Chapter 5

Exploiting Wired and Wireless Networks

Cyber attacks and exploits are occurring more and more all the time. You have to understand the tactics that threat actors use in order to mimic them and become a better penetration tester. In this chapter, you will learn about how to exploit network-based vulnerabilities, including wireless and RF-based vulnerabilities. You will also learn several mitigations to these attacks and vulnerabilities.

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz

The “Do I Know This Already?” quiz allows you to assess whether you should read this entire chapter thoroughly or jump to the “Exam Preparation Tasks” section. If you are in doubt about your answers to these questions or your own assessment of your knowledge of the topics, read the entire chapter. Table 5-1 lists the major headings in this chapter and their corresponding “Do I Know This Already?” quiz questions. You can find the answers in Appendix A, “Answers to the ‘Do I Know This Already?’ Quizzes and Q&A Sections.”

Table 5-1 “Do I Know This Already?” Section-to-Question Mapping

Foundation Topics Section


Exploiting Network-Based Vulnerabilities


Exploiting Wireless and RF-Based Attacks and Vulnerabilities



The goal of self-assessment is to gauge your mastery of the topics in this chapter. If you do not know the answer to a question or are only partially sure of the answer, you should mark that question as incorrect for purposes of the self-assessment. Giving yourself credit for an answer you correctly guess skews your self-assessment results and might provide you with a false sense of security.

1. Which of the following is not a name-to-IP address resolution technology or protocol?

  1. Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS)

  2. Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR)

  3. Domain Name System (DNS)

  4. Layer Multi-Name Resolution (LLMNR)

2. Which of the following port descriptions is not correct?

  1. TCP port 135: Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (MS-RPC) endpoint mapper used for client-to-client and server-to-client communication

  2. UDP port 137: NetBIOS Name Service (often called WINS) part of the NetBIOS-over-TCP protocol suite

  3. UDP port 138: NetBIOS Datagram Service typically used by Windows to extracts the information from the datagram header and stores it in the NetBIOS name cache.

  4. TCP port 445: NetBIOS Session Service protocol, used for sharing files between different operating system

3. A common vulnerability in LLMNR involves an attacker spoofing an authoritative source for name resolution on a victim system by responding to LLMNR traffic over UDP port 5355 and NBT-NS traffic over UDP port 137. The attacker ________ the LLMNR service to manipulate the victim’s system.

  1. Poisons

  2. Brute forces

  3. Injects

  4. Steals

4. Which of the following is a popular SMB exploit that has been used in ransomware?

  1. SMBlue

  2. Metasploit

  3. EternalBlue

  4. Eternal PowerShell

5. Which of the following describes a DNS cache poisoning attack?

  1. DNS cache poisoning involves manipulating DNS Active Directory Administrative (ADA) data. This is done to force the DNS server to send the wrong IP address to the victim, redirecting the victim to the attacker’s system.

  2. DNS cache poisoning involves manipulating DNS client data by stealing DNS records. This is done to force the DNS client to send the IP address of the victim to the attacker.

  3. DNS cache poisoning involves manipulating the DNS resolver cache by injecting corrupted DNS data. This is done to force the DNS server to send the wrong IP address to the victim, redirecting the victim to the attacker’s system.

  4. DNS cache poisoning involves manipulating DNS Active Directory Administrative (ADA) data. This is done to force the DNS client to send the IP address of the victim to the attacker.

6. Which of the following is one of the differences between SNMPv2c and SNMPv3?

  1. SNMPv2c uses two authenticating credentials: The first is a public key to view the configuration or to obtain the health status of the device, and the second is a private key to configure the managed device. SNMPv3 uses three credentials, including a certificate.

  2. SNMPv3 uses two authenticating credentials: The first is a public key to view the configuration or to obtain the health status of the device, and the second is a private key to configure the managed device. SNMPv2c uses three credentials, including a certificate.

  3. SNMPv2c uses certificates for authentication or a pre-shared key. SNMPv3 authenticates SNMP users by using usernames and passwords.

  4. SNMPv2c uses two authenticating credentials: The first is a public community string to view the configuration or to obtain the health status of the device, and the second is a private community string to configure the managed device. SNMPv3 authenticates SNMP users by using usernames and passwords and can protect confidentiality. SNMPv2 does not provide any confidentiality protection.

7. ARP spoofing can be used to do which of the following?

  1. Obtain Active Directory administrative credentials

  2. Send spoofed emails, spam, phishing, and any other email-related scams

  3. Perform man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks

  4. Spoof the IP address of a victim system to steal data

8. Which of the following best describes an attack in which the threat actor creates a rogue access point and configures it exactly the same as the existing wireless network?

  1. Evil twin

  2. Wireless twin

  3. Evil AP

  4. Rogue twin client

9. Which of the following is a methodology attackers use to find wireless access points wherever they may be?

  1. Active wireless injection

  2. Wireless driving

  3. War driving

  4. Evil twin

10. Which of the following is true about WEP?

  1. WEP keys exists in two sizes: 48-bit (5-byte) and 104-bit (13-byte) keys. In addition, WEP uses a 40-bit initialization vector (IV), which is prepended to the pre-shared key (PSK). When you configure a wireless infrastructure device with WEP, the IVs are sent in the clear.

  2. WEP keys exists in two sizes: 40-bit (5-byte) and 104-bit (13-byte) keys. In addition, WEP uses a 40-bit IV, which is prepended to the PSK. When you configure a wireless infrastructure device with WEP, the IVs are sent encrypted with RC4.

  3. WEP keys exists in two sizes: 40-bit (5-byte) and 104-bit (13-byte) keys. In addition, WEP uses a 24-bit IV, which is prepended to the PSK. When you configure a wireless infrastructure device with WEP, the IVs are sent encrypted with AES.

  4. WEP keys exists in two sizes: 40-bit (5-byte) and 104-bit (13-byte) keys. In addition, WEP uses a 24-bit IV, which is prepended to the PSK. When you configure a wireless infrastructure device with WEP, the IVs are sent in the clear.

11. Which of the following is an attack against the WPA and WPA2 protocols?

  1. KRACK

  2. WPA buster

  3. Initialization vector KRACK

  4. Four-way handshake injection

12. Which of the following describes a KARMA attack?

  1. KARMA is a man-in-the-middle attack in wired networks that allows an attacker to intercept traffic.

  2. KARMA is an evasion attack that involves creating a rogue AP and allowing an attacker to intercept wireless traffic.

  3. KARMA is a command injection attack that involves creating a rogue router and allowing an attacker to inject malicious wireless traffic.

  4. KARMA is a man-in-the-middle attack that involves creating a rogue AP and allowing an attacker to intercept wireless traffic.

Foundation Topics

Exploiting Network-Based Vulnerabilities

Network-based vulnerabilities and exploits can be catastrophic because of the types of damage and impact they can cause in an organization. The following are some examples of network-based attacks and exploits:

  • Windows name resolution–based attacks and exploits

  • DNS cache poisoning attacks

  • Attacks and exploits against Server Message Block (SMB) implementations

  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) vulnerabilities and exploits

  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) vulnerabilities and exploits

  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) vulnerabilities and exploits

  • Pass-the-hash attacks

  • Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks

  • SSL stripping attacks

  • Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks

  • Network Access Control (NAC) bypass

  • Virtual local area network (VLAN) hopping attacks

The following sections cover these attacks in detail.

Exploring Windows Name Resolution and SMB Attacks


Name resolution is one of the most fundamentals aspects of networking, operating systems, and applications. There are several name-to-IP address resolution technologies and protocols, including Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS), and Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR), and Domain Name System (DNS). The sections that follow cover vulnerabilities and exploits related to these protocols.

NetBIOS Name Service and LLMNR

NetBIOS and LLMNR are protocols that are used primarily by Microsoft Windows for host identification. LLMNR is based on the DNS protocol format and allows hosts on the same local link to perform name resolution for other hosts. For example, a Windows host trying to communicate to a printer or to a network shared folder may use NetBIOS as illustrated in Figure 5-1.

The use of NetBIOS protocol when a Windows host communicates with a printer.
FIGURE 5-1 NetBIOS Resolution Example

NetBIOS provides three different services:

  • NetBIOS Name Service (NetBIOS-NS) for name registration and resolution

  • Datagram distribution service (NetBIOS-DGM) for connectionless communication

  • Session service (NetBIOS-SSN) for connection-oriented communication

NetBIOS-related operations use the following ports and protocols:

  • TCP port 135: Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (MS-RPC) endpoint mapper, used for client-to-client and server-to-client communication

  • UDP port 137: NetBIOS Name Service

  • UDP port 138: NetBIOS Datagram Service

  • TCP port 139: NetBIOS Session Service

  • TCP port 445: Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, used for sharing files between different operating system, including Windows and Unix-based systems


A NetBIOS name is a 16-character name assigned to a computer in a workgroup by WINS for name resolution of an IP address to a NetBIOS name.

In Windows, a workgroup is a local area network (LAN) peer-to-peer network that can support a maximum of 10 hosts in the same subnet. A workgroup has no centralized administration. Basically, each user controls the resources and security locally on his or her system. A domain-based implementation, on the other hand, is a client-to-server network that can support thousands of hosts that are geographically dispersed across many subnets. A user with an account on the domain can log on to any computer system without having an account on that computer. It does this by authenticating to a domain controller.

Historically, there have been dozens of vulnerabilities in NetBIOS, SMB, and LLMNR. Let’s take a look at a simple example. The default workgroup name in Windows is the WORKGROUP. Many users leave their workgroup configured with this default name and configure file or printer sharing with weak credentials. It is very easy for an attacker to enumerate the machines and potentially compromise the system by brute-forcing passwords or leveraging other techniques.

A common vulnerability in LLMNR involves an attacker spoofing an authoritative source for name resolution on a victim system by responding to LLMNR traffic over UDP port 5355 and NBT-NS traffic over UDP port 137. The attacker basically poisons the LLMNR service to manipulate the victim’s system. If the requested host belongs to a resource that requires identification or authentication, the username and NTLMv2 hash are sent to the attacker. The attacker can then gather the hash sent over the network by using tools such as sniffers. Subsequently, the attacker can brute-force or crack the hashes offline to get the plaintext passwords.

Several tools can be used to conduct this type of attack, such as NBNSpoof, Metasploit, and Responder. Metasploit, of course, is one of the most popular tools and frameworks used by penetration testers and attackers. Another open source tool that is very popular and has even been used by malware is Pupy, which is available on GitHub. Pupy is a Python-based cross-platform remote administration and post-exploitation tool that works on Windows, Linux, OS X, and even Android. Chapter 9, “Penetration Testing Tools,” covers Pupy and similar tools in detail.


One of the common mitigations for these types of attacks is to disable LLMNR and NetBIOS in local computer security settings or to configure a group policy. In addition, you can configure additional network- or host-based access controls policies (rules) to block LLMNR/NetBIOS traffic, if these protocols are not needed. One of the common detection techniques for LLMNR poisoning attacks is to monitor the registry key HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTDNSClient for changes to the EnableMulticast DWORD value. If you see a zero (0) for the value of that key, you know that LLMNR is disabled.

SMB Exploits


As you learned in the previous section, SMB has historically been vulnerable to numerous catastrophic vulnerabilities. You can easily demonstrate this by just exploring the dozens of well-known exploits in The Exploit Database by using the searchsploit command, as shown in Example 5-1.

Example 5-1 Searching for Known SMB Exploits in The Exploit Database

root@kali:~# searchsploit smb
----------------------------------------------------------------  ------
 Exploit Title                                                      |
Path                                                                |

---------------------------------------------------------------- -------
Apple Mac OSX - 'mount_smbfs' Local Stack Buffer Overflow           |
CyberCop Scanner Smbgrind 5.5 - Buffer Overflow (PoC)               |
Ethereal 0.x - Multiple iSNS / SMB / SNMP Protocol Dissector Vu     |
LedgerSMB1.0/1.1 / SQL-Ledger 2.6.x - 'Login' Local File Inclus     |
Links 1.00pre12 - 'smbclient' Remote Code Execution                 |
Links_ ELinks 'smbclient' - Remote Command Execution                |
Linux Kernel 2.6.x - SMBFS CHRoot Security Restriction Bypass       |
Linux pam_lib_smb < 1.1.6 - '/bin/login' Remote Overflow            |
Microsoft - SMB Server Trans2 Zero Size Pool Alloc (MS10-054)       |
Microsoft DNS RPC Service - 'extractQuotedChar()' Remote Overfl     |
Microsoft SMB Driver - Local Denial of Service                      |
Microsoft Windows - 'SMB' Transaction Response Handling (MS05-0     |
Microsoft Windows - 'srv2.sys' SMB Code Execution (Python) (MS0     |
Microsoft Windows - 'srv2.sys' SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function     |
Microsoft Windows - 'srv2.sys' SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function     |
Microsoft Windows - LSASS SMB NTLM Exchange Null-Pointer Derefe     |
Microsoft Windows - SMB Client-Side Bug (PoC) (MS10-006)            |
Microsoft Windows - SMB Relay Code Execution (MS08-068) (Metasp     |
Microsoft Windows - SMB2 Negotiate Protocol '0x72' Response Den     |
Microsoft Windows - SmbRelay3 NTLM Replay (MS08-068)                |
Microsoft Windows - Unauthenticated SMB Remote Code Execution S     |
Microsoft Windows - WRITE_ANDX SMB command handling Kernel Deni     |
Microsoft Windows 10 - SMBv3 Tree Connect (PoC)                     |
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP - SMB Authentication Remote Overflow      |
Microsoft Windows 2003 SP2 - 'ERRATICGOPHER' SMB Remote Code Ex     |
Microsoft Windows 7/2008 R2 - SMB Client Trans2 Stack Overflow      |
Microsoft Windows 95/Windows for Workgroups - 'smbclient' Direc     |
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP5 / Terminal Server 4.0 - 'Pass the      |
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) - 'SrvOs2FeaToNt' SMB Re     |
Microsoft Windows Vista/7 - SMB2.0 Negotiate Protocol Request R     |
Microsoft Windows Windows 7/2008 R2 (x64) - 'EternalBlue' SMB R     |
Microsoft Windows Windows 7/8.1/2008 R2/2012 R2/2016 R2 - 'Eter     |
Microsoft Windows Windows 8/8.1/2012 R2 (x64) - 'EternalBlue' S     |
Microsoft Windows XP/2000 - 'Mrxsmb.sys' Local Privilege Escala     |
Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT 4.0 - Network Share Provider SMB R     |
Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT 4.0 - Network Share Provider SMB R     |
Netware - SMB Remote Stack Overflow (PoC)                           |
SMBlog 1.2 - Arbitrary PHP Command Execution                        |
SQL-Ledger 2.6.x/LedgerSMB 1.0 - 'Terminal' Directory Traversal     |
Samba 3.0.29 (Client) - 'receive_smb_raw()' Buffer Overflow (Po     |
Samsung SyncThruWeb - SMB Hash Disclosure                |
SmbClientParser 2.7 Perl Module - Remote Command Execution          |
VideoLAN VLC Client (Windows x86) - 'smb://' URI Buffer Overflo     |
VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.8.6f - 'smb://' URI Handling Remote     |
VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.8.6f - 'smb://' URI Handling Remote     |
VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.9.9 - 'smb://' URI Stack Buffer Ove     |
VideoLAN VLC Media Player 1.0.0/1.0.1 - 'smb://' URI Handling B     |
VideoLAN VLC Media Player 1.0.2 - 'smb://' URI Stack Overflow       |
VideoLAN VLC Media Player 1.0.3 - 'smb://' URI Handling Remote      |
VideoLAN VLC Media Player < 1.1.4 - '.xspf smb://' URI Handling     |
Visale 1.0 - 'pblsmb.cgi?listno' Cross-Site Scripting               |
ZYXEL Router 3.40 Zynos - SMB Data Handling Denial of Service       |
foomatic-gui python-foomatic - '' Arbitrary She     |
smbftpd 0.96 - SMBDirList-function Remote Format String             |
smbind 0.4.7 - SQL Injection                                        |
---------------------------------------------------------------- ------


Detailed information about how to install SearchSploit is available at

One of the most commonly used SMB exploits in recent times has been the Eternal-Blue exploit, which was leaked by an organization or an individual (nobody knows) that allegedly stole numerous exploits from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). Successful exploitation of EternalBlue allows an unauthenticated remote attacker to compromise an affected system and execute arbitrary code. This exploit has been used in ransomware such as Wannacry and Nyeta. This exploit has been ported to many different tools, including Metasploit.

Example 5-2 provides a very brief example of the EternalBlue exploit in Metasploit. (Chapter 9 provides details about Metasploit.)

Example 5-2 Using the EternalBlue Exploit in Metasploit

msf > use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
msf exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > show options
Module options (exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue):
   Name                Current Setting    Required    Description
   ----                ---------------    --------    -----------
   GroomAllocations    12                 yes         Initial number of
                                                      times to groom the
                                                      kernel pool.
   GroomDelta          5                  yes         The amount to
                                                      increase the groom
                                                      count by per try.
   MaxExploitAttempts  3                  yes         The number of
                                                      times to retry
                                                      the exploit.
   ProcessName         spoolsv.exe        yes         Process to inject
                                                      payload into.
   RHOST                                  yes         The target address
   RPORT               445                yes         The target port (TCP)
   SMBDomain            .                 no          (Optional) The
                                                      Windows domain to use
                                                      for authentication
   SMBPass                                no          (Optional) The password
                                                      for the specified
   SMBUser                                no          (Optional) The
                                                      username to
                                                      authenticate as
   VerifyArch          true               yes         Check if remote
                                                      architecture matches
                                                      exploit Target.
   VerifyTarget        true               yes         Check if remote OS
                                                      matches exploit
Exploit target:
   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 (x64) All Service Packs
msf exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > set RHOST
msf exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > set LHOST
msf exploit(ms17_010_eternalblue) > exploit


How do you know where to look for a specific exploit, such as the EternalBlue exploit? To determine the exact location of any exploit, you can use the search command in Metasploit.

In Example 5-2, the use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue command is invoked to use the EternalBlue exploit. Then the show options command is used to show all the configurable options for the EternalBlue exploit. At a very minimum, the IP address of the remote host (RHOST) and the IP address of the host that you would like the victim to communicate with after exploitation (LHOST) must be configured. To configure the RHOST, you use the set RHOST command followed by the IP address of the remote system ( in this example). To configure the LHOST, you use the set LHOST command followed by the IP address of the remote system ( in this example). The remote port (445) is already configured for you by default. After you run the exploit command, Metasploit executes the exploit against the target system and launches a Meterpreter session to allow you to control and further compromise the system. Meterpreter is a post-exploitation tool, part of the Metasploit framework that you will also learn more about in Chapter 9.

In Chapter 3, “Information Gathering and Vulnerability Identification,” you learned that enumeration plays an important role in penetration testing because it can discover information about vulnerable systems that can help you when exploiting such vulnerable systems. You can use tools such as Nmap and Enum4linux to gather information about vulnerable SMB systems and then use tools such as Metasploit to exploit known vulnerabilities.

DNS Cache Poisoning


DNS cache poisoning is another popular attack leveraged by threat actors. In short, DNS cache poisoning involves the manipulation of the DNS resolver cache through the injection of corrupted DNS data. This is done to force the DNS server to send the wrong IP address to the victim, redirecting the victim to the attacker’s system. Figure 5-2 illustrates the mechanics of DNS cache poisoning.

A figure shows how DNS cache poisoning is leveraged by an attacker.
FIGURE 5-2 DNS Cache Poisoning Example

The following steps are illustrated in Figure 5-2:

Step 1. The attacker corrupts the data of the DNS server cache to impersonate the website Before the attacker executes the DNS poisoning attack, the DNS server successfully resolves the IP address of the to the correct address ( by using the nslookup command, as shown in Example 5-3.

Example 5-3 DNS Resolution Before the DNS Cache Poisoning Attack

$ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

Step 2. After the attacker executes the DNS poisoning attack, the DNS server resolves the to the IP address of the attacker’s system (, as shown in Example 5-4.

Example 5-4 DNS Resolution After the DNS Cache Poisoning Attack

$ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

Step 3. The victim sends a request to the DNS server to obtain the IP address of the domain

Step 4. The DNS server replies with the IP address of the attacker’s system.

Step 5. The victim sends an HTTP GET to the attacker’s system, and the attacker impersonates the domain

DNS cache poisoning attacks can also combine elements of social engineering to manipulate victims into downloading malware or to ask a victim to enter sensitive data into forms and spoofed applications.


You can configure DNS servers to rely as little as possible on trust relationships with other DNS servers in order to mitigate DNS cache poisoning attacks. DNS servers using BIND 9.5.0 and higher provide features that help prevent DNS cache poisoning attacks. These features include the randomization of ports and provision of cryptographically secure DNS transaction identifiers. In order to protect against DNS cache poisoning attacks, you can also limit recursive DNS queries, store only data related to the requested domain, and restrict query responses to provide information only about the requested domain. In addition, the Domain Name System Security Extension (DNSSEC), a technology developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), provides secure DNS data authentication and also provide protection against DNS cache poisoning.

SNMP Exploits


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a protocol that many individuals and organizations use to manage network devices. SNMP uses UDP port 161. In SNMP implementations, every network device contains an SNMP agent that connects with an independent SNMP server (also known as the SNMP manager). An administrator can use SNMP to obtain health information and the configuration of a networking device, to change the configuration, and to perform other administrative tasks. As you can see, this is very attractive to attackers because they can leverage SNMP vulnerabilities to perform similar actions in a malicious way.

There are several versions of SNMP. The two most popular versions today are SNMPv2c and SNMPv3. SNMPv2c uses community strings, which are passwords that are applied to a networking device to allow an administrator to restrict access to the device in two ways: by providing read-only or read-write access.

The managed device information is kept in a database called the Management Information Base (MIB).

A common SNMP attack involves an attacker enumerating SNMP services and then checking for configured default SNMP passwords. Unfortunately, this is one of the major flaws of many implementations because many users leave weak or default SNMP credentials in networking devices. SNMPv3 uses usernames and passwords, and it is more secure than all previous SNMP versions.

In Chapter 3, you learned how to use the Nmap scanner. You can leverage Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) scripts to gather information from SNMP-enabled devices and to brute-force weak credentials. In Kali Linux, the NSE scripts are located at /usr/share/nmap/scripts by default.

Example 5-5 shows the available SNMP-related NSE scripts in a Kali Linux system.

Example 5-5 Kali Linux SNMP-Related NSE Scripts

root@kali:/usr/share/nmap/scripts# ls -1 snmp*

In addition to NSE scripts, you can also use the snmp-check tool to perform an SNMP walk in order to gather information on devices configured for SNMP.


Always change default passwords! As a best practice, you should also limit SNMP access to only trusted hosts and block UDP port 161 to any untrusted system. Another best practice is to use SNMPv3 instead of older versions.

SMTP Exploits


Attackers may leverage insecure SMTP servers to send spam and conduct phishing and other email-based attacks. SMTP is a server-to-server protocol, which is different from client/server protocols such as POP3 or IMAP.


Before you can understand how to exploit email protocol vulnerabilities (such as SMTP-based vulnerabilities), you must familiarize yourself with the standard TCP ports used in the different email protocols. The following TCP ports are used in the most common email protocols:

  • TCP port 25: The default port used in SMTP for non-encrypted communications.

  • TCP port 465: The port registered by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for SMTP over SSL (SMTPS). SMTPS has been deprecated in favor of STARTTLS.

  • TCP port 587: The Secure SMTP (SSMTP) protocol for encrypted communications, as defined in RFC 2487, using STARTTLS. Mail user agents (MUAs) use TCP port 587 for email submission. STARTTLS can also be used over TCP port 25 in some implementations.

  • TCP port 110: The default port used by the POP3 protocol in non-encrypted communications.

  • TCP port 995: The default port used by the POP3 protocol in encrypted communications.

  • TCP port 143: The default port used by the IMAP protocol in non-encrypted communications.

  • TCP port 993: The default port used by the IMAP protocol in encrypted (SSL/TLS) communications.

SMTP Open Relays

SMTP open relay is the term used for an email server that accepts and relays (that is, sends) emails from any user. It is possible to abuse these configurations to send spoofed emails, spam, phishing, and other email-related scams. Nmap has an NSE script to test for open relay configurations. The details about the script are available at, and Example 5-6 shows how you can use the script against an email server (

Example 5-6 SMTP Open Relay NSE Script

root@kali:/usr/share/nmap/scripts# nmap --script smtp-open-relay.nse

Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2018-04-15 13:32 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00022s latency).
25/tcp open  smtp
|_smtp-open-relay: Server is an open relay (16/16 tests)          
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.82 seconds
Useful SMTP Commands

Several SMTP commands can be useful when performing a security evaluation of an email server. The following are a few examples:

  • HELO: Used to initiate an SMTP conversation with an email server. The command is followed by an IP address or domain name (for example, HELO

  • EHLO: Used to initiate a conversation with an Extended SMTP (ESMTP) server. This command is used in the same way as the HELO command.

  • STARTTLS: Used to start a Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection to an email server.

  • RCPT: Used to denote the email address of the recipient.

  • DATA: Used to initiate the transfer of the contents of an email message.

  • RSET: Used to reset (cancel) an email transaction.

  • MAIL: Used to denote the email address of the sender.

  • QUIT: Used to close a connection.

  • HELP: Used to display a help menu (if available).

  • AUTH: Used to authenticate a client to the server.

  • VRFY: Used to verify whether a user’s email mailbox exists.

  • EXPN: Used to request, or expand, a mailing list on the remote server.

Let’s take a look at an example of how you can use some of these commands to reveal email addresses that may exist in the email server. In this case, you connect to the email server by using telnet followed by port 25. (In this example the SMTP server is using plaintext communication over TCP port 25.) Then you use the VRFY (verify) command with the email username to verify whether the user account exists on the system, as demonstrated in Example 5-7.

Example 5-7 The SMTP VRFY Command

omar@kali:~$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
VRFY sys
252 2.0.0 sys
VRFY admin
550 5.1.1 <admin>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table
VRFY root
252 2.0.0 root
VRFY omar
252 2.0.0 omar

The smtp-user-enum tool (installed by default in Kali Linux) enables you to automate these information-gathering steps. Example 5-8 shows the smtp-user-enum options and examples of how to use the tool.

Example 5-8 Using the smtp-user-enum Tool

root@kali:~# smtp-user-enum
smtp-user-enum v1.2 ( )

Usage: smtp-user-enum [options] ( -u username | -U file-of-usernames ) ( -t host | -T file-of-targets )

options are:
        -m n     Maximum number of processes (default: 5)
        -M mode  Method to use for username guessing EXPN, VRFY or RCPT (default: VRFY)
        -u user  Check if user exists on remote system
        -f addr  MAIL FROM email address.  Used only in "RCPT TO" mode (default: [email protected])
        -D dom   Domain to append to supplied user list to make email addresses (Default: none)
                 Use this option when you want to guess valid email
addresses instead of just usernames e.g. "-D" would
guess [email protected], [email protected], etc.  Instead of simply the
usernames foo and bar.
        -U file  File of usernames to check via smtp service
        -t host  Server host running smtp service
        -T file  File of hostnames running the smtp service
        -p port  TCP port on which smtp service runs (default: 25)
        -d       Debugging output
        -t n     Wait a maximum of n seconds for reply (default: 5)
        -v       Verbose
        -h       This help message

Also see smtp-user-enum-user-docs.pdf from the smtp-user-enum tar ball.


$ smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -U users.txt -t
$ smtp-user-enum -M EXPN -u admin1 -t
$ smtp-user-enum -M RCPT -U users.txt -T mail-server-ips.txt
$ smtp-user-enum -M EXPN -D -U users.txt -t

Example 5-9 shows how to use the smtp-user-enum command to verify whether the user omar exists in the server.

Example 5-9 Enumerating a User by Using the smtp-user-enum Tool

root@kali:~# smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -u omar -t
Starting smtp-user-enum v1.2 ( )

|                   Scan Information                       |
Mode ..................... VRFY
Worker Processes ......... 5
Target count ............. 1
Username count ........... 1
Target TCP port .......... 25
Query timeout ............ 5 secs
Target domain ............

######## Scan started at Sat Apr 21 19:34:42 ######### omar exists                                       
######## Scan completed at Sat Apr 21 19:34:42 #########
1 results.

1 queries in 1 seconds (1.0 queries / sec)

Most modern email servers disable the VRFY and EXPN commands. It is highly recommended that you disable these SMTP commands. Modern firewalls also help protect and block any attempts at SMTP connections using these commands.

Using Known SMTP Server Exploits

It is possible to take advantage of exploits that have been created to leverage known SMTP-related vulnerabilities. Example 5-10 shows a list of known SMTP exploits using the searchsploit command in Kali Linux.

Example 5-10 Using searchsploit to Find Known SMTP Exploits

 root@kali:~# searchsploit smtp
------------ ----------------------
 Exploit Title                                                           |

(/usr/share/exploitdb/)                                                  |
------------ ----------------------
AA SMTP Server 1.1 - Crash (PoC)                                         |
Alt-N MDaemon 6.5.1 - IMAP/SMTP Remote Buffer Overflow                   |
Alt-N MDaemon 6.5.1 SMTP Server - Multiple Command Remote Overflows      |
Alt-N MDaemon Server 2.71 SP1 - SMTP HELO Argument Buffer Overflow       |
Apache James 2.2 - SMTP Denial of Service                                |
BL4 SMTP Server < 0.1.5 - Remote Buffer Overflow (PoC)                   |
BaSoMail 1.24 - SMTP Server Command Buffer Overflow                      |
BaSoMail Server 1.24 - POP3/SMTP Remote Denial of Service                |
Blat 2.7.6 SMTP / NNTP Mailer - Local Buffer Overflow                    |
Cisco PIX Firewall 4.x/5.x - SMTP Content Filtering Evasion              |
Citadel SMTP 7.10 - Remote Overflow                                      |
Cobalt Raq3 PopRelayD - Arbitrary SMTP Relay                             |
CodeBlue 5.1 - SMTP Response Buffer Overflow                             |
CommuniCrypt Mail 1.16 - 'ANSMTP.dll/AOSMTP.dll' ActiveX                 |
CommuniCrypt Mail 1.16 - SMTP ActiveX Stack Buffer Overflow (Metasploit) |
Computalynx CMail 2.3 SP2/2.4 - SMTP Buffer Overflow                     |
DeepOfix SMTP Server 3.3 - Authentication Bypass                         |
EType EServ 2.9x - SMTP Remote Denial of Service                         |
EasyMail Objects 'EMSMTP.DLL 6.0.1' - ActiveX Control                    |
Remote Buffer Overflow
Eudora 7.1 - SMTP ResponseRemote Remote Buffer Overflow                  |
Exim ESMTP 4.80 - glibc gethostbyname Denial of Service                  |
FloosieTek FTGate PRO 1.22 - SMTP MAIL FROM Buffer Overflow              |
FloosieTek FTGate PRO 1.22 - SMTP RCPT TO Buffer Overflow                |
Free SMTP Server 2.2 - Spam Filter                                       |
GoodTech SMTP Server 5.14 - Denial of Service                            |
Hastymail 1.x - IMAP SMTP Command Injection                              |
Inetserv 3.23 - SMTP Denial of Service                                   |
Inframail Advantage Server Edition 6.0 < 6.37 - 'SMTP' Buffer Overflow   |
Ipswitch Imail Server 5.0 - SMTP HELO Argument Buffer Overflow           |
Jack De Winter WinSMTP 1.6 f/2.0 - Buffer Overflow                       |
LeadTools Imaging LEADSmtp - ActiveX Control 'SaveMessage()'             |
Insecure Method exploits/windows/remote/35880.html

<output omitted for brevity>

Softek MailMarshal 4 / Trend Micro ScanMail 1.0 - SMTP Attachment
Protection Bypass | exploits/multiple/remote/
SoftiaCom wMailServer 1.0 - SMTP Remote Buffer Overflow (Metasploit)     |
SquirrelMail PGP Plugin - Command Execution (SMTP) (Metasploit)          |
SysGauge 1.5.18 - SMTP Validation Buffer Overflow (Metasploit)           |
TABS MailCarrier 2.51 - SMTP 'EHLO' / 'HELO' Remote Buffer Overflow      |
TABS MailCarrier 2.51 - SMTP EHLO Overflow (Metasploit)                  |
YahooPOPs 1.6 - SMTP Port Buffer Overflow                                |
YahooPOPs 1.6 - SMTP Remote Buffer Overflow                              |
dSMTP Mail Server 3.1b (Linux) - Format String                           |
i.Scribe SMTP Client 2.00b - 'wscanf' Remote Format String (PoC)         |
iScripts AutoHoster - 'main_smtp.php' Traversal                          |
nbSMTP 0.99 - 'util.c' Client-Side Command Execution                     |
sSMTP 2.62 - 'standardize()' Buffer Overflow                             |
------------- ----------------------------------

FTP Exploits


Attackers often abuse FTP servers to steal information. The legacy FTP protocol doesn’t use encryption or perform any kind of integrity validation. Recommended practice dictates that you implement a more secure alternative, such as File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS) or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

The SFTP and FTPS protocols use encryption to protect data; however, some implementations—such as Blowfish and DES—offer weak encryption ciphers (encryption algorithms). You should use stronger algorithms, such as AES. Similarly, SFTP and FTPS servers use hashing algorithms to verify the integrity of file transmission. SFTP uses SSH, and FTPS uses FTP over TLS. Best practice calls for disabling weak hashing protocols such as MD5 or SHA-1 and using stronger algorithms in the SHA-2 family (such as SHA-2 or SHA-512).

In addition, FTP servers often enable anonymous user authentication, which an attacker may abuse to store unwanted files in your server, potentially for exfiltration. For example, an attacker who compromises a system and extracts sensitive information can store that information (as a stepping stone) to any FTP server that may be available that allows any user to connect using the anonymous account.

Example 5-11 shows a scan (using Nmap) against a server with IP address Nmap can determine the type and version of the FTP server (in this case, vsftpd version 3.0.3).

Example 5-11 Using Nmap to Scan an FTP Server

root@kali:~# nmap -sV
Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2018-04-18 12:31 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00081s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
21/tcp   open  ftp        vsftpd 3.0.3                                 
22/tcp   open  ssh        OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.4 (Ubuntu
Linux; protocol 2.0)

Example 5-12 shows how to test for anonymous login in an FTP server by using Metasploit.

Example 5-12 FTP Anonymous Login Verification Using Metasploit

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymous
msf auxiliary(scanner/ftp/anonymous) > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary(scanner/ftp/anonymous) > exploit

[+]      - - Anonymous READ (220
(vsFTPd 3.0.3))
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

The highlighted line in Example 5-12 shows that the FTP server is configured for anonymous login. The mitigation in this example is to edit the FTP server configuration file to disable anonymous login. In this example, the server is using vsFTPd, and thus the configuration file is located at /etc/vsftpd.conf.

The following are several additional best practices for mitigating FTP server abuse and attacks:

  • Use strong passwords and multifactor authentication. A best practice is to use good credential management and strong passwords. When possible, use two-factor authentication for any critical service or server.

  • Implement file and folder security, making sure that users have access to only the files they are entitled to access.

  • Use encryption at rest—that is, encrypt all files stored in the FTP server.

  • Lock down administration accounts. You should restrict administrator privileges to a limited number of users and require them to use multifactor authentication. In addition, do not use common administrator usernames such as root or admin.

  • Keep the FTPS or SFTP server software up-to-date.

  • Use the U.S. government FIPS 140-2 validated encryption ciphers for general guidance on what encryption algorithms to use.

  • Keep any back-end databases on a different server than the FTP server.

  • Require re-authentication of inactive sessions.

Pass-the-Hash Attacks


All versions of Windows store passwords as hashes in a file called the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) file. The operating system does not know what the actual password is because it stores only a hash of the password. Instead of using a well-known hashing algorithm, Microsoft created its own implementation that has developed over the years.

Microsoft also has a suite of security protocols for authentication, called NT LAN Manager (NTLM) NTLM had two versions: NTLMv1 and NTLMv2. Since Windows 2000, Microsoft has used Kerberos in Windows domains. However, NTLM may still be used when the client is authenticating to a server via IP address or if a client is authenticating to a server in a different Active Directory (AD) forest configured for NTLM trust instead of a transitive inter-forest trust. In addition, NTLM might also still be used if the client is authenticating to a server that doesn’t belong to a domain or if the Kerberos communication is blocked by a firewall.

So, what is a pass-the-hash attack? Because password hashes cannot be reversed, instead of trying to figure out what the user’s password is, an attacker can just use a password hash collected from a compromised system and then use the same hash to log in to another client or server system. Figure 5-3 illustrates a pass-the-hash attack.

An illustration of the Pass-the-Hash attack.
FIGURE 5-3 Pass-the-Hash Attack

The Windows operating system and Windows applications ask users to enter their passwords when they log in. The system then converts the passwords into hashes (in most cases using an API called LsaLogonUser). A pass-the-hash attack goes around this process and just sends the hash to the system to authenticate.


Mimikatz is a tool used by many penetration testers, attackers, and even malware that can be useful for retrieving password hashes from memory; it is a very useful post-exploitation tool. You can download the Mimikatz tool from Metasploit also includes Mimikatz as a Meterpreter script to facilitate exploitation without the need to upload any files to the disk of the compromised host. You can obtain more information about Mimikatz/Metasploit integration from Chapter 9 discusses Metasploit in detail.

Kerberos and LDAP-Based Attacks

Kerberos is an authentication protocol defined in RFC 4120 that has been used by Windows for several years. Kerberos is also used by numerous applications and other operating systems. The Kerberos Consortium’s website provide detailed information about Kerberos, at A Kerberos implementation contains three basic elements:

  • Client

  • Server

  • Key distribution center (KDC), including the authentication server and the ticket-granting server

Figure 5-4 illustrates the steps in Kerberos authentication.

A figure shows the six steps involved in Kerberos Authentication.
FIGURE 5-4 Steps in Kerberos Authentication

The following steps are illustrated in Figure 5-4.

Step 1. The client sends a request to the authentication server within the KDC.

Step 2. The authentication server sends a session key and a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) that is used to verify the client’s identity.

Step 3. The client sends the TGT to the ticket-granting server.

Step 4. The ticket-granting server generates and sends a ticket to the client.

Step 5. The client presents the ticket to the server.

Step 6. The server grants access to the client.

Active Directory uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) as an access protocol. The Windows LDAP implementation supports Kerberos authentication. LDAP uses an inverted-tree hierarchical structure called the Directory Information Tree (DIT). In LDAP, every entry has a defined position. The Distinguished Name (DN) represents the full path of the entry.

One of the most common attacks is the Kerberos golden ticket attack. An attacker can manipulate Kerberos tickets based on available hashes by compromising a vulnerable system and obtaining the local user credentials and password hashes. If the system is connected to a domain, the attacker can identify a Kerberos TGT (KRBTGT) password hash to get the golden ticket.


Empire is a popular tool that can be used to perform golden ticket and many other types of attacks. Empire is basically a post-exploitation framework that includes a pure-PowerShell Windows agent and a Python agent. You will learn more about post-exploitation methodologies later in this chapter. With Empire, you can run PowerShell agents without the need to use powershell.exe. You can download Empire and access several demonstrations, presentations, and documentation at Example 5-13 shows the Empire Mimikatz golden_ticket module, which can be used to perform a golden ticket attack. When the Empire Mimikatz golden_ticket module is run against a compromised system, the golden ticket is established for the user set using the KBRTGT password hash.

Example 5-13 The Empire Tool

(Empire) > use module powershell/credentials/mimikatz/golden_ticket
(Empire: powershell/credentials/mimikatz/golden_ticket) > options
              Name:  Invoke-Mimikatz Golden Ticket
            Module:  powershell/credentials/mimikatz/golden_ticket
        NeedsAdmin:  False
         OpsecSafe:  True
          Language:  powershell
MinLanguageVersion:  2
        Background:  True
   OutputExtension:  None


  Runs PowerSploit's Invoke-Mimikatz function to generate a
  golden ticket and inject it into memory.

Comments: htt


  Name   Required    Value     Description
  ----   --------    -------   -----------
  CredID False                 CredID from the store to use for
                               ticket creation.
  domain False                 The fully qualified domain name.
  user   True                  Username to impersonate.
  groups False                 Optional comma separated group IDs
                               for the ticket.
  sid    False                 The SID of the specified domain.
  krbtgt False                 krbtgt NTLM hash for the specified
  sids   False                 External SIDs to add as sidhistory to
                               the ticket.
  id     False                 id to impersonate, defaults to 500.
  Agent  True        None      Agent to run module on.
  endin  False                 Lifetime of the ticket (in minutes).
                               Default to 10 years.
(Empire: powershell/credentials/mimikatz/golden_ticket) >

A similar attack is the Kerberos silver ticket attack. Silver tickets are forged service tickets for a given service on a particular server. The Windows Common Internet File System (CIFS) allows you to access files on a particular server, and the HOST service allows you to execute schtasks.exe or Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on a given server. In order to create a silver ticket, you need the system account (ending in $), the security identifier (SID) for the domain, the fully qualified domain name, and the given service (for example, CIFS, HOST). You can also use tools such as Empire to get the relevant information from a Mimikatz dump for a compromised system.

Another weakness in Kerberos implementations is the use of unconstrained Kerberos Delegation. Kerberos Delegation is a feature that allows an application to reuse the end-user credentials to access resources hosted on a different server. Typically you should allow Kerberos Delegation only if the application server is ultimately trusted; however, this could have negative security consequences if abused, and Kerberos Delegation is therefore not enabled by default in Active Directory.

Understanding Man-in-the-Middle Attacks


In a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, an attacker places himself or herself in-line between two devices or individuals that are communicating in order to eavesdrop or manipulate the data being transferred. MITM attacks can happen at Layer 2 or Layer 3. Figure 5-5 demonstrates a MITM attack.

An M I T M attack.
FIGURE 5-5 Man-in-the-Middle Attack
Understanding ARP Spoofing and ARP Cache Poisoning

ARP cache poisoning (also known as ARP spoofing) is an example of an attack that leads to a man-in-the-middle scenario. An ARP spoofing attack can target hosts, switches, and routers connected to a Layer 2 network by poisoning the ARP caches of systems connected to the subnet and by intercepting traffic intended for other hosts on the subnet. In Figure 5-5, the attacker spoofs Layer 2 MAC addresses to make the victim believe that the Layer 2 address of the attacker is the Layer 2 address of its default gateway ( The packets that are supposed to go to the default gateway are forwarded by the switch to the Layer 2 address of the attacker on the same network. The attacker can forward the IP packets to the correct destination in order to allow the client to access the web server (


A common mitigation for ARP cache poisoning attacks is to use Dynamic Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Inspection (DAI) on switches to prevent spoofing of the Layer 2 addresses.

Another example of a Layer 2 MITM attack is to place a switch in the network and manipulate Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) to become the root switch. This could allow an attacker to see any traffic that needs to be sent through the root switch.

An attacker can carry our an MITM attack at Layer 3 by placing a rogue router on the network and then tricking the other routers into believing that this new router has a better path. It is also possible to perform an MITM attack by compromising the victim’s system and installing malware that can intercept the packets sent by the victim. The malware can capture packets before they are encrypted if the victim is using SSL/TLS/HTTPS or any other mechanism. An attack tool called SSLStrip utilizes the MITM functionality to transparently look at HTTPS traffic, hijack it, and return non-encrypted HTTP links to the user in response. This tool was created by a security researcher called Moxie Marlinspike. You can download the tool from

The following are some additional Layer 2 security best practices for securing your infrastructure:

  • Select an unused VLAN (other than VLAN 1) and use it as the native VLAN for all your trunks. Do not use this native VLAN for any of your enabled access ports. Avoid using VLAN 1 anywhere because it is the default.

  • Administratively configure switch ports as access ports so that users cannot negotiate a trunk; also disable the negotiation of trunking (that is, do not allow Dynamic Trunking Protocol [DTP]).

  • Limit the number of MAC addresses learned on a given port with the port security feature.

  • Control Spanning Tree to stop users or unknown devices from manipulating it. You can do so by using the BPDU Guard and Root Guard features.

  • Turn off Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on ports facing untrusted or unknown networks that do not require CDP for anything positive. (CDP operates at Layer 2 and might provide attackers information you would rather not disclose.)

  • On a new switch, shut down all ports and assign them to a VLAN that is not used for anything other than a parking lot. Then bring up the ports and assign correct VLANs as the ports are allocated and needed.

  • Use Root Guard to control which ports are not allowed to become root ports to remote switches.

  • Use DAI.

  • Use IP Source Guard to prevent spoofing of Layer 3 information by hosts.

  • Implement 802.1X when possible to authenticate and authorize users before allowing them to communicate to the rest of the network.

  • Use DHCP snooping to prevent rogue DHCP servers from impacting the network.

  • Use storm control to limit the amount of broadcast or multicast traffic flowing through a switch.

  • Deploy access control lists, such as Layer 3 and Layer 2 ACLs for traffic control and policy enforcement.

Downgrade Attacks

In a downgrade attack, an attacker forces a system to favor a weak encryption protocol or hashing algorithm that may be susceptible to other vulnerabilities. An example of a downgrade vulnerability and attack is the Padding Oracle on Downgraded Legacy Encryption (POODLE) vulnerability in OpenSSL, which allowed the attacker to negotiate the use of a lower version of TLS between the client and server. You can find more information about the POODLE vulnerability at

POODLE was an OpenSSL-specific vulnerability and has been patched since 2014. However, in practice, removing backward compatibility is often the only way to prevent any other downgrade attacks or flaws.

Route Manipulation Attacks


Although many different route manipulation attacks exist, one of the most common is the BGP hijacking attack. BGP is a dynamic routing protocol used to route Internet traffic. An attacker can launch a BGP hijacking attack by configuring or compromising an edge router to announce prefixes that have not been assigned to his or her organization. If the malicious announcement contains a route that is more specific than the legitimate advertisement or that presents a shorter path, the victim’s traffic could be redirected to the attacker. In the past, threat actors have leveraged unused prefixes for BGP hijacking in order to avoid attention from the legitimate user or organization. Figure 5-6 illustrates a BGP hijacking route manipulation attack. The attacker compromises a router and performs a BGP hijack attack to intercept traffic between Host A and Host B.

A Route Manipulation Attack.
FIGURE 5-6 Route Manipulation Attack

Understanding Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks


Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks have been around for quite some time, but there has been heightened awareness of them over the past few years. DDoS attacks can generally be divided into three categories, described in the following sections:

  • Direct

  • Reflected

  • Amplification

Direct DoS Attacks

A direct DoS attack occurs when the source of the attack generates the packets, regardless of protocol, application, and so on, that are sent directly to the victim of the attack. Figure 5-7 illustrates a direct DoS attack.

An illustration of the Direct DoS Attack.
FIGURE 5-7 Direct DoS Attack

In Figure 5-7, the attacker launches a direct DoS attack to a web server (the victim) by sending numerous TCP SYN packets. This type of attack is aimed at flooding the victim with an overwhelming number of packets in order to oversaturate its connection bandwidth or deplete the target’s system resources. This type of attack is also known as a SYN flood attack.

Cybercriminals can also use DDoS attacks to produce added costs for the victim when the victim is using cloud services. In most cases, when you use a cloud service such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Digital Ocean, you pay per usage. Attackers can launch DDoS attacks to cause you to pay more for usage and resources.

Another type of DoS attack involves exploiting vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows to cause a server or even a network infrastructure device to crash, subsequently causing a DoS condition.

Many attackers use botnets to launch DDoS attacks. A botnet is a collection of compromised machines that the attacker can manipulate from a command and control (CnC, or C2) system to participate in a DDoS attack, send spam emails, and perform other illicit activities. Figure 5-8 shows how an attacker may use a botnet to launch a DDoS attack. The botnet is composed of compromised user endpoints (laptops), home wireless routers, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as IP cameras.

An example of a Botnet.
FIGURE 5-8 A Botnet Example

In Figure 5-8, the attacker sends instructions to the C2; subsequently, the C2 sends instructions to the bots within the botnet to launch the DDoS attack against the victim server.

Reflected DDoS Attacks

With reflected DDoS attacks, attackers send to sources spoofed packets that appear to be from the victim, and then the sources become unwitting participants in the DDoS attacks by sending the response traffic back to the intended victim. UDP is often used as the transport mechanism in such attacks because it is more easily spoofed due to the lack of a three-way handshake. For example, if the attacker decides he wants to attack a victim, he can send packets (for example, Network Time Protocol [NTP] requests) to a source that thinks these packets are legitimate. The source then responds to the NTP requests by sending the responses to the victim, who was not expecting these NTP packets from the source. Figure 5-9 illustrates an example of a reflected DDoS attack.

An illustration of the Reflected DDoS Attack.
FIGURE 5-9 A Reflected DDoS Attack

In Figure 5-9, the attacker sends a packet to Host A. The source IP address is the victim’s IP address (, and the destination IP address is Host A’s IP address ( Subsequently, Host A sends an unwanted packet to the victim. If the attacker continues to send these types of packets, not only does Host A flood the victim, but the victim might also reply with unnecessary packets, thus consuming bandwidth and resources.

Amplification DDoS Attacks

An amplification attack is a form of reflected denial of service (DoS) attack in which the response traffic (sent by the unwitting participant) is made up of packets that are much larger than those that were initially sent by the attacker (spoofing the victim). An example of this type of attack is an attacker sending DNS queries to a DNS server configured as an open resolver. Then the DNS server (open resolver) replies with responses much larger in packet size than the initial query packets. The end result is that the victim’s machine gets flooded by large packets for which it never actually issued queries. Figure 5-10 shows an example.

An illustration of a DNS Amplification Attack.
FIGURE 5-10 DNS Amplification Attack

Network Access Control (NAC) Bypass


NAC is a technology that is design to interrogate endpoints before joining a wired or wireless network. It is typically used in conjunction with 802.1X for identity management and enforcement. In short, a network access switch or wireless access point (AP) can be configured to authenticate end users and perform a security posture assessment of the endpoint device to enforce policy. For example, it can check whether you have security software such as antivirus, anti-malware, and personal firewalls before it allows you to join the network. It can also check whether you have a specific version of an operating system (for example, Microsoft Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X) and whether your system has been patched for specific vulnerabilities.

In addition, NAC-enabled devices (switches, wireless APs, and so on) can use several detection techniques to detect the endpoint trying to connect to the network. A NAC-enabled device intercepts DHCP requests from endpoints. A broadcast listener is used to look for network traffic, such as ARP requests and DHCP requests generated by endpoints.

Several NAC solutions use client-based agents to perform endpoint security posture assessment to prevent an endpoint from joining the network until it is evaluated. In addition, some switches can be configured to send an SNMP trap when a new MAC address is registered with a certain switch port and to trigger the NAC process.

NAC implementations can allow specific nodes such as printers, IP phones, and video conferencing equipment to join the network by using a whitelist of MAC addresses corresponding to such devices. This process is known as MAC authentication (auth) bypass. The network administrator can preconfigure or manually change these access levels. For example, a device accessing a specific VLAN (for example, VLAN 88) must be manually predefined for a specific port by an administrator, making deploying a dynamic network policy across multiple ports using port security extremely difficult to maintain.

An attacker could easily spoof an authorized MAC address and bypass a NAC configuration. For example, it is possible to spoof the MAC address of an IP phone and use that to connect to a network. This is because a port for which MAC auth bypass is enabled can be dynamically enabled or disabled based on the MAC address of the device that connects to it. Figure 5-11 illustrates this scenario.

An illustration of the abusing MAC Auth Bypass implementations.
FIGURE 5-11 Abusing MAC Auth Bypass Implementations

VLAN Hopping


One way to identify a LAN is to say that all the devices in the same LAN have a common Layer 3 IP network address and that they also are all located in the same Layer 2 broadcast domain. A virtual LAN (VLAN) is another name for a Layer 2 broadcast domain. A VLAN is controlled by a switch. The switch also controls which ports are associated with which VLANs. In Figure 5-12, if the switches are in their default configuration, all ports by default are assigned to VLAN 1, which means all the devices, including the two users and the router, are in the same broadcast domain, or VLAN.

An illustration to help understand VLANs.
FIGURE 5-12 Understanding VLANs

As you start adding hundreds of users, you might want to separate groups of users into individual subnets and associated individual VLANs. To do this, you assign the switch ports to the VLAN, and then any device that connects to that specific switch port is a member of that VLAN. Hopefully, all the devices that connect to switch ports that are assigned to a given VLAN also have a common IP network address configured so that they can communicate with other devices in the same VLAN. Often, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to assign IP addresses from a common subnet range to the devices in a given VLAN.

One problem with having two users in the same VLAN but not on the same physical switch is how Switch 1 tells Switch 2 that a broadcast or unicast frame is supposed to be for VLAN 10. The solution is simple: For connections between two switches that contain ports in VLANs that exist in both switches, you configure specific trunk ports instead of configuring access ports. If the two switch ports are configured as trunks, they include additional information called a tag that identifies which VLAN each frame belongs to. 802.1Q is the standard protocol for this tagging. The most critical piece of information (for this discussion) in this tag is the VLAN ID.

Currently, the two hosts in Figure 5-12 (Host A and Host B) cannot communicate because they are in separate VLANs (VLAN 10 and VLAN 20, respectively). The inter-switch links (between the two switches) are configured as trunks. A broadcast frame sent from Host A and received by Switch 1 would forward the frame over the trunk tagged as belonging to VLAN 10 to Switch 2. Switch 2 would see the tag, know it was a broadcast associated with VLAN 10, remove the tag, and forward the broadcast to all other interfaces associated with VLAN 10, including the switch port that is connected to Host B. These two core components (access ports being assigned to a single VLAN and trunk ports that tag the traffic so that a receiving switch knows which VLAN a frame belongs to) are the core building blocks for Layer 2 switching, where a VLAN can extend beyond a single switch.

Host A and Host B communicate with each other, and they can communicate with other devices in the same VLAN (which is also the same IP subnet), but they cannot communicate with devices outside their local VLAN without the assistance of a default gateway. A router could be implemented with two physical interfaces: one connecting to an access port on the switch that is been assigned to VLAN 10 and another physical interface connected to a different access port that has been configured for a different VLAN. With two physical interfaces and a different IP address on each, the router could perform routing between the two VLANs.

Now that you are familiar with VLANs and their purpose, let’s go over what VLAN hopping is. VLAN hopping is a method of gaining access to traffic on other VLANs that would normally not be accessible. There are two primary methods of VLAN hopping: switch spoofing and double tagging.

When you perform a switch spoofing attack, you imitate a trunking switch by sending the respective VLAN tag and the specific trunking protocols. Several best practices can help mitigate VLAN hopping and other Layer 2 attacks. The following are a few examples of best practices for securing your infrastructure, including Layer 2:

  • Select an unused VLAN (other than VLAN 1) and use it as the native VLAN for all your trunks. Do not use this native VLAN for any of your enabled access ports.

  • Avoid using VLAN 1 anywhere because it is a default.

  • Administratively configure access ports as access ports so that users cannot negotiate a trunk; also disable the negotiation of trunking (that is, do not allow Dynamic Trunking Protocol [DTP]).

  • Limit the number of MAC addresses learned on a given port with the port security feature.

  • Control Spanning Tree to stop users or unknown devices from manipulating it. You can do so by using the BPDU Guard and Root Guard features.

  • Turn off CDP on ports facing untrusted or unknown networks that do not require CDP for anything positive. (CDP operates at Layer 2 and may provide attackers information you would rather not disclose.)

  • On a new switch, shut down all ports and assign them to a VLAN that is not used for anything else other than a parking lot. Then bring up the ports and assign correct VLANs as the ports are allocated and needed.

Following these best practices can help prevent a user from maliciously negotiating a trunk with a switch and then having full access to each of the VLANs by using custom software on the computer that can both send and receive dot1q-tagged frames. A user with a trunk established could perform VLAN hopping to any VLAN desired by just tagging frames with the VLAN of choice. Other malicious tricks could be used, as well, but forcing the port to an access port with no negotiation removes this risk.

Another 802.1Q VLAN hopping attack is a double-tagging VLAN hopping attack. Most switches configured for 802.1Q remove only one 802.1Q tag. An attacker could change the original 802.1Q frame to add two VLAN tags: an outer tag with his or her own VLAN and an inner hidden tag of the victim’s VLAN. When the double-tagged frame reaches the switch, it only processes the outer tag of the VLAN that the ingress interface belongs to. The switch removes the outer VLAN tag and forwards the frame to all the ports belong to native VLAN. A copy of the frame is forwarded to the trunk link to reach the next switch.

DHCP Starvation Attacks and Rogue DHCP Servers

Most organizations run DHCP servers. The two most popular attacks against DHCP servers and infrastructure are DHCP starvation and DHCP spoofing (which involves rogue DHCP servers). In a DHCP starvation attack, an attacker broadcasts a large number of DHCP REQUEST messages with spoofed source MAC addresses, as illustrated in Figure 5-13.

An illustration of a DHCP Starvation Attack.
FIGURE 5-13 DHCP Starvation Attack

If the DHCP server responds to all these fake DHCP REQUEST messages, available IP addresses in the DHCP server scope are depleted within a few minutes or seconds. After the available number of IP addresses in the DHCP server is depleted, the attacker can then set up a rogue DHCP server and respond to new DHCP requests from network DHCP clients, as shown in Figure 5-14.

An illustration of rogue DHCP servers and DHCP spoofing attacks.
FIGURE 5-14 Rogue DHCP Servers and DHCP Spoofing Attacks

The attacker in Figure 5-14 sets up a rogue DHCP server to launch a DHCP spoofing attack. The attacker can set the IP address of the default gateway and DNS server to itself so that it can intercept the traffic from the network hosts.

Figure 5-15 shows an example of a tool called Yersenia that can be used to create a rogue DHCP server and launch DHCP starvation and spoofing attacks.

A screenshot of the initial command prompt screen that appears when running Yersenia to set up a rogue DHCP server.
FIGURE 5-15 Setting Up a Rogue DHCP Server in Yersenia

You will learn more about Yersenia and other tools in Chapter 9.

Exploiting Wireless and RF-Based Attacks and Vulnerabilities

In the following sections you will learn about different wireless and RF-based attacks and vulnerabilities.

Installing Rogue Access Points


One of the most simplistic wireless-based attacks involves an attacker installing a rogue AP in the network to fool users to connect to that AP. Basically, the attacker can use that rogue AP to create a backdoor and obtain access to the network and its systems, as illustrated in Figure 5-16.

The rogue wireless access point.
FIGURE 5-16 Rogue Wireless Access Point

Evil Twin Attacks


In an evil twin attack, the attacker creates a rogue access point and configures it exactly the same as the existing corporate network, as illustrated in Figure 5-17.

The evil twin attack.
FIGURE 5-17 Evil Twin Attack

Typically, the attacker uses DNS spoofing to redirect the victim to a cloned captive portal or a website. When users are logged on to the evil twin, a hacker can easily inject a spoofed DNS record into the DNS cache, changing the DNS record for all users on the fake network. Any user who logs in to the evil twin will be redirected by the spoofed DNS record injected into the cache. An attacker who performs a DNS poisoning attack wants to get the DNS cache to accept a spoofed record. Some ways to defend against DNS spoofing are using packet filtering, cryptographic protocols, and spoofing detection features provided by modern wireless implementations.

Deauthentication Attacks


An attacker can cause legitimate wireless clients to deauthenticate from legitimate wireless APs or wireless routers to either perform a DoS condition or to make those clients connect to an evil twin.

A service set identifier (SSID) is the name or identifier associated with an 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN). SSID names are included in plaintext in many wireless packets and beacons. A wireless client needs to know the SSID in order to associate with the wireless AP. It is possible to configure wireless passive tools like Kismet or KisMAC to listen and capture SSIDs and any other wireless network traffic. In addition, tools such as Airmon-ng (which is part of the Aircrack-ng suite) can perform this reconnaissance. The Aircrack-ng suite of tools can be downloaded from Figure 5-18 shows the Airmon-ng tool.

A screenshot of the Airmon-ng tool.
FIGURE 5-18 Surveying the Airmon-ng Tool

In Figure 5-18, the airmon-ng command output shows that the wlan0 interface is present and used to monitor the network. The ip -s -h -c link show wlan0 command can be used to verify the state and configuration of the wireless interface. When you put a wireless network interface in monitoring mode, Airmon-ng automatically checks for any interfering processes. To stop any interfering process, you can use the airmon-ng check kill command.

The Airodump-ng tool (part of the Aircrack-ng suite) can be used to sniff and analyze wireless network traffic, as shown in Figure 5-19.

A screenshot of the Airodump-ng tool shows the output of analyzing a wireless network traffic.
FIGURE 5-19 Surveying the Airodump-ng Tool

You can use the Airodump-ng tool to sniff wireless networks and obtain their SSIDs, along with the channels they are operating.

Many corporations and individuals configure their wireless APs to not advertise (broadcast) their SSIDs and to not respond to broadcast probe requests. However, if you sniff on a wireless network long enough, you will eventually catch a client trying to associate with the AP and can then get the SSID. In Figure 5-19 you can see the basic service set identifier (BSSID) and the extended basic service set identifier (ESSID) for every available wireless network. Basically, the ESSID identifies the same network as the SSID. You can also see the ENC encryption protocol. The encryption protocols can be Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) version 1 or WPA version 2 (WPA2), Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), or open (OPN). (You will learn the differences between these protocols later in this chapter.)

Let’s take a look on how to perform a deauthentication attack. In Figure 5-20 you can see two terminal windows. The top terminal window displays the output of the Airodump utility on a specific channel (11) and one ESSID (corp-net). In that same terminal window, you can see a wireless client (station) in the bottom, along with the BSSID to which it is connected (08:02:8E:D3:88:82 in this example).

A screenshot of the Aircrack-ng tool shows the output of using the Aireplay-ng utility in the bottom terminal window.
FIGURE 5-20 Performing a Deauthentication Attack with Aireplay-ng

The bottom terminal window in Figure 5-20 shows the launch of a deauthentication attack using the Aireplay-ng utility included with the Aircrack-ng suite. The victim station has the MAC address DC:A4:CA:67:3B:01, and it is currently associated with the network on channel 11 with the BSSID 08:02:8E:D3:88:82. After the aireplay-ng command is used, the deauthentication (DeAuth) messages is sent to the BSSID 08:02:8E:D3:88:82. The attack can be accelerated by sending the deauthentication packets to the client using the -c option.

The 802.11w standard defines the Management Frame Protection (MFP) feature. MFP protects wireless devices against spoofed management frames from other wireless devices that might otherwise deauthenticate a valid user session. In other words, MFP help defend against deauthentication attacks. MFP is negotiated between the wireless client (supplicant) and the wireless infrastructure device (AP, wireless router, and so on).


Many wireless adapters do not allow you to inject packets into a wireless network. For a list of wireless adapters and their specifications that can help you build your wireless lab, see

Attacking the Preferred Network Lists

Operating systems and wireless supplicants (clients), in many cases, maintain a list of trusted or preferred wireless networks. This is also referred to as the preferred network list (PNL). A PNL includes the wireless network SSID, plaintext passwords, or WEP or WPA passwords. Clients use these preferred networks to automatically associate to wireless networks when they are not connected to an AP or a wireless router.

It is possible for attackers to listen to these client requests and impersonate the wireless networks in order to make the clients connect to the attackers’ wireless devices and eavesdrop in their conversation or to manipulate their communication.

Jamming Wireless Signals and Causing Interference

The purpose of jamming wireless signals or causing wireless network interference is to create a full or partial DoS condition in the wireless network. Such a condition, if successful, is very disruptive. Most modern wireless implementations provide built-in features that can help immediately detect such attacks. In order to jam a Wi-Fi signal or any other type of radio communication, an attacker basically generates random noise on the frequencies that wireless networks use. With the appropriate tools and wireless adapters that support packet injection, an attacker can cause legitimate clients to disconnect from wireless infrastructure devices.

War Driving

War driving is a methodology used by attackers to find wireless access points wherever they might be. The term war driving is used because the attacker can just drive around (or even walk) and obtain a significant amount of information over a very short period of time.


A popular site among war drivers is WiGLE ( The site allows users to detect Wi-Fi networks and upload information about the networks by using a mobile app.

Initialization Vector (IV) Attacks and Unsecured Wireless Protocols


An attacker can cause some modification on the initialization vector (IV) of a wireless packet that is encrypted during transmission. The goal of the attacker is to obtain a lot of information about the plaintext of a single packet and generate another encryption key that can then be used to decrypt other packets using the same IV. WEP is susceptible to many different attacks, including IV attacks.

Attacking WEP

WEP is susceptible to many different attacks, and it is therefore considered an obsolete wireless protocol. WEP must be avoided, and many wireless network devices no longer support it. WEP keys exists in two sizes: 40-bit (5-byte) and 104-bit (13-byte) keys. In addition, WEP uses a 24-bit IV, which is prepended to the pre-shared key (PSK). When you configure a wireless infrastructure device with WEP, the IVs are sent in plaintext.

WEP has been defeated for decades. WEP uses RC4 in a manner that allows an attacker to crack the PSK with little effort. The problem is how WEP uses the IVs in each packet. When WEP uses RC4 to encrypt a packet, it prepends the IV to the secret key before including the key in RC4. Subsequently, an attacker has the first 3 bytes of an allegedly “secret” key used on every packet. In order to recover the PSK, an attacker just needs to collect enough data from the air. An attacker can accelerate this type of attack by just injecting ARP packets (because the length is predictable), which allows the attacker to recover the PSK much faster. After recovering the WEP key, the attacker can use it to access the wireless network.

An attacker can also use the Aircrack-ng set of tools to crack (recover) the WEP PSK. To perform this attack using the Aircrack-ng suite, at attacker first launches Airmon-ng, as shown in Example 5-14.

Example 5-14 Using Airmon-ng to Monitor a Wireless Network

root@kali# airmon-ng start wlan0 11

In Example, 5-14 the wireless interface is wlan0, and the selected wireless channel is 11. Now the attacker wants to listen to all communications directed to the BSSID 08:02:8E:D3:88:82, as shown in Example 5-15. The command in Example 5-15 writes all the traffic to a capture file called omar_capture.cap. The attacker only has to specify the prefix for the capture file.

Example 5-15 Using Airodump-ng to Listen to All Traffic to the BSSID 08:02:8E:D3:88:82

root@kali# airodump-ng -c 11 --bssid 08:02:8E:D3:88:82 -w omar_capture

The attacker can use Aireplay-ng to listen for ARP requests and then replay, or inject, them back into the wireless network, as shown in Example 5-16.

Example 5-16 Using Aireplay-ng to Inject ARP Packets

root@kali# aireplay-ng -3 -b 08:02:8E:D3:88:82 -h 00:0F:B5:88:AC:82

The attacker can use Aircrack-ng to crack the WEP PSK, as demonstrated in Example 5-17.

Example 5-17 Using Aircrack-ng to Crack the WEP PSK

root@kali# aircrack-ng -b 08:02:8E:D3:88:82 omar_capture.cap

After Aircrack-ng cracks (recovers) the WEP PSK, the output in Example 5-18 is displayed. The cracked (recovered) WEP PSK is shown in the highlighted line.

Example 5-18 The Cracked (Recovered) WEP PSK

                                    Aircrack-ng 0.9

                       [00:02:12] Tested 924346 keys (got 99821 IVs)

 KB    depth   byte(vote)
  0    0/  9   12(  15) A9(  25) 47(  22) F7(  12) FE(  22) 1B(   5)
77(   3) A5(   5) F6(   3) 02(  20)
  1    0/  8   22(  11) A8(  27) E0(  24) 06(  18) 3B(  26) 4E(  15)
E1(  13) 25(  15) 89(  12) E2(  12)
  2    0/  2   32(  17) A6(  23) 15(  27) 02(  15) 6B(  25) E0(  15)
AB(  13) 05(  14) 17(  11) 22(  10)
  3    1/  5   46(  13) AA(  20) 9B(  20) 4B(  17) 4A(  26) 2B(  15)
4D(  13) 55(  15) 6A(  15) 7A(  15)

                       KEY FOUND! [ 56:7A:15:9E:A8 ]                
      Decrypted correctly: 100%
Attacking WPA

WPA and WPA version 2 (WPA2) are susceptible to different vulnerabilities. WPA version 3 (WPA3) addresses all the vulnerabilities to which WPA and WPA2 are susceptible, and many wireless professionals recommend WPA3 to organizations and individuals.

All versions of WPA support different authentication methods, including PSK. WPA is not susceptible to the IV attacks that affect WEP; however, it is possible to capture the WPA four-way handshake between a client and a wireless infrastructure device and then brute-force the WPA PSK.

Figure 5-21 demonstrates the WPA four-way handshake.

The sequence diagram for the WPA four-way handshake.
FIGURE 5-21 The WPA Four-Way Handshake

Figure 5-22 illustrates the following steps:

Step 1. An attacker monitors the Wi-Fi network and finds wireless clients connected to the corp-net SSID.

Step 2. The attacker sends DeAuth packets to deauthenticate the wireless client.

Step 3. The attacker captures the WPA four-way handshake and cracks the WPA PSK. (It is possible to use word lists and tools such as Aircrack-ng to perform this attack.)

An illustration of capturing the WPA four-way handshake and cracking the PSK.
FIGURE 5-22 Capturing the WPA Four-Way Handshake and Cracking the PSK

Let’s take a look at how to perform this attack using the Aircrack-ng suite of tools:

Step 1. The attacker uses Airmon-ng to start the wireless interface in monitoring mode, using the airmon-ng start wlan0 command. (This is the same process shown for cracking WEP in the previous section.) Figure 5-23 displays three terminal windows. The second terminal window from the top shows the output of the airodump-ng wlan0 command, displaying all adjacent wireless networks.

Step 2. After locating the corp-net network, the attacker uses the airodump-ng command as shown in the first terminal window displayed in Figure 5-23 to capture all the traffic to a capture file called wpa_capture, specifying the wireless channel (11, in this example), the BSSID, and the wireless interface (wlan0).

A screenshot of the output of the Aireplay-ng command in the bottom terminal window is shown. A tabulation of the details of the wireless networks on which to perform a de-authentication attack is present, in which one of the rows is selected.
FIGURE 5-23 Using Airodump-ng to View the Available Wireless Networks and Then Capturing Traffic to the Victim BSSID

Step 3. The attacker uses the aireplay-ng command as shown in Figure 5-24 to perform a deauthentication attack against the wireless network.

A screenshot of the output of the Aireplay-ng command in the bottom terminal window is shown. The output pertains to the details of the attacker that has collected the WPA handshake.
FIGURE 5-24 Using Aireplay-ng to Disconnect the Wireless Clients

In the terminal shown in the top of Figure 5-25, you can see that the attacker has collected the WPA handshake.

Step 4. The attacker uses the aircrack-ng command to crack the WPA PSK using a word list, as shown in Figure 5-25 (the filename is words in this example).

A screenshot of the output of the Airodump-ng command in the bottom terminal window is shown.
FIGURE 5-25 Collecting the WPA Handshake Using Airodump-ng

Step 5. The tool takes a while to process, depending on the computer power and the complexity of the PSK. After it cracks the WPA PSK, a window similar to the one shown in Figure 5-26 shows the WPA PSK (corpsupersecret in this example).

A screenshot of the output of the Aircrack-ng command in the bottom terminal window is shown. Details of the master key, the transient key, and the EAPOL HMAC are displayed.
FIGURE 5-26 Cracking the WPA PSK Using Aircrack-ng
KRACK Attacks

Mathy Vanhoef and Frank Piessens, from the University of Leuven, found and disclosed a series of vulnerabilities that affect WPA and WPA2. These vulnerabilities, also referred to as KRACK (key reinstallation attack), and details about them, are published at

Exploitation of these vulnerabilities depends on the specific device configuration. Successful exploitation could allow unauthenticated attackers to reinstall a previously used encryption or integrity key (either through the client or the access point, depending on the specific vulnerability). When a previously used key has successfully been reinstalled (by exploiting the disclosed vulnerabilities), an attacker may proceed to capture traffic using the reinstalled key and attempt to decrypt such traffic. In addition, the attacker may attempt to forge or replay previously seen traffic. An attacker can perform these activities by manipulating retransmissions of handshake messages.


The following blog provides details about these vulnerabilities:

Most wireless vendors have provided patches that address the KRACK vulnerabilities, and WPA3 also addresses these vulnerabilities.

Attacking Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is a protocol that simplifies the deployment of wireless networks. It is used so that users can simply generate a WPA PSK with little interaction with the wireless device. Typically, a PIN printed on the outside of the wireless device or in the box that came with it is used to provision the wireless device. Most implementations do not care if you incorrectly attempt millions of PIN combinations in a row, which means these devices are susceptible to brute-force attacks.

A tool called Reaver makes WPS attacks very simple and easy to execute. You can download Reaver from

KARMA Attacks


KARMA is an MITM attack that involves creating a rogue AP and allowing an attacker to intercept wireless traffic. KARMA stands for Karma Attacks Radio Machines Automatically. A radio machine could be a mobile device, a laptop, or any Wi-Fi-enabled device.

In an KARMA attack scenario, the attacker listens for the probe requests from wireless devices and intercepts them to generate the same SSID for which the device is sending probes. This can be used to attack the PNL, as discussed earlier in this chapter.

Fragmentation Attacks


Wireless fragmentation attacks can be used to acquire 1500 bytes of pseudo-random generation algorithm (PRGA) elements. Wireless fragmentation attacks can be launched against WEP-configured devices. These attacks do not recover the WEP key itself but can use the PRGA to generate packets with tools such as Packetforge-ng (part of the Aircrack-ng suite of tools) to perform wireless injection attacks. Example 5-19 shows Packetforge-ng tool options.

Example 5-19 Packetforge-ng Tool Options

root@kali:~# packetforge-ng
  Packetforge-ng 1.2  - (C) 2006-2018 Thomas d'Otreppe
  Original work: Martin Beck

  Usage: packetforge-ng <mode> <options>
  Forge options:
      -p <fctrl>       : set frame control word (hex)
      -a <bssid>       : set Access Point MAC address
      -c <dmac>        : set Destination  MAC address
      -h <smac>        : set Source       MAC address
      -j               : set FromDS bit
      -o               : clear ToDS bit
      -e               : disables WEP encryption
      -k <ip[:port]>   : set Destination IP [Port]
      -l <ip[:port]>   : set Source      IP [Port]
      -t ttl           : set Time To Live
      -w <file>        : write packet to this pcap file
      -s <size>        : specify size of null packet
      -n <packets>     : set number of packets to generate

  Source options:
      -r <file>        : read packet from this raw file
      -y <file>        : read PRGA from this file

      --arp            : forge an ARP packet    (-0)
      --udp            : forge an UDP packet    (-1)
      --icmp           : forge an ICMP packet   (-2)
      --null           : build a null packet    (-3)
      --custom         : build a custom packet  (-9)
      --help           : Displays this usage screen
Please specify a mode.


You can find a paper describing and demonstrating fragmentation attacks at

Credential Harvesting


Credential harvesting is an attack that involves obtaining or compromising user credentials. Credential harvesting attacks can be done through common social engineering attacks such as phishing attacks, and they can also be performed by impersonating a wireless AP or a captive portal to convince a user to enter his or her credentials.

Tools such as Ettercap can spoof DNS replies and divert a user visiting a given website to an attacker’s local system. For example, an attacker might spoof a site like Twitter, and when the user visits the website (which looks like the official Twitter website), he or she is prompted to log in, and the attacker captures the user’s credentials. Another tool that enables this type of attack is the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) that you learned in Chapter 4, “Social Engineering Attacks.”

Bluejacking and Bluesnarfing


Bluejacking is an attack that can be performed using Bluetooth with vulnerable devices in range. An attacker sends unsolicited messages to the victim over Bluetooth, including a contact card (vCard) that typically contains a message in the name field. This is done using the Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol. A vCard can contain name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, and related web URLs. This type of attack has been mostly performed as a form of spam over Bluetooth connections.


You can find an excellent paper describing Bluejacking at

Another Bluetooth-based attack is Bluesnarfing. Bluesnarfing attacks are performed to obtain unauthorized access to information from a Bluetooth-enabled device. An attacker can launch Bluesnarfing attacks to access calendars, contact lists, emails and text messages, pictures, or videos from the victim.

Bluesnarfing is considered riskier than Bluejacking because whereas Bluejacking attacks only transmit data to the victim device, Bluesnarfing attacks actually steal information from the victim device.

Bluesnarfing attacks can also be used to obtain the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) for number a device. This enables the attackers to divert incoming calls and messages to another device without the user’s knowledge.

Example 5-20 shows how to obtain the name (omar_phone) of a Bluetooth-enabled device with address DE:AD:BE:EF:12:23 by using the Bluesnarfer tool.

Example 5-20 Using the Bluesnarfer Tool to Obtain a Device Name

root@kali:~# bluesnarfer -b DE:AD:BE:EF:12:23 -i
device name: omar_phone

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Attacks


Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that uses electromagnetic fields to identify and track tags that hold electronically stored information. There are active and passive RFID tags. Passive tags use energy from RFID readers (via radio waves), and active tags have local power sources and can operate from longer distances. Many organizations use RFID tags to track inventory or in badges used to enter buildings or rooms. RFID tags can even be implanted into animals or people to read specific information that can be stored in the tags.

Low-frequency (LF) RFID tags and devices operate at frequencies between 120kHz and 140kHz, and they exchange information at distances shorter than 3 feet. High-frequency (HF) RFID tags and devices operate at the 13.56MHz frequency and exchange information at distances between 3 and 10 feet. Ultra-high-frequency (UHF) RFID tags and devices operate at frequencies between 860MHz and 960MHz (regional) and exchange information at distances of up to 30 feet.

A few attacks are commonly launched against RFID devices:

  • Silently stealing RFID information (such as a badge or a tag) with an RFID reader such as the Proxmark3 ( by just walking near an individual or a tag

  • Creating and cloning an RFID tag

  • Implanting skimmers behind RDIF card readers in a building or a room

Exam Preparation Tasks

As mentioned in the section “How to Use This Book” in the Introduction, you have a couple choices for exam preparation: the exercises here, Chapter 11, “Final Preparation,” and the exam simulation questions in the Pearson Test Prep software online.

Review All Key Topics

Review the most important topics in this chapter, noted with the Key Topics icon in the outer margin of the page. Table 5-2 lists these key topics and the page number on which each is found.

Table 5-2 Key Topics for Chapter 5

Key Topic Element


Page Number


Understanding Windows name resolution and SMB attacks



Exploring SMB exploits



Describing DNS cache poisoning



Understanding SNMP exploits



Understanding SMTP exploits



Understanding FTP exploits



Understanding pass-the-hash attacks



Understanding man-in-the-middle attacks



Exploring route manipulation attacks



Understanding DoS and DDoS attacks



Understanding NAC bypass



Defining VLAN hopping



Installing rogue access points



Exploring evil twin attacks



Deauthentication attacks



Understanding IV attacks and unsecured wireless protocols



Understanding attacking WPA



Understanding attacking WPS



Understanding KARMA attacks



Understanding fragmentation attacks



Understanding credential harvesting



Understanding Bluejacking and Bluesnarfing



Understanding RFID attacks


Define Key Terms

Define the following key terms from this chapter and check your answers in the glossary:

credential harvesting




war driving

preferred network list (PNL)

evil twin


Amplification attack

Reflected DDoS Attacks


Downgrade attack

ARP cache poisoning





The answers to these questions appear in Appendix A. For more practice with exam format questions, use the Pearson Test Prep software online.

1. Which of the following can be abused to send spoofed emails, spam, phishing, and other email-related scams?

  1. Open SMTP relays

  2. Open DNS relays

  3. Open SNMP relays

  4. Open DNS MX records

2. Because password hashes cannot be reversed, instead of trying to figure out a user’s password, what type of attack can be used to log in to another client or server?

  1. KDC hash poisoning

  2. KARMA attacks

  3. Pass-the-hash

  4. Hashcrack

3. Which of the following is a tool that many penetration testers, attackers, and even malware use for retrieving password hashes from memory and also as a useful post-exploitation tool?

  1. Pass-the-hash

  2. Powersploit

  3. Mimikatz

  4. EmpireShell

4. Which of the following is a popular tool that can be used to perform golden ticket and many other types of attacks?

  1. Empire

  2. PowerShell

  3. Mimikatz

  4. EmpireShell

5. Which of the following is a common mitigation for ARP cache poisoning attacks?

  1. ARP poison check

  2. Dynamic ARP inspection (DAI)

  3. Dynamic port inspection (DPI)

  4. BPDU multiplexing

6. Which of the following is an example of a downgrade attack?

  1. Bluesnarfing

  2. KARMA

  3. PowerSploit


7. Route manipulation attacks can be performed using what routing protocol?

  1. BGP

  2. OSPF

  3. EIGRP

  4. All of these are correct.

8. Which of the following describes a collection of compromised hosts that can be used to carry out multiple attacks?

  1. Honeypot

  2. Hostnet

  3. Botnet

  4. Honeynet

9. Which of the following best practices help protect against VLAN hopping and Layer 2 attacks?

  1. Administratively configure access ports as access ports so that users cannot negotiate a trunk; also disable the negotiation of trunking (that is, do not allow Dynamic Trunking Protocol [DTP]).

  2. Limit the number of MAC addresses learned on a given port with the port security feature.

  3. Control Spanning Tree to stop users or unknown devices from manipulating it. You can do so by using the BPDU Guard and Root Guard features.

  4. All of these are correct.

10. What is the purpose of jamming wireless signals or causing wireless network interference?

  1. To steal information from wireless communications

  2. To cause a full or partial DoS condition

  3. To inject malicious wireless packets

  4. To crack wireless passwords

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