

accomplishments, prioritizing, 2324

active voice, 349

add-ons, 52

advertising via Facebook, 131132

Akismet, 57

all rights, 324

Allen. See Influencer (Allen)

allied industries, writing articles for, 319320

alternative text, 73

analytics. See also measurement

Facebook Insights, 132134

Google Analytics

benefits of, 232233

installing, 234

setting up, 233234

terminology, 235

viewing website performance, 235237

rules of, 245

tips for, 245246

anchor text, 7071, 189

Anderson, Chris, 61, 70

anecdotal value, 3334 case study, 4951

anonymously Googling yourself, 185

applications with Twitter, 107108, 110

choosing, 110111

Hootsuite, 109110

TweetDeck, 108109


forwarding, 274


for business newspapers, 318

for hobby publications, 320321

for industry trade journals, 319320

for local newspapers, 317

for mainstream magazines, 321

for trade segment magazines, 321322

authority posts, 64

authors, need for self-promotion, 17. See also publishing writings

automation stage (personal brand campaigns), 217218

avatar/photo (LinkedIn profile), 79

average time on site, 235


backlinks, 71, 189, 231

Baer, Jay, 257258

Ball, Lorraine (public speaking case study), 287288

Beth. See Climber (Beth)

Bing searches, 199200

biographies. See personal brand stories

Bitly, 243

Bledsoe, Jackie (writing case study), 314316

Blogger. See Blogspot

blogging case study, 4951

benefits of, 4344

Climber (Beth), 71

defined, 44

domain names, buying/hosting, 5859

effectiveness, measuring, 231237

Free Agent (Darrin), 71

frequency of posts, 6667

Influencer (Allen), 72

inspiration for, 59

length of posts, 6769

Neophyte (Carla), 72

photos, embedding, 158161

platforms for, 46

Blogspot, 5152

choosing, 5657

Medium, 5556

Tumblr, 5455

WordPress, 5254

reasons for, 4749

rules of, 7274

search engine optimization (SEO), 6466, 6971

setting up blog, 5657

subject matter, finding, 62

terminology, 4647

topic focus, choosing, 5962

types of posts, 6264

videos, embedding, 161162

Blogspot, 5152

body copy, 71, 188189

boldness, 1214

bounce rate, 190, 193, 235

bragging, self-promotion versus, 1214

brands, 6, 201202

breakout speaking sessions, 296

Brogan, Chris, 21

Brown, Sheryl (personal brand campaigns case study), 212214, 110

business cards, handing out, 264265

business newspapers, writing for, 318

buying domain names, 5859


cameras, shooting videos with, 148149

Carla. See Neophyte (Carla)

case studies, 4951

Anthony Juliano, 91

Crystal Washington, 300301

Dave Delaney, 278

Grammar Girl, 811

@HaggardHawks, 99103

Hazel Walker, 260261

Jackie Bledsoe, 314316

Jason Falls, 345346

Lorraine Ball, 287288

Lynn Ferguson & Mark Tweddle, 149151

“Marketing Over Coffee” podcast, 179180

@MuslimIQ, 113115

Park Howell, 2931

Sheryl Brown, 212214

Starla West, 251252


blogging platforms, 5657


for public speaking, 289290

for published writing, 325326

themes for blogs, 57

topic focus for blogs, 5962

Twitter applications, 110111

URLs for blogs, 57

civic groups, public speaking opportunities with, 295

classmates, connecting via Facebook, 122

click-through rate, 190

Climber (Beth), 19

blogging, 71

Facebook Causes, 123

job seeking, 358

launching personal brand campaign, 221

LinkedIn recommendations, 88

networking, 281282

P&T statements, 209

personal brand stories, 2728

public speaking, 307

publishing writings, 333

social networking, 181

Twitter usage, 118

coaches for public speaking, 287

college classes on public speaking, 286

comments on blogs, 232

company, starting own, 356357

company information, finding while job seeking, 341342

company job boards, 351352

company profiles (LinkedIn), 352

competition, networking with, 258259

conferences, public speaking opportunities at, 295297


contacts versus, 8788

on Facebook, 122

on LinkedIn, job seeking via, 338342

quality versus quantity, 228229


connections versus, 8788

inviting to connect on LinkedIn, 8486

content marketing, storytelling in, 22

contributor copies, 328

conversion tracking, 233


Creative Commons licenses, 156158, 304

publication rights, 324

co-workers, connecting via Facebook, 122

Creative Commons licenses, 156158, 304

cross-over topics in public speaking, 294

Crush It! (Vaynerchuk), 11

customized URLs on Facebook, 130


Darrin. See Free Agent (Darrin)

degrees of connectedness (LinkedIn), 77

Delaney, Dave (networking case study), 278

design of website, 192

development stage (personal brand campaigns), 214215

digital cameras, shooting videos, 148149



for public speaking, 289290

for published writing, 325326

passion, 1112

dishonesty, dealing with, 277

domain names, buying/hosting, 5859

dues-paying, as writer, 329


education section (LinkedIn profile), 7980

effectiveness, measuring

blogging, 231237

Facebook, 239

LinkedIn, 239240

personal branding, 243244

Twitter, 237238

YouTube, 240242

ego surfing. See reputation management

electronic rights, 324

elevator pitches, 265266

email contacts, inviting to connect on LinkedIn, 8385

email introductions, 272274, 297, 338341

email newsletters, 175176, 266


photos in blogs, 158161

videos in blogs, 161162

employment, finding. See job seekers

employment section (LinkedIn profile), 7879

encryption, 190

engagement, 227228

entrepreneurs, need for self-promotion, 18

exposure, myth of, 329330



advertising via, 131132

benefits of, 120123

Bing searches, 199200

Climber (Beth), 123

effectiveness, measuring, 239

Free Agent (Darrin), 123

Influencer (Allen), 122

Neophyte (Carla), 123

photo sharing on, 156

professional pages

analytics, 132134

benefits of, 131133

creating, 134135

profiles versus, 124125

types of, 122123


creating, 126127

customized URLs, 130

linking on LinkedIn, 83

pages versus, 124125

privacy settings, 127129

rules of, 136139

terminology, 124

tips for, 135136, 139

usage statistics, 119120

Facebook Causes, 123

Facebook Insights, 132134

Facebook Live, 147148

face-to-face networking. See networking

Falls, Jason, 74, 345346

fear of public speaking

overcoming, 285287

college classes, 286

private coaches, 287

seminars, 286

speakers associations, 287

Toastmasters, 285287

prevalence of, 284285

Ferguson, Lynn, 149151


company information while job seeking, 341342

employment. See job seekers

followers (Twitter), 104105

local events via Facebook, 123


for public speaking, 289290

for published writing, 325326

subject matter for blogs, 62

First North American serial rights (FNASR), 324

first rights, 324

Fishkin, Rand, 151

Flash, 194

Flickr, 152153

Fogarty, Mignon

Grammar Girl case study, 811

podcasts, 177

followers (Twitter)

finding, 104105

quality versus quantity, 228229

follow-up, 274276

forwarding articles/links, 274

of group networking events, 266267

referrals, 275276

sharing opportunities, 275


articles/links, 274

opportunities, 275

Free Agent (Darrin), 20

blogging, 71

job seeking, 358

launching personal brand campaign, 221

LinkedIn recommendations, 90

networking, 282

P&T statements, 210

personal brand stories, 29

professional branding on Facebook, 123

public speaking, 308

publishing writings, 333

social networking, 181

Twitter usage, 118

Free: The Future of a Radical Price (Anderson), 61

freelancing, 356357

freemium services, 201

Frei, Terry, 36


Giver’s Gain, 252255

Gmail accounts, 85


search engine optimization (SEO), 6466, 6971, 187

video usage statistics, 142143

Google Alerts, 198

Google Analytics

benefits of, 232233

installing, 234

setting up, 233234

terminology, 235

viewing website performance, 235237

Google Chrome, 108

Google Dashboard, 201202

Google Image Search, 199

Google Photos, 153

Google Picasa, 152153

Google+, 170171

Googling yourself, 183185. See also reputation management; search engine optimization (SEO)

anonymously, 185

Google Alerts, 198

Google Image Search, 199

social media footprint, 185187, 198199

Grammar Girl case study, 811

group networking events. See networking groups


<h1>, <h2> tags, 190

@HaggardHawks case study, 99103

headlines, 70

Hetrick, Bruce, 318, 354355

hobby publications, writing for, 320321


dealing with dishonesty, 277

importance in networking, 256

when avoiding meetings, 276

hooks in personal brand stories, 2427

Hootsuite, 109110, 243

horizontal segments, vertical segments versus, 321322

hosting domain names, 5859

Howell, Park

podcasts, 176

storytelling case study, 2931

how-to posts, 64

HR department, avoiding, 352353


implementation stage (personal brand campaigns), 215217

industry celebrities, networking with, 257258

industry groups, public speaking opportunities with, 293295

industry trade journals, writing for, 319320

influence, 229230

Influencer (Allen), 19

blogging, 72

connecting via Facebook, 122

job seeking, 357

launching personal brand campaign, 221

LinkedIn recommendations, 88

networking, 281

P&T statements, 208209

personal brand stories, 27

public speaking, 307

publishing writings, 332333

social networking, 180181

Twitter usage, 117118

informational interviews, 354356

inspiration for blogging, 59

Instagram, 152, 154

installing Google Analytics, 234

interviews, informational, 354356

introductions (email), 272274, 297, 338341


Javascript, 193

job boards

avoiding, 350351

company boards, 351352

job seekers

job boards

avoiding, 350351

company boards, 351352

need for self-promotion, 1819


asking for work, 353354

avoiding HR department, 352353

Climber (Beth), 358

Free Agent (Darrin), 358

freelancing/starting own company, 356357

importance of, 335338

Influencer (Allen), 357

informational interviews, 354356

LinkedIn company profiles, 352

LinkedIn connections, 338342

Neophyte (Carla), 358

Twitter, 338

warning about, 338


rules of, 346349

social media skills on, 343344

writing, 342343

tips for, 358359

Juliano, Anthony (LinkedIn case study), 91


Karr, Doug, 323, 342343

keynote addresses, 297

Keynote presentations, technology tips for, 303307

Keyword Position Monitoring Report Service, 243

keywords, 70, 188, 349

Klout, 243



personal brand campaigns

automation stage, 217218

Climber (Beth), 221

development stage, 214215

Free Agent (Darrin), 221

implementation stage, 215217

importance of, 211

Influencer (Allen), 221

Neophyte (Carla), 221

rules of, 221223

unique ideas for, 218220

public speaking career, 291292

Law of Anecdotal Value, 3334

LinkedIn, 7576

Bing searches, 199200

case studies, Anthony Juliano, 91

Climber (Beth), 88


connections versus, 8788

inviting to connect, 8486

degrees of connectedness, 77

effectiveness, measuring, 239240

Free Agent (Darrin), 90

Influencer (Allen), 88

job seeking via

company profiles, 352

connections, 338342

Neophyte (Carla), 90

personal branding features, 8384


education section, 7980

employment section, 7879

photo/avatar, 79

summary section, 7981

websites section, 8083

recommendations on, 8790

rules of, 9294

links, forwarding, 274

LION (LinkedIn Online Networker), 87, 90, 9293

list posts, 63

listening to podcasts, 176

listing qualities for personal brand, 78

live streaming. See videos

local events, finding via Facebook, 123

local newspapers, writing for, 317

The Long Tail (Anderson), 70

long-tail searches, 6970



contributor copies, 328

simultaneous submissions, 322

writing for

mainstream magazines, 321

trade segment magazines, 321322

MailChimp, 175

mainstream magazines, writing for, 321

Mansfield, Heather, 61

“Marketing Over Coffee” podcast, 179180

McGeogh, Dewey, 146

measurement. See also analytics

of effectiveness

blogging, 231237

Facebook, 239

LinkedIn, 239240

personal branding, 243244

Twitter, 237238

YouTube, 240242

importance of, 225226

rules of, 245

tips for, 245246


Bitly, 243

Google Analytics, 232237

Hootsuite, 243

Keyword Position Monitoring Report Service, 243

Klout, 243

Website Grader, 243

what to measure

engagement, 227228

influence, 229230

quality versus quantity, 228229

reach, 227

visibility, 229

Medium, 5556

meeting new people, 262


avoiding, 276277

setting up, 267268, 173174

Microsoft Word, blogging with, 7374

Misner, Ivan, 252

mobile-first usability, 189190

Monty, Scott, 178

musicians, need for self-promotion, 17

@MuslimIQ case study, 113115


name confusion, 196198

navigation ease of website, 192194

Neophyte (Carla), 20

blogging, 72

finding local events via Facebook, 123

job seeking, 358

launching personal brand campaign, 221

LinkedIn recommendations, 90

networking, 282

P&T statements, 209210

personal brand stories, 2829

public speaking, 308

publishing writings, 333

social networking, 181

Twitter usage, 118

networking. See also social networking

avoiding meetings, 276277

case studies

Dave Delaney, 278

Hazel Walker, 260261

Starla West, 251252

Climber (Beth), 281282

Free Agent (Darrin), 282

importance of, 249251

Influencer (Allen), 281

for job seeking

asking for work, 353354

avoiding HR department, 352353

Climber (Beth), 358

Free Agent (Darrin), 358

freelancing/starting own company, 356357

importance of, 335338

Influencer (Allen), 357

informational interviews, 354356

LinkedIn company profiles, 352

LinkedIn connections, 338342

Neophyte (Carla), 358

Twitter, 338

warning about, 338

Neophyte (Carla), 282

phases of, 261

follow-up, 274276

networking groups, 261267

one-on-one networking, 267274

rules of

avoid selfish people, 258

competition networking, 258259

Giver’s Gain, 252255

honesty, 256

industry celebrities, 257258

safety tips, 257

serendipity, 279280

tips for, 280281

while employed, 279

networking dance, 262263

networking groups, 261267

faux pas to avoid, 264266

follow-up, 266267

meeting new people, 262

networking dance, 262263

what to say, 263264

new people, meeting, 262

new visits, 235

news article responses, 63

newsletters (email), 175176, 266

newspapers, writing for

business newspapers, 318

hobby publications, 320321

industry trade journals, 319320

local newspapers, 317


for blogs, choosing, 5962

for public speaking, finding, 289290

for published writing, creating, 325326

Niece, Larry, 178

Nonprofit Tech For Good blog, 61


Obama presidential campaign (2008), 205206

objectives of personal branding

boldness, 1214

discovering passion, 1112

relationships, 1516

storytelling, 1415

taking action, 1617

O’Neill, Leslie, 319

one-on-one networking, 267274

email introductions, 272274

pick-your-brain meetings, 270272

sales pitches, avoiding, 270

setting up meeting, 267268

what to talk about, 268269

one-time rights, 324


forwarding, 275

for public speaking, 292293

civic groups, 295

conferences/trade shows, 295297

industry groups, 293295

for publishing, 316317

business newspapers, 318

hobby publications, 320321

industry trade journals, 319320

local newspapers, 317

mainstream magazines, 321

trade segment magazines, 321322


P&T statements

Climber (Beth), 209

creating, 207208

Free Agent (Darrin), 210

Influencer (Allen), 208209

Neophyte (Carla), 209210

page load speed, 190, 193194

page views, 235


blogs, 52, 53


analytics, 132134

benefits of, 131133

creating, 134135

profiles versus, 124125

types of, 122123

pages/visit, 235

passion, discovering, 1112

passionate people, surrounding with, 34

passive voice, 349

payment for published writing, 328329

Periscope, 146147

personal brand campaigns

defined, 206207


automation stage, 217218

Climber (Beth), 221

development stage, 214215

Free Agent (Darrin), 221

implementation stage, 215217

importance of, 211212

Influencer (Allen), 221

Neophyte (Carla), 221

rules of, 221223

unique ideas for, 218220

Obama presidential campaign (2008), 205206

P&T statements

Climber (Beth), 209

creating, 207208

Free Agent (Darrin), 210

Influencer (Allen), 208209

Neophyte (Carla), 209210

personal brand stories. See also storytelling

Climber (Beth), 2728

Free Agent (Darrin), 29

Influencer (Allen), 27

Neophyte (Carla), 2829

writing, 2336

hooks in, 2427

information in, 3133

Law of Anecdotal Value, 3334

prioritizing accomplishments, 2324

rules of, 3539

surrounding with passionate people, 34

what to share, 3435

personal branding

case studies, 4951

Crystal Washington, 300301

Grammar Girl, 811

@HaggardHawks, 99103

Jackie Bledsoe, 314316

Jason Falls, 345346

Lorraine Ball, 287288

Lynn Ferguson & Mark Tweddle, 149151

“Marketing Over Coffee” podcast, 179180

@MuslimIQ, 113115

Park Howell, 2931

Sheryl Brown, 212214

defined, 67

effectiveness, measuring, 243244

email newsletters, 175176

via Facebook

analytics, 132134

benefits of, 120123

benefits of professional pages, 131133

creating professional pages, 134135

creating profile, 126127

customized URLs, 130

privacy settings, 127129

profiles versus pages, 124125

for job seeking

importance of, 335338

LinkedIn connections, 338342

Twitter, 338

warning about, 338

LinkedIn features for, 8384

networking. See networking

objectives of

boldness, 1214

discovering passion, 1112

relationships, 1516

storytelling, 1415

taking action, 1617


benefits of, 176177

content of, 177178

defined, 176

listening to, 176

producing, 178179

requirements for, 177

in published writings, 322324

qualities, listing, 78

personal posts (blogs), professional posts versus, 63

philanthropy via Facebook, 123

Photobucket, 152154


benefits of, 152

Creative Commons licenses, 156158

embedding in blogs, 158161

for Facebook profile, 127

Google Image Search, 199

for LinkedIn profile, 79

low-resolution, 193

search engine optimization (SEO), 164165

sharing sites, 152153

Facebook, 156

Google Photos, 153

Instagram, 154

Photobucket, 153154

Snapchat, 155156

tips for, 168

traffic statistics, 141142

Picasa, 152153

pick-your-brain meetings, 270272


defined, 52

page load speed, 193


benefits of, 176177

content of, 177178

defined, 176

listening to, 176

“Marketing Over Coffee” podcast, 179180

producing, 178179

requirements for, 177

positioning, 206207. See also P&T statements

poster sessions, 296

posts (blogs)

defined, 53

frequency of, 6667, 231

length of, 6769

types of, 6264

PowerPoint presentations, technology tips for, 303307


technology tips, 303307

types of, 296297

presidential campaign (2008), 205206

prioritizing accomplishments, 2324

privacy settings for Facebook profile, 127129

private coaches for public speaking, 287

product reviews, 64

professional pages (Facebook). See pages, Facebook

professional posts (blogs), personal posts versus, 63



creating, 126127

customized URLs, 130

linking on LinkedIn, 83

pages versus, 124125

privacy settings, 127129


education section, 7980

employment section, 7879

photo/avatar, 79

summary section, 7981

websites section, 8083

Twitter, creating, 103104

promoting speeches, 298300

public speaking

benefits of, 283284

case studies

Crystal Washington, 300301

Lorraine Ball, 287288

Climber (Beth), 307

email introductions, 297

fear of, 284285

overcoming, 285287

Free Agent (Darrin), 308

Influencer (Allen), 307

launching career, 291292

need for self-promotion, 18

Neophyte (Carla), 308

niche, finding, 289290


civic groups, 295

conferences/trade shows, 295297

identifying, 292293

industry groups, 293295

organizations for learning

college classes, 286

private coaches, 287

seminars, 286

speakers associations, 287

Toastmasters, 285286

promoting speeches, 298300

technology tips, 303307

tips for, 301303, 308309

publication rights, 324

publishing writings

benefits of, 311314

case studies, Jackie Bledsoe, 314316

Climber (Beth), 333

dues-paying in, 329

exposure, myth of, 329330

Free Agent (Darrin), 333

getting started, tips for, 326327

Influencer (Allen), 332333

Neophyte (Carla), 333

niche, creating, 325326


business newspapers, 318

hobby publications, 320321

identifying, 316317

industry trade journals, 319320

local newspapers, 317

mainstream magazines, 321

trade segment magazines, 321322

payment for, 328329

personal branding in, 322324

publication rights, 324

rules of, 330332

simultaneous submissions, 322


qualities for personal brand, listing, 78

quality content, 189, 191192

quality of followers, 228229

quantity of followers, 228229

Quora, 171172


reach, 227

recommendations on LinkedIn, 8790

recording. See shooting videos

referrals, 275276

relationships, creating, 1516

reprint rights, 324

reputation management. See also search engine optimization (SEO)

Bing searches, 199200, 201202

Google Alerts, 198

Google Dashboard, 201202

Google Image Search, 199

Googling yourself, 183185

name confusion, 196198

reverse SEO, 195196

social media footprint, 185187, 198199

tips for, 203

Yahoo! searches, 200

requirements for search engine optimization (SEO)

current requirements, 189191

previous requirements, 187189

résumés, writing, 342343

rules of, 346349

social media skills on, 343344

retweeting, 106107

reverse search engine optimization, 195196

round table discussions, 296

RSS feeds, 58


of analytics, 245

of blogging, 7274

of Facebook, 136139

of LinkedIn, 9294

of measurement, 245

of networking

avoid selfish people, 258

competition networking, 258259

Giver’s Gain, 252255

honesty, 256

industry celebrities, 257258

of personal brand campaigns, 221223

of personal brand stories, 3539

of publishing writings, 330332

of Twitter, 115116

of writing résumés, 346349


safety tips when networking, 257

Sagal, Peter, 33

sales pitches, avoiding, 270

salespeople, need for self-promotion, 18

Salzwedel, Jack, 213

Scelzo, Tony, 258

screen capture videos, 149

search engine optimization (SEO), 6466, 6971. See also reputation management

backlinks, 231

Bing searches, 199200

current requirements, 189191

Google Alerts, 198

Google Image Search, 199

Google secrecy, 187

Googling yourself, 183185

influencing, 191195

quality content, 191192

with videos, 194195

website design, 192

website navigation, 192194

name confusion, 196198

for photos, 164165

previous requirements, 187189

reverse SEO, 195196, 198199

for videos, 162163, 194195

visibility, 229

Yahoo! searches, 200

second rights, 324

second-degree contacts (LinkedIn), 86

selecting. See choosing

selfish people, avoiding, 258


benefits of, 56

bragging versus, 1214

defined, 45

importance of, 5

what it is not, 5

who needs it, 1719

seminars on public speaking, 286

sending tweets, 105106

SEO (search engine optimization). See search engine optimization (SEO)

serendipity, 279280

setting up

blogs, 5657

Google Analytics, 233234

one-on-one networking meeting, 267268


articles/links, 274

opportunities, 275

stories, 3435

sharing sites

for photos, 152153

Facebook, 156

Google Photos, 153

Instagram, 154

Photobucket, 153154

Snapchat, 155156

for videos, 144, 193

Facebook Live, 147148

Periscope, 146147

Vimeo, 145146

YouTube, 144145

shooting videos

with digital cameras, 148149

screen capture videos, 149

simultaneous submissions, 322, 305

Snapchat, 152, 155156

social media footprint on search engines, 185187

social networking

case studies, Jason Falls, 345346

Climber (Beth), 181

Facebook. See Facebook

Free Agent (Darrin), 181

Google+, 170171

Influencer (Allen), 180181

for job seeking

social media skills on résumés, 343344

warning about, 338

LinkedIn. See LinkedIn, 173174

Neophyte (Carla), 181

Quora, 171172

Twitter. See Twitter

Solis, Brian, 230

speakers associations, 287

speeches. See public speaking

starting own company, 356357

storyteller’s promise, 2122

storytelling, 1415. See also personal brand stories

blogging. See blogging

in content marketing, 22

Park Howell case study, 2931

streaming videos. See videos

subject matter for blogs, finding, 62

summary section (LinkedIn profile), 7981

T, 198199

technology tips for public speaking, 303307

themes, choosing for blogs, 57

third-degree contacts (LinkedIn), 85

Thomas, Jonathan, 4951

time on site, 190

titles, 188

Toastmasters, 285287

Toon, Kate, 177

topic focus for blogs, choosing, 5962

trade segment magazines, writing for, 321322

trade shows, public speaking opportunities at, 295297

transactions, 207. See also P&T statements

Tumblr, 5455

Tweddle, Mark, 149151

TweetDeck, 108109


retweeting, 106107

sending, 105106

what to share, 111113

Twitter, 9596

applications with, 107108, 110

choosing, 110111

Hootsuite, 109110

TweetDeck, 108109

benefits of, 9798

Climber (Beth), 118

effectiveness, measuring, 237238

followers, finding, 104105

Free Agent (Darrin), 118

@HaggardHawks case study, 99103

Influencer (Allen), 117118

job seeking via, 338

@MuslimIQ case study, 113115

Neophyte (Carla), 118

profiles, creating, 103104

rules of, 115116

tips for, 116117


retweeting, 106107

sending, 105106

what to share, 111113

usage statistics, 9697



choosing for blogs, 57

customizing on Facebook, 130


Vaynerchuk, Gary, 11, 151, 213

vertical segments, horizontal segments versus, 321322

video résumés, 165167


benefits of, 142143

content of, 151152

Creative Commons licenses, 156158

embedding in blogs, 161162

Lynn Ferguson & Mark Tweddle case study, 149151

search engine optimization (SEO), 162163, 194195

sharing sites, 144, 193

Facebook Live, 147148

Periscope, 146147

Vimeo, 145146

YouTube, 144145


with digital cameras, 148149

screen capture videos, 149

tips for, 168

traffic statistics, 141143

Vimeo, 145146

visibility, 229

visitors to blogs, 232

visits, 235


Walker, Hazel (networking case study), 260261

Wall, John J. (“Marketing Over Coffee” podcast case study), 179180

Washington, Crystal (public speaking case study), 300301

Weaver, Belinda, 177

Website Grader, 243


design quality, 192

navigation ease, 192194

viewing performance, 235237

websites section (LinkedIn profile), 8083

West, Starla (networking case study), 251252

Wilholt, Marty, 178

Wilkerson, Mark, 255, 271

Wolder, Burt, 178

Word, blogging with, 7374

WordPress, 5254, 234235, 53, 52

Writer’s Market, 317

writing. See also publishing writings

blogs. See blogging

for business newspapers, 318

for exposure, myth of, 329330

for hobby publications, 320321

for industry trade journals, 319320

for local newspapers, 317

for mainstream magazines, 321

personal brand stories, 2336

hooks in, 2427

information in, 3133

Law of Anecdotal Value, 3334

prioritizing accomplishments, 2324

rules of, 3539

surrounding with passionate people, 34

what to share, 3435

résumés, 342343

rules of, 346349

social media skills on, 343344

for trade segment magazines, 321322


Yahoo! searches, 200


effectiveness, measuring, 240242

search engine optimization (SEO), 162163, 194195

video sharing on, 144145

video usage statistics, 142143

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