21

New Features tab, 20

Tips & Techniques tab, 2122

Windows vs. OS X instructions, 3

wireframes, 111112


customizing, 1655

setting up, 1213

WYSIWYG HTML editor, 17, 18


XML (Extensible Markup Language), 312

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